Provides details regarding the WITS setup and functionality within Well Seeker Pro, and how this can be utilised within the program for remote directional drilling operations.
The following document provides details regarding the WITS setup and functionality within Well Seeker Pro, and how this can be utilised within the program for remote directional drilling operations.
WITS is a standardised format by which wellsite information is transferred e.g. bit depth, hole depth, rpm average etc.
There are 3 types of WITS connection:
WITSML: WITS data transferred to an online server. Costs more, as such rarely used.
UDP WITS: WITS data transferred via a local network, usually an ethernet cable. Less commonly used.
WITS Serial: WITS data transferred via a serial cable.
The WITS data will be taken from the rigs EDR (Electronic Drilling Recorder) system, which will be provided by a company like PASON / TOTCO /NORALIS etc.
Serial WITS uses a seral cable to transfer the data from the EDR (Electronic Data Reader) to WS. The EDR will have a serial port, but it is unlikely that the receiving laptop will have a serial port as these are not very common now in modern computers. As a result, a USB to Serial connection is usually used. This allows the USB end to be plugged into the laptop.
Where DD and MWD computers need a feed, but only one serial cable from the EDR (PASON / TOTCO) is installed, a serial splitter cable can be used
The user will usually require USB to serial RS232 Adapter (which is a box with a USB wire coming out and a serial port) and a null modem cable. The null modem cable is a serial cable which will plug into the EDR serial port and then into the serial port on the adapter. It is important that it is a null modem cable and not a regular serial cable.
UDP & TCP WITS are transmitted via an ethernet (network) cable. The user just plugs in the ethernet cable, finds out which port the data is being sent on and then enters the port number into the WITS data reader. TCP WITS also requires and IP Address.
The following section describes the recommended steps to follow and settings to select when setting up a WITS feed in Well Seeker.
Open the WITS Mapping Dialog via the Tools Menu on the main Well Seeker interface: Tools – WITS Mapping:
Check the WITS mapping prior to setting up the WITS connection. The WITS mapping should be standard but can be obtained from the PASON / TOTCO provider.
Well Seeker’s default Record and Field ID come from WITS zero standard.
WITS will be sent from the rigs PASON / TOTCO system to the Well Seeker Pro computer.
The record ID and field ID must match the settings that PASON / TOTCO is outputting:
For example, PASON / TOTCO is outputting the bit measured depth on record ID 01, field ID 08. We must have the WITS mapping set to the same for bit md, or the computer will not know what the data is, or how to handle it.
Note PASON / TOTCO often outputs the hookload average and WOB average values on the hookload max and WOB max channels. Be aware of this and prepare to change the WITS mapping as required.
Hookload MAX is what is used when populating the PU/SO/ROT weights in the slide sheet.
There is no standard mapping for RAW survey values BX BY BZ, so this is something which will need to be double checked.
Once the user is happy with the setup, hit apply and close.
Open a survey and then open the slide sheet dialog.
Note, the slide sheet option is not available unless you are in a survey.
Select the WITS Survey Options: Settings – WITS Survey Options:
Survey Type: Select the format which the surveys are being received via the WITS feed:
Inc and Azi – Calculated Values.
GxGyGzBxByBz – RAW Values.
Magnetic Units: Only relevant if receiving raw survey data.
Accelerometer Units: Only relevant if receiving raw survey data.
Survey QC Limits: Only relevant if receiving raw survey data and applying Short Collar Correction (SCC).
Auto Send Survey Email: Select this if you require an email update to be automatically sent to the current distribution list defined in the survey email update template. No dialog or outlook window will appear.
Auto Accept Surveys: When a WITS survey is detected at a depth deeper than the last entered survey, it will automatically be accepted and added to the survey listing without prompting the user. Recommend that this is NOT selected.
Use Bit Depth as Survey Depth: If a new WITS survey is detected this option forces the survey depth to be set as the current bit depth.
