This option can be accessed via the database navigator menu or directly from the Daily Reporting dialog. Note that when accessing via the database navigator menu, the Cost Codes option will only be available to select from Well Level.
This tool is used to define cost items, that can then be used in the Daily Costs tool in the Daily Reporting package and in the AFE Designer.
Description: A description of the Item or Service
Cost Code: Appropriate cost code. This will be something made up by the user.
Value: The unit cost of the item or service
Cost Schedule: User can choose the following options from a drop-down menu: Fixed, Daily, Hourly, Variable or Footage
Group: Appropriate group code. This allows the user to see which costs are associated with the same group.
Type: User can choose the following options from a drop-down menu: Tangible, Intangible or Consumable
Vendor: Enter the vendor’s name. This allows the user to group costs by vendor.
The cost code profile can be exported as a .mdb file using the Export button, and the Import button can be used to import cost code profiles.
If any cost codes have been sent to the well using the Bid Sheet tool, the name of the bid will appear in the Linked Bid box.
The Search box can be used to filter the results table. The Update from remote button allows the user to pull in cost codes from a bid sheet on a remote server.
To access bid sheets the operator must exist on both the local and the remote server. The user must also have recently connected to the remote server via the Real Time Data Exchange or Remote Data Fetch.
The Set to Default button will set the cost codes to match the values entered in the Activity / Cost Code Defaults (See section 6.4.14 –Code Defaults).
The Import from Oasis button allows the user to import cost codes from an external Oasis ERP database. The Oasis endpoint credentials need to be set up in section – Oasis Credentials.
Once complete, the data entered in this section will be available to select in the Daily Costs section of the Daily Reports and also in the AFE Designer.
The window can also be locked using the checkbox in the bottom left. When locked it is not possible to change any of the data in the window. If a password has been set in the associated Operator Properties, it will need to be entered before the window can be unlocked.
This option can be accessed via the database navigator menu or directly from the Daily Reporting dialog. Note that when accessing via the database navigator menu, the Phase Codes option will only be available to select from Operator Level.
These phase codes are used in the Daily Activities section of the Daily Reporting package and utilised for KPI Tracking Graphs and the Depth v Time Chart. Phases can be created and edited here.
The Save button will save any changes made to the Phase Codes table.
The Set to Default button will set the phase codes to match the values entered in the Code Defaults (See section 6.4.14 –Code Defaults). If no defaults have been set, this button will reset the phase codes to the Well Seeker factory default.
If the associated Operator Properties have been locked, the Phase Codes will also be locked. Clicking on the Lock button will unlock them. If a password has been set in the associated Operator Properties, it will need to be entered before the window can be unlocked.
The Daily Reporting section of Well Seeker allows the user to create daily reports for a given well. The Daily Reporting tool is only available for selection at the Actual Well level.
The user can access all features of the daily reporting module via either the menus, the toolbar or the main user interface itself. The figure below details the functions of the DDR toolbar. All the options available via the toolbar are also available from the various menus at the top of the page.
Add daily report: Creates a new daily report.
Delete report: Deletes the currently selected report.
Last report: Selects the last daily report.
First report: Selects the first daily report.
Export cost data to Oasis: Exports cost data to an external Oasis ERP database. The Oasis endpoint credentials need to be set up in section – Oasis Credentials.
Save: Saves any changes to the daily report.
Reload Reports: Updates all daily reports. This is most useful when accessing an SQL database which is being regularly updated from the field.
Print Motor Yield Report: Prints a motor yield report for any or all of the BHAs for the well. The user can select which BHA they want to print and the report format. Drilling parameters can be included by clicking on the check box.
Print BHA: Prints the BHA which is assigned to the daily report being displayed in the main user interface at the time.
Print DDR: Prints the currently selected daily report as an Excel file.
Print Company Mans Report: Prints the currently selected daily report as a Company Mans Report in Excel format. Turn on Show Company Man Report Options in the Report Options menu to activate the parts of the daily report interface that are used in the Company Mans Report.
Print Cost Reports: The Print Cost Reports submenu gives the user access to all cost related reports.
The Print Cost Reports Submenu contains the below items:
Print Daily Cost: Prints the daily cost associated with the selected Daily Report as an Excel file.
Print Well Cost: Prints ALL the daily cost information for the actual well as a single Excel file.
Print Invoice Date Range: Allows the user to print versions of the Well Cost (Standard Invoice), Grouped Invoice and Cost Tracking report that are restricted to a specified date range.
The user should enter the desired date ranges in the table. The Print checkbox can be used to enable or disable the selected range. The user should then select the report type and file format from the dropdown boxes and select Print to print the report. The Save button will save the entered settings.
Print Field Invoice Grouped: Prints a field invoice, where all associated individual costs are grouped together. If for example on a 10 day well the same cost appears each day (operating @ $1,000), all of these would be grouped together with the date range and the total cost ($10,000). Note, only costs which are entered over consecutive days are grouped together. In a situation where there is a day, or several days where a given cost does not appear, then an additional line will be added to the report.
Print Cost Tracking: Prints a report that lists all cost codes for the well, and then marks on which days they were used.
Print Filtered Cost Report: Prints a Well Cost report that can be filtered to only show the cost codes that the user wants.
The user should select the cost costs that they wish to include and then click the Print button to print the report.
The Search box can be used to filter the results table. The Update from remote button allows the user to pull in cost codes from a bid sheet on a remote server.
To access bid sheets the operator must exist on both the local and the remote server. The user must also have recently connected to the remote server via the Real Time Data Exchange or Remote Data Fetch.
Print Tool and Personnel Tracking: Prints an excel report that lists all items in the Tool Inventory and the DD and MWD personnel for the well. The report will show which days the tools were in hole and the personnel were on site. It also totals up the number of days each tool was in hole and on locations, and totals the number of days each personnel member was on site.
Print EOWR: Prints an End of Well Report in Excel format. The user can select what data they wish to be included in the EOWR via the Report Options menu.
Print Tool Utilization: Prints a tool utilisation report in Excel format. The tool utilisation report lists every BHA component used in the well, along with the circulating hours, drilling hours, BRT hours and the runs in which each component was used. Note, that only tools with a serial number entered in the component details section of the relevant BHA will be included in this report.
Print Shipping Ticket: Opens the Shipping Ticket dialog, from which a shipping ticket can be setup and printed. See Section 13.8 – Shipping Ticket for more details.
Print Slide Sheet: Prints the slide sheet in excel format for the BHA selected in the currently active daily report.
Print RVDS Slide Sheet: Prints the RVDS slide sheet in excel format for the BHA selected in the currently active daily report. This slide sheet is not associated with the standard slide sheet and requires a separate license to access.
Print Personnel Utilization: Prints a personnel utilization report including Name, Position, Date and time of arrival and departure and total days / hours on site.
Print PDF Reports: Allows the user to print PDF versions of the above reports. It also gives quick access to PDF versions of reports found in other reporting modules such as the performance reports from the Drill String editor. Additionally, the user can print out a Certification Report and a Certified Survey Listing.
Create Morning Report Package: Creates a zipped folder which contains a copy of the current database and an excel morning report. The morning report contains the following tabs: Summary, Well Summary, Personnel Report, Field Invoice, Grouped Invoice, Tool Inventory, Tool Utilization, Depth vs Time, Activity Summary chart, Phase Summary chart, Footage per Day chart, Footage per Phase chart, Survey Report, all Daily Reports, all BHA’s, all BHA Performance Reports, all Daily Cost Reports.
Report Colours: Allows the user to select the background colour for all excel reports generated in Well Seeker. This option is linked to the excel report colour option in the Report Manager. When the colour is changed in either of these locations, the other will update to match automatically.
Select Merge PDF File: Allows the user to add an external PDF document to the PDF End of Well Report. User should select the PDF file in the dialog box that opens, and then click on the Open button. The external document will be added to the biggening of the EOWR, after the cover page.
Clear Merge PDF File: If a Merge PDF file has been selected, this option clears the selection.
Exit: Closes the Daily Report Dialog
Pump Data: Opens the Pump Data dialog. See Section 13.4.11 – Pump Data.
Daily Cost: Opens the Daily Cost dialog. See Section 13.4.10 – Daily Costs.
Next Report: Selects the next day’s report from the currently selected report.
Previous Report: Selects the previous day’s report from the currently selected report.
KPI Tracking: Opens the KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Tracking dialog. See Section 13.4.12 – KPI Tracking Graphs.
Depth v Time graph: Opens the Time v Depth dialog. See Section 13.4.13 – Depth v Time graph.
Well Statistics: Opens the Well Statistics dialog. See Section 13.4.14 – Well Statistics.
Tortuosity KPI: Opens the Tortuosity KPI dialog. See Section 13.4.15 – Tortuosity KPI.
Copy Previous Report: Gives the user the option to copy certain information (well data & personnel, Fluids and Drilling Parameters details) from the current report to the next new report when the Add Daily Report button is pressed.
Copy Previous Report Costs: Gives the user the option to copy the daily costs from the current report to the next new report when the Add Daily Report button is pressed.
Report Hours: Allows the user to set the number of decimal places that time in hours is reported to in reports.
Daily Report: Allows the user to select whether to include the following data in body of the Daily Report. Toggling these options on/off will add/remove the relevant items from the daily report when it is printed using the Print Report button. If there is no data available, the section will not be included regardless of whether the section is toggled on/off:
Include BHA: Includes the most recently used BHA for that day. Data for the BHA is taken from the Drill String Editor (13.5 – Drill String Editor)
Include Surveys: The daily report will check the depths in the Daily Activity section against the surveys in the actual wellbore for the well. Any surveys that fall within that day’s drilling will be included in a table.
Include Drilling Parameters: Includes data from the Drilling Parameters section in the DDR main user interface.
Include Pump Data: Adds data from the Pump Data dialog (13.4.11 – Pump Data).
Include Daily Costs: Adds data from the Daily Costs dialog (13.4.10 – Daily Costs).
Include MWD Data: MWD Data is taken from the MWD Parameters dialog (13.4.9 – MWD Parameters) and the Drill String Editor (13.5 – Drill String Editor), specifically the component details of the MWD/LWD component.
Include Sign Off Section: Adds a section at the bottom of the report where the creators and approvers of the report can put their signature.
Show activity description of code in DDR: Toggling this on will cause the Code column in the Daily Activity section to show the full description of the activity code, as opposed to just the code number.
EOWR – The End of Well Report (EOWR) is a collection of other reports from the Reporting module. The EOWR submenu allows the user to select which reports are included in the EOWR report when it is printed using the Print EOWR button in the File Menu.
Note: If the Include Daily Costs, Include Well Costs and Include Cost Tracking options are all turned off, all cost information will be removed from the DDR and the EOWR. This allows the user to sanitize their reports of any cost data if they wsh.
The option Include Section Separators only applies to the PDF version of the EOWR. It adds title pages between each report included in the EOWR.
Date Format: Allows the user to choose between DD/MM/YY and MM/DD/YY (default) date formats.
Location: Select between USA, Canada, and Rest of the World. This toggles the headings in the Well Details section of the Daily Reports Dialog between State and County (USA), Province and AFE (Canada) and Region and Country (Rest of the World).
Additional Daily Report Options: This submenu only applies to Excel format DDRs. It allows the user to add other reports from the Reporting module to the DDR when it is printed using the Print DDR button in the File Menu.
Include Slide Sheet with DDR: When selected, an additional tab will be included in the generated DDR which includes the Slide Sheet.
Include Costs with DDR: When selected, an additional tab will be included in the generated DDR which includes the Daily Costs.
Include BHA with DDR: When selected, an additional tab will be included in the generated DDR which includes the BHA.
Include Survey Report with DDR: When selected, an additional tab will be included in the generated DDR which includes the Survey Report.
Include Inventory with DDR: When selected, an additional tab will be included in the generated DDR which includes the Inventory.
Include Tool Tracking: When selected, an additional tab will be included in the generated DDR which includes the Tool Tracking report.
Include Depth V Days: When selected, an additional tab will be included in the generated DDR which includes the Depth V Days chart.
Set Default Activity Code / Description: If the user uses the Get DDR from Run Sheet button to populate the Daily Activity Section, Well Seeker will fill in any time gaps with a default activity code and description. The code and description can be edited here.
Get Slide Rotate Hours from Activity: With this option selected the Slide Drill Run, Slide Hours Run, Rotary Hours Run, Circulating Hours Run and BRT Hrs will be automatically calculated in the drilling summary section on the main user interface, based upon the Activity selection in the Daily Activity section of the Daily Reports Dialog. The only exception to this is the BRT Hrs, which use the date and time entered in the Drill String Editor and the Performance report as the point which the assembly goes below rotary table. With this option unselected these details can be input manually by the user.
Auto Update Motor Report Params: The Motor Report has a Get Data from DDR function that will pull in the DDR Drilling Parameters from relevant DDRs. Once a Motor Report has been populated this way, turning on the Auto Update Motor Report Params option will keep the Motor Report updated if any of the DDR Drilling Parameters are changed. Note: For this function to work, Auto Update BHA Hours on save must also be toggled on.
Auto Update BHA Hours on save: When selected, this option automatically updates the BRT Hrs, Drlg/Circ Hrs, Rotary and Slide Hrs in the motor Performance Report.
Morning Report Package:
Open email with morning report package: When selected, if the user chooses to Create a morning report package via the file menu, instead of the option to save the zipped folder, Well Seeker will open an email with the zipped folder attached.
Include EOWR as part of ZIP file: Toggling this option on will include an EOWR in excel format in the morning report package zip file.
Include database in package: Toggling this option on will include the currently selected Well Seeker database as part of the morning report package zip file.
Include day gaps in grouped cost report: By default, the Grouped Invoice groups each cost starting from the first day to the last day it is included in the Daily Costs, and ignores any days in between where the cost is not included. Toggling on this option will split costs up to show where a cost has missing days.
Include phase gaps in footage per day: If there is a time gap in the daily reports – for example there is a break in operations so there are a few dates without reports assigned – then by default the Footage Per Day KPI chart will cut the missing days out. If this option is toggled on, the tap gap will be preserved in the chart.
Toolbar Prints PDF Reports: Changes the Print Report, Print Daily Cost, Print Well Cost, Tool Utilization Report, Print Shipping Ticket, Print Slide Sheet and Print EOWR functions on the toolbar to print their reports in PDF format instead of Excel. This also changes their matching functions in the File menu.
Use dropdown list for personnel: If this option is toggled on, the Name fields in the Well Data & Personnel window can be populated using a dropdown box instead of manually entering names into the fields. The dropdown box is populated using the Personnel Details tool. See Section 6.4.18 – Personnel Names and Details for more information.
Use dropdown list for Rig: If this option is toggled on, the Rig field in the Well Data & Personnel window can be populated using a dropdown box instead of manually entering a rig name into the field. The dropdown box is populated using the Rig Names tool. See Section 6.4.20 – Rig Names for more information.
Show company man report options: Toggling this option on will add extra fields to the Fluids section, Drilling Parameters section and the Well Data and Personnel window, which are included in the Company Man’s Report.
Group cost reports by BHA: When this option is toggled on, the Field Invoiced Grouped report will group costs by BHA and date rather than just by date.
Include all BHA’s for 24hr summary: If this option is toggled off, the 24-hour Drilling Summary section in the DDR only shows stats for the most recent BHA. If it is toggled on the 24-hour Drilling Summary section will show all BHAs used that day.
Circ hours includes drilling hours: This option relates to the Total Circulating/BRT hours statistic in the Run Data section of the PDF BHA Performance Report, which is accessed by opening the File menu and selecting Print PDF Reports > Print BHA Performance Report. If this option is toggled on, the statistic shows the Total Circulating and Drilling Hours/BRT hours.
Well Data and personnel: Opens the Well Data & Personnel window. See Section 13.4.8 – Well Data & Personnel.
MWD Parameters: Opens the MWD Parameters window. See Section 13.4.9 – MWD Parameters.
Drill String Editor: Opens the Drill String Editor. See Section 13.5 – Drill String Editor.
Phase Codes: Opens the Phase Codes window. See Section 13.3 - Phase Codes.
Cost Codes: Opens the Cost Codes window. See Section 13.2 - Cost Codes.
Activity Codes: Opens the Activity Codes window. See Section 13.1 - Activity Codes.
Shipping Addresses: Opens the Shipping Addresses window. See Section 13.7 – Shipping Addresses.
Pipe Tally: Opens the Pipe Tally window. See Section 13.9 – Pipe Tally.
Tool Inventory: Opens the Tool Inventory window. See Section 13.6 – Tool Inventory.
RT Data Exchange: Opens the Real Time Data Exchange window. See Section 6.4.15 – Real Time Data Exchange.
Clear Personnel Names: This option will delete all names from the Personnel section in the Well Data and Personnel window for every day in the current Daily Reports window.
Update activity descriptions from slide sheet all reports: Performs the below Update activity descriptions from slide sheet function but for every report in the Daily Reports window.
Update activity descriptions from slide sheet: Updates the description for slide drilling and rotary drilling activities in the current report. Well Seeker will use drilling parameters recorded in the slide sheet to generate a generic description for each row. Note that a BHA must be selected for each row for this function to work.
Check activity against slide sheet all reports: Performs the below Check activity against slide sheet function but for every report in the Daily Reports window.
Check activity against slide sheet: Selecting this option compares the daily activity grid on the selected report with the associated slide sheet. Well Seeker will highlight any discrepancies between the two and the user can then decide if any adjustments need to be made.
Get drilling params from slide sheet all reports: Performs the below Get drilling params from slide sheet function but for every report in the Daily Reports window.
Get drilling params from slide sheet: This option will populate the Drilling Parameters section using drilling parameters recorded in the slide sheet. For this function to work, there must be at least one row in the report that has a BHA selected and the date for the report must be inside the date range of the slide sheet for that BHA.
Highlight Activity Lines: When selected the following lines will be automatically highlighted in the Daily Activity Grid:
Any rotary drilling activity will be highlighted Blue
Any slide drilling activity will be highlighted Green
Picking up or Laying down BHA will be highlighted Yellow
Any repair activity will be highlighted Red
Zero RPM for all slides on slide sheet: This option will set the RPM value to zero for slide records in the slide sheet. Note that this will affect ALL slide sheets that are associated with the same actual well as the daily report, and cannot be undone.
Round Depths: This option will round all Start Depth and End Depth records in the current report to the nearest whole number.
