A guide to the Analytics module in Well Seeker Pro
The purpose of this document is to introduce the user to the Well Analytics module features within Well Seeker Pro. It has been assumed that the user has already installed Well Seeker Pro, has a valid license that gives them access to the Well Analytics features and has a database structure in place ranging from Operator to Actual Well level.
The Well Analytics tool allows the user to search through their database and select wells based on various search criteria. The user can then plot these wells on google maps in the Maps tab or compare them using several KPI metrics. This tool is most powerful when combined with the Reporting license feature.
On the left of the Well Analytics window is the database tree. This tree contains every actual well and well plan in the database. Clicking on the check box beside each well enables them to be included in the Map and KPI tab. The user can select these wells manually or using the filtering tools in the Search tab.
The workflow for the Well Analytics tool follows the sequence below:
Activate one or more search fields in the Search Tab by clicking on the checkbox beside each one.
For each field, pick an option from the drop-down box.
Click on the Search button. Any wells that match the search criteria will be displayed in the Wells section at the bottom of the window. The user can also check the Ignore Offsets option. This filters out any wells without daily reporting data.
When the user is happy with the search results, they can click on the Select Wells button to select them in the database tree. The user can manually add or remove wells by clicking on them in the database tree.
Wells selected in the database tree can then be displayed in the Map tab, used to generate KPI charts in the KPI Tab or used to generate reports in the KPI Reports menu.
Details for the tabs and menus are shown in the following sections:
The search tab contains several options which can be used to quickly filter through the data in the database tree to find the relevant information. Each field must be activated using the checkbox to its right.
Operator: Allows the user to filter their search for a given operator.
Date Range: Allows the user to filter their search based on start and end dates. The start and end dates which Well Seeker searches for are the ones associated with the daily reports for each individual well.
Distance from Well: Enter a decimal latitude and longitude into the Lat and Long boxes, and then a radius into the Dist box. Well Seeker will include any wells in the database which are the radius entered. The user can also select a well from the dropdown boxes – this will populate the Lat and Long boxes with the surface location of the selected well.
Drilling Parameters: Allows the user to search for wells that contain the entered drilling parameter. Currently only RPM is available.
Formation: Allows the user to filter their search for wells that are targeting a selected formation. The formation which Well Seeker searches for is the one entered in the Well Data & Personnel dialog in the daily report.
Assembly Type: Allows the user to filter their search for wells with the selected BHA type. Options available from the drop-down menu are Motor, RSS and Rotary. A BHA is defined as a Motor or RSS BHA if there is a motor or RSS present for the BHA in the Drill String Editor. A BHA can then be assigned to a well in the Daily Activity section of the Daily Report.
Failure: Allows the user to filter their search for wells which had a BHA failure. The failure type can be MWD, Motor or Any. Whether or not a BHA failed is defined in the Performance.
State: Allows the user to filter their search for wells in the selected US state. The state is assigned in the Well Data & Personnel dialog in the daily report.
Job Number: Filter the search using job number. The job number is assigned in the Well Data & Personnel dialog in the daily report.
Directional Company: Filter the search using the directional company. The directional company is assigned in the Well Data & Personnel dialog in the daily report.
Well Status: Filter the search using the well status. The well status is assigned on the main userinterface in the Daily Reports window.
Rig: Filter the search using the rig used to drill the well. The rig for a well is defined by the selection in the Well Data & Personnel dialog in the daily report.
Motor SN: Filter the search for a particular mud motor serial number. The mud motor serial number is defined by the SN of the motor in the Drill String Editor.
County: Filter the search using the county. The county that a well is in is defined by the selection in the Well Data & Personnel dialog in the daily report.
Motor Make: Filter the search using the motor make. The motor make is taken from the motor component details in the Drill String Editor.
Bit Make: Filter the search using the bit make. The bit make is taken from the motor component details in the Drill String Editor.
LIH (Lost in Hole): Allows the user to filter their search for failures that resulted in a BHA being lost in hole. For a BHA to be flagged as LIH, the LIH checkbox must be checked in the Failure Information section of the Performance Report.
Hole Size: Allows the user to filter their search for wells that drilled a section with the selected hole size. The hole size is set by the OD of the bit in the Drill String Editor.
Motor Config: Allows the user to search by the selected motor lobes and stages. These are set in the Component Properties section for the motor in the Drill String Editor.
Serial Number: Allows the user to search for wells containing tools with the matching serial number. The serial number is set in the Component Properties section for any tool in the Drill String Editor. Serial numbers entered in the Tool Inventory do not count.
Incidents/Failures: Searches for wells that have the Failed option checked in the Performance Report in the Drill String Editor. If CLOSED is selected in the drop-down box, then the results will only show wells where the Closed option has been checked in the Performance Report. If OPEN is selected then the results will only show wells where the Closed option has NOT been checked.
Chargeback: Searches for wells that have any text entered in the Chargeback section in the Performance Report in the Drill String Editor.
Once the desired filters have been selected, the user can then choose from one of the following options:
Search: Any well that matches all the filters will appear in the Wells section below.
Clear Results: Clears all wells from the Wells section.