Include Bit Projection in Survey Email: Allows the user to either include or omit a projection to bit in the survey update email template available from the Tools menu.
Attach Survey Listing to Email: Allows the user to either include or omit the survey listing in the survey update email template available from the Tools menu.
Check for WITS Surveys: When selected Well Seeker will check for and display any WITS Surveys which are received. When unselected, WITS surveys will be ignored.
Via the slide sheet dialog, select the Rig States Option: Tools – Rig States:
Rig States allows the user to configure the thresholds for real time state detection.
Rig States will operate when:
The WITS Data Reader is running (and receiving data), and
The Auto Populate Slide Sheet Option is selected from the Settings Menu.
The below is a guide to initial threshold values, which can be adjusted and fine-tuned as you start to receive data:
RPM: Initially, set this as the oscillating RPM when sliding; however, this is something that will likely need to be adjusted based on operating parameters.
Pump Pressure: 300psi.
Flow Rate: 50gpm.
HKLD: Set at block weight + 20, or something similar.
On Bottom Delta: 0.5ft.
WOB Threshold: 2k or 1T.
The Rig States logic is what Well Seeker uses to determine what is currently happening in the well e.g. Rotating, Sliding, Tripping, Circulating etc. The thresholds will determine at what level certain rig states will be classified. Rig states logic is defined below:
Is the Bit on Bottom?
Is (Bit MD – Hole MD) < On bottom threshold
If on bottom, are you drilling?
Pump Pressure > Threshold
WOB > Threshold
Hookload > Threshold
On bottom recorded when all 3 of the above are recorded = TRUE
If Drilling = TRUE, the logic is as follows
If 10% of the values in the RPM buffer are < Rotating threshold then Sliding
If 10% of the values in the RPM buffer are > Rotating threshold then Rotating
You can also see the current WITS data values received and the resulting rig state conclusions.
Via the slide sheet dialog, open the WITS Data reader: Tools – WITS Data Reader:
If you have a serial box to USB box connected, then you may be able to select a Com port from the drop-down menu.
UDP and TCP WITS will come in over an ethernet cable.
To start reading UDP WITS click on the UDP WITS check box and type in the port.
To start reading TCP WITS click on the TCP WITS check box and type in the port and IP Address.
Leave the Baud Rate as 9600, unless specified by the personnel transmitting the WITS data from the rig.
Start Reading: Will start the software looking for incoming WITS data. If any is found it will be displayed in the WITS Feed Stream.
Stop Reading: Stops looking for WITS data.
If you want to clear all the WITS data in the database click Clear WITS Data. You may want to do this if you have WITS data from a previous well or the database size is getting too big.
Pause Messages: Pauses the messages in the WITS Data Stream. WITS data will continue to be received in the background.
Save Svy and TF Data: This will save the Survey and Toolface data to the database. You need this selected if you want to calculate slide grade and view the slide analysis data.
Note that the slide sheet will populate without this option checked; however, if you want the data saved you must have these selected.
Send Data to Server: Will send the latest WITS data directly to the server database every 1 seconds if checked. Used for unmanned or small crew jobs.
Note, for this option to work, the user must also have entered the ICDS Server IP address, ICDS Server Port number and the Well that they are sending data for in the Real Time Data Exchange dialog, otherwise the data will not be directed to the ICDS.
Send Data Handshake: Leave checked, unless receiving WITS from Noralis.
To utilize all the features available within WS, to allow the slide sheets to be automatically populated, and to receive surveys and tool faces, as a minimum, the following channels need to be received.
Block Position
Torque (Optional)
ROP (Optional)
There are several features within Well Seeker which can be utilized for remote DD operations. These are detailed below:
DD Dashboard:
Shows the live Toolfaces.
Effective Toolface.
Slide Grade which is effectively calculated from the above 2 points. This is displayed on the slide sheet and not in this dialog.
Last 4 calculated motor yields.
Live Bit projection based on the data entered in the slide sheet and DD Dashboard settings.