The main user interface is where the user records all the relevant information relating to the day’s activities. It is split into 5 different sections which are discussed in detail in the below sections.
This section can be used to navigate through existing reports. The dropdown box on the left can be used to select the desired report from a list in chronological order. The calendar to the right is used to assign a date to the report. Only one report can be assigned to each date.
Selecting the Calculate button recalculates BRT hours and slide rotate distances from the daily activity entered.
Selecting the Get DDR from Run Sheet radio button will update the Daily Activity section with data which has already been populated in the Slide Sheet for the selected day.
Prior to selecting Get DDR from Run Sheet button select the BHA and Phase in the Daily Activity grid and set the Default Activity Code via the Report Options Menu. Then select the Get DDR from Run Sheet button. This will ensure all imported entries will have the same BHA and Phase as the start row initially, which saves the user manually selecting these for each row. Data will only be populated from the slide sheet that has the same date and legitimate time stamps as the daily report in question.
Any gaps between the end and start time on adjacent rows in the slide sheet will be added in the daily activity section as a separate row, with the activity and description that the user set for the Default Activity Code. For example, in the below slide sheet, Row 1 has an end time of 17:10, and row 2 has a start time of 17:15. This 5 minute gap will be populated in the daily activity section as start time 17:10, end time 17:15, activity 5A: Circulating (in this example this is the activity set as the default). The activity can be edited if required and the time can be further subdivided by right clicking on the row and selecting insert row, if more than one thing happened over this time period e.g. rig repair etc.
This function allows the user to update the daily report from the Run sheet incrementally. For example, the user selects Get DDR from Run Sheet when the run sheet has data populated up to 08:00 on the same day as the daily report in question. From 00:00 – 08:00 the Daily Activity section will populate with the data from the run sheet. The user may wish to make some small changes to the details if they so wish and save these changes in the Daily Reports dialog. The user then updates the slide sheet with data up to 15:00. The user selects Get DDR from Run Sheet and only the additional data from the end of the existing time stamp in Daily Activity to the end of the time stamp in the slide sheet is added to the Daily Activity section. The data previously input from 00:00-08:00 is not overwritten. This allows the user to update their report from the slide sheet throughout the workday and edit any additional data within the Daily Reports dialog. For more information on Slide Sheets see Section 13.10 – Slide Sheet.
Selecting the Get Params radio button will automatically populate the Drilling Parameters section of the main user interface with the relevant data taken from the slide sheet. Well Seeker will use the last selected BHA in the day to draw drilling parameters from.
The Well Status dropdown allows the user to assign one of the following options to the well: N/A, Active, Standby, TD, Complete. These options are searchable in the search database dialog and allow the user to quickly find the relevant wells in the database. This is also a searchable option in the well analytics.
The DD Coordinator and MWD Coordinator dropdown boxes allow the user to assign coordinators to the well, which can then be used in KPI and activity tracking. The available names are taken from the Personnel Details tool. See Section 6.4.18 – Personnel Names and Details for more information.
The Drive Type and MWD Type dropdown boxes allow the user to assign type of BHA/MWD used for that days drilling activity, which can then be used in KPI and Activity tracking.
The DDR Fluids Section can be used to record drilling fluids information for the day, which can then be included in reports.
Type – The type of drilling mud currently in the wellbore e.g. Water based, oil based, fresh water etc.
600, 300, 200, 100, 6, 3 – The Fann dial readings of the drilling mud.
PV – The mud plastic viscosity.
YP – The mud yield point.
Weight – The mud density.
Viscosity – Viscosity of the mud.
Temp – Temperature of the mud
10s Gel – The 10 second Gel strength of the mud.
Solids % - The % volume of the mud made up of solids.
Sand % - The % volume of the mud made up of sand.
Chlorides – The chloride content of the mud.
API Fluid Loss – Filtrate rate of the mud according to the API filtrate test.
PH – The acidity of the mud.
Oil/Water – The % proportions of oil and water in the mud.
The following fields are only available if show company man report options is toggled on in the Report Options menu:
Weight Out: The density of the mud after circulation.
Viscosity Out: The viscosity of the mud after circulation.
WPS: The water phase salinity of the mud.
HTHP: Filtrate rate of the mud according to the HTHP filtrate test.
10m Gel: The 10 minute Gel strength of the mud.
LCM: The lost circulation material of the mud, if present.
LGS: The low gravity solid content of the mud.
MBT: The amount of clay-like material in WBM as measured by an MBT test.
Oil: The proportion of oil in the drilling fluid as a percentage.
Water: The proportion of water in the drilling fluid as a percentage.
ES: The electrical stability of the mud.
Lime: The lime content of the mud.
Calcium: The calcium content of the mud.
PM: The phenolphthalein end point of the mud as measured by a PM test; the amount of acid required to reduce the mud pH to 8.3.
PF: The phenolphthalein alkalinity of the mud filtrate.
MF: The methyl orange alkalinity end point of the mud filtrate. The amount of acid required to reduce the mud pH to 4.3
Liquid: The % volume of the mud made up of liquid.
The drilling parameters can be manually entered by the user or pulled directly from the slide sheet by selecting the Get Params radio button in the report section of the main user interface.
ROP – The average Rate of Penetration.
For the 24hr period this value is calculated by subtracting the 00:00 start depth from the end depth and dividing by the sum of the daily slide and rotary hours.
For the period of the run, this value is calculated by subtracting the start depth run from the end depth and dividing by the sum of the run slide and run rotary hours.
WOB – The average Weight on Bit during drilling.
RPM Surface – The average Rotations per Minute recorded at surface during drilling.
RPM Downhole – The average Rotations per Minute at the bit during drilling. This value is calculated by adding the RPM surface value to the product of the flow rate and the rev/gal value of the motor if there is one present. The rev/gal value of the motor is set in the Drill String Editor. This cell is auto populated.
Flow Rate – The average flow rate. This value is used in the RPM downhole calculation.
SPP On Btm – The average standpipe pressure recorded when on bottom and drilling.
SPP Off Btm – The average standpipe pressure recorded when off bottom.
SPM – The average Strokes per Minute of the mud pumps.
Pick Up Wt – The weight measured when picking up.
Rot Wt – The weight measured while rotating off bottom.
Slack Off Wt – The weight measured when slacking off.
Tq On Btm – The torque recorded while rotating on bottom.
Tq Off Btm – The torque recorded while rotating off bottom.
The following fields are only available if show company man report options is toggled on in the Report Options menu:
SPM 1, SPM2 & SPM3: The average Strokes per Minute of the mud pump 1, 2 and 3.
24hr Summary – A brief description of the activities which took place in the 24-hour period covered by the report.
24hr Lookahead – A brief description of the expected activities in the next 24 hours.
Start Depth Run – The depth at the start of the current BHA run. This is set in the Daily Activity section.
Daily Start Depth – The depth at the beginning of the daily report. This is populated with the value entered in the first row of the Start Depth column in the Daily Activity section.
End Depth – The depth at the end of the daily report. This is populated with the value entered in the last row of the End Depth column in the Daily Activity section.
Drilled Day/Run – The distance drilled over the period of the daily report and over the course of the BHA run.
Slide Drill Run – The distance drilled while sliding over the course of the current BHA run. Can be input manually or calculated from the Activity selection when Get Slide Rotate Hours from Activity is selected in the Report Options.
Rotary Drill Run – The distance drilled in rotary over the course of the current BHA run. Calculated by subtracting the Slide Drill Run from the Drilled Run.
Slide Hours Run – The total number of hours spent sliding during the current BHA run. Can be input manually or calculated from the Activity selection when Get Slide Rotate Hours from Activity is selected in the Report Options.
Rotary Hours Run – The total hours rotating on bottom for the current BHA run. Can be input manually or calculated from the Activity selection when Get Slide Rotate Hours from Activity is selected in the Report Options.
Circulating Hrs Run – The total circulating hours of the current BHA run. Can be input manually or calculated from the Activity selection when Get Slide Rotate Hours from Activity is selected in the Report Options.
BRT Hrs – The total hours of the below the rotary table of the current BHA run. Can be input manually or calculated from the Time In /Out cells in the BHA Performance Report when Get Slide Rotate Hours from Activity is selected in the Report Options.
Comments – Text in this cell will be printed in the DDR comments section. If left blank, no comments section will be included in the printed DDR.
MWD Comments – Text in this cell will be printed in the DDR MWD comments section. If left blank, no MWD comments section will be included in the printed DDR.
The Drill String section is automatically populated using the latest BHA selected in the BHA column of the Daily Activity section. The information displayed in this section is displayed in the Daily Report when Print Report is selected. Note that if there are 2 BHA’s referenced in a DDR, it will only be the latest one which is displayed here.
Date: The date of the activity. This is set in the calendar in the report selection section.
Start Time: The start time of the activity. Only the time for the activity on the first line can be set manually. The start time for all other activities is set by the end time of the previous activity.
End Time: The end time of the activity.
Hours: The time duration between the start time and the end time of the activity. This is automatically calculated.
Start Depth: The start hole depth of the current activity.
End Depth: The end hole depth of the current activity. Note that end depth will only be available to select when a drilling activity is selected from the drop-down menu in the activity column.
BHA: The BHA run the activity is associated with. Any BHA entered in the Drill String editor will be available to select here from the drop-down menu.
Phase: The phase code and description that the activity falls under. The user can select the relevant Phase code from the drop-down menu. This information is used in the creation of the KPI tracking graphs and the Depth v Time Chart. For more information on Phase Codes see Section 13.3 - Phase Codes.
Activity: The activity code description that the rig site operations fall under. This information is used in the calculation of ROP, Slide Drill Run, Rotary Drill Run, Slide Hours Run, Rotary Hours Run and Circulating Hours Run, when Get Slide Rotate Hours from Activity is selected. Activity is also used in the creation of the KPI tracking graphs. For more information on Activity Codes see Section 13.1 - Activity Codes.
Description: The user should input a description of the activity and any other operationally pertinent events occurring between the start and end time, which will then be included in the daily report.
The well data & personnel section allows the user to enter key details of the well and of the senior rig personnel. This information is displayed in the Daily Report when Print Report is selected. These details only apply to the currently opened Daily Report. Pressing the Update All Reports button will apply the entered Rig, State, County, Job #, Formation and all the various company details to all Daily Reports.
The Get from Oasis button allows the user to import Well & Personnel data from an external Oasis ERP database. The Oasis endpoint credentials need to be set up in section – Oasis Credentials.
Job #: The Job Number of the current operation.
District: The local district of the well.
API Job #: The American Petroleum Institute Job Number of the current operation.
AFE: The Authorization For Expenditure number for the well, if available.
Operator: The name of the operator of the well. This field is auto populated with the name of the Operator in the Database Tree.
Field: The name of the field in which the well is being drilled. This field is auto populated with the name of the Field in the Database Tree.
Well: The name of the well. This field is auto populated with the name of the Well in the Database Tree.
State / Region / Province: The US state or region in which the well is being drilled. The naming convention here will be set by the location selected from the Report Options menu. If the location is set to USA, the state can be selected from the dropdown box at the bottom of the window.
County / Country / AFE: The county or country in which the well is being drilled. The naming convention here will be set by the location selected from the Report Options menu. If the location is set to USA, the county can be selected from the dropdown box at the bottom of the window.
Rig: The name of the rig
Csg Shoe MD: The shoe depth of the deepest casing currently in the hole.
Casing OD: The outer diameter of the deepest casing currently in the hole.
Casing Wt: The weight in lbs/ft of the deepest casing currently in the hole.
Target Formation: The current target formation for the well.
Operator: The operating company for the well.
Mud Co.: The mud company providing drilling fluids for the well.
Directional Co: The directional company drilling the well. This is a searchable feature in the Well Analytics section of the software.
Drilling Co: The rig contractor drilling the well.
Wireline Co: The wireline company providing services on the well.
Casing Co: The casing company providing services on the well.
Cementing Co: The cementing company providing services on the well.
Mud Logging Co: The mud logging company providing services on the well.
MWD Co.: The MWD company providing services on the well.
PO#: The Purchase Order number for the well.
Permit Num: The Permit number for the well.
Permit Survey: The Permit Survey number for the well.
Permit Abstract: The Permit Abstract number for the well.
3rd Party Motor: The owner/operator of any 3rd party motors provided for the well.
3rd Party MWD: The owner/operator of any 3rd party MWD tools provided for the well.
Alt Job #: Alternative job number.
Alt Job # End Date: End date for the alternative job number.
Spud Date: Spud date for the well.
Bid #: Bid number for the well.
Personnel: Details of the senior rig personnel on site.
The MWD Parameters window can be used to record information for any MWD currently in the hole. This information can then be included in daily reports and the EOWR, so long as the option is turned on in the Report Options menu.
The fields for Plug In/Out Date, Plug In/Out Time, Plug In Hrs and Circ Hrs are entered into the Component Properties of the MWD/LWD component for the BHA that is currently in the hole. See section – Component Properties for more details. The Battery Life Remaining, On Btm Pulse Amplitude and Off BTM Pulse Amplitude need to be entered manually.
The Daily Costs tool allows the user to assign items and their costs to the daily reports.
Items must have been previously defined using the Cost Codes tool (See Section 13.2 - Cost Codes). The predefined costs can then be selected from a dropdown menu in the Description column and given a quantity in the Qty column. The well daily cost and the total well cost are automatically calculated at the bottom of the dialog.
The user can manually enter the serial number for any individual component listed in the daily costs; however, checking the SN dropdown option at the bottom left of the dialog, means that when the user selects a cell in the serial number column, a drop-down menu will appear listing all the serial numbers listed in the tool inventory, allowing the user to quickly choose from these options without needing to manually enter the data.
The BHA # column allows the user to assign each cost to a BHA created in the Drill string Editor. Then when the user prints a Grouped Field Invoice, the invoice will be grouped by the cost of each BHA.
Once populated, the user can then print the Daily Cost Report and the Well Cost Report from the menu or toolbar in the main Daily Reporting window.
The pump data dialog allows the user to enter details of the rig pumps. These details can be included in the daily report if selected from the Report Options menu.
The pump output is automatically calculated from the input details.
The KPI tracking tool can be used to display several Key Performance Indicators based on data from the daily reports. Each KPI graph can be customised by right clicking and selecting options from the context menu (see Section 6.8 – Context Menu). The graphs can be exported for use in other documents by right clicking and selecting Export Dialog.
The KPI tracking tool provides the following data: Phase summary, ROP per run, Footage per run, Footage per day, Footage per phase, ROP per phase, NPT per phase, Drilling Hrs per phase, Activity summary, Activity per phase, Cost Breakdown, Footage per phase (bar chart), Drilling Hours per Run and NPT Summary.
The Depth v Time tool will automatically plot a depth v time graph based on the data entered in the daily reports.
The chart can be exported for use in other documents by right clicking and selecting the Export option in the context menu (see Section 6.8 – Context Menu). The chart can also be printed to PDF format by opening the File menu and selecting Print.
The graph can be customised by right clicking and selecting options from the context menu. All labels can be moved by left clicking and dragging. The chart can also be customised using the View menu.
Print: Prints the Depth vs Time chart to PDF.
Exit: Closes the Depth vs Time chart.
Show phases: Displays the well phases, as defined in the daily activities, as vertical lines on the chart.
Show screen reader: Toggles the screen reader function on and off. The screen reader displays the Depth and Days at whichever point the cursor is on the graph.
Show Plan: If the principal plan has an AFE design associated with it, then the predicted Depth v Time chart for the well can be displayed alongside the actual chart. For more information on creating an AFE design, see Section 15.0 – AFE Plan Designer.
Colour by Activity/Phase/BHA: Colours the Depth v Time line according to activity, phase or BHA at that point in the well. The chart legend describes the meaning of each colour. The colours and the layout of the legend can be customised using the Context Menu.
Do not Colour: Turns off any colouration by activity, phase or BHA and colours the line red.
Show Casing: Toggles the casings on and off. For more information on adding casing to a well see Section 7.2 - Casing.
Show Lithology: Toggles the lithology lines on and off. For more information on adding lithologies to a well, see Section 7.5 - Lithologies.
White Background: When selected the background of the chart will be white.
The Well Statistics dialog, displays a variety of statistical data, taken from the DDR’s, Slide Sheet’s and BHA’s. It serves as a quick way for the user to view data from different sources side-by-side. The well statistics can be printed as an Excel or PDF format report from the File menu.
The Tortuosity KPI window allows the user to compare wells based on their dogleg. The window displays four charts plotted against measured depth. The depth range displayed on the charts can be altered using the Depth From and Depth To boxes at the top of the window. The four charts displayed show the inclination, dogleg, cumulative dogleg and ROP. They can be removed by unchecking the ‘Chart’ checkboxes in the bottom left. The ‘Phases’ checkboxes in the bottom left will hide results for the selected phase from the charts.
The reference well – the well being viewed when the Tortuosity KPI window was opened – is always displayed on the charts. By default, the principal plan will also be displayed on the charts. It can be toggled off by clicking on the Show/hide principal plan button. The user can add other actual wells to the charts by selecting them in the well selector on the left-hand side of the window. The list can be filtered by typing in the search box at the top of the window.
The user can export the charts as an image and a table for each well by clicking on the Export to Excel button.
The drill string editor is used to construct the BHA and drill string for each drilling section. The information here is used in Daily Reporting and is required for the Slide Sheet.
The Drill String Editor window is divided into five parts: The toolbar, the top dialog, the lower dialog, Assembly Details and Component Properties.
The toolbar contains all the functions required to operate the Drill String Editor. These functions can also be accessed using the dropdown menus at the top of the dialog.
Save: Saves any changes made to the BHA in the Drill String Editor.
Select BHA to Print: Opens the Select BHA dialog which allows the user to select which BHAs they want to print BHA and Performance reports for. The selected reports will then be exported together in a single document. The user can choose the format of the document using the drop down box at the top of the dialog.
Print Tally Book BHA: Exports the selected BHA to an Excel report in a compact format designed to be attached to a DD/MWD operator’s tally book.
Print BHA Excel: Exports the currently selected BHA as a BHA report in Excel format.
Print BHA Inverted Excel: Exports the currently selected BHA as a BHA report in Excel format, but with the BHA arranged so that the bit as at the bottom of the page.
Print PDF BHA: Exports the currently selected BHA as a BHA report in PDF format.
