Recommendations for handling daily reporting continuity when drilling a sidetrack in Well Seeker Pro.
Sometimes while drilling a well, there is a requirement to perform a sidetrack. If daily reporting has been recorded for the motherbore, this can present a dilemma regarding how to handle continuity for the daily reporting of the sidetrack.
The motherbore and sidetrack are entered as two separate Actual Wells below the Well itself.
Since daily reporting is associated with each Actual Well, when you start drilling the sidetrack, you will need to move across to start using the reporting connected to the sidetrack. When you do this, none of the daily reporting information associated with the motherbore will be present e.g. inventory, personnel, pipe tally etc. Your sidetrack reporting section will effectively be empty.
There are two ways to handle the transition from motherbore to sidetrack from a reporting perspective. These solutions are detailed below. Which one you choose will depend primarily on company policy.
For this option, you would keep the Motherbore and sidetrack reporting separate i.e. you would treat the sidetrack in the same way as you would a new well. There is however information associated with the motherbore that you can use, without having to enter everything again manually. The below steps will guide the user through this process:
You must first create a new actual well for the sidetrack.
In the database tree, right click at actual well level for the Motherbore and select Reporting – Export Reporting Data and save this to your desktop.
In the database tree, right click at actual well level for the Sidetrack and select Reporting – Import Reporting Data and select the file you have just saved to your desktop.
You will now have copied all the reporting data from the motherbore into the sidetrack.
Open the daily reporting dialog for the sidetrack and do the following:
Go to the Drill String Editor and DELETE all the BHA’s associated with the motherbore. Note, that this will also delete the associated slide sheets.
Create a new daily report. This will include all the personnel and Well Data.
If the job number or any of the other details have changed, then go into the Well Data and Personnel dialog for this new report and make the necessary changes.
Delete all the daily reports associated with the motherbore.
You should now only have one daily report left and you can adjust the report number to 1.
Go to the inventory and change the date on location values for all the tools to the appropriate date.
Open the daily reporting dialog for the Motherbore and do the following:
In the inventory, select all the tools as off location and enter the appropriate date in the date off location column. This is important as it will ensure the tools are not showing up for both the motherbore and the sidetrack.
After following the above steps, the user can then start to populate the daily reports while drilling the sidetrack. At the end of the well you will be able to produce a separate End of Well Report for both the motherbore and the sidetrack.
For this option, you would keep the motherbore and sidetrack reporting together, so that they are included in the same report. To do this, you will need to transfer all the daily reporting data from the motherbore across to the sidetrack.
In this situation, the motherbore reports would now be referenced under the sidetrack actual well, so when you print any of these reports, they will have the sidetrack details included instead of the motherbore.
The below steps will guide the user through this process:
You must first create a new actual well for the sidetrack.
In the database tree, right click at actual well level for the Motherbore and select Reporting – Transfer Reporting Data
Select the sidetrack from the dialog. It should be the only option available.
You will now have transferred all the daily reporting data from the motherbore to the sidetrack and can now continue where you left off with the reporting.
NOTE: This transfer process moves all the reporting data from the motherbore which means that once complete, there will be NO daily reporting data associated with the motherbore i.e. it will be completely empty. This is important as it means there is no duplicate data in the database which if present would adversely affect the KPI outputs for the well analytics.
You may encounter a situation where the decision has been made to perform a sidetrack using the BHA that is already in the hole, without pulling back to surface. To handle this correctly in Well Seeker, the user must create a new actual well and also create a new BHA in the software, despite the BHA not changing in real life. This is due to the following reasons:
In order to display both the motherbore and the sidetrack on the same plot, the sidetrack must be a separate actual well.
The slide sheet cannot record depths that are shallower than the bottom hole depth, so to record your rotating/sliding activity in the sidetrack, you must create a new BHA.
The below steps will guide the user through this process:
You must first create a new actual well for the sidetrack.
Choose Option 1 or Option 2 from the Solution section above to either split your daily reporting between the motherbore and the sidetrack, or transfer all reporting to the sidetrack.
Create a new BHA by copying the BHA currently in the hole. This is required to create a new slide sheet where you can record the sliding and rotating activity for the sidetrack.
Open the Drill String Editor by right clicking on the sidetrack actual well and select Reporting >> Drill String Editor.
In the Drill String Editor, select the BHA in the hole from the dropdown box, and create a copy of it by clicking on the Copy BHA icon in the toolbar.
Edit the description of the new BHA and update the BHA # and MWD #.
Save and then close the Drill String Editor.
Record the sidetrack in your Daily Activities.
Open the Daily Reports by right clicking on the sidetrack actual well and select Reporting >> Daily Reporting.
In the Daily Activities section, record any relevant activities (e.g. circulating or reaming) until you are ready to record the sidetrack.
Enter the activity 3Z: Sidetrack. This is a special activity that allows you to set an End Depth that is shallower than the bottom hole depth, and this depth change will not be factored into drilling KPI such as the ROP. You can enter the time here as the time needed to trip back to the kick-off point, or simply set the time to 1 minute if you have already recorded that activity.
If the 3Z activity is not available, you will need to create it in the Activity Codes dialog. In the Daily Reports window open the Tools menu and select Activity Codes. Enter the activity as a new row at the bottom of the table. The Description can be whatever you want, but the Code MUST be 3Z. Toggle the Active checkbox on, save and then close the dialog.
You then need to add the activities for laying down the old BHA and picking up the new BHA, even though the BHA has not actually changed in reality. This is required to signal to the software that it should now refer to the new BHA for actions such as getting drilling activity from the slide sheet, and will allow you to track all sidetrack activities separately for the same BHA.
In a new line, enter the activity 6P: Lay Down BHA. Set the End Time to 1 minute after the Start Time. This is the smallest time interval that you can record.
In the next line, enter the activity 6O: Pick Up BHA. In the BHA column, select the new BHA that you created. Set the time interval to 1 minute again. You can keep the phase the same, or begin a new phase if you wish.
You have now set up the sidetrack and can continue recording reporting data. Record the sidetrack surveys under the new actual well, and record the sidetrack slide/rotate activity in the slide sheet for the new BHA.