Manual for the Innova Mobile App for Android and iOS
For an iOS device open the App Store, or for an Android device open the Google Play Store. Search for Innova Portal and install to the device.
After logging in, the app will load to the Wells page, at the top of which there are two menu icons.
Open the app by selecting the Innova App icon from the device screen. This will open the app to the login screen.
Enter the Username and Password issued to you by either Innova or your systems administrator. Select Login.
If the user logs out of the app, then the user will have to login again when next accessing the app. After the initial login, depending on the device settings the user can log back in using touch ID instead of having to re-enter the Username and Password details. If the user doesn’t logout, the user will be able to open and close the app without having to re-login each time.
Displays the location and inventory breakdown based upon each rig / well. A detailed inventory listing and search filter allows the user to locate and check the status of any item easily.
Features in this section are available to Innova employees only.
User management is designed to allow an organizations administrators to create and edit login credentials for individual users and to specify the exact information that the user will be able view and interact with, when logged in using those credentials.
Displays a search filterable list of the organizations App / Web Portal users.
Tap on the user details in order to edit these details and also to deactivate and reactivate the user if required.
Roles are a set of user permissions that can be setup and used by multiple users. Roles establish what admin and editing permissions a user has, as well as what App and Website add-on features the user has access to.
Tap on the role details in order to edit these details.
Input the name and display name of the role.
Select from the role permissions, red indicating off and green indicating on:
Admin – A user with a role with this selected can access and edit the Well Seeker Admin and User Management sections of the App. Only select this to establish a role for company administrators. All other roles should have this option unselected.
Edit, Delete, Approver, Create – Do not currently have a function. These are place holders for when data editing functionality is available within the App.
Tap on the icon and a window will open to add a new user.
Tap on the icon to select which operators data the user can view. If all the operators in the list are left red, then the user will be able to see all of the operator’s data. If one or more operators are selected green, then the remaining red operator’s data will not be visible to the user.
Tap on the icon to select which wells data the user can view. Only wells based upon the operator selection will be visible to turn on and off. If all the wells in the list are left red, then the user will be able to see all of the well data. If one or more wells are selected green, then the remaining red well’s data will not be visible to the user.
Tap on the icon and a window will open to add a new role.
Tap on the icon to select which products and features the role will give permission for. The role can be set up with specific options for the Website, Mobile App and the Client API. Additional features will likely incur additional cost.
This section is only available to users with the Admin permission enabled on their user account. Gives an organizations administrative users access to their organizations Well Seeker Pro and Innova Engineering usage data. The admin can also deactivate and reactivate Well Seeker Pro and Innova Engineering licenses from this interface.
Displays a list of individual Well Seeker Pro and Innova Engineering devices using your company build of the software. Information displayed includes device, IP address, version, location, and last time active information. When the user selects a listed device the message “Well Seeker user Are you sure you wish to change?” If No is selected, then this action will be cancelled and no change will be made. If Yes is selected, then the license status for this device will be changed i.e. from active to deactivated, or from deactivated to active.
Displays the number of Well Seeker Pro and Innova Engineering users for each day over the past month, along with the minimum, average and maximum daily usage figures.
Displays the location of each Well Seeker Pro user on the map. Select the user marker on the map to see their user details.
The Innova App allows the user to access their existing Well Seeker Pro data via a user friendly interface, on any App compatible device, in any location, without the requirement for a licensed copy of Well Seeker Pro on that device. The App also offers the ability to control exactly what data a particular user can and cannot see when logged in using their account. This makes it the perfect easy to use platform for any organization to control data access internally, but also amongst third parties, for example a client wishing to view data for their specific wells.
Well Seeker Pro SQL server database populated with data.
iOS or Android device.
General Touch Screen Guidance:
To scroll through a page take one finger and drag it in the desired direction of travel.
Where the below icon exists in a display, it means that multiple displays are viewable. To change the view swipe left/right with one finger. If you are currently in a zoomable map/plot, use two fingers to swipe left/right to navigate away from the display.