Print PDF BHA Inverted: Exports the currently selected BHA as a BHA report in PDF format, but with the BHA arranged so that the bit as at the bottom of the page.
Print all BHAs Excel: Exports all BHAs in Excel format. All reports will be contained in a single document.
Print all BHAs PDF: Exports all BHAs in PDF format. All reports will be contained in a single document.
Single page BHAs: If this option is toggled on, BHA reports will be formatted so that they fit onto a single A4 page.
Print all Performance Reports Excel: Exports all performance reports in Excel format, contained in a single document.
Print all Performance Reports PDF: Exports all performance reports in PDF format, contained in a single document.
Add New: Creates a new blank BHA in the Drill String Editor.
Delete: Deletes the currently selected BHA. Note that if the BHA is selected in a Daily report a warning message will appear advising “The BHA is currently in use with Daily Reports or Engineering and cannot be deleted”. If a BHA has a run sheet associated with it, then deleting the BHA also deletes the run sheet.
Exit: Closes the Drill String Editor window.
Undo: Reverses the last action performed.
Redo: Reverses the last undo action performed.
Copy BHA: Duplicates the currently selected BHA and adds it to the bottom of the list of existing BHA’s.
Insert from Inventory: Opens the Insert From Inventory dialog, allowing the user to import a component from the Tool Inventory into the BHA. See Section 13.5.8 – Insert from Inventory for more information.
MWD Probe Order: Opens the MWD Probe Order dialog box. This dialog allows the user to set which tools are in the MWD string. Tools can be renamed in the MWD column and can be included or exclude from the string by toggling the Included check box on or off. The order of the tools can be changed using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.
This can then be displayed on the BHA report if the Include MWD section in BHA option is toggled on.
Use IADC Bit Grading: If this option is toggled on, the Grade In and Grade Out fields for the Component Properties of the Bit are edited using the Bit Grading dialog box. Click on the ‘…’ button next to the Grade In or Grade Out fields to open the dialog.
The Bit Grading dialog complies with the IADC bit grading system. Use the drop-down box on each row to fill in each part of the IADC code. If the bit is new, the user can simply click on the New checkbox.
If this option is toggled off, then the Grade In and Grade Out fields can be filled in manually.
Include MWD section in BHA: Toggles the MWD probe string section on in the BHA report. The string can be configured using the MWD Probe Order option.
Component catalogue: Opens the component catalogue. If the Insert function is used in the component catalogue, it will apply to the row selected in the Assembly Details table when the component catalogue was opened. See section 13.5.9 – Component Catalogue.
Material grades catalogue: Opens the material grades catalogue. See Section 13.5.10 – Material Grades Catalogue.
Pipe class catalogue: Opens the pipe class catalogue See Section 13.5.11 – Pipe Class Catalogue.
Use Drop Down: These options control how certain fields in the component properties can be edited. When toggled off, the fields can be edited manually. When toggled on, they are edited using a dropdown box that contains a pre-defined list. This is to avoid spelling discrepancies between different users, as many of the fields are used in the Well Analytics module.
The connections field is used in all component types. The bit make field is used in the Bit component type. The motor make, motor lobes, bend angle and stages fields are used in the Motor component type.
Import Engineering BHA: Imports a BHA exported from the Innova Engineering software package. Note that this will overwrite the currently selected BHA.
Import BHA: Allows the user to import BHA’s exported from the Drill String Editor in Well Seeker. Using this function will cause a dialog box to appear asking the user to open the desired .mdb export file. Once the file is selected the Import/Export window will open allowing the user to select the desired BHAs to be imported. Once selected, the BHA’s will be added on to the end of the current list of BHAs in the Drill String Editor.
Export BHA: Opens the Import/Export window, allowing the user to select which BHAs they want to export. The exported BHAs will be exported as a .mdb file.
Export BHA in Engineering Format: Exports the currently selected BHA in a .bha format, allowing the BHA to be imported into the Innova Engineering software package.
Export current BHA to Oasis: Exports the currently open BHA, and all its associated drilling performance data to an external Oasis ERP database. The Oasis endpoint credentials need to be set up in section – Oasis Credentials.
Export all BHAs to Oasis: Exports all BHAs in the currently open Drill String Editor, along with all their associated drilling performance data to an external Oasis ERP database. The Oasis endpoint credentials need to be set up in section – Oasis Credentials.
Edit Data: Opens the Performance Report dialog. See Section 13.5.12 – Performance Report.
Performance Report: Prints the performance report for the current BHA in Excel format. To print the performance report in other formats, open the performance report dialog using the Edit Data option.
The main user interface is where the user constructs the drill string and records details for each component. It is split into 4 different sections which are discussed in detail in the below sections.
The upper dialog allows the user to select any available BHAs from the dropdown menu on the left. The BHA can be given a unique title in the Description Box. The data added to the Rig, BHA #, MWD # and Mud Weight cells are included when printing the BHA.
The lower dialog is used to define the Depth In/Out and the Date In/Out for the selected BHA. These values can be updated manually, or they can be automatically filled in by opening the Performance Report and clicking on Get Data From DDR. This will only work if the BHA has been used in the daily activities of the well’s Daily Reporting.
The lower dialog also displays the buoyed BHA weight and weight below jar (if a jar is included in the assembly). Note that these weights are when the assembly is vertical. The formation cell is for the user to input the target formation, and this is a searchable input in the Well Analytics tool. Any text in the formation and comments section will be displayed in the BHA report when printed.
The Assembly Details grid allows the user to construct the drill string, allowing it to be included in various reports in the Drill String, Performance Report and Daily Reporting Modules. Different types of assembly can be modelled including drilling, casing and liner assemblies and data entry is identical for each.
The grid can be manipulated by right clicking on a row to open the Assembly Grid Context Menu:
Copy: Copies the selected row.
Paste: Replaces the selected row with the copied row.
Delete: Deletes the selected row.
Insert: Inserts a new row into the assembly above the selected line.
Move Up / Move Down: Moves the selected line up or down in the list. Line 1 cannot be moved and should always contain the lowest component in the BHA, for example the bit.
Insert from Catalogue: Automatically fills in the component information in the Assembly Details. See Section 13.5.9 – Component Catalogue for more information.
Insert from Inventory: Opens the Insert From Inventory dialog. See Section 13.5.8 – Insert from Inventory for more information.
New lines can be added opening the Context Menu and selecting the Insert command. Lines can also be deleted by selecting the desired row, opening the Context Menu and selecting Delete. Lines in the grid can be rearranged using the Move Up and Move Down buttons in the Context Menu, except for the bit, which must always remain at the top in row 1.
It is recommended that the first thing the user does when filling in a new line is select the component type in the Component column. Once a component type has been selected on any given line, the user can then either manually enter the relevant component details, or by right clicking on the line, select to insert the component from the Catalogue or from the Inventory. Selecting to insert opens either the component catalogue or the insert from inventory dialog and allows the user to choose the appropriate component and insert the relevant details automatically at the click of a button.
The following describes each column in the Assembly Details table:
Component: Before any other details can be entered the component type must be selected from the dropdown list. The type of component that is selected will determine the properties displayed in the Component Properties section. A list of component types and their properties can be found in Appendix E – Drill String Editor Component Properties.
Description: A description of the component entered. This is only used in the generation of reports and plays no part in any of the calculations
OD: The outer diameter of the component in inches or mm
ID: The inside diameter of the component in inches or mm
TJ OD: If the component has a tool joint (such as drill pipe) enter the OD in inches into this column.
TJ ID: If the component has a tool joint (such as drill pipe) enter the ID in inches into this column.
Weight: This is the weight per unit length of the component, this must be entered by the user and is used for BHA weight calculations.
Cumulative Weight: The cumulative weight of the drill string components up to that point. This is automatically calculated.
Length: The length of the component in the system units.
Cumulative Length: The cumulative length of the drill string components up to that point. This is automatically calculated.
Non-Magnetic: Select this option if the component is made of non-mag material. This is currently for reference only.
The Component Properties section is where the user can include extra information for each component in the drill string. Selecting a row in the Assembly Details section will display the Component Properties for the component in that row. The Component Properties section will not populate until the selected row has a component type selected.
The details entered into the Component Properties are featured in the BHA reports, performance reports and daily reports. A list of component types and their properties can be found in Appendix E – Drill String Editor Component Properties.
The Insert From Inventory dialog allows the user to import drill string components from the Tool Inventory into the Drill String Editor. It can be accessed by selecting the desired row in the Assembly Details and right clicking, or from the Edit menu.
The Insert From Inventory dialog contains all tools currently in the Tool Inventory for the well. See Section 13.6 – Tool Inventory for more information on adding tools to the Tool Inventory. If the Component field in the Assembly Details has already been selected, the dialog will be filtered so that it only shows components of that type.
The user can select an item from the dialog and click the Insert button to add it to the drill string. If the other Assembly Details fields have been recorded in the Tool Inventory, then they will also be imported. The SN, Cnx Top, Cnx Bottom, Make and Model fields will be imported into the Component Properties.
The Component Catalogue can be accessed via the Catalogues menu or by clicking on the ‘Component Catalogue’ icon in the toolbar. Right-clicking in the Assembly Details grid and selecting ‘Insert from Catalogue’ will also open the component catalogue.
The Component Catalogue contains a list of drill string components with pre-defined properties that can be used in the Assembly Details section. The desired component can be searched for using the dropdown menus at the top. Clicking the Insert button will add the selected component to the BHA list. Note that the insert function will only work, when the catalogue has been opened via the assembly details grid.
Custom components can be added, removed and edited using the Add, Delete and Edit buttons. Components which come with the standard install can also be edited and removed if desired. The Reset button will revert the catalogue back to its originally installed state. Finally, the component catalogue can be imported and exported to and from other users.
The material grades catalogue allows the user to define the minimum yield and ultimate yield of the common types of material grade used in drill pipe and casing. The user can also create new material grades if required. The material grade for a drill string component can be selected in the component properties section of the main Drill String Editor window for drill pipe, heavy weight drill pipe and casing / liner only. These material grades are used for calculations in the Engineering module.
The pipe class catalogue allows the user to define the wall thickness of the different classes of drill pipe. The catalogue comes with 5 default classes but also allows the user to create new drill pipe classes if required. The pipe class for a drill string component can be selected in the component properties section of the main Drill String Editor window for drill pipe and heavy weight drill pipe only. These material grades are used for calculations in the Engineering module.
The Performance Report allows the user to generate a BHA performance report, using the data from the Drill String Editor and information pulled from the Daily Reports.
Once the details of the Performance Report have been filled in, the Print Performance Report option can be used to export the report in Excel format. In the case of a motor failure, the Print Motor Failure option will export an Excel format report with details specific to the motor. Equivalent reports are available for the MWD string.
The Get from DDR button can be used to automatically fill in the Performance Report using information from the Daily Reports dialog. Any fields that correspond to data available from the DDR will be populated when the Get from DDR button is selected. The values imported will be the corresponding run data from the Daily Reports dialog covering the selected BHA.
After the Get from DDR button has been clicked once, the user can use the Auto Update BHA Hours on save and Auto Update Motor Report Parms options in the Report Options menu of the main Daily Reports window to keeps these values updated automatically. Note that Auto Update Motor Report Parameters requires Auto Update BHA Hours to be toggled on before it will work.
The toolbar contains all the functions required to operate the Performance Report. These functions can also be accessed using the dropdown menus at the top of the dialog.
Print Motor Performance Report Excel/PDF: Prints a performance report in Excel or PDF format. Contains run data, motor data, drilling parameters, bit data, mud data, sensor offsets, dogleg performance, BHA details and failure information. In addition, it contains any comments from the operations at time of incident, troubleshooting performed, surface findings and additional comments boxes. Pictures can be attached using Add Images in the Tools menu.
Print Motor Incident Report Excel: Prints a motor incident report containing motor information from the performance report and drill string editor. It also contains extra fields that can be filled in with more detailed motor information and comments on any failures. Pictures can be attached using Add Images in the Tools menu.
Print Motor Failure Report Excel: Prints a motor failure report containing personnel, run information, mud information, bit information, motor description and drilling activity. It also contains the troubleshooting, surface findings, and evaluation comments boxes.
Additionally, it contains spaces to document the incident type, disassembly observations, damaged components, and additional observations. Pictures can be attached using Add Images in the Tools menu.
Print Motor Chargeback Report PDF: Prints a performance report in PDF format with the Chargeback comment box added to the bottom.
Print MWD Performance Report Excel/PDF: Prints a MWD performance report in Excel or PDF format. Contains run data, MWD tool serial numbers, MWD plug in data, drilling parameters, bit data, mud data, sensor offsets, dogleg performance, BHA details, MWD post run data, MWD tool order, magnetics, and failure information.
In addition, it contains any comments from the operations at time of incident, troubleshooting performed, MWD incident info, MWD shop findings and MWD comments boxes. Pictures can be attached using Add Images in the Tools menu.
Print MWD Failure Report Excel: Prints a MWD failure report containing personnel, run information, mud information, bit information, motor description and MWD information. It also contains the troubleshooting, surface findings, shop findings, and evaluation comments boxes.
Additionally, it contains spaces to document the incident type and additional observations. Pictures can be attached using Add Images in the Tools menu.
Save: Saves changes to the performance report.
Exit: Closes the performance report window.
Add Images: Allows the user to attach images to the performance report, that will then be included at the bottom of any motor report that is printed.
To add an image the user should browse for it by clicking on the folder icon, then clicking on the add button. Once added, any image can be rotated by selecting it in the list and clicking rotate image or deleted by clicking on delete image.
Get Data From DDR: This option automatically will populate the main, mud properties and MWD sections with data taken from the Daily Reporting (DDR) module for the well. Note that this will overwrite any data already entered into these sections. For this option to produce accurate data the DDR must have fluids, parameters, costs and activity data entered for every day the BHA is in use. The BHA must also have pick up (6O) and lay down (6P) activities correctly assigned in the daily activity section of the DDR.
Attach Files: The attach files dialog allows the user to attach external files to the performance report. These files will remain with the report if the well or reporting data is exported.
To add a file the user should first select the category that they want to assign the file to in the dropdown box. These categories are arbitrary and are to help with sorting large numbers of files. The user should then browse for the file by clicking on the folder icon and then clicking on the add button. Once added, any file can be open by selecting it in the list and clicking open file or deleted by clicking on delete.
Get MWD surface system data: If available, this option will retrieve all serial numbers of MWD surface equipment from the Tool Inventory. They will then be available as dropdown boxes in their appropriate fields in the MWD section. For more information on the Tool Inventory see Section 13.6 – Tool Inventory.
Get Min Avg Max Values: If this option is toggled on, the Get Data From DDR button will import in and display the minimum, average and maximum values for the drilling parameters during the BHA run. They will be displayed in a min/avg/max format. If this option is toggled off, only the average value will be displayed.
The main section of the Performance Report contains the following fields:
Depth In: The start depth for the BHA run. This is entered in the main Drill String Editor window and is not editable in this dialog. This field is updated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
Depth Out: The end depth for the BHA run. This is entered in the main Drill String Editor window and is not editable in this dialog. This field is updated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
Total Drilled: The distance between the Depth In and Depth Out. This is automatically calculated and is not editable in this dialog.
Time In: The time in 24hr format that the BHA went below the rotary table on the Date In. The Date In field can be found in the main Drill String Editor window. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
Time Out: The time in 24hr format that the BHA returned above the rotary table on the Date Out. The Date Out field can be found in the main Drill String Editor window. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
BRT Hrs: The total time that the BHA spent below the rotary table. This is automatically calculated and is not editable in this dialog.
Slide Drilled: If there was any sliding during the BHA run, the user can record the distance slid here. This is a manual input. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
Rotary Drilled: The distance drilled while rotating on bottom. This is automatically calculated by taking away the Slide Drilled distance from the Total Drilled distance.
Drilling/Circulating Hrs: The total number of hours spent drilling, both rotary and sliding. This value is automatically calculated from the data entered in the DDR.
Rotary Hrs: The number of hours spent rotating on bottom. This value is automatically calculated by taking the Slide Hrs away from the total Drilling Hours.
Slide Hrs: If there was any sliding during the BHA run, the user can record the sliding hours here. This value is automatically calculated from the data entered in the DDR; however the user can manually edit this cell if they wish, which in turn will change the rotary hours.
Slide ROP: The average Rate of Penetration during sliding. This is automatically calculated by dividing the Slide Drilled distance by the Slide Hrs.
Rotary ROP: The average Rate of Penetration during rotation on bottom. This is automatically calculated by dividing the Rotary Drilled distance by the Rotary Hrs.
Average ROP: The average Rate of Penetration over the whole run, including both rotation and sliding. This is calculated automatically by dividing the Total Drilled distance by the Drilling Hrs.
Date In: Date BHA is in hole. This is entered in the main Drill String Editor window and is not editable in this dialog. This field is updated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
Date Out: Date BHA is out of hole. This is entered in the main Drill String Editor window and is not editable in this dialog. This field is updated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
# Stalls: The number of motor stalls recorded during the BHA run.
Stall Pressure: The average standpipe pressure at the time of stalling.
Dry Ream Time: The number of hours spent reaming while not circulating.
Wash / Ream Time: The number of hours spent reaming while circulating.
Average Temperature: The average downhole temperature during the BHA run.
Max Temperature: The maximum downhole temperature during the BHA run.
BHA Cost: The total cost of the well while the BHA is in hole. This is pulled automatically from cost data in the DDR when the Performance Report is opened.
State/Province/Region: The state, province or region of the well in which this BHA was run. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
Country/County/AFE: The county or local area of the well in which this BHA was run. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
Job #: The job number for the well. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
API Job #: If the well has an API job number assigned, it can be entered here. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
Rig: The name of the rig. This is automatically populated with the Rig input from the main page of the Drill String Editor.
Lead DD: The name of the Lead Directional Driller that ran this BHA. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
Co Man: The name of the Company Man on the rig. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
Flow Rate: The average drilling mud flow rate during the BHA run. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
WOB: The average Weight on Bit whilst on bottom during the BHA run. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
WOB Slide: The average Weight on Bit whilst sliding on bottom during the BHA run. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
RPM: The average Rotations Per Minute of the string whilst drilling during the BHA run. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
On Btm Press: The average On Bottom Pressure during the BHA run. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
Off Btm Press: The average Off Bottom Pressure during the BHA run. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
On Btm Tq: The average On Bottom Torque during the BHA run. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
Off Btm Tq: The average Off Bottom Torque during the BHA run. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
Plan DLS: Average planned dogleg severity for the run.