3D plot.
WITS Input traces e.g. RPM, SPP, Block height etc.
Rig Gauges.
AC Dashboard.
Rigs Online Dashboard.
For the above features to operate to their full capability, a local WITS input is required, which then needs to be sent on to the ICDS.
In the future we will have the ability to access the remote DD screen via a mobile phone or web browser to allow people to log in to see how the well is progressing.
To receive the WITS data on a remote computer, there needs to be a computer at the rig site with the following setup.
Rig site computer with:
Well Seeker Pro installed.
Principal well plan input.
Actual well with current survey and BHA input.
WITS equipment:
USB to Serial connection.
Serial Splitter.
Null Modem Cable.
WITS/WITSML feed to the rig site computer including:
Block Position
Torque (Optional)
ROP (Optional)
ICDS IP address and Port number details.
These are required for the Real Time Data Exchange and the Data Fetch features within Well Seeker.
Stable internet connection.
Once there is WITS data streaming to the local rig computer, there are now two potential options for how we update the remote server database:
Well Seeker Pro is setup to send WITS data to the remote server database directly, every 1 second. The remote user can then utilise the WITS data to auto populate the slide sheets and perform all the required DD operations via their remote computer.
Local Rig Database User
Open the Real Time Data Exchange, fill in ICDS server IP and Port number details and select the current well.
Check the Send Data to Server box in the WITS Reader dialog. Start reading. WITS data is now being sent to the ICDS and on to the remote server database.
For this setup, the user does NOT need to Start the data exchange.
Remote Server Database User
Monitor incoming WITS feeds via the Rigs Online Dashboard and selecting File - Show WITS Connections.
Set the Rig States Thresholds in the rig states dialog.
Select the Auto Populate Slide Sheet radio button in the slide sheet toolbar. The WITS data populates the slide sheet and surveys.
The DD Dashboard will automatically update with real time projection to bit, anti-collision for the projection to bit, 3D plot and drilling parameters chart.
Data from the slide sheet can be used to one click populate the daily activity section of the daily reports (Get DDR from Run Sheet).
Based upon daily reporting data, KPIs and data analytics can be utilised in real time.
Well Seeker Pro is set up to auto populate the slide sheet on the local computer and then sends updates via the Real Time Data Exchange dialog to the remote server database, up to every 1 minute, or when manually pushed. DD operations are therefore performed locally at the rig site. This way remote users will have constant access to up to date data. WITS data can also be pushed back to the ICDS every second to allow the remote user to utilise the rig gauges and WITS traces.
Local Rig Database User
Opens the Real Time Data Exchange, fills in ICDS server IP and Port number details, selects the current well and either starts a data transfer by automatic update rate, or by a manual push
Check the Send Data to Server box in the WITS Reader dialog. Start reading. WITS data is now being sent to the ICDS and on to the remote server database.
Set the Rig States Thresholds in the rig states dialog.
Select the Auto Populate Slide Sheet radio button on the slide sheet toolbar. The WITS data populates the slide sheet and surveys.
The DD Dashboard will automatically update with real time projection to bit, anti-collision for the projection to bit, 3D plot and drilling parameters chart.
Data from the slide sheet can be used to one click populate the daily activity section of the daily reports (Get DDR from Run Sheet).
Remote Server Database User
Monitoring incoming data exchanges via the Rigs Online Dashboard. Each time the rig transfers data (surveys, slide sheets, daily reports etc) via the Real Time Data Exchange, the remote server database is updated with the same data as the local rig database for the given well.
Monitor incoming WITS data via the rig gauges or the WITS traces in the DD Dashboard.
Based upon daily reporting data, KPIs and data analytics can be utilised in real time.
This can be accessed via the main Well Seeker interface by selecting Tools – Real Time Data Exchange.
The real time data exchange is where the local rig database user inputs the following:
ICDS Server IP address.
ICDS Server Port number.
The Well that they are sending data for.
