Start Depth: Start depth of the operation
End Depth: End Depth of the operation
State: Choose Slide or Rotate from the drop-down menu
TTF: The Target Toolface the directional driller is aiming to slide on.
ETF: Effective Toolface calculated over a slide interval. This will be populated automatically under the following conditions:
WITS data is being received and the WITS data reader is on
Auto populate slide sheet is selected
Rig States parameters for a slide are being fulfilled
Well Seeker calculates the ETF by taking each recorded toolface and calculating the distance drilled on this toolface. If survey and toolface data is being saved (option via the WITS Reader), then this data will be available to view by double left clicking on the line in the slide sheet which will open the Slide Analysis dialog.
TF Type: Magnetic (MAG) or Gravity (GRAV) Toolface
MY: Motor Yield average used for Bit Projection
MY Avg: Motor Yield Average – Average calculated using the previous 4 motor yields
Rot DLS: Dogleg seen while rotating
Rot TF: Toolface seen while rotating
Proj Inc: Projected Inc at the bit. Projected from the previous survey – data used by Criterion to determine directive
Proj Azi: Projected Azimuth at the bit. Projected from the previous survey – data used by Criterion to determine directive
Proj UD: Projected distance (at the bit) Up / Down from plan – data used by Criterion to determine directive
Proj LR: Projected distance (at the bit) Left / Right of plan – data used by Criterion to determine directive
Proj Delta Inc: Projected difference in inc from plan – data used by Criterion to determine directive
Proj Delta Azi: Projected difference in azi from plan – data used by Criterion to determine directive
DLS to Land: Criterion’s calculated dogleg required to land
Slide Length: Criterion’s recommended Slide Length directive for the next interval
Slide DLS: Dogleg achieved over the slide interval
Convergence: Amount of maximum degrees, whether inclination or azimuth, that Criterion will use to converge back towards the plan
CL: Course Length – The course Length between the Start and End depths displayed in the slide sheet.
WOB: Weight on bit - Manually entered or taken from WITS feed
Flow Rate: Pump flow rate - Manually entered or taken from WITS feed
RPM: Drill string rpm - Manually entered or taken from WITS feed
Tq: Off bottom torque - Manually entered or taken from WITS feed
ROP: ROP for the interval - Manually entered or taken from WITS feed if Rig States are recorded
PU Wt: Pick up weight – Manually entered or taken from WITS feed
Rot Wt: Free Rotating Weight - Manually entered or taken from WITS feed
SO Wt: Slack off weight - Manually entered or taken from WITS feed
Off Btm Press: Off bottom pump pressure - Manually entered or taken from WITS feed
On Btm Press: On bottom pump pressure - Manually entered or taken from WITS feed
RSS Force: The steer force used by the RSS over the interval
Comments: Comments relating to the interval
Start Time: Start time
End Time: End time.
Slide Grade: Displays the grade of the slide. This is related to the ETF and will populate automatically after a slide if survey and toolface data is being saved (option via the WITS Reader). If the slide is perfectly on one tool face for the entire slide this would give an output of 100 as the slide went in exactly the same direction the whole time. If the slide was not consistently on a steady tool face, then this value will be less than 100. The lower the value, the worse the slide.
Date: Date
Temperature: Temperature
Inc X: Specific input for RVDS Report
Inc Y: Specific input for RVDS Report
Svy Time: Specific input for RVDS Report
Dat File: Specific input for RVDS Report
U: Specific input for RVDS Report
PLS: Specific input for RVDS Report
Circ Hrs: Hours circulated during the slide or rotation interval