Act DLS: Average actual dogleg severity during the run.
Max DLS: The highest recorded actual dogleg severity during the run.
PU: The average surface hook load recorded while pulling the BHA out of hole.
ROT: The average surface hook load recorded while rotating off bottom.
SO: The average surface hook load recorded while running the BHA in hole.
Min Temp: The maximum downhole temperature during the BHA run.
Cost Per Ft/Cost Per Hr: The cost per foot and cost per hour during the BHA run. This is calculated automatically from cost data in the DDR.
The Mud Properties section contains the following fields:
Type: The type of drilling mud used during the BHA run. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
600, 300, 200, 100, 6, 3: If viscometer shear rate test results are available, they can be entered in these fields. The numbers represent the RPM of the viscometer when the shear rate was measured. These fields are auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
PV: The mud Plastic Viscosity. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
YP: The mud Yield Point. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
Weight: The mud density. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
Temp: The temperature of the mud during drilling. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
Solids %: The % volume of the mud made up of solids. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
Sand %: The % volume of the mud made up of sand. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
Chlorides: The chloride content of the mud. This field is auto populated if the Get from DDR radio button is selected.
Oil/Water: The relative proportions of oil and water in the mud, in %.
The MWD section contains the following fields:
MWD Plug In/Out Date/Time: These fields are automatically taken from the component properties of the MWD tool in the drill string editor. They can be refreshed by closing and reopening the performance report window.
MWD Plug in Hrs: Calculated automatically from the above values.
Circulating Hrs: This value is automatically calculated from the data entered in the DDR and can be refreshed by clicking the Get Data from DDR button.
Tests: The MWD section allows the user to record the results of various pre- and post-run MWD tests. They are filled as PASS or FAIL using the dropdown box in each field.
Pulse Amp On/Off Bottom: The recorded amplitude of MWD telemetry pulses during drilling when on and off bottom.
Good Detection: A PASS or FAIL dropdown box allowing the user to record whether pulse detection was good during the BHA run.
Day/Night MWD Engineer: The MWD personnel on shift at the well site during the BHA run. This can be updated from the DDR personnel section by clicking the Get Data from DDR button.
Required Non-Mag Above/Below: The length of non-magnetic drill collar required above and below the MWD directional sensor to ensure there is no magnetic interference distorting azimuth measurements.
Min/Max Temperature: The minimum and maximum recorded temperature whilst drilling. Can be updated by clicking the Get Data from DDR button.
Serial Numbers (SN): The serial numbers of the MWD surface equipment used at the well site. If these have been recorded in the Tool Inventory then they can be imported into the MWD section by clicking on the Get MWD Surface System button. The fields will then become dropdown boxes containing the serial numbers of available equipment.
EDR: The make of the electronic drilling recorder used on the rig to record drilling parameters, etc.
Transducer Type: The make of the Standpipe transducer
Receiver Type: The make of the surface system data receiver.
Hookload sensor: The serial number of the hookload sensor. Available serial numbers can be pulled in from the Tool Inventory by clicking on the Get MWD Surface System button.
Surf Sys Ver/Type: The make and version of the surface system.
Int/Ext Offset: The internal and external (scribe line) toolface offset between the MWD and the motor highside.
Laptop 3/4 SN: The serial numbers of spare laptops. Available serial numbers can be pulled in from the Tool Inventory by clicking on the Get MWD Surface System button.
BU Receiver SN: The make of the backup surface system data receiver.
BU Surface System Type: The make of the backup surface system.
DD/MWD 1/MWD 2 Verification: The personnel that signed off on MWD reports delivered to the operator.
Survey/TF sequence: The programmed mode of the MWD for recording surveys and toolfaces.
X/O Angle: The inclination at which the MWD stops recording magnetic toolfaces and starts recording gravity toolfaces.
The Failure Information section allows the user to record any failures that occur during the BHA run. The Failed check box must be checked before any other features become available. The other features allow the user to record if the failure required a BHA trip and how many hours passed before the failure. The comments box can be used to record any other information relevant to issues or failures during the BHA run.
BHA Component: The BHA component that failed can be selected here. Note that components will only be available for select if they have been given a serial number in their Component Properties in the Drill String Editor.
MWD Tool: If a particular MWD tool component was the cause of the failure, this dropdown box can be used to select it. Note that components will only be available for selection if they have been assigned serial numbers in the Component Properties of an MWD tool in the Drill String Editor.
Motor Cat: Allows the user to specify any parts of the motor that failed.
MWD Cat: Allows the user to specify any parts of the MWD that failed.
NPT (Non-Productive Time): The non-productive time caused by the failure can be entered here and will be displayed in the Performance Report.
Hrs to failure: The time in hours between running in hole and failure can be recorded here and will be displayed in the Performance Report.
Trip for failure: Checking this box will indicate in the Performance Report that a BHA trip was required because of the failure.
LIH (Lost in Hole): Checking this box will indicate in the Performance Report if the BHA was lost in hole.
EDR Review: This should be checked if data from the electronic drilling recorder on the rig has been gathered.
Acct MTBF: This should be checked if the failure needs to be included in calculating the Mean Time Between Failure statistics for the failed component.
Surface failure: Checking this box will indicate in the Performance Report that the failure occurred at surface.
Closed: Checking this box will indicate in the Performance Report that the failure has been resolved.
Comment Boxes: The Operations at Time of Failure, Trouble Shooting Performed, Surface Findings, Shop Findings and Evaluation boxes can be used to make comments about the failure. These comments will be displayed in the Motor Failure Report and the Performance Report.
The Performance Data and Additional Comments sections can be used to record if there were any failures during the BHA run, the reason for POOH and any miscellaneous information.
Motor Failed: Check this box to indicate if there was a motor failure. This will also check the ‘failed’ box in the Failure Information section to allow the user to enter details of the failure.
MWD Failed: Check this box to indicate if there was an MWD failure. This will also check the ‘failed’ box in the Failure Information section to allow the user to enter details of the failure.
Catastrophic Failure: Check this box to indicate that there was a sudden and complete failure of any component during the BHA run.
Unplanned Trip: Check this box to indicated that the BHA was pulled out of hole for an unplanned reason, such as BHA failure.
MWD OOS: This should be checked if the MWD was operated Out Of Specification. For example, in downhole temperatures it was not rated for.
RSS Failed: Check this box to indicate if there was a RSS failure.
Reason POOH: This dropdown box can be used to record the reason the BHA was pulled, which will appear in the Performance Report.
Additional Comments: This section can be used to record any miscellaneous information that the user deems relevant. The user can enter any relevant information regarding the run in this section and this can be included in the EOWR.
MWD Comments: Can be used for general comments on the MWD performance that will be included in the MWD performance report.
MWD Failure Information: Can be used to describe any MWD failures and will appear in the MWD performance and failure reports.
MWD Shop Findings: Can be used to describe the results of investigation in the workshop and will appear in the MWD performance and failure reports.
Chargeback: Can be used for comments that will be included in the motor chargeback report.
The Well Seeker PRO daily reporting package allows the user to semi-automate the creation of daily drilling reports. Reporting package features are accessed through the reporting toolbar in the database tree, or through the Reporting Toolbar.
Use the navigation tree on the left to view the page for each feature in the Reporting package.
The daily reporting package can produce the following reports:
It is suggested that data is input in the following order to increase input efficiency and reduce the requirement to duplicate data entry. However, this is just a guide and the user can deviate from this sequence should they wish.
Input tool listing into Tool Inventory. This will give the user the option to select these components when creating a BHA, reducing duplicate data entry.
Input/import the BHA for the upcoming run in the Drill String Editor. Once created a BHA can be associated with a time and date window within daily reporting. This allows for sharing of data between Drill String Editor and Daily Reporting, including allocating tool performance and utilisation data.
Confirm/edit Activity Codes, Cost Codes and Phase Codes. These codes can be utilised in the Daily Reporting dialog and when referenced, are used by Well Seeker to generate the relevant KPI data. If the user is interested in reporting this data, it is important that these codes are set correctly at the start of the job.
Input/confirm Shipping Addresses. Shipping addresses can be selected in the shipping ticket dialog.
Fill in the Daily Reporting and Shipping Ticket sections as required.
The user can populate the daily activity section of the daily report directly from the slide sheet. If it is the user’s intention to populate the daily report in this way, then input the drilling data into the Slide Sheet over the relevant 00:00-24:00 time interval. At any time, the user can select Get DDR from Run Sheet within the Daily Reporting dialog, and the daily activity section will be populated automatically with the relevant data from the run sheet.
The Daily Reporting toolbar is an additional toolbar that gives access to the main Daily Reporting Functions. It can be enabled/disabled using the View > Toolbars and Docking Windows menu item.
This option is only available to select from the Actual Well level. Using the information already input in the Inventory and the Shipping Addresses dialogs, the user can quickly and easily create a Shipping Ticket Report in excel format by selecting the Print radio button.
File Menu
Save: Saves the currently selected shipping ticket
Add New Ticket: Creates a new shipping ticket
Delete Ticket: Deletes the selected shipping ticket
Print Excel: Prints the selected shipping ticket to excel
Print PDF: Prints the selected shipping ticket to pdf
Exit: Closes the shipping ticket dialog
Tools Menu
Select All: Selects ALL the tools in the lower grid
Unselect All: Unselects ALL the tools in the lower grid
Ship Tools: Once the user has selected the relevant tools to ship, from the select tools section, selecting the ship tools radio button will have the following effect: In the tool inventory, the selected tools will have the ‘on location’ box unchecked and the date off location cell will populate
Select Tools Ready for Backload: Selects tools in the lower grid which have been marked for backload in the inventory
This option is only available to select from the Actual Well level. This is where the user can input the inventory for the well.
Any component entered in the inventory will be available for the user to select within the Drill String Editor and Shipping Ticket dialogs.
For ease of identification the inventory will highlight rows based on how the user has set their status in the On Location, Failed, Ready for Backload, In Hole and Dirty Columns:
On location: Designates whether the tool is at the rig site or not. When check on location the tool is not highlighted. If the user unchecks the On Location column, to mark a tool that is not at the rig site but still in the inventory, the tool will be highlighted orange.
Failed: If the tool has failed, the user can check the Failed column and the tool will be highlighted in red. This can then be used as a reference to make sure that the failed tool is not used in another drill string.
Ready For Backload: Tools that are ready to be delivered off site are highlighted in blue.
In Hole: This status is handled automatically, and changes made by the user will not be saved. Well Seeker will check the latest daily activity entered in the Daily Report for the well. If there is a BHA selected for that activity, Well Seeker will highlight all tools in that BHA in green in the inventory.
Dirty: This status does not have a highlight colour, but is also handled automatically, and changes made by the user will not be saved. The Daily Report will record the circulating hours for each BHA, and then apply those hours to tools in the Inventory in the D&C Hrs Well column. If the tool already had circulating hours accumulated when it arrived on the rig site, the user can enter them in the Prev D&C Hrs column. Total D&C Hrs column is simply the sum of the other two columns. Any tools with more than zero hours in the Total D&C Hrs column will be marked as dirty.
At the bottom of the tool inventory window there are some additional functions:
Check Remote Db: Connects to the remote database to see if tools have been shipped to the job and are awaiting receipt into the system. Well Seeker will attempt to connect to the server defined in the ICDS Server section of the Real Time Data Exchange. See Section 6.4.15 – Real Time Data Exchange for more information.
Filter by off location: Hides all tools except for ones marked as Off Location.
Filter by on location: Hides all tools except for ones marked as On Location.
Search: Filters the inventory for tools that contain the keyword entered in the Search box, in any of their columns.
The toolbar contains the main functions used when operating the Tool Inventory. Most of these functions can also be accessed from the menus at the top of the Tool Inventory window. However, there are some which can only be accessed from the toolbar. These will be detailed below:
Transfer Tools: Opens the transfer tools dialog, allowing the user to transfer tools from the current well to a different well in the database. It should be noted that only tools which are marked as on location in the main tool inventory dialog will be available to select. If there is a date entered in the date off location cell, the tool will not be available to select, even if the on location check box is selected. Once a tool has been transferred, the date off location cell will automatically populate and the on location cell will be unchecked.
Add Row: Adds a new blank row at the bottom of the table
Receive Tools: Adds the tools which have been marked as shipped on the remote database to the inventory. The Check Remote Db option must be checked for this function to work. If any tools are detected, the Select Tools dialog will open:
The user should enter their name into the Received By box, select the tools they want to receive by checking the Receive Tool checkbox, and then click on the Receive Selected button. This will add the selected tools to the local inventory.
Mark all Ready for Backload: Toggles the Ready for Backload checkbox on or off for all items in the inventory.
Mark all on location: Toggles the On Location checkbox on or off for all items in the inventory.
Save: Saves any changes made to the Tool Inventory.
Print Excel: Prints the Tool Inventory, with any filters currently applied, as an Excel format report.
Print PDF: Prints the Tool Inventory, with any filters currently applied, as a PDF format report.
Import from Oasis: Allows the user to import an inventory from an external Oasis ERP database. The Oasis endpoint credentials need to be set up in section – Oasis Credentials.
Tool Orders: Opens the Tool Orders dialog. See section 13.21 – Tool Orders.
Exit: Close the Tool Inventory.
Select Colours: Allows the user the change the colour used to highlight rows whenever the On Location, Failed, Ready for Backload and In Hole status columns are checked. The user can also disable highlighting for statuses by unchecking the box beside each one.
Highlight Rows: Toggling this option off will disable all highlighting of rows in the Tool Inventory and in reports.
Show All Components: Shows all items in the Inventory.
Show MWD Only: Filters the inventory to show only item types that correspond to MWD operations. E.g., MWD/LWD, Shock Absorber, Pulser, etc.
Show DD Only: Filters the inventory to show only item types that correspond to DD operations. E.g., Motor, Drill Collar, Stabilizer etc.
Show MWD Status Columns: Displays the Field Status and Shop Status columns in the Tool Inventory.
Select from Catalogue: The Component Catalogue contains a list of drill string components with pre-defined properties that can be add to the inventory. The desired component can be searched for using the dropdown menus at the top. Clicking the Insert button will add the selected component to the inventory. Note that this will overwrite the row that was selected at the time of opening the Catalogue.
Custom components can be added, removed, and edited using the Add, Delete and Edit buttons. Components which come with the standard install can also be edited and removed if desired. The Reset button will revert the catalogue back to its originally installed state. Finally, the component catalogue can be imported and exported to and from other users.
This option can be accessed via the database navigator menu or directly from the Daily Reporting dialog. Note that when accessing via the database navigator menu, the Activity Codes option will only be available to select from Operator Level.
These codes are used in the Daily Activities section of the Daily Reporting package and utilised for KPI Tracking Graphs and automatic calculations of Drilling Parameter and Drilling Summary data when selected.
The active check box allows the user to select which of the activity codes are active. Any codes which are selected as active will be available from the dropdown menu in the Daily Reports section. If the code is not selected as active, it will NOT be available to select in the Daily Reports. Note: Caution should be taken de-activating codes after a well has started. If a code is in use in the Daily Activity grid and the user de-activates it, it will be replaced with no selection.
The toolbar at the top of window contains additional functions:
Save: Saves any changes made.
Activate all codes: Sets all currently entered activity codes to active.
De-activate all codes: De-activates all currently entered activity codes.
Reset to defaults: Sets the activity codes to match the values entered in the Code Defaults, if any have been entered. If not, this will reset all the activity codes the Well Seeker factory default. See section 6.4.14 –Code Defaults.
Lock: If the associated Operator Properties have been locked, the Activity Codes will also be locked. Clicking on the Lock button will unlock them. If a password has been set in the associated Operator Properties, it will need to be entered before the window can be unlocked.
Most activity codes are arbitrary and do not have any specific function beyond allowing the user to differentiate between different activities in reports and KPI results. They can be added, removed, and modified without affecting the Daily Reporting package. However, some codes do have special functions which the user should be aware of:
2K (Rotary Drilling) and 2J (Slide Drilling): Any code beginning with the number 2 is recognised by the software as drilling activity, allowing it to record drilling hours, distances and differentiate between slide and rotation. 2K and 2J are the most important of these codes as they are the default codes used to populate the Daily Activity grid using data from the Slide Sheet. The user should make sure that 2K and 2J are always present and active in the Activity codes.
Codes starting with 5: Codes starting with the number 5 are recorded as circulating hours by the software. The exception to this rule is code 10C (Reshoot, surveys, cycle pumps, downlink tools), which will also count as circulating time.
Codes starting with 8: Codes starting with the number 8 are highlighted in red in the Daily Activity grid and are counted as rig non-productive time (NPT).
Codes starting with 26: Codes starting with the number 26 are highlighted in red in the Daily Activity grid and are counted as directional non-productive time (NPT). By default, there are no 26 codes included so the user will need to add them manually if they wish to record directional NPT.
3Z (Sidetrack): Allows the user to change the current hole depth recorded in the daily report. The only other way to do this is with a drilling activity (code 2), which counts as drilling time. 3Z allows the user to change the hole depth (e.g., when pulling back to a sidetrack KOP) without affecting recorded drilling time.
Note that Well Seeker Pro uses the code for these activities to recognise them. All code descriptions are arbitrary and can be changed without affecting Daily Reporting functions.
Only available at Actual Well level. The Daily Activity Editor allows the user to view all the daily activities for an actual well in one chronological table. The user can make edits to the activities in the table the same way they would in the Daily Reporting window.
The Daily Activity Editor can be used to check for mistakes in the daily activities. Cells will be highlighted in red if the end time/depth do not match with the start time/depth of row below. Cells in the BHA and Phase columns will also be highlighted in red if the BHA/phase is different to the ones above and below. This is usually an indicator that the user has filled in the wrong BHA/phase by mistake.
Once the user is happy with their edits, they can save them by clicking on the Apply button.
This option is only available to select from the Actual Well Level. The user can enter multiple pipe tallies for each well by using the add button. The different tallies are accessed via the dropdown menu at the top left of the dialog.
Description: Add a unique description for each tally
Add: Add a new Tally
Delete: Delete an existing Tally
Print: Print currently selected tally to Excel
BHA Length: Total length of the appropriate BHA. The length will be added to the total length of drill pipe to calculate the bit Depth.