Reset Filters: Clears all search filters.
Select Wells: All wells currently in the Wells section, and set as included, will be selected in the Database Tree, allowing them to be used in the Maps and KPI tab.
Deselect Wells: Clears the selections made in the Database Tree.
Check All: Toggles the Include column on for all wells in the Wells section. Wells with Include toggled off will not be selected when the Select Wells button is clicked.
Uncheck all: Toggles the Include column off for all wells in the Wells section. Wells with Include toggled off will not be selected when the Select Wells button is clicked.
Open Job: Selecting a well in the Wells section and then clicking Open Job will close the Analytics window and open the well in the main database tree.
Map Options:
Well Paths: Displays the well path of selected wells on the map tab. Note that this will always show the surveys but will only show the plans if the Show planned well paths option is selected as well.
Lease Lines: If any of the selected wells have lease lines associated with them, selecting this option will display them on the map.
Well Names: Displays the well names of selected wells on the map. Note, the names will display at the wellhead.
Planned wells: Displays the well paths of selected plans on the map, so long as Show well paths on map is selected.
Database QC Report
Clicking on the Print button in the Database QC Report section will generate an Excel spreadsheet that contains statistics for all wells selected in the Database Tree. The QC report contains the following information:
Actual / Planned Well Name
CRS / Map Grid
Well Latitude (Decimal)
Well Longitude (Decimal)
Well Latitude (DD MM SS)
Well Longitude (DD MM SS)
Well Grid North
Well Grid East
BHL (Bottom Hole Location) Latitude (Decimal)
BHL Longitude (Decimal)
BHL Latitude (DD MM SS)
BHL Longitude (DD MM SS)BHL Grid North
BHL Grid East
Depth Datum
Datum Elevation
System Datum
System Datum Elevation
North Reference
Local Co-ordinate Reference
Vertical Section Azimuth
The Map tab displays the selected wells on Google Maps. Surveys are displayed in Blue and Well Plans are displayed in Green. Note that Google Maps references the WGS 84 Mercator projection, so any wells referenced to a CRS which does not use this projection, may be offset slightly on the map.
How the wells are displayed on the map can be customised using options found on the Search tab (see previous section).
The KPI tab allows the user to quickly generate a variety of KPI charts for the selected wells. The data used to generate these charts is taken from the daily reports and BHA’s associated with each of these wells.
Generate KPI: Generates all the KPI charts for the selected wells.
Export: Creates an excel document containing the data used to generate the currently selected chart
White Chart: Changes the background of the charts from black to white.
Sanitised: Instantly sanitises the names displayed along the X axis of the charts.
Short Names: Shortens names in the X axis be removing the rig name.
Sort Data: Sorts the data in the chart so that the smallest value is on the left and the largest on the right.
Select KPI: This dropdown menu allows the user to select from the following list of KPI charts:
Slide & Rotation Footage
Depth V Time
Failure Analysis
Directional Cost Per Foot
Well Cost Per Foot
BHA Details
Detailed Cost Breakdown
Wells by Formation
Activity Comparison
Wells by Rig
Parameter Comparison
Average Interval Cost by Quarter
Footage per Day by Operator
Wells by Directional Company
Wells by Motor Make
Wells by Bit Make
ROP & Footage by Formation
ROP & Footage by Directional Company
ROP & Footage by Motor Make
ROP & Footage by Bit Make
ROP & Footage by Hole Size
Phase Comparison
ROP & Footage by Rig
Well / Section Performance
Driller Performance
Footage per Day by Rig
Phase: When in the appropriate KPI chart, the user can select to either view the Well data or any one of the available Phases from this dropdown menu.
Motor KPI: Once a search has been completed this button may be selected. Creates an excel motor KPI report, containing statistics for all motors used in the filtered wells that appear in the Wells section.
Motor KPI Summary: Once a search has been completed this button may be selected. Creates an excel motor KPI report for the filtered wells that appear in the Wells section. This is like the Motor KPI report but instead of listing individual motors is summarises them by manufacturer, size and state.
MWD KPI: Once a search has been completed this button may be selected. Creates an excel MWD KPI report, containing statistics for all MWD tools used in the filtered wells that appear in the Wells section.
Section KPI: Once a search has been completed this button may be selected. Creates an excel report containing statistics for each drilling phase in the filtered wells that appear in the Wells section.
Revenue Report: Only functions when a Date Range filter has been applied in the Search tab. This report lists every job running on each day inside the date range, along with the total revenue and number of rigs for each day.
Rig Days Report: Only functions when a Date Range filter has been applied in the Search tab. This report lists every job running on each day inside the date range, along with the number of rigs, the 30-day average rigs and the 10-day average rigs for each day.
Personnel Report: Only functions when a Date Range filter has been applied in the Search tab. Creates an excel personnel report for all wells within the date range. This lists all personnel in the database and shows the days that they worked within the set date range.
Rig Days Chart: Displays a chart generated using data from the Rig Days Report.
Revenue Chart: Displays a chart generated using data from the Revenue Report.
Well Ranking: Generates a Well Ranking report from the filtered wells that appear in the Wells section. This report shows which out of the selected wells performed the best in several different categories, as well as an overall score between 0 and 1 based on the performance of each well over all categories.