To zoom in and out of a map/plot, touch the map/plot with two fingers and incrase/decrease the distance between your fingers.
The Wells page is the home page for the app. It has two distinct sections:
Charts / Map
Well listing
Displays the number and status of wells with the statuses Active, Standby, Upcoming and TD.
Displays the number and status of all wells.
Displays the number and status of wells per operator with the statuses Active, Standby, Upcoming and TD.
Displays the number and status of wells per US state, with the statuses Active, Standby, Upcoming and TD.
Displays the number of wells currently pushing real time data back to the database (Data Ex) and the number of wells pushing WITS/WITSML data back to the database (WITS).
Displays well locations and statuses along with various overlays that can be selected in Settings menu (see Section 4.0 – Menus)
Displays all of the wells in the users database. The list is sorted by well status by default, with Active, Standby and TD wells appearing at the top and all other status wells below.
To filter the listing enter in a filtering word in to the Search cell, e.g. the operator, well or job number. This filter will automatically run as you type in the search cell, as will the Charts / Map section.
Select a well and it will open the Well Overview page for that well. Select the from the tab selection at the bottom of the page to access the below page views:
Displays detailed summary data specific to a well. This data is broken down in to sections and is described in the following subsections.
Displays basic well information. The icons in the top right indicate the well status and the state it is in.
Displays information about the current well operations and personnel.
Displays information about the weather at the well location.
The 3D View allows the user to easily visualize the well and it’s offsets. – 3D Chart Settings
Turn various 3D View settings on and off by toggling the sliders. Change text and worksight radius by selecting a relevant number.
Displays the well depth time breakdown and colours different portions based upon BHA. Holding a finger anywhere on the chart will display data for that vertical point.
Displays the last ten surveys entered for the well, as well as the up/down/left/right distances from the principal plan.
Displays the rotate, slide and total footage for each day.
Displays the rotate, slide and total footage, hours and rate of penetration for each phase. Swipe left and right to toggle between footage, hours and rate of penetration displays.
Displays the rotate, slide and total footage, hours and rate of penetration for each BHA. Swipe left and right to toggle between footage, hours and rate of penetration displays.
Displays the well total and daily cost breakdown. Swipe left and right to toggle between well total and daily cost displays.
Displays well location and status on the map.
Displays the on location inventory breakdown for the well
Displays the well and offsets in plan view. Select the slider in the top right of the display to toggle offsets on and off.
Displays the well and offsets in section view. Select the slider in the top right of the display to toggle offsets on and off.
Displays the survey records for the entire well.
Displays the daily reports. The reports can be cycled through using the left and right arrows on the date selection bar, or a specific day can be selected from the dropdown list.
Each report displays a slide rotate summary and the individual line items include an activity icon and description, start and end time, start and end depth, phase, BHA and activity code.
Displays the daily costs. The days can be cycled through using the left and right arrows on the date selection bar, or a specific day can be selected from the dropdown list.
Each report displays a cost total for the day and the well and the individual line items include a cost description, cost code, quantity, cost value and total cost.
Displays the BHAs. The BHAs can be cycled through using the left and right arrows on the BHA selection bar, or a specific BHA can be selected from the dropdown list.
Each BHA displays a BHA summary and a breakdown of the individual components that make up the BHA.
Displays the slide sheet for each BHA. The BHAs can be cycled through using the left and right arrows on the BHA selection bar, or a specific BHA can be selected from the dropdown list.
Each BHA displays a BHA summary and a breakdown of the individual on bottom events, including slide/rotate, start and end time, start and end depths and a range of drilling parameters.
Displays the number and type of tools on location, as well as a detailed breakdown of each tool.
Displays detailed real-time drilling data when WITS/WITSML data is being sent to the server database for a given well.