Stickup: The length of pipe below the joint left sticking out above the rotary table when making connections. It is subtracted from the bit depth (along with the Survey Offset) to calculate the Survey Depth.
Survey Offset: Distance from bit to MWD sensor. It is subtracted from the bit Depth (along with the Stick Up) to calculate the Survey Depth.
Gamma Offset: Distance from bit to gamma sensor. This value is just for reference and does not affect the survey depth.
Joints Per Stand: How many joints are in a stand. This will be rig specific and will usually range from 1 to 3.
Survey at Mid Stand – This can be checked if surveys are being taken in the middle of the stand instead of at the bottom. The Survey Depth Column will change to reflect this.
Length: User should enter individual joint lengths here
Stand: This column is populated automatically based on the value entered in the joints per stand cell
Depth: This column is populated automatically and is the cumulative depth of the joints up to that point and the BHA Length.
Svy Depth: This column is populated automatically and shows the survey depth at the bottom of each single. If Survey at Mid Stand is checked, the survey depth for middle single will change to the middle of the single instead of the bottom.
Inc: User can add the survey inclination in the relevant cell
Azi: User can add the survey azimuth in the relevant cell
Comments: User can add an appropriate comment in the relevant cell if required.
The Directional Drilling Dashboard collects data from multiple sources within Well Seeker and displays them in one interface, allowing the Directional Driller or a RTOC to monitor drilling operations from a single screen.
To fully utilise all features in the DD Dashboard, the user should have already set up the following:
Created the well trajectory as a well plan and set it as the principal plan for the well.
Created an actual well, with a survey sheet ready to be populated.
Assigned offset wells to the survey sheet. These offsets should be any well that may cause anti-collision concerns.
Created a lease line for the actual well.
Created a BHA in the Drill String Editor for the actual well.
Have the slide sheet open for the well, with the correct BHA selected for the current BHA run.
The user can manually keep the slide sheet up to date, or they can automatically populate the slide sheet using WITS. If the user is using WITS, they must also correctly set up their Rig States thresholds.
Once set up is complete, the user can open the DD Dashboard from the slide sheet. Thy can do so by clicking on the DD Dashboard icon on the toolbar, or by opening it from the Tools menu.
Note: It is possible to have multiple DD Dashboards for the same well open at the same time, but this will cause additional CPU and memory load.
The DD Dashboard interface is split into 6 sections. These sections can be enabled or disabled in the Settings Menu. The remaining displays will be resized to fill the empty space, so the user can get a clearer picture of displays that they want by hiding ones that they do not need.
The Real Time Gauges are a graphical output of drilling parameters received from incoming WITS data via the Rig States dialog.
The user can edit which parameters are displayed, and the ranges shown on each gauge by opening the Settings menu and selecting Gauge Settings.
The Toolface Rose displays the latest toolface updates received over WITS. The centre of the rose represents the principal plan. The rings moving out from the centre represent the distance from the plan, whilst the values around the rose represent the toolface. Whether the toolface is referenced to highside or north depends on the toolfaces being received. If receiving magnetic toolfaces, the most recent toolface displayed in the centre of the rose will end in ‘MAG’ and the rose will be referenced to north. If receiving highside toolfaces, it will end in ‘L’ for Left or ‘R’ for Right and the rose will be referenced to highside. The crossover point between magnetic and highside (gravity) toolfaces is set in the Mag to Grav X/O option in the DD Dashboard Settings Window.
The Toolface Rose contains additional features that aid the DD in staying on track with the well plan. It can be configured to warn the DD if they are straying too far from the plan or tool close to any offset wells. It can also give recommendations on whether the DD should rotate or slide, and by how much, to stay close to the well plan.
The warnings and recommendations are configured in the DD Dashboard Settings Window (13.11.6 – DD Dashboard Settings Window).
The features of the Toolface Rose are described below and reference the numbers in the image above.
Principal Plan: The very centre point of the Toolface Rose represents the principal well plan. If the green bit projection is in the centre, then the wellbore is following the plan exactly.
Graphical Projections: All projections are from the Real Time Projection section and are relative to the principal plan. The green dot represents the bit projection. The yellow diamonds represent the bit projection + 100 and the bit projection +200, or the curve projection depending on the drilling mode. The pink square represents the advisory projection. There may be additional green dots with well names annotated. These represent nearby offset wells.
Real Time Toolfaces: The blue dots represent the most recent real time toolfaces that have been received from WITS. The transparent dark green cone represents the effective toolface (ETF), based on an average of the recent toolfaces. The red number in the centre of the rose is the most recent real time toolface to be received.
Tolerance Window: The red shape around the centre of the Toolface Rose represents the maximum distance that the wellbore is permitted to deviate from the well plan. As the bit projection nears this limit the user will receive a warning and will receive a second warning if the limit is crossed. The size and shape of the tolerance window depends on the drilling mode and user configuration, both of which are set in the Settings dialog (13.11.6 – DD Dashboard Settings Window).
Projections: This section is a trimmed down version of the Real Time Projection section, containing the MD, inclination, and azimuth of all the projections.
Mode: The current drilling mode. This is set in the Settings dialog.
TF to Plan: The toolface of a line drawn between the wellbore and the nearest point on the principal plan.
Slide (X DLS): The slide length required to achieve the DLS value in brackets, based on the predicted motor yield. DLS value is set with the Max DLS setting in the Settings Dialog. The predicted motor yield is set with the Def Motor Yield setting in the Settings dialog.
Rot DLS (Avg/Last): The dogleg achieved while rotating ahead.
Rot TF (Avg/Last): The toolface of the DLS in the Rot DLS.
Plan (Inc/Azi): The inclination and azimuth of the nearest point on the principal plan.
Delta (Inc/Azi): The different between the inclination and azimuth of the wellbore and the Plan.
Dist to Crit Pt: The distance to drill until the wellbore reaches the MD of the next critical plan point in the principal plan.
Slide Advisory Recommendation: In this section, Well Seeker will give a recommended action – either sliding or rotating - to the DD to help them stay on track with the well plan and stay within the Tolerance Window. If recommending a slide, the recommendation will suggest a toolface and length for the slide.
Recommendation Cone: This is a graphical representation of the advisory recommendation. If the recommendation suggests a slide, the toolface that the DD should follow will be displayed as a green cone on the Toolface Rose.
The Real Time Anti-Collison section monitors the proximity of offset wells and lease lines, and can alert the DD if the wellbore strays too close.
By default, the principal plan and any lease lines assigned to the actual well are listed in the anti-collision table. See section 11.0 – Targets for information on setting up a lease line for a well. Offset wells need to be assigned to the survey sheet using the Offset Selector before they appear in the table (see section 6.4.7 – Offset Selector).
The table consists of the following columns.
Reference Depth: The point on the wellbore that anti-collision calculations are calculated from.
Centre to Centre (C2C): The distance between the wellbore and the closest point on the offset well.
Separation Factor (SF): The separation factor between the wellbore and the offset well. Separation factor compares the C2C distance of two wells against the size of their EOU. A SF of 1 means that the EOU are touching. The SF is calculated using the below formula:
Reference Ellipse: The size of the semi-major ellipse in the EOU of the wellbore.
Offset Ellipse: The size of the semi-major ellipse in the EOU of the offset well.
Ellipse Separation: The distance between the edge of the wellbore ellipse and the offset well ellipse.
For more detailed information on how anti-collision rules are calculate, see section 8.2 - Level 2: Operator. The limits for the anti-collision are set in the DD Dashboard Settings dialog:
Min C2C: The minimum Centre to Centre (C2C) distance between the wellbore and an offset before a warning is issued.
Min C2C Lease Line: The minimum Centre to Centre (C2C) distance between the wellbore and any lease line before a warning is issued.
Min SF: The minimum Separation Factor (SF) between the wellbore and an offset before a warning is issued.
If any these limits are violated, the line will turn red, and a warning will appear in the Warnings column.
The Real Time Projection section contains details of the most recent surveys recorded in the survey sheet. This includes the measured depth, inclination, azimuth, DLS (dogleg section) and TVD. The UD (Up/Down) and LR (Left/Right) columns indicate how far away the surveys are from the principal plan. Also displayed is the length of any sliding recorded in between each survey, and the calculated motor yield for that period.
The green line below the surveys represents the bit projection. The depth of the bit projection is the last recorded depth in the slide sheet. The trajectory of this projection is set by the action recorded in the slide sheet between the last survey point and the deepest depth in the slide sheet. If the drill string has been rotating, the bit projection will be a rotation projection. This will be straight unless include rotary in projection is turned on in the Settings dialog (13.11.6 – DD Dashboard Settings Window). If the drill string has been sliding, the bit projection will be a sliding projection, based on the distance of the slide and the motor yield calculated in the Settings dialog.
The two yellow lines below the bit projection represent the bit projection extended +100ft (30.48m) and +200ft (60.96m) when in Vertical or Lateral Mode. These projections are always rotary with no sliding, and if include rotary in projection is turned on in the Settings dialog then it will use the rotary DLS and rotary TF, also located in the Settings dialog. When in Curve Mode the yellow line represents the target of the curve projection.
The pink line represents the advisory projection. This shows the position of the well if the DD follows the slide recommendation in the Toolface Rose for 100 ft beyond the bit projection.
The projections will be updated in real time using the deepest out of the slide sheet or the survey sheet. If the latest survey plus survey offset is deeper than the latest slide sheet record, then the projections will be based off the survey sheet. If not, they will be based off the slide sheet.
The 3D Plot section operates in a very similar way to the 3D chart (see section 12.3 - 3D Chart). The focus point of the chart is always the reference well being drilled. Actual wells including the reference well and offsets are all coloured red. Plans are coloured blue The user can use the up and down arrow keys to move the focus point up and down the well and the information on the left will update. The user can right click to access the context menu and toggle the closest approach distances between highside and north reference.
The spheres on the plan/survey lines represent surveys or critical points in the plan. The green line represents the bit projection. The yellow line represents the bit projection extended +200ft (or 60.96m), or the curve projection when in Curve Mode. The pink line represents the advisory projection. This shows the direction of the well if the DD follows the slide recommendation in the Toolface Rose. The values for all these projections can be found in the Real Time Projection section.
The projections will be updated in real time using the deepest out of the slide sheet or the survey sheet. If the latest survey plus survey offset is deeper than the latest slide sheet record, then the projections will be based off the survey sheet. If not, they will be based off the slide sheet.
The elements displayed on the 3D Plot can be configured using the 3D Chart Menu (section 13.11.4 – DD Dashboard 3D Chart Menu).
The Drilling Parameters section consists of two parts. On the left all drilling parameters received via WITS are plotted are plotted against time on two trace charts. The RPM, pump pressure, WOB and block position are plotted on the top chart. The Differential pressure, flow rate, hookload and torque are plotted on the bottom chart. The Y axis ranges for all these parameters can be customised by opening the Settings menu and selecting Set Drilling Parameters Ranges.
On the right the Drilling Parameters section displays the most recent update for several parameters that are drawn from different sources:
The drilling parameters from Hole Depth to Block Position are taken directly from the WITS feed.
The Survey Offset and Gamma Offset are taken from the MWD Component Details in the Drill String Editor.
The Rig State is taken from the Rig States dialog.
The Effective Toolface and Slide Grade are calculated using toolface data from the WITS feed.
The Hole Size, Bit Type and Bit Hydraulics values are taken from the Bit Component Details in the Drill String Editor.
The Bottom Hole Temperature is taken from the WITS feed.
Print warnings report: Prints an excel format report that displays a summary of any warnings that have been issued during drilling. Each warning will be listed in the Warning Name column. The threshold set in the DD Dashboard Settings that triggers each warning is listed in the Threshold Value column. The Time Above Threshold shows the total cumulative time that each threshold has been violated. Finally, the Alert Message column displays the message that will have been displayed in the DD Dashboard Settings window.
Exit: Closes the DD Dashboard
Number of toolfaces: Controls how many toolfaces from the WITS feed will be displayed on the toolface rose. For example, if the maximum of 10 is selected, then the 10 most recently received toolfaces will be displayed.
Show offsets on rosebud: Toggles whether offset wells are displayed on the toolface rose. Offsets will be displayed as a green dot with the name of the offset. Offsets are selected in the Offset Selector (section 6.4.7 – Offset Selector)
Set drilling parameter ranges: Opens the Set Curve Ranges dialog, which allows the user to configure the Drilling Parameters display (see – Drilling Parameters below). The name of each curve is listed in the Curve Name column. The user can set the maximum and minimum values displayed on each curve by editing the Max and Min columns.
Settings: Opens the DD Dashboard Settings dialog. See 13.11.6 – DD Dashboard Settings Window below.
Check for warnings: Toggling this option off will disable ALL warning alerts in the DD Dashboard if any of the warning thresholds in the DD Dashboard Settings dialog are violated. This includes anti-collision warnings. It will also disable the automatic opening of the DD Dashboard Settings dialog when a threshold is violated.
Gauge settings: Opens the Gauge Settings dialog, which allows the user to configure the Rig Gauges display (see – Real Time Gauges below). The user can set the WITS mnemonic that each gauge displays in the Mnemonic column. They can then set the minimum and maximum values on the gauge using the Max and Min columns.
Rig messages: Opens the Rig Messages dialog. This dialog can be used to force the Toolface Rose to display a user entered slide recommendation instead of the calculated one. It can also send a message to the DD Dashboard on the Innova Web Portal.
To force a slide recommendation, the user should check the Force slide directive option. They should then enter the toolface and length of the slide advisory they wish to display. If the Specify Depth option is not checked, the advisory will start at the current bit depth. If it is checked, the user can enter the desired start depth and the slide advisory will not appear until the bit reaches that depth. Once the slide advisory is set up, the user can click the Send button to update the Toolface Rose, Slide Recommendation and advisory projections in the 3D Plot and Real Time Projection sections. Note that the toolface in the Slide Recommendation will not change.
The user can clear the forced slide directive by opening the DD Dashboard Settings window and clicking on the Calculate recommendation button.
In the Rig Message section, the user can enter their desired message and then click the Send button. Any users viewing the well through the Innova Web Portal will see the message on the DD Dashboard.
Show gauges/toolface rose/3D view/parameters chart: Toggling these options off will hide their respective displays in the DD Dashboard main user interface. The remaining displays will be resized to fill the empty space, so the user can get a clearer picture of displays that they want by hiding ones that they do not need.
The below options all configure how the 3D Plot ( – 3D Plot) is displayed.
Show targets: Displays targets on the 3D Plot. For information on creating targets see section 11.0 – Targets.
Show target names: If targets are turned on, this option will display the target name beside each target.
Show lease lines: Displays lease lines on the 3D Plot. Lease lines are created in the Targets dialog (11.0 – Targets).
Show survey points: Actual wellbores and surveys displayed on the 3D Plot will have spheres showing the position of each survey.
Show critical points: Displays the plan points on the principal plan in the 3D Plot.
Show critical point descriptions: Critical points will have annotations attached that display the measured depth, inclination, azimuth, and TVD of each point.
Show worksight: Displays the worksight around the centre point on the 3D Plot. By default, the centre point is at the end of the bit projection.
Show compass ring: Displays the compass ring around the centre point on the 3D Plot. By default, the centre point is at the end of the bit projection.
Show well names: Displays well names on all wells and plans on the 3D Plot. Names are displayed at the deepest point on the well/plan.
Show slide colours: Colours the reference well on the 3D plot to show which parts were drilled while rotating (red) and which were drilled while sliding (green).
Show all closest approaches: User must first turn on Show closest approach by right clicking on the 3D Plot. If this option is toggled on, the 3D Plot will show the closest approach to all offset wells instead of the currently selected offset well.
Show lease line curtain: If a lease line is present and show lease lines is on, the 3D Plot will draw a curtain from the lease line up to surface.
Slide advisory history: Opens the Slide Advisory History dialog, which contains a record of all suggested slides. The dialog can be exported to an Excel report using the Print option in the File menu.
Daily report: Opens the Daily Report window for the actual well currently being viewed in the DD Dashboard. See section 13.4– Daily Reporting.
Slide sheet: Minimizes the DD Dashboard and maximizes the slide sheet for the current well (See section 13.10 – Slide Sheet). Note that closing the slide sheet will also close the DD Dashboard.
Survey sheet: Minimizes the DD Dashboard and the slide sheet and maximizes the survey sheet for the current well (See section 9.0 – Survey View). Note that closing the survey will also close the slide sheet and the DD Dashboard.
The Settings window can be opened from the DD Dashboard Settings menu (see section 13.11.3 – DD Dashboard Settings Menu or by double-clicking anywhere in the DD Dashboard. It will also appear if there are any orange or red warnings active in the Warnings section.
The Settings window allows the user to configure how projections, warnings, anti-collision and the slide recommendations behave in the DD Dashboard. The user customises this behaviour in the Configuration section. The Warnings section will display alerts if the wellbore gets close to limits set by the user in the Configuration section.
The Calculate Recommendation button in the top right will force the slide advisory in the Toolface Rose to recalculate. This can be used to undo a forced slide directive in the Rig Messages tool in the Settings Menu. See the description of Curve Mode below for details on the other options in the top of the window.
The first five options in the Configuration section choose the drilling mode Whenever a mode is selected, the options that are relevant to that mode will be highlighted in blue in the Configuration section.
Vertical Mode: This mode should be selected when drilling the vertical section of the well. When in Vertical Mode the Warnings section will monitor the Vertical Maximum Distance (Dist. from plan) and Max Vertical Inclination (Max Inc) limits set in the Configuration section.
The Toolface Rose will display the tolerance window as a circle around the centre of the rose. The radius of the circle is set by the Vertical Maximum Distance limit and the slide advisory will attempt to stay within this limit.
Curve Mode: This mode should be selected when drilling a curve to land off a lateral or tangent section. When in Curve Mode the Warnings section will monitor the DLS to Land limit set in the Configuration section.
When in curve mode there is no tolerance window and no yellow extended bit projections. Instead, the yellow projection becomes a landing curve projection in the Toolface Rose, 3D Plot and Real Time Projection sections. This curve will project from the bit projection to the landing target, which is set by the Landing TVD, Landing Inclination and Landing Azimuth in the Configuration section.
The slide advisory will give recommendations with the intention of hitting the landing target. On the Toolface Rose, the yellow diamond shows the distance between the landing target and the principal plan. If the yellow diamond is in the centre, this means that Well Seeker projects the wellbore to land exactly with the well plan.