If these are not filled in, the WITS data will not be directed to the remote server database.
When running the operation remotely, you DO NOT need to start the data exchange.
When running the operation locally, you need to start the data exchange at a given update rate or select Manual Push every time you wish to push data from the local rig database to the remote server database:
Select the relevant survey and open the slide sheet. Tools > Slide Sheet.
Within the slide sheet select Tools > WITS Data Reader.
Check the Send Data to Server cell. This will send the latest WITS data to the ICDS and on to the server database every 1 seconds if checked.
This should be set up for BOTH local and remote operations.
For both local and remote operations, once the appropriate WITS feed is being received and transmitted, the user then needs to select to auto populate the slide sheet:
Settings – Auto Populate Slide Sheet.
Settings – Auto Populate Parameters.
The slide sheet will now begin to automatically populate as the data is received.
While this option is enabled, the user will NOT be able to manually add or adjust anything on the slide sheet.
If it is necessary to adjust the slide sheet for any reason, this can be done by temporarily turning off the auto populate option, making the appropriate adjustment and then turning it back on again.
The DD Dashboard is accessed via the Slide Sheet and provides an interface containing tools a directional driller can utilize while drilling a well either locally on the rig or remotely from an RTOC.
The DD Dashboard will automatically update based upon the following data:
The survey Record.
Real Time WITS data being received.
Slide sheet being set to auto populate.
The DD Dashboard contains the following information:
A Tool Face Rose which displays:
GTF & MTF values received via WITS.
Effective Toolface, calculated from the above inputs.
Bit Projection which is calculated based on the data entered into the slide sheet.
Target window for Vertical (Circle) and Lateral (Rectangle) modes.
Offset Wells.
Real Time Anti-collision for bit projection which displays C-C distance and Separation Factor and the relevant warnings against the following:
Principal Plan.
Offset Wells.
Lease Lines.
Last 4 surveys along with the Slide Seen and Motor Yield for each one
Projection to Bit which is automatically updated based on data entered into the slide sheet. When auto populate slide sheet is selected, this is updated in real time.
Landing Projection, which is calculated when Curve Mode is activated.
Two additional Projections, which are calculated when Vertical and Lateral Modes are activated.
Real time 3D plot showing:
Actual surveys with appended projection to bit.
Principal Plan.
Offset Wells.
Lease Lines.
Surveys points.
Slide and Rotary Intervals.
Drilling parameters charts populated from the WITS data feed plot:
Pump Pressure.
Block Position.
Differential Pressure.
Within the DD Dashboard, the user can select from 4 different modes, which are accessed and selected via the settings menu:
No Mode
No additional features activated.
Vertical Mode
Red Tolerance Circle is drawn on the rose bud (diameter can be set in the settings).
2 Projections are added (in addition to the bit projection) and will show on the rosebud and 3d view. Distances can be adjusted in settings.
Rotary walk and build can be set in the settings. Inc Rotary in Proj option must be selected for these to do anything.
If rotary is not included the additional projections will straight line and the rotary sections in the bit projection will also straight line.
A tool face back to plan will be displayed in the top left hand corner along with a slide distance to achieve the Max DLS (this value is set in the settings) the slide length is based on the stand length (also in settings).
Nudge Mode
This mode does not currently do anything.
Curve Mode
No tolerance box or circle is displayed.
A new projection is calculated to the TVD INC AZI specified in the landing target section of the dashboard settings.
The user can use the drop-down list or the find landing button in the settings dialog to quickly find / adjust the landing target.
The DLS to land will show in the top left along with the required tool face and slide distance (based on the motor yield and stand length curve in the settings).
The last Motor yield will also show at the bottom. If this is within 90% of the DLS to land it will be red, if it is within 75% it will be orange otherwise green.
Lateral mode
The same as Vertical mode except that it draws a rectangle as the tolerance box rather than a circle (lateral up/down/left/right tolerance can be set in the settings).