Displays the last drilling parameter and rig state data
Displays the last toolface, effective toolface and time since last toolface data, along with the last survey, bit projection, offset wells and lookahead projections proximity in relation to the principal plan for the current measured depth.
Displays the last twenty surveys. Swipe left and right to view the different surveys.
Displays two projection details
Automatic Projection. Calculates for the deepest WITS/WITSML measured depth.
Manual Projection. Calculates based upon the user inputs in the Depth, Motor Yield, Slide and Toolface cells.
Displays lookahead projections beyond the bit projection. The user should first choose the mode (Vertical, Nudge, Curve or Lateral), and then input the projection criteria.
Displays the real-time anti-collision results for any offsets and lease/hard lines for the deepest survey. Swipe left and right to view all the offsets and lease/hard lines anti-collision results.
User management allows an organisation’s administrators to create and edit login credentials for individual users and to specify the exact information that the user will be able to view and interact with, when logged in using those credentials.
Admin credentials are required to use the User Management interface. When the Web Portal is first set up for an organisation, Innova will create at least one user with admin privileges for the organisation’s administrators. They can then log in and create additional users as required.
The Users page displays a list of all users currently set up for the organisation and allows admin level users to add and delete users or modify user credentials. The list can be filtered by entering using the search bar at the top of the page.
Users created in the Web Portal user management can also log into the organisation’s server database using Well Seeker, and access the portal via the Innova phone app.
Users are grouped by organisation. An organisation can be collapsed by clicking on the “˅” symbol to the left of the organisation name. The table is searchable by typing in the search bar at the top of the page.
Figure 107: Users AG grid.
Each user in the table has the following functions:
Operator Access: Restricts the users access to operators on the organisation’s database. If all operators are left unchecked, no restriction will be applied. If one or more operators are checked, the user will only be able to access those operators. This restriction can also be applied to a role in the Roles page. Note that checked operators for a role and the checked operators for a user will add together.
Figure 108: Operator Access
Well Access: Restricts the users access to specific wells on the organisation’s database. If all wells are left unchecked, no restriction will be applied. If one or more wells are checked, the user will only be able to access those wells.
Figure 109: Well Access
Reset MFA Device: If multi-factor authentication (MFA) is activated for the user, this will remove the MFA device registered to the user. The next time the user logs in to the Portal, they will be required to register a new MFA device.
Reset Password: Displays a dialog that allows you to enter a new password for the selected user. The user will receive an email notifying them of the new password. They will also be required to create a new password themselves the next time they log into the portal.
Organization: Can be edited by double left clicking. Choose the organisation from the dropdown box. This dictates which database the user will have access to when they log into the Web Portal.
User Name: Can be edited by double left clicking. The user name that the user will enter when they are logging in to the Portal, App, or when accessing the remote database via Well Seeker Pro. Must be an email address.
Password: The password that the user will enter when they are logging in to the Portal, App, or when accessing the remote database via Well Seeker Pro. To edit this field, use the Reset Password option.
Role: Can be edited by double left clicking. The users role defines what features the has access to in the Web Portal, App and when accessing the remote database via Well Seeker Pro. Roles are created in the Roles page.
Units: The default unit set assigned to the user when accessing the Portal or App. Users can alter their unit set after logging in. Unit sets are created in the Units page.
Created: The date that the user was created.
Last Login: The amount of time since the user last logged in to the Web Portal, App or the remote database via Well Seeker Pro.
Pwd Reset Req (Password Reset Required): Toggling this option on will force the user to create a new password next time they log in to the Portal.
MFA Enabled: Toggles multi-factor authentication (MFA) on/off. When activated, the user is required to input a code generated by a third party app on their smart phone, as an additional security measure when logging in. After activation, the next time the user logs in to the Innova Web Portal, they will be given instructions on registering their device for MFA.
API User: Toggling the API User function on prevents a user from using MFA, and ensures that they can log in using their username and password only. It also prevents the MFA Enabled option from being toggled on. If MFA was previously enabled for the user, it will automatically be deactivated. The button will display green when API user is enabled.