The landing target is chosen in the Landing Target section at the top of the dialog.
Select Critical Point: This dropdown box contains all the plan points from the principal plan. When the user chooses a critical point from the list, it will update the landing target to the selected point. The Landing TVD, Landing Inclination and Landing Azimuth in the Configuration section will update to match the TVD, inclination, and azimuth of the critical point. Auto pick curve target must be turned off for this to work.
Update Critical Points: If the principal plan is updated while the DD Dashboard is open, the user should click on this button to refresh the Select Critical Point dropdown list.
Find Landing: If the user clicks on this button, Well Seeker will inspect the principal plan and attempt to automatically pick the most suitable critical point for the landing from the list. The selection in the Select Critical Point dropdown list will not update but the Landing TVD, Landing Inclination and Landing Azimuth in the Configuration section will.
Lateral Mode: Lateral Mode is designed for drilling the lateral of tangent section of the well. When in Vertical Mode the Warnings section will monitor the Lateral left/right tolerance (Max Left) and Lateral up/down tolerance (Max Down), Max delta inclination (Max Delta Inc), Max delta azimuth (Max Delt Azi) limits set in the Configuration section.
The Toolface Rose will display the tolerance window as a rectangle the centre of the rose. The height and width of the rectangle is set by the Lateral up/down tolerance and Lateral left/right tolerance limits. The slide advisory will attempt to stay within this rectangle.
Nudge Mode: This mode is currently in development and does not perform any function currently.
No Mode: No Mode only provides a projection to the bit. Extended projections, advisory projections, tolerance windows and almost all settings in the Configuration section are disabled. However, the anti-collision settings and warnings do still apply. It is possible to use the slide advisory in this mode, but it is not recommended.
The Warnings section monitors the constraints and limits for the wellbore set by the user in the Configuration section below. When the wellbore approaches one these limits – for example, the well wanders too far off plan and approaches the edge of the tolerance window – the DD Dashboard will issue an orange warning. The DD Dashboard main interface will flash orange, and the Settings window will appear. The warning that is nearing its limit will appear in the Warnings section, highlighted in orange.
If the wellbore crosses a limit completely the DD Dashboard will issue a red warning. The DD Dashboard main interface will flash red, and the Settings window will appear. The warning that is nearing its limit will appear in the Warnings section, highlighted in red.
Warning: Displays the name of the parameter being monitored.
Current value: The current value of the parameter as transmitted by WITS.
Threshold: The limit for the value, set by the user in the Configuration section below.
Active: When an orange or red warning is issued, this column will populate with a brief description of the issue.
Suppress: When a warning appears in the Warnings section, the user can check this option to suppress it. A suppressed warning will not cause the DD Dashboard to flash and will not cause the Settings window to appear. The user can suppress all warnings by toggling the Check for warnings option off in the Settings menu.
Time Exceeded: The Warnings section will record the total amount of time that the parameter has spent above the threshold.
Limits specific to the drilling modes and drilling parameters are shown constantly in the Warnings section regardless of whether they are close to their limit thresholds. The limits specific to drilling mode are described in the Drilling Modes section above. The Max Differential Pressure, Max Flow and Max RPM thresholds relate to the operational limits of the motor. To set them, the user needs to open the Drill String Editor for the BHA that the slide sheet belongs to. Then they should select the motor in the Assembly Details section and edit the limits in the Component Properties section. See section 13.5 – Drill String Editor.
After choosing the drilling mode, the user can then use the relevant options in the Configuration section to define how the slide advisory behaves, how projections are calculated and what tolerances they wish to stay within when drilling the current section of the wellbore
Include rotary in projection: Toggling this option on will include some unintended dogleg achieved while rotating ahead. This dogleg will then be factored in when making projections and slide recommendations. The Rotary DLS and Rotary TF settings define the size and direction of this dogleg. If this option is turned off Well Seeker will assume rotary drilling to be perfectly straight when making projections and slide recommendations.
Slide advisory: Toggles on/off the slide recommendation and advisory projection in the Toolface Rose, Real Time Projection and 3D Plot sections. This option can be used hide the slide advisory of the user does not need it. It can also force the slide advisory on when in No Mode, however this is not recommended.
Limit AC display: Hides any offset wells in the Real Time Anti-Collision section that are too far away to pose any collision risk.
Auto pick curve target: Only relevant in Curve Mode. When this option is toggled on, it will alter the target of the curve projection so that it hits the landing inclination as close to the principal plan as possible. However, it will alter the Landing TVD and Landing azimuth of the curve projection to do so. The landing inclination should be selected first either using select critical point dropdown or entering a value manually into the Landing inclination option.
Auto motor yield: Only functions when in Curve Mode. When this option is toggled on Well Seeker will use the slide sheet and survey sheet to automatically calculate the value in the Motor Yield setting. The survey sheet and slide sheet must cover the same part of the well for Well Seeker to be able to calculate the Motor Yield. Well Seeker will automatically keep the Motor Yield up to date as new slides and surveys are added.
Auto rotary: Like the Auto Motor Yield option above, when this option is toggled on it will use the survey sheet and the slide sheet to automatically calculate the Rotary DLS and Rotary TF settings. Does not function in No Mode.
Landing TVD: Only relevant in Curve Mode. Sets the TVD of the end point of the curve projection. This can be set by selecting the landing point from the select critical point dropdown list or using the auto pick curve target option. If auto pick curve target is off, this value can be edited manually.
Landing inclination: Only relevant in Curve Mode. Sets the inclination of the end point of the curve projection. This can be set by selecting the landing point from the select critical point dropdown list. If auto pick curve target is off, this value can be edited manually.
Landing azimuth: Only relevant in Curve Mode. Sets the azimuth of the end point of the curve projection. This can be set by selecting the landing point from the select critical point dropdown list or using the auto pick curve target option. If auto pick curve target is off, this value can be edited manually.
Rotary DLS: Sets the unintended dogleg of the wellbore while rotating ahead. Well Seeker will use the slide and survey records to automatically calculate this if Auto Rotary is turned on. If Include Rotary in Projection is turned on, Well Seeker will then factor this into the bit projection and the slide advisory.
Rotary TF: Sets the toolface for the Rotary DLS option above. Well Seeker will use the slide and survey records to automatically calculate this if Auto Rotary is turned on. If Include Rotary in Projection is turned on, Well Seeker will then factor this into the bit projection and the slide advisory.
Motor yield: The motor yield of the drill string while sliding. This will be used to calculate the slide recommendation and the bit projection. Well Seeker will automatically calculate this if Auto Motor Yield is turned on.
Default motor yield: If Well Seeker is unable to calculate a motor yield for the Motor Yield option above, it will use the value entered here by the user. Does not function in No Mode.
Max vertical inclination: This setting is only utilized when in Vertical Mode. Allows the user to set the maximum inclination that the wellbore is allowed to reach. A warning will be issued as this limit is approached. The slide advisory will take this setting into account and will suggest a slide if the inclination starts to get close the limit.
Max delta inclination: This setting is utilized in Lateral Mode. It represents the maximum allowed difference between the wellbore inclination and the principal plan inclination. The user will receive a warning if this limit is approached, and the slide advisory will recommend a slide back towards the plan.
Max delta azimuth: This setting is utilized in Curve Mode and Lateral Mode. In Curve Mode it sets how much the Auto Pick Curve Target is allowed to alter the azimuth of the landing point. For example, if the selected critical point has an azimuth of 140 and the Max Delta Azi is 2, then turning on Auto Pick Curve Target will result in a Landing Azi value of 138 – 142. Increasing the Max Delta Azi will allow Auto Pick Curve Target to land closer to the plan but at the cost of azimuth accuracy.
In Lateral Mode the Max Delta Azi represents the maximum allowed difference between the wellbore azimuth and the principal plan azimuth. The user will receive a warning if this limit is approached, and the slide advisory will recommend a slide back towards the plan.
Vertical maximum distance: This setting is only utilized when in Vertical Mode. Sets the maximum distance that the wellbore is allowed to deviate from the well plan. A warning will be issued as this limit is approached. The slide advisory will take this setting into account and will suggest a slide if the distance starts to get close the limit. When in Vertical Mode this distance is illustrated on the Toolface Rose as the radius of the tolerance window around the centre of the rose.
Lateral up/down tolerance: This setting is only utilized when in Lateral Mode. Sets the maximum distance above or below that the wellbore is allowed to deviate from the principal plan. This value is represented on the Toolface Rose as the height of the red tolerance window. The slide advisory will attempt to keep the wellbore within the tolerance window, and the user will receive a warning if the bit projection nears the edges.
Lateral left/right tolerance: This setting is only utilized when in Lateral Mode. Sets the maximum distance to the left or right that the wellbore is allowed to deviate from the principal plan. This value is represented on the Toolface Rose as the width of the red tolerance window. The slide advisory will attempt to keep the wellbore within the tolerance window, and the user will receive a warning if the bit projection nears the edges.
Lateral tolerance offset up/down: This setting is only utilized when in Lateral Mode. Allows the user to shift the lateral tolerance window in the Toolface Rose up or down. Negative values will shift the window up, while positive values will shift the window down.
Lateral tolerance offset left/right: This setting is only utilized when in Lateral Mode. Allows the user to shift the lateral tolerance window in the Toolface Rose left or right. Negative values will shift the window left, while positive values will shift the window down.
Maximum DLS: Sets the maximum dogleg severity that the slide advisory in the Toolface Rose is allowed to suggest for a slide. Does not function in No Mode.
Minimum slide length: Sets the minimum slide distance that the slide advisory in the Toolface Rose is allowed to suggest for a slide. This is to stop the slide advisory suggesting many tiny nudge slides. If the recommended slide is less than this minimum, the slide advisory will suggest rotating ahead instead. Does not function in No Mode.
Magnetic to gravity X/O: Sets the inclination crossover point between magnetic and gravity toolfaces. For wellbore inclinations below the value set here, toolfaces received over WITS will be interpreted as magnetic toolfaces. Inclinations above the value will be interpreted as gravity/highside toolfaces.
Aggressiveness: Aggressiveness is a coefficient that tells the slide advisory how strictly it should enforce limits and monitor the wellbores proximity to the plan. Value should be between 0 and 100. At high aggressiveness the slide advisory will react sooner, while at low aggressiveness it will allow the wellbore to stray closer to limits before it suggests a slide. Default value is 50. Does not function in Curve Mode or No Mode.
Projection distance 1: Sets the size of the first yellow extended bit projection in the Real Time Projection section. By default, this is +100ft beyond the bit projection, but the user can change the distance here. Does not function in Curve Mode or No Mode.
Projection distance 2: Sets the size of the second yellow extended bit projection in the Real Time Projection section. By default, this is +200ft beyond the bit projection, but the user can change the distance here. Does not function in Curve Mode or No Mode.
Stand length: Sets the length of a stand. This is to help the slide advisory work out how much distance it has to work with when suggesting a slide. Default value is 100 ft. Does not function in Curve Mode or No Mode.
Stand length curve: This setting is only utilized when in Curve Mode. This works the same as the Stand Length setting above but allows the user to set a different stand length for the curve section. This is in case the user wishes to take multiple surveys in a stand rather than at just stand down. Default value is 30ft.
Minimum C2C: Sets the minimum centre-to-centre distance allowed in the Real Time Anti-Collision section. A warning will be issued as this limit is approached.
Minimum C2C lease line: Sets the minimum centre-to-centre distance for lease lines allowed in the Real Time Anti-Collision section. A warning will be issued as this limit is approached.
Minimum separation factor: Sets the minimum separation factor (SF) allowed in the Real Time Anti-Collision section. A warning will be issued as this limit is approached.
Only available at actual well level. This option exports all the reporting data for the actual well to a .mdb file. This allows the user to import the reporting data into a different database or another actual well, using the Import Reporting Data option.
The AFE Designer can only be accessed via a plan, by right clicking on a planned well in the database tree and selecting AFE designer via the reporting submenu. This option will be greyed out when accessed from any other level in the database tree. See Section 15.0 – AFE Plan Designer.
Only available at actual well level. Imports a .mdb reporting file containing daily reporting data, created by the Export Reporting Data option. Note that this will overwrite all reporting data currently in the actual well.
Only available at actual well level. This option can be used to move all daily reporting data from one actual well to another. The destination actual well must be under the same well as the origin actual well. All reporting data in the origin actual well will be removed.
This option is available at any level in the database tree by right clicking on an item and selecting Reporting > Well Analytics. Alternatively, it can be opened by clicking on the Well Analytics icon ( ) on the Daily Reporting Toolbar. See Section 14.0 – Well Analytics.
The slide sheet dialog will only be available to the user when they are in a survey. When in a Plan or Actual Wellbore, the slide sheet option will be greyed out and the user will be unable to open this feature.
The slide sheet is designed to minimize repeated entry of data. Once the slide sheet has been filled in with drilling activity and parameters, the user can use the Get DDR from Run Sheet button in the Daily Reporting interface to automatically fill in their daily activities and drilling parameters sections. See section 13.4– Daily Reporting for more information.
The slide sheet can be set up to automatically fill itself in with sliding, rotation, and drilling parameters data from an incoming WITS or WITSML feed. Both raw and calculated surveys can also be received via WITS and WITSML. This data can be sent to the Directional Drillers Dashboard (see section 13.11 – Directional Drilling Dashboard), allowing the user to monitor drilling operations from one screen. This information can also be uploaded to a server, allowing for remote operation of directional drilling and surveying services.
Each BHA created in the Drill String Editor (see section 13.5 – Drill String Editor) will have a slide sheet associated with it. When in the slide sheet window, the BHA can be selected from the drop-down box at the top of the window. If no BHAs have been created for the actual well, there will be no slide sheets available to edit and the drop-down box will be empty.
The user should fill in the slide sheet by entering data into the Date, Start Time, End Time, Start, End, State and TF (Toolface) Type rows. The Target Toolface (TTF), Effective Toolface (ETF) Motor Yield (MY) and drilling parameters columns are optional. When selecting the state of each row, they will be highlighted as follows:
The Green Lines indicate slides using Magnetic Tool Faces
The Blue Lines indicate slides using Gravity Tool Faces
The White Lines indicate Rotation
The Slide Sheet toolbar contains the main functions used when operating the slide sheet. These functions can also be accessed from the menus at the top of the Slide Sheet.
Save: Saves any changes to the slide sheet.
Print Slide Report Excel/PDF: Prints the currently selected slide sheet in Excel or PDF format, with additional information and in a layout suitable for submission in a report.
Print Slide Report Field PDF: Prints a report similar to the slide report above, but has a few columns removed to make it more compact and easier to read.
Print RVDS Report: Print RVDS Report. This report is not part of the standard slide sheet and requires a separate license to access.
Print all Slide Sheets Excel/PDF: Prints slide reports for all BHAs in a single document in Excel or PDF format.
Print Slide Analysis Excel/PDF: Prints the slide analysis chart for every slide in the currently selected BHA, in a single Excel or PDF format document. For more information on the Slide Analysis tool see section 13.10.6 – Slide Sheet Tools Menu.
Auto Refresh Slide Sheet: If viewing the slide sheet on a remote server and receiving WITS data from a rig site, this option will refresh the slide sheet every few minutes with any new data. When toggled off, the only way to refresh the slide sheet is to close and reopen.
Auto Save Slide Sheet: Toggling this option on will cause the slide sheet to automatically save any changes every few minutes.
Exit: Closes the slide sheet window.
Undo: Undoes that last action.
Redo: Redoes the last undone action.
Slide Sheet Columns: Allows the user to toggle columns in the slide sheet on and off.
Slide Sheet Column Order: Opens the column order dialog, which allows the user to configure which columns appear in the slide sheet and in what order.
The user can enable/disable columns by checking the on/off checkbox beside each column name. The user can also enable and disable all columns by clicking on the check all and un-check all buttons. The order of the columns can be changed by selecting a column and clicking on the move up and move down buttons. The rest button will return the columns to their default configuration.
For a description of the available columns, see Appendix F: Slide Sheet Column Options.
Date Format: Allows the user to set how dates are displayed in the slide sheet. The available choices are DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY.
WITS Survey Options: Contains options that configure how the software handles surveys when receiving survey data over a WITS or WITSML connection.
Survey Type: User should select the type of survey that they want to receive from the WITS feed. Note that the rig may be transmitting only one type of survey, in which case the user must select the correct one for WITS surveys to work.
Inc and Azi (Calculated) – If selected, the user will not be able to run the Short Collar Correction feature of the software as this requires the raw values.
GxGyGzBxByBz (Raw) – If the user chooses to receive the WITS surveys as raw accelerometer (GxGyGz) and magnetometer (BxByBz) values then they will have the ability to run Short Collar Correction on the surveys.
Magnetic Units: If the user is receiving surveys in Raw format, they must specify the units of the magnetometer readings (Bx, By and Bz) that are being transmitted. This is not required if surveys are being received in Calculated format. The available units are:
Geolink / Tensor (mV)
nT (no XY inversion)
µT (XY Inversion)
Evo / Applied Physics
Accelerometer Units: If the user is receiving surveys in Raw format, they must specify the units of the accelerometer readings (Gx, Gy and Gz) that are being transmitted. This is not required if surveys are being received in Calculated format. The available units are:
Inverted Z axis
Survey QC Limits: Opens the raw survey QC limit dialog. If required, the industry standard default values can be edited here by the user. This only applies to raw surveys.
The tolerances entered here are the amount the calculated field strength (HL), dip and gravity field strength (G) can vary from their reference values before being marked as out of tolerance. The reference values are defined at actual well level (Section 8.6 – Level 6: Actual Well Level).
Auto Send Survey Email: When a WITS survey is received and accepted an email update will automatically be sent to the current distribution list defined in the Survey Email Update Template in the Tools menu. No dialog or outlook window will appear.
Auto Accept Surveys: When a WITS survey is detected at a depth deeper than the last entered survey, it will automatically be accepted and added to the survey listing without prompting the user. Note: this option should be used with caution.
Use Bit Depth as Survey Depth: If a new WITS survey is detected this option forces the survey depth to be set as the current bit depth. This option is useful for unmanned operations.
Include Bit Projection in Survey Email: When toggled on, this option will add a projection to bit in the Survey Email Update Template available from the Tools menu.