Well Ranking Weights: Allows the user to set how much each category affects the overall score of a well in the Well Ranking report. The user should enter a value between 0 and 1 in the Weight column. The user can also exclude a category from affecting the overall score entirely by unchecking the checkbox in the Included column.
Drill Records: This option is only available when connected to a remote server database. Opens the Drilling Records dialog, which allows the user to create a report containing rankings of the wells that have performed best in selected KPIs.
The user should choose the report format (Excel or PDF) from the Report Type drop-down. The number in the # Results box sets how many results are in each ranking – for example a value of 5 will mean each ranking lists the top 5 wells.
The user should select the KPIs that they want to create rankings for in the KPI column. Currently there are four KPIs to choose from – fastest section, fastest ROP, longest section, and max footage per day. The user can optionally limit each ranking to a single phase and/or hole size if they wish, by choosing a value from the dropdowns in the Phase and Hole Size columns.
Checking the Inc Non Drlg Hrs checkbox will factor non-drilling hours into the rankings. The Active column can be toggled off to disable a ranking and remove it from the report.
Once the user is happy with their setup, they can generate the report by clicking on the Create button.
Get well list from search grid: If this option is toggled on, reports generated from the KPI Reports Menu will be populated with wells in the Wells section. If it is toggled off, the reports will be populated by the wells that have been selected in the Database Tree.
The context menu is available in every plot by right clicking anywhere on the plot. This allows the user to change certain aspects of the plot based on their requirements. The contents of the menu will vary depending upon the chart selected.
Viewing Style – Allows the user to select the desired Chart style
Border Style – Allows the user to select the desired Border style of the chart
Font Size – Allows the user to select the desired font size, which will affect all fonts on the chart including title and axis labels. Large, Medium or Small
Show Legend – Allows the user to toggle the chart legend on and off
Legend Style – Allows the user to select the Legend style. There are 6 options, including Hide Legend
Numeric Precision – Allows the user to select the number of decimal places the numbers in the plots are referenced to. Zero to 3 d.p
Plotting Method – Allows the user to select the way the line is plotted: Point, Line, Bar, Points + Line, Spline Area
Data Shadows – Allows the user to select between off, shadow and 3D
Gradient Styles – Allows the user to select the gradient graphic on a pie chart
Data Labels as – Allows the user to select the labels as a percentage or as the actual value
Group Percentages – User can select the percentage threshold below which a segment in a pie chart will be grouped as other
Grid Options – Allows the user to change the grid options in the chart
Graph and/or Table – Allows the user to view the chart only, table only or both at the same time
Point Label Orientation – Allows the user to select the orientation of the X axis series labels
Include Data Labels – Allows the user to add data labels to the chart
Mark Data Points – Adds the data points relating to the data labels
Undo Zoom – Resets the zoom on the chart. Pressing the Z button has the same effect
Customization Dialog – Opens a dialog that allows the user to chart titles, axis min and max values, fonts, line colour and styles
Maximise – Maximises the chart to fill the screen. Escape button exits this view
Export Dialog – Allows the user to Export the chart using multiple image formats: EMF, WMF, BMP, JPG and PNG. The user has 3 options:
Clipboard: exports directly to clipboard, allowing images to be quickly added to word, excel & PowerPoint documents
File: Creates an image file of the chart which can be used on its own or imported into any suitable document
Printer: Sends the chart to the printer
The user can also choose the relevant Width, Pixels and DPI to use for the export. For Clipboard and File options, Pixels is the only available selection. When Printer is selected, the Millimeters, Inches and Points options become available to select.
X Axis on Top – Moves the labelled X axis from the bottom to the top
Y Axis on Top – Moves the labelled Y axis from the left to the right
Additional X Axis – Adds an additional labelled X axis
Additional Y axis – Adds an additional labelled Y axis
Print current chart Excel/PDF: Prints the last viewed KPI chart as an image in an Excel or PDF document.
Print all charts Excel/PDF: Export all KPI charts as images in a single Excel or PDF document,
Export all chart data: Exports all KPI charts as data tables in an Excel document.
Exit: Close the Well Analytics window.
Expand All: Expands the Database Tree to show every well in the database.
Collapse All: Collapses the Database Tree so that no wells are visible.
Hide Tree: Removes the Database Tree section from the Analytics window so that the user can view the map and the KPI charts easier. Click on Hide Tree again to bring the Database Tree back.
Select Wells: All wells currently in the Wells section, and set as included, will be selected in the Database Tree, allowing them to be used in the Maps and KPI tab.
Deselect Wells: Clears the selections made in the Database Tree.
Search: Any well that matches all the filters will appear in the Wells section.
Clear Results: Clears all wells from the Wells section.
Reset Filters: Clears all search filters.
Remove Flat Time at Start: Removes any time when there is no change in depth at the start of the Depth V Days KPI chart. The Generate KPI button needs to be clicked before any changes are applied.
Remove all flat time: Removes any time when there is no change in depth at any point in the Depth V Days KPI chart. The Generate KPI button needs to be clicked before any changes are applied.