Innova Engineering is by default shipped with a 2-day trial license, which enables all software features. If using a trial copy, each time Innova Engineering is run, the following dialog will be displayed detailing how many days are remaining on the trial period.
After this period has expired a full license must be purchased. Each software license is issued for a specific PC and to do this a computer code must be provided to Innova, so the license can be issued. If your trial period has not expired open Innova engineering and click on the Help Menu-> License info option to display the license info dialog.
If your trial copy of Innova engineering has expired or your license is invalid, the computer code will be displayed the next time you attempt to open the program. The code can be copied to the clipboard by highlighting the code and pressing Ctrl + C. This can then be pasted in to a text document or email.
Send the computer code to and you will receive your license in the form of a ENG_LICENSE.txt file. Place this file in the same directory as InnovaEngineering.exe, usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling & Intervention\Innova Engineering. And run the software. To check to see which features of Innova engineering are currently enabled open the license info dialog from the help menu and see which check boxes are checked. If you have a paid license, the expiry date will be displayed at the bottom left of the screen.
License Deactivation
If you wish to deactivate a license (to move it to another machine), click on the deactivate license button in the license info dialog. Note the deactivation code and send a copy along with the computer code of the new PC to Once the deactivation code has been verified a license for the new machine will be issued.