Attach Survey Listing to Email: When this option is toggled on, a survey listing in Excel format will be attached to the survey update email. This email can be configured with the Survey Update Email Template tool in the Tools menu.
Check for WITS Surveys: If this option is toggled off, Well Seeker will ignore any surveys transmitted from the rig via WITS.
Slide Record Input – CL: If this option is toggled on, the Course Length (CL) column is used to define the length of each slide and rotate. The End [Depth] column will be greyed out and is automatically calculated from the start depth and the course length.
Copy Drilling Params to New Line: If this option is toggled on, then whenever a new line is created, its drilling parameters columns will be automatically filled in by copying the parameters from the line above. These lines can be edited afterwards if required.
Auto Calculate ROP: If this option is toggled on the ROP column will be automatically calculated using the Start Time, End Time, Start and End columns. The values in the ROP column cannot be edited. ROP is calculated as follows:
Auto Populate Parameters: If this option is toggled on and Auto Populate Slide Sheet is activated, then the slide sheet will automatically fill in the drilling parameters columns with drilling parameter data received over WITS.
Auto Populate Slide Sheet: When WITS data is being received, if this option is selected, then the slide sheet will be automatically populated based on the operation (sliding or rotating). While this option is running, the below message will appear next to the BHA selection box:
While this option is enabled, the user will NOT be able to manually add or adjust anything on the slide sheet. If it is necessary to adjust the slide sheet for any reason, the user can turn off the auto populate option, by toggling the option off or clicking on the red circle in the toolbar. After making the appropriate adjustment the auto population can be turned on again.
NOTE: In order for the slide sheet to auto populate properly, the thresholds in the Rig States dialog must be correctly configured.
Record Connections Data: When receiving WITS data, if this option is toggled on, the Rig States dialog will record In Slips, Off Bottom and Survey times in the Timers section. This is required for the Connection Analysis tool in the Tools menu.
Show surveys on slide report: Adds a survey listing to the slide report when printed from the File menu.
Show phase on slide report: Adds the drilling phase to the Comments column in the slide report when printed from the File menu. The phase is set in the Daily Report activities section. See section – DDR Daily Activity for more information.
Show short survey on slide report: Adds compacted survey listing, which only contains depth, inclination, azimuth and DLS, to the slide report when printed from the File menu. This option is overridden by Show surveys on slide report.
Show reduced drilling params on slide report: Shows only WOB, RPM, flow, torque and ROP in the slide report when printed from the File menu.
Motor Yields: Opens the Motor Yield analysis dialog. This displays every survey taken and the corresponding slide length between the surveys. These can be broken down into Formation / Section Type / BHA. Each section has a detailed analysis of slide and rotation percentages, the High, Low, and average motor yield and the average rotary DLS and TF. The dialog can be printed to an Excel format report via the File menu.
Survey Update Email Template: Opens the Survey Update tool, which allows the user to quickly send an email updating clients or other personnel on the details of the latest survey.
The user can add recipients to the update email by entering their email address (e.g., email1@email.com) to the box at the top of the window and then clicking on the add button. Multiple addresses can be added by delimiting them with a comma (e.g., email1@email.com,email2@email.com) before clicking the add button. Addresses can be removed from the email by selecting them in the list and clicking on the delete button. Well Seeker will save all emails entered into the recipient list after the window is closed.
The email body contains the most recent survey along with the distance from plan, average motor yield and dogleg to land. The user can include a curve projection by clicking on the Include checkbox and then entering the TVD, Inc and Azi of their landing. In the Settings > WITS Survey Options menu there is also an option to include a projection to bit.
If the default email client on the user’s computer is Microsoft Outlook, then they can click on the send mail button to generate an email with the recipients, subject and email body set up as in the template. In the Settings > WITS Survey Options menu there is an option to include a survey listing as an attachment to the email. There I also an option to automatically send the email as soon as a survey is accepted.
RigStates: Opens the Rig States Settings dialog. The Rig States Settings is where the user configures how Well Seeker interprets incoming WITS data to decide what operation the rig is currently performing. It also allows the user to see what drilling parameter data is being sent through from WITS. Rig States will operate when:
The WITS Data Reader is running (and receiving real time data via WITS or WITSML), and
The Auto Populate Slide Sheet Option is selected from the Settings Menu
The Current Rig State section shows what activity Well Seeker thinks the rig is currently performing, based on the latest parameters received from WITS. These parameters can be seen in the Current WITS Data and Drilling Params sections. Well Seeker determines the current rig state by comparing the parameters to the thresholds as set by the user in the Thresholds section. The user will need to set these thresholds to the correct values for the rig they are on to make sure that Well Seeker correctly interprets the rig state.
Rig states logic is defined below.
Is the Bit on Bottom?
Hole depth – Bit Depth < On bottom threshold
If on bottom, are you drilling?
Pump Pressure > Threshold
WOB > Threshold
Hookload > Threshold
On bottom recorded when all 3 of the above are recorded = TRUE
If Drilling = TRUE, the logic is as follows:
If 10% of the values in the RPM buffer are < Rotating threshold then Sliding
If 10% of the values in the RPM buffer are > Rotating threshold then Rotating
The RPM Buffer section is used along with the RPM threshold value to determine if the string is rotating. The RPM buffer size sets how many of the most recent RPM values to keep in the buffer, and the RPM Buffer Threshold sets how many values in the buffer need to be above the RPM threshold before Well Seeker considers the string to be rotating.
The Timers section records the total amount of time that Well Seeker registers the pumps being on, the string being in slips, the string being off bottom, and the time taken surveying. For these last three timers, the option Record Connections Data in the Settings Menu needs to be turned on before they are recorded.
The Sliding TF section will display the latest tool face data if this is being transmitted over WITS.
The Simulator button opens the Rig States simulator. This can be used to generate a fake WITS feed for debugging and demonstration purposes. It should never be used during real drilling operations.
Real Time Gauges: Opens the real time gauges dashboard, where the user can view some of the data being received from the WITS feed. Note that these gauges will only operate when WITS data is being received.
The gauges can be customized by double left clicking on them individually. This opens the gauge settings dialog, and allows the user to select the following:
Minimum: Minimum range the gauge displays
Maximum: Maximum range the gauge displays
Label: The label which appears at the bottom of the gauge
Units: The units which the values on the gauge are referenced to
Mnemonic: The WITS input which is being displayed on the gauge
Note that when the Real Time Gauge dialog is closed, all the settings reset back to default and the user will need to make the necessary changes again.
Directional Drillers Dashboard: Opens the Directional Drillers Dashboard window. See section 13.11 – Directional Drilling Dashboard for more information.
Slide Analysis: Slide Analysis requires the Save Svy and TF Data function to be enabled in the WITS data reader. Before the Slide Analysis dialog can be opened, the user must select a slide by left clicking on one of the cells in the slide row.
The red line through the chart represents the Effective Toolface (ETF) for that slide, while the points represent the individual slide toolfaces recorded by WITS for the duration of that slide. The data can be exported to Excel by opening the File menu and selecting Export Data. The chart can be exported as an image by right clicking and selecting Export Dialog from the context menu. For more information on the context menu see section 6.8 – Context Menu.
Connection Analysis: The Connection Analysis chart requires the Record Connections Data option in the Settings menu to be toggled on whilst recording WITS data.
The Connections Analysis chart will display every connection recorded by WITS as a bar chart. Each connection will be coloured to show how much of the connection was spent reaming, taking a survey and performing the connection itself. The blue line represents the average time to make a connection. This chart can be used as a way of gauging which activities are taking the most time during connections, and therefore where timesaving improvements can be made.
The data can be exported to Excel by opening the File menu and selecting Export Data. The chart can be exported as an image by right clicking and selecting Export Dialog from the context menu. For more information on the context menu see section 6.8 – Context Menu.
Seriel/TCP WITS Comms: Opens the WITS reader. See section 13.10.7 – Serial/TCP WITS Data Reader for more information.
WITSML Comms: Opens the WITSML reader. See section 13.10.8 – WITSML Data Reader for more information.
Wireless WITS Comms: Opens the Wireless WITS reader. See section 13.10.9 – Wireless WITS for more information.
Cross Plot / Heat Map: Displays the Cross Plot window. The cross plot can be used to show how often two drilling parameters are recorded in the slide sheet. Green areas are values that record fewer times or not at all, while red areas are values used more often.
The available parameters are WOB, RPM and flow rate. The axis that these parameters are displayed on can be configured using the X Axis and Y Axis menus. The cross plot can be exported as an image by right clicking on it and selecting Export Dialog from the context menu. For more information on the context menu see section 6.8 – Context Menu.
Select Downlink: This is a legacy feature that has been replaced with the Send Downlink option described below.
Send Downlink: Opens the Downlink Control dialog window. See section 13.10.10 – Downlink Control.
View Downlink History: Opens the Downlink History dialog which displays a record of all downlinks sent using the Downlink Control dialog.
Round Depths: Rounds all start and end depths in the currently opened slide sheet to the nearest whole number.
Enable error logging: Toggling this option will create a file called rigStateLog.txt in the Debug folder in the Setup File directory. The Setup File directory can be opened via the Help menu in the main Well Seeker interface and selecting the option Open Setup File Folder. This file records a log of incoming drilling parameter data and will record any errors in the data feed.
Opens the WITS Reader Dialog. This option is used to configure Well Seeker to receive WITS data via a serial or ethernet cable. This allows the user to automate the slide sheet via the Rig States and Auto-Populate functions in the slide sheet. For this process to work correctly, it is important that the WITS mapping in Well Seeker matches the WITS mapping of the rig. See section 6.4.21 – WITS Mapping for more information on editing Well Seeker’s WITS mapping.
There are three types of connections available:
Serial WITS: If the user is receiving WITS via a serial cable, they should leave the UDP WITS and TCP WITS options in the Ethernet WITS Settings section unchecked. In the Serial WITS Settings section, they should select the comm port from the Comm Port drop-down box. This will not be populated until the serial cable is plugged into the computer via a serial-USB converter. The user also needs to enter the baud rate into the Baud Rate box. This should be provided by the people transmitting the WITS data.
UDP WITS: If the user is receiving UDP WITS via an ethernet cable, they should check the UDP WITS checkbox in the Ethernet WITS Settings. They should then enter the port number into the Port box. The port number should be provided by the people transmitting the WITS data.
TCP WITS: If the user is receiving UDP WITS via an ethernet cable, they should check the TCP WITS checkbox in the Ethernet WITS Settings. They should then enter the port number into the Port box and the IP Address into the IP Address box. The port number and IP address should be provided by the people transmitting the WITS data.
Once the user has configured their connection, they can start receiving data by clicking on the Start Reading button. Whilst the WITS feed is running, the user can see incoming data and any error messages in the WITS Data Stream section. The user can pause the data stream by checking the Pause Messages checkbox – the WITS feed will continue in the background. This allows the user to scroll through and read any messages. Once unchecked, all messages which were received during the paused interval will appear. The Stop Reading button will stop the WITS feed. Whilst the WITS feed is running, the status can be seen in the WITS Status section.
The Save Svy and TF Data checkbox will save the Survey and Toolface data to the database. You need this selected if you want to calculate slide grade and view the slide analysis data. Note that the slide sheet will populate without this option being checked; however, this must be selected if the user wants the data saved. The Well and Survey boxes show the well and slide sheet that this information is being saved to.
The Clear WITS Data button clears ALL WITS data stored in the database. The user may want to do this if they have WITS data from a previous well or the database size is getting too big. It should be noted that if the database reaches 1.5Gb in size, the WITS data will be deleted automatically.
The user can forward WITS data to a remote server, so that RTOC operators can receive slide information from the rig and monitor the well using the Directional Drilling Dashboard. To do this, the user needs to check the Send Data to Server checkbox on the Server Data Sync section. When this is activated, the user will start seeing status messages in the message box below. The IP address and port of the remote server will be displayed in the IP and Port boxes. These are set in the ICDS Server section in the Real Time Data Exchange. The well that the data is assigned to is set in the Select Well section in the Real Time Data Exchange. For more information, see section 6.4.15 – Real Time Data Exchange.
The Send Data Handshake option should only be checked if the user is running a Noralis MWD system and is receiving data from a Noralis WITS system.
WITSML is when rig data is uploaded to a server and then downloaded by users wishing to receive WITS data. To receive data this way, Well Seeker users should use the WITSML Data Reader instead of the Serial/TCP WITS Data Reader.
To use the WITSML Reader, the user needs valid login credential for the WITSML server. They should enter these into the Server URL, Username and Password boxes in the WITSML Server section. The user also needs to know the version of the server – either 1.3.1 or 1.4.1 – and select it from the dropdown box.
The Show/Hide checkbox will display or hide the password, while the Save password checkbox will remember the password so that it does not need to be entered every time the WITSML Reader is opened.
The user can check their credentials by cling the Test Connection button. A message will display in the Messages section indicating if the connection was successful or not.
Once the user is happy with their connection, the user can click on the Load Wells button to get a list of wells and logs stored on the data. The user can now select a log and a trajectory that they want to receive by clicking on them in the list. Note: Well Seeker uses time-based logs for its slide data, and trajectory logs for surveys. The user can also click on the Pull to file button to download all stored data from a selected well.
Once the user has selected their desired feeds, they need to map the WITSML mnemonics to the Well Seeker mnemonics in the Curve Mapping section. There is no industry standard set of WITSML mnemonics, so the user must set them manually. The Well Seeker internal mnemonics are listed on the right, with a column for the WITSML mnemonics on the left. Well Seeker will attempt to automatically match mnemonics that have the same name. The user should set the WITSML mnemonic by clicking on a row and selecting from the dropdown box.
Once the user has finished their mapping, they can start receiving data by clicking on the Start Reading button. The Selected Data section will update to display the selected well, wellbore, log, and trajectory. Whilst the WITS feed is running, the user will see values in the new Value column in the Curve Mapping section. They will also receive status and error messages in the Messages section.
The user can pause the data stream by checking the Pause Messages checkbox – the WITS feed will continue in the background. This allows the user to scroll through and read any messages. Once unchecked, all messages which were received during the paused interval will appear. The Stop Reading button will stop the WITS feed.
As with the Serial/TCP WITS Reader, the user can forward WITSML data to a remote server by checking the Send Data to Server checkbox. The server that the data is being sent to is set in the ICDS Server section in the Real Time Data Exchange. The well that the data is assigned to is set in the Select Well section in the Real Time Data Exchange. For more information, see section 6.4.15 – Real Time Data Exchange.
The Wireless WITS dialog allows to receive WITS data from a wireless WITS system, if one is available.
Note: All other WITS dialogs must be closed when the Wireless WITS is running.
The user should select a data source type from the Source drop-down box, and then enter the URL of the data source in the Server URL box. The user will be provided with credentials for the server which they should enter into the Username and Password boxes. They can check if their credentials are correct by clicking on the Test Connection button. The message box below will display a response from the server.
When the user clicks on Start Reading, Well Seeker will begin receiving data. Acknowledgement of incoming data packets will be displayed in the message box, and the Rig States dialog will begin populating with drilling parameters. The user can stop receiving data by clicking on the Stop Reading button. The Pause Messages button will prevent the dialog from receiving any new messages, but the data feed will continue in the background. Clear Messages will delete all messages in the message box and Write to File will create a text file containing all messages in the message box.
The user can forward WITS data to a remote server by checking the Send Data to Server checkbox. The server that the data is being sent to is set in the ICDS Server section in the Real Time Data Exchange. The well that the data is assigned to is set in the Select Well section in the Real Time Data Exchange. For more information, see section 6.4.15 – Real Time Data Exchange.
The Downlink Control dialog allows Well Seeker Pro to remotely send and monitor Rotary Steerable System (RSS) downlinks on a specified rig, utilizing the rig’s control system. Currently Well Seeker Pro can communicate with NOV’s DrillLink software and downlink by either the mud pumps, or top drive on rigs utilizing the Amphion and Cyberbase rig control systems.
The Downlink Control can connect to the RSS locally, by being physically connected to the rig network at the rig site. It can also connect remotely, sending commands via the internet. This requires the Innova Remote Client software and access to the Innova Cloud Portal API.
Connection: User should select their connection type from the drop-down box. Local connection should be used when at the rig site and the PC is physically connected to the rig network. Remote connection should be used when the user is connected to the rig network over the internet using the Innova Cloud Portal API and the Innova Remote Client installed on a PC at the rig site.
If local connection is selected the Drill Link section will look like the below screenshot:
IP Address: The IP address of the DrillLink device, or the hardware forwarding commands to DrillLink. This will be provided by the rig.
Port: The port of the DrillLink device, or the hardware forwarding commands to DrillLink. This will always be 8080.
Connect/Disconnect: After entering the IP address and port, the user can connect to the DrillLink device by clicking the Connect button. If successful, the connection status should turn green and change to ‘Connected’. The user can disconnect from the DrillLink device by clicking the Disconnect button.
Connection: Shows the status of the DrillLink connection. If successful, it will be green and display the message ‘Connected’.
Switch: Shows the status of the downlink control switch. This switch is operated by the driller at the rig site and gives them ultimate control over whether remote access to the DrillLink system is granted. The switch status must show ‘Enabled’ before any downlinks can be sent.
If remote connection is selected the Drill Link section will look like the below screenshot
Username/Password: User should enter the username and password for the Innova Cloud Portal API. These will be provided to the user’s company by Innova.
Get rigs: After entering the username and password, the user should click on the Get Rigs to populate the rig listing, displayed below:
Rig: Displays the names of the rigs connected to the Innova Cloud Portal API.
Online: Displays the status of each rig – red for offline, and green for online.
Select: The Downlink Control can only send commands to one rig at a time, so the user needs to select the rig that they want by clicking the checkbox next to their desired rig.
Connect/Disconnect: Once a username and password have been entered, and a rig has been selected in the rig listing, the user can connect to the DrillLink device by clicking the Connect button. If successful, the connection status should turn green and change to ‘Connected’. The user can disconnect from the DrillLink device by clicking the Disconnect button.
Connection: Shows the status of the DrillLink connection. If successful, it will be green and display the message ‘Connected’.
Switch: Shows the status of the downlink control switch. This switch is operated by the driller at the rig site and gives them ultimate control over whether remote access to the DrillLink system is granted. The switch status must show ‘Enabled’ before any downlinks can be sent.
Online: Shows the status of the selected rig in the rig listing. This must read ‘Yes’ before a downlink can be sent.