Active: On by default. Toggling this feature off will disable the selected user, preventing them from logging in to the Portal, App, or the remote database via Well Seeker Pro.
A new user can be added by filling in the credentials in the row at the bottom of the Users page.
Figure 110: Add new user
Fill in the Organization, Username, Password, Role and Units credentials. For security reasons, the Pwd Reset Req credential is also required for all new users. This will force the user to create their own password the first time they log in. Once all credentials have been filled in, the user will be automatically added to the chosen organisation. Further customization can then be performed in the main Users grid.
A role is a set of user permissions that can be setup and then applied to multiple users. Roles establish what admin and editing permissions a user has, as well as what App and Website add-on features the user has access to. The Roles page allows a user with admin permission to add, delete and edit roles.
Roles are grouped by organisation. An organisation can be collapsed by clicking on the “˅” symbol to the left of the organisation name. The table is searchable by typing in the search bar at the top of the page.
Figure 111: Roles AG grid.
Each role in the table has the following functions:
Base Features: Allows the user to enable or disable specific features in the Web Portal for the selected role. If all features are left unchecked, no restriction will be applied. If one or more features are checked, the user will only be able to access those features. The exception to this is the User Management feature. If this feature is enabled, all other features will be disabled and the role will only be able to access user management in the Portal.
Figure 112: Base features.
Products & Features: This window allows the user to restrict which features in Innova Web API products – The Web Portal, Mobile App and Client API - the selected role can access.
Figure 113: Products & Features.
Operator Access: Restricts the users access to operators on the organisation’s database. If all operators are left unchecked, no restriction will be applied. If one or more operators are checked, the user will only be able to access those operators. This restriction can also be applied to a specific user in the Users page. Note that checked operators for a role and the checked operators for a user will add together.
Figure 114: Operator Access.
Organization: The organization that this role is assigned to. Only users that are members of the selected organization will be able to use this role. Cannot be edited after creation.
Name: Can be edited by double left clicking. The name of the role.
Description: Can be edited by double left clicking. A more detailed description of the role. This only displays here on the Roles page.
The below five buttons can be toggled to add or remove permissions to the role. A user with the role will have these permissions applied when they log in to the Web Portal, Mobile App or Well Seeker Pro:
Admin: Can add, remove, and edit users and roles.
Edit: Can edit items in the database.
Delete: Can delete items in the database.
Create: Can create new items in the database.
Approve: Currently does not affect any function in the Web Portal, but Approver permission is required if the user wants to approve bid sheets while accessing the database via Well Seeker.
The two buttons below cannot be toggled on or off. Instead they indicate if the Base Features or Products & Features have been edited in the Role Options:
Base Features: Will automatically toggle on if any base features have been enabled.
Products & Features: Will automatically toggle on if any products & features have been enabled.
A new role can be added by filling in the fields in the row at the bottom of the Roles page.
Figure 115: Add new role.
Fill in the Organization, Name, and Description fields. Once all fields have been filled in, the role will be automatically added to the chosen organisation. Further customization can then be done in the main Roles grid.
The Units page allows the admin to control which unit sets are available to users when viewing data in the Web Portal and Mobile App.
Unit sets are grouped by organisation. An organisation can be collapsed by clicking on the “˅” symbol to the left of the organisation name. The table is searchable by typing in the search bar at the top of the page.
Figure 116: Units AG grid.
Each unit set in the table has the following functions:
Organization: The organization that this unit set is assigned to. Only users that are members of the selected organization will be able to use this unit set. Cannot be edited after creation.
Name: The name of the unit set. Double left click to edit.
Units: The other columns in the Units table contain the units that make up each unit set. Double click on a unit to edit it.
A new unit set can be added by filling in the fields in the row at the bottom of the Units page.
Figure 117: Add new unit set.
Fill in the Organization and Name fields. Once these fields have been filled in, the unit set will be automatically added to the chosen organisation, with a default selection units. The units for the new unit set can then be customized.
