Well Seeker PRO recommended system requirements:
Intel i5 processor or equivalent.
4 GB of RAM.
500MB of hard disk space.
Microsoft Windows 64-bit (x64) version 10 or better.
Microsoft Excel 2007 or later.
Windows XP, Windows 7.0 and Mac OS are NOT supported.
Recommended screen resolution: 1920 x 1080.
Well Seeker Web client is compatible with the following browsers:
Desktop browser: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Firefox.
Mobile operating system: iOS or Android.
Recommended remote server setup:
Compatible with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure cloud-based servers.
Engine type: Microsoft SQL Server version 2017 14.00.2049.1.v1 or newer.
Engine Edition: SQL Server Express Edition.
DB Instance size: Minimum 2 vCPUs and 4 GB RAM.
Minimum storage: 100 GB.
Server management software e.g. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
Ubuntu based ICDS Instance e.g. Amazon EC2.