Channels: Before sending a downlink command, the user needs to map the top drive and each of the mud pumps to the correct channels. These must match up with the channel mapping at the rig site, so if unsure the user should verify with the rig.
Name: The name of the item being mapped to the channel. The user has the choice of Mud Pump (MP) #1 - #4, and the Top Drive.
Active: The user should ensure that all channels that will be used in downlink are selected as active. This is done by clicking in the checkboxes in the Active column.
RPM CH: Any channel mapped to the top drive must have the corresponding checkbox in the RPM CH column checked on.
Tool Type: User should select the model of the Rotary Steerable System (RSS) tool that they are sending the downlink to.
Software Version: User should select the software version installed on the RSS that they are sending the downlink to. The Tool Type needs to be selected before this drop-down is populated.
Tool Mode: User should select the tool mode set for the RSS that they are sending the downlink to. The Tool Type and Software Version need to be selected before this drop-down is populated.
Rotary DL: Certain tool type, software version and tool mode combinations will allow the user to toggle Rotary Downlink (DL) on. This means that the downlink will be sent using the top drive instead of the mud pumps.
Downlink: The drop-down box contains all available downlink commands for the RSS tool. The user should select the action that they wish the RSS to perform. The Downlink Parameters section will populate depending on the command selected.
Pump Strokes/Top Drive RPM Reduction: This drop-down box allows the user to set the percentage difference between the high pump rate and low pump rate when transmitting the downlink. This also applies to the high rpm and low rpm if Rotary DL is turned on.
Preview: Once the user has selected their downlink from the Downlink drop-down box, they can preview it by clicking on the Preview Button. This will display the selected downlink in the Downlink Sequence section.
Send: Once the Drill Link and Downlink Setup sections have been filled in, the user can click the Send button to send the selected downlink to the RSS tool.
Abort: Aborts transmission of the downlink sequence.
Elapsed Time: Records the time elapsed since the user started the downlink sequence by clicking on the Send button.
Average Flow: If Well Seeker is recording WITS or WITSML data from the rig, the current flow rate will be displayed here.
Average RPM: If Well Seeker is recording WITS or WITSML data from the rig, the current RPM will be displayed here.
The Downlink Sequence section consists of two parts – the Downlink Sequence Chart and the Downlink Sequence Table.
The Downlink Sequence Chart displays the elapsed time along the X-Axis and the pump flow rate along the Y-Axis. If Rotary DL is selected in the Downlink Setup section, then the Y-Axis will display the top drive RPM. The red line displays the selected downlink sequence. When the Send button is clicked, a green line will move across the chart, showing the progress of the downlink transmission. The elapsed time in seconds and minutes:seconds will also be displayed.
If Well Seeker is recording WITS or WITSML data from the rig, the rig flow rate will be recorded on the chart as a blue line. If Rotary DL is selected, this will show the top drive RPM.
The Downlink Sequence Table breaks down the selected downlink sequence into its constituent states, either Pumps Up/Pumps Down or RPM Up/RPM Down. The Time columns show the cumulative elapsed time of the sequence in minutes:seconds and seconds. When the Send button is clicked, the rows in the Table will be highlighted green as each part of the sequence is completed.
This option is available to select from all levels within the database structure. Here the user can enter the addresses of any company or location that are being shipped to/from over the course of a project. These addresses can then be used in the Daily Reporting package to generate a shipping ticket or a bid sheet. The addresses entered in the Shipping Address tool are applied to every operator in the database, so these addresses are available to select for any well within the database.
Only accessible at Operator level. The Bid Sheet tool allows the user to generate a quote for services to a client. If the bid is approved, the Bid Sheet tool can be used to quickly convert the quote into cost codes for an actual well.
The user can create a new bid sheet by clicking on the New Bid Sheet icon in the toolbar or selecting the Add option in the File menu. In the top section of the Bid Sheet dialog the user can select existing bids from the dropdown box. The box beside the dropdown box contains the date that the bid sheet was created. This can be edited if the user wishes. In the Description box the user should give the bid sheet a name. On the far right of the top section, the user can enter an expiry date for the bid.
In the Bid Categories section, the user can enter prices for the quote. In the Description field they should enter a name for each item. In the Cost Code field, they should give each item a unique code. The Cost field should contain the price for one unit of the item. In the Schedule field the user should choose how the item is charged from the dropdown box. For example, if the item is a day rate for DD services, the user should choose the DAY schedule. The items will appear as a price listing in the quote.
For each item entered in the Bid Categories section, the user can add additional costs or items in the Details section. These costs will be listed beneath each parent item in the price listing in the quote. If the item is included in the list of its parent, the user should select INCLUDED from the Cost Schedule dropdown. If the item has additional costs, the user should give it a Cost Code and a Cost for one unit.
In the Customer and Supplier Details sections, the user should pick the desired customer and supplier from the dropdown boxes. The information in the Customer Details and Supplier Details section is entered in the Shipping Addresses tool (see section 13.7 – Shipping Addresses)
In the Front Page Text section the user should write a cover letter for their quote. The signature for the Front Page Text will be taken from the Supplier Details. In the Notes section the user can add any additional information. This will appear below the price listing in the quote.
Once the above sections have been completed, the user can generate a quote in PDF format by clicking on the Print bid sheet icon on the toolbar or by opening the File menu and selecting Print.
If the bid is approved by the client, the user should enter the date it was approved in the Appr. Date box in the top section. The user approving the bid should also enter their name in the Approved By box. Note that if connected to a remote server database, the user must have Approver user permission set to do this – see section – User Permissions.
If the user has the Approver user permission set, they can also archive bids by clicking on the Archived checkbox. This will make the bid invisible to users on a remote server database that do not have Approver user permission. Archiving bids on a local database has no effect.
Once a bid has been approved by entering a name into the Approved By box, the cost codes in the Bid Categories and Details sections can be sent to a well as cost codes. The user should click on the Copy Bid to Cost Codes button on the toolbar or use the same option in the File menu. Well Seeker will ask the user which well under the current operator they would like to send them to. Any items in the Bid Categories and Details section with a Cost Code and a Cost entered will be added to that wells Cost Code table. See section 13.2 - Cost Codes for more information.
Save: Saves any changes made to the current bid sheet.
Print: Exports the current bid sheet to a PDF format report.
Add: Creates a new bid sheet.
Delete: Deletes the currently selected bid sheet.
Copy: Creates a duplicate of the currently selected bid sheet.
Copy to another operator: Duplicates the currently selected bid sheet to another operator selected by the user.
Copy bid to cost codes: Sends the costs in the Bid Categories and Details sections to the Cost Code table of a well under the current operator. A dialog box will appear that allows the user to select the destination well. This option is only available if a bid has been approved by entering a name into the Approved By box.
Exit: Closes the Bid Sheet dialog.
Archive Bid: Archives the currently selected bid. On a remote server database this makes the bid invisible to anybody that does not have Approver privileges.
Only available at actual well level. If a slide sheet is deleted or corrupted, it may be possible to recover it from the daily activities section of the daily report.
The user should select the BHA or BHAs that they wish to recover the slide sheets for, by checking the Recover checkbox beside their name and then clicking OK. Note that this will overwrite any existing data in the slide sheet and cannot be undone.
Well Seeker will look for rotary drilling and slide drilling activities that are assigned to the selected BHA in the daily report. It will then transfer the date, start time, end time, start depth and end depth of these activities to the slide sheet. It will also attempt to read the drilling parameters from the activity description and transfer them to the slide sheet. However, this will only work if the description is written in the below format, as if it had been imported using the Get DDR from Run Sheet button:
Only available at actual well level. This option opens the In Zone % Calculator, which lets the user calculate how much of their surveys lie within a defined tolerance zone around the desired well path.
The user should define the tolerance zone as follows:
Lateral start/end MD: The start and end point of the lateral zone.
TVD: The TVD of the lateral that the user desires to maintain.
Dip: The horizontal dip of the lateral.
Azimuth: The bearing of the lateral referenced to north.
Up/Down/Left/Right Tolerance: The distance above, below and to the left and right of the lateral to the edge of the tolerance zone.
Once the above values have been entered, the user can click on the calculate button to get the In Zone % result. Well Seeker compares the surveys in the wellbore to the tolerance zone and calculates what percentage of them lie inside it.
Tool Orders allows an organization to create, update and maintain oversight of all the tool requirements for upcoming and existing jobs. The Tool Orders will be managed from the server database, but local database users at the rig site can also create tool orders and push these back to the server for approval, should the requirement for more tools occur during an ongoing job.
The tool order dialog can be opened from two different locations within Well Seeker depending on whether the user is accessing a server or local database, and while the dialog layout is identical in both cases, the functionality varies slightly depending on how it is accessed.
This feature is designed to be primarily accessed via the server database as it allows coordinators to plan and monitor upcoming tool requirements.
When the user is logged onto a server database, from the main user interface, select Tools – Dashboards – Tool Orders Dashboard.
It is important to note that when accessing a local database, the Tool Orders Dashboard option will not be available in the dashboards list. This will only be an option when accessing a server database.
Accessing the tool order dialog from a local database is something that should only ever happen in the field, as this is where the field engineer will go to order additional tools.
In a local database, the tool order dialog is accessed via the tool inventory dialog. Tool inventories are associated with actual wells, so the user must first have a database structure in place with everything from Operator to Actual Well level.
The tool inventory is accessed by right clicking at actual well level in the database tree and selecting Reporting – Tool Inventory (below Left). Once the tool inventory dialog is open, the tool orders dialog can be accessed either via the file menu (File – Tool Orders) or via the shortcut toolbar button (below Right).
Unlike the tool order dashboard, the dialog can be accessed in this way on both the local and the server.
The tool order dialog is split into 4 main sections which are described below.
Save: Save the active document
Print Report Excel: Prints an excel report of the selected tool order which includes all the associated order details which have the print option selected
Print Report PDF: Prints a pdf report of the selected tool order which includes all the associated order details which have the print option selected
Email Report: Opens a Microsoft Outlook email with the tool order report attached
Exit: Closes the tool orders dialog
Create new Tool Order: Creates a new tool order in the tool orders section
Delete Selected Tool Order: Deletes the selected tool order
Duplicate selected Tool Order: Duplicates the selected tool order
Refresh Grid: Refreshes the data in the tool orders and orders details sections
Update Job Data: Updates the job data in the tool orders section
Select all Tools: Selects all the tools in the orders details section for any given tool order
Un-select Tools: Unselects all the tools in the orders details section for any given tool order
Approve Order: This option can only be used when a tool order has a status selected as Request from Rig. Once approved, the status automatically changes to Submitted.
Edit Dropdown Menus: Opens the Edit Drop Down Menu dialog. The options available in the menu relate to columns in the orders details section This dialog allows the user to select an option and then enter the required items that they want to be available when the user selects the appropriate cell in the orders details section. The user can enter as many items as required. It should be noted that this option is only relevant when accessing a server database and should not be used in a local database.
The filters section allows the user to search and filter the data in the tool orders section of the dialog.
In addition to the search cell, there are 6 dropdown options which filter the following columns (left to right):
Status Column
Rig Column
Operator Column
Needed In Column
DD Coordinator Column
MWD Coordinator Column
The tools orders section is where the user enters the top-level order information. Each tool order can have multiple tools associated with it, which are all listed in the orders details section.
Operator: The name of the Operator. This can initially be filled in manually by the user; however, once the job number has been added to the well data and personnel section of a daily report, Well Seeker will automatically pull the Operator’s name into this cell, over writing anything that has been previously entered.
Job#: The job number. This is a very important cell as the job number is what links the tools orders to the jobs in the database tree. When the same job number is entered in the well data and personnel section of a daily report, several of the cells in this section will populate automatically.
Hole Size: The hole size
Well: The well name. This can initially be filled in manually by the user; however, once the job number has been added to the well data and personnel section of a daily report, Well Seeker will automatically pull the well name into this cell, over writing anything that has been previously entered.
State: The State. This cell should initially be left blank and will automatically populate once the job number has been added to the well data and personnel section of a daily report. Note: No manually typed data will save in this cell.
County: The County. This cell should initially be left blank and will automatically populate once the job number has been added to the well data and personnel section of a daily report. Note: No manually typed data will save in this cell.
Rig: The Rig. This cell should initially be left blank and will automatically populate once the job number has been added to the well data and personnel section of a daily report. Note: No manually typed data will save in this cell.
Mud Type: The Mud Type.
Mud Weight: The Mud Weight.
Min Temp: The expected minimum downhole temperature
Max Temp: The expected maximum downhole temperature
Status: A drop down menu offers the following options: Draft, Submitted, In Progress, Complete, Shipped & Requested from Rig. When Request from Rig is selected, the line will be highlighted in blue, and the dropdown menu will no longer be available to select from. At this point, the only way to change the status is to select Approve Order from the Tools Menu.
Date Needed: The date the tools are required.
Needed In: This cell populates automatically and displays the number of days until the tools are required. For 0-6 days the cell will be highlighted red, 7-30 days the cell will be highlighted orange and >30days the cell will be highlighted green.
Created By: The name of the person who created the tool order. This will be automatically populated based on the user credentials used when logging onto the server database.
Created Date: Automatically populated with the date the tool order was created.
Modified By: The name of the last person who modified the tool order. This will be automatically populated based on the user credentials used when logging onto the server database.
Modified Date: Automatically populated with the date the tool order was last modified.
Comments: General Comments
Motor Comments: Comments related to any motors on order
Tool Comments: Comments related to any tool that is not a motor.
DP CNX: Drill pipe connection. This is a drop-down menu which lists the menu items entered in the Connections section of the edit drop down menus dialog.
DD Coordinator: The DD Coordinator. This is a drop-down menu which lists all the DD Coordinators entered in the Personnel Details dialog.
MWD Coordinator: The MWD Coordinator. This is a drop-down menu which lists all the MWD Coordinators entered in the Personnel Details dialog.
The orders details section is where the user can enter all the tools required for any given tool order.
Description: Description of the tool
Tool Type: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list.
Quantity: Number of tools
OD: Outside Diameter of tool
ID: Inside Diameter of tool
Length: Length of tool
Top Cnx: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list.
Btm Cnx: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list.
Vendor: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list.
Lobe: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Stage: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Housing: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Rubber: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Rotor: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Bearing: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Bend Angle: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Bit 2 Bend: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list.
Stab OD: Outside Diameter of the stabilizer
BF Float: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Fit: Motor fit. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Temp Range: Tool Operating temperature range. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Serial#: Tool Serial Number. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
TH Hill: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Dyno: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Alt Vendor: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Comments: Relevant comments
Print: This selection determines which order details will be included in the report when it is printed.
The Tool Orders dialog works differently depending on whether it is accessed on a remote server database or on a local database. When accessed on a remote server database, the Tool Orders dialog is designed to be used by a coordinator to monitor and update tool requirements for multiple jobs. When accessed on a local database, the Tool Orders dialog is designed for an operator in the field to make requests for tools and push them back to the server for approval.
The procedure for creating and modifying tool orders differs slightly between a server and a local database, and is described in the sections below.
The below steps assume that the user already has a Well Seeker Pro remote server database:
The user should log on to their remote database and access the Tool Order dialog as described in section – Server Database Access.
3. Input details for each of the tool order detail types in the Select menu option dropdown list. This will form the basis of what tool configurations the user can specifically ask for when using the Tool Orders dialog. This can be edited later if required. When the user has filled in all the relevant options, select Apply and then close the dialog.
5. Fill in the relevant details in the Tool Orders table:
If the tool order is for a job that has no daily reporting data yet, such as an upcoming job, then the user would input the Operator, Job # and Well information and leave the Hole Size, State, County, Rig, Mud Type, Mud Weight, Min Temp and Max Temp inputs blank.
If the tool order is for an existing job which has daily reporting data input within the database, the user would enter the Job # only and the rest of the cells will populate based upon the daily reporting data.
Update the Date Needed cell. This defaults to the date the tool order was created.
Input any additional information in the remaining cells.
At any stage a tool order can be printed or attached to an email. Firstly select the tool order from the Tool Order table. In the Order Details table, check the Print cell for any row that you wish to be included in the printed report.
A tool orders status can be updated from the Status dropdown menu as the tool order progresses through its work cycle.
6. Fill in the relevant details in the Order Details table. Some cells will be manually input, others will be selectable from the dropdown menu, the choices of which the user has set up previously. More than one row for multiple tools may be input in this section.
7. The Tool Order has been completed. By default, the tool order status is Draft. This should be changed to Submitted when the details are finalized. The status can be updated sequentially as the tool order is In Progress, Shipped and Complete.
8. At any stage a tool order can be printed or attached to an email. Firstly select the tool order from the Tool Order table. In the Order Details table, check the Print cell for any row that you wish to be included in the printed report.
10. A tool orders status can be updated from the Status dropdown menu as the tool order progresses through its work cycle.
The below steps assume that the user already has a Well Seeker Pro local database, populated with an actual wellbore:
In a local database, the user should access the Tool Order dialog via the Tool Inventory of the desired actual well, as described in section – Local Database Access.
When the dialog opens it checks the IP and Port values entered in the Real Time Data Exchange dialog. If these are correct, then the dropdown menu options for the Order Details cells will be populated from the information on the server database.
3. Create the tool order and order details as described above for the server database procedure. Any tool orders created on the local database will automatically be given the status of Request from rig.
The Tool Orders dialog will open. Prior to the first use of the Tool Orders, it is recommended that the user input all the of the available tool order options that users will be able to select when creating a tool order in future. Select either Tools > Edit drop down menus or the icon from the toolbar.
4. To add a new Tool Order, select Tools > Create new tool order or select the icon from the toolbar. This will create a new row in the Tool Orders table.
Any tool orders with the status of Request from rig are a tool order that has been pushed from a local database to the server database. A user on the server can the approve this request for tools by selecting the tool order in question and selecting Tools > Approve order, or select the icon on the toolbar. This will change the status from Request from rig to Submitted.
9. Any tool orders with the status of Request from rig are a tool order that has been pushed from a local database to the server database. A user on the server can the approve this request for tools by selecting the tool order in question and selecting Tools > Approve order, or select the icon on the toolbar. This will change the status from Request from rig to Submitted.
4. To send this tool order request back to the server database, select the icon, or select Tools > Send order to server. The tool order can then be approved by the administrators from the server database and acted upon.