Follow the below steps to set up a new user. It is assumed that the individual following the steps is already logged on to the Innova App with a user account with the Admin permission enabled.
Open the User Management page.
If an appropriate role for the user you are creating already exists then proceed to step XXX, otherwise continue to step 3.
Select the icon to open the Roles page.
Select the icon and a window will open to add a new role.
Input the name, display name and select the permissions. See section 10.2 – Roles for details. Select Submit.
Select the icon to select which products and features the role will give permission for. See section 10.2 – Roles for details. Select Apply.
The role has now been setup. Select the icon to open the Users page.
Select the icon and a window will open to add a new user.
Input the user email address, password, organization, role, default unit set and ensure the Active cell is selected and green. Take a note of the email address and password. You will need to forward these to the user. Select Submit.
Tap on the icon to select which operators data the user can view. If all of the operators in the list are left red, then the user will be able to see all of the operator’s data. If one or more operators are selected green, then the remaining red operator’s data will not be visible to the user. Select Apply.
Tap on the icon to select which wells data the user can view. Only wells based upon the operator selection will be visible to turn on and off. If all of the wells in the list are left red, then the user will be able to see all of the well data. If one or more wells are selected green, then the remaining red well’s data will not be visible to the user. Select Apply.
Once you have created the user, a validation email will be sent to the user’s email address. Ensure that the user is aware of this and completes the validation process.
Select the icon to toggle offsets on and off.
Select the icon to toggle casing on and off.
Select the icon to toggle targets on and off.
Select the icon to toggle formations on and off
Select the interpolate icon to open the interpolate display and enter the measured depth of the desired interpolation.
Select the icon to open the Motor Report data for the given BHA.
Delete: Clicking on the icon will delete the user.
User Options: Clicking on the icon will open a menu with additional options for the user. Gives access to the Operator Access, Well Access, Reset MFA Device and Reset Password options.
Auth Type: The user’s Auth Type shows which user management system is being used to mange the selected user’s security credentials. This is set when the organization is set up with Innova. If the Auth Type column displays a icon, then user credentials are managed in the Innova Portal. If the Auth Type column displays a icon or a icon, then the organisation’s user credentials are managed using Azure AD or Okta, respectively. In this case, the password and MFA management functions in the Innova Portal will have no effect.
Delete: Clicking on the icon will delete the role.
Role Options: Clicking on the icon will open a menu with additional options for the role. Gives access to the Base Features, Products & Features and Operator Access.
Delete: Clicking on the icon will delete the unit set.
Displays analytical results based upon the database data and search filter criteria.
Based upon search filter criteria, will populate results for predefined drilling records.
Select top number of results to be displayed (# Results). If all other fields are left blank and Search is selected, the entire database will be used to calculate the drilling records. If any criteria are selected it will exclude all data that do not match that criteria from the drilling records results.
Fastest section records based upon the search filter criteria. Swipe left and right to view the different records.
Fastest ROP (drilling hours only) records based upon the search filter criteria. Swipe left and right to view the different records.
Fastest ROP (total hours) records based upon the search filter criteria. Swipe left and right to view the different records.
Maximum formation drilled in a day records based upon the search filter criteria. Swipe left and right to view the different records.
Longest section records based upon the search filter criteria. Swipe left and right to view the different records.
Based upon search filter criteria, will populate results for predefined datasets.
If all fields are left blank and Search is selected, the entire database will be used to calculate the results. If any criteria are selected it will exclude all data that do not match that criteria from the results.
Displays the well head locations and their status on the map from the search results.
Displays the total number of wells and number of wells per operator from the search results.
Displays the number and status of wells from the search results.
Displays the total number of wells and number of wells per target formation from the search results.
Displays the total number of wells and number of wells per state from the search results.
Displays the total number of wells and number of wells per county from the search results.
Displays the total number of wells and number of wells per rig from the search results.