The inventory page catalogues all the organization’s drill string components that are at the rig site for the selected well. Tools added to the Inventory page can be included in BHAs in the Drill String page, allowing for drilling and circulating hours to be tracked in the Inventory page. Tools added to the Inventory page can also be tracked in the Logistics page.
The Inventory page is split into two sections, the Chart at the top, and the Grid at the bottom. Click on the icon in the bottom right of the page to open the edit menu, which has the following functions:
Refresh: Refreshes all data on the page.
Click on the check boxes to select the items that you wish to import, and then click on the Import Tools button.
The bottom half of the Inventory page contains the Inventory Grid, where the tools at the rig site are listed.
A new tool can be added by entering the Serial number, Description and Tool Type in the row at the bottom of the Daily Activity grid. The start time entered must match with the end time of the most recent activity.
Once a new activity has been entered, the user should fill in the remaining fields in the row. Fields can be edited by double clicking, unless otherwise specified, and serve the following functions:
SN: The serial number for the tool.
Description: A descriptive name for the tool.
Tool Type: Select the tool type from the drop-down box. The Tool Type is used to categorise the tool for tracking in the inventory chart, the drill string and logistics. If the tool is pulled from the inventory into the BHA on the Drill String page, the Tool Type dictates what component properties are available.
OD: The outer diameter of the tool.
ID: The inner diameter of the tool.
Length: The length of the tool.
Cnx Top/Cnx Bottom: The connection type and size for the pin and box ends of the tool. Double click to open a dropdown box.
Basket: The shipping basket that the tool was delivered in.
Location: Location of the tool at the rig site, if available.
Weight: The weight of the tool.
Date On Location: The date that the tool arrived at the rig site.
Date Off Location: The date the tool left the rig site. Leave blank if the tool is still on site.
On Location: Cannot be edited. If todays date is between the Date On Location and the Date Off Location, the tool will be check as On Location. On Location tools will appear in the inventory chart above, in the Logistics page and will be available for use in the Drill String page.
Failed: Toggle on if this tool has experienced a failure of some kind. This will prevent it from being used in a drill string.
Ready For Backload: Toggle this on if the tool is ready to be shipped from the rig site. This will prevent it from being used in a drill string.
In Hole: Cannot be edited. If the tool has been used in a BHA in the Drill String page, and the BHA is in the hole in the Daily Reports page, the tool will be marked as In Hole here.
Comments: Any additional comments.
Make: The manufacturer of the tool.
Model: The tool model.
Dirty: If the tool has any Total D&C hours recorded, it will be marked as dirty.
Previous D&C Hours: If the tool has come from another well without being checked at the workshop, the downhole hours accrued by the tool at that well should be included here.
Total D&C Hours: Cannot be edited. If the tool has been used in a BHA in the Drill String page, and that BHA has been used for drilling in the Daily Reports page, the drilling and circulating hours will be recorded here. Any time entered into the Previous D&C Hours field will also be added.
The top of the page displays the Inventory Chart. The X-axis of the chart displays each tool type present at the rig site, as selected in the Tool Type column in the Inventory Grid. The Y-axis displays the number of each tool type on site.
Tools are coloured to show if they have been marked as clean (green), dirty (orange) or failed (red) in the Inventory grid. The user can hover over each bar to see a numerical breakdown.
Export to XLSX: Prints the inventory in an Excel format report.
PDF: Prints the inventory in a PDF format report.
Hide Charts: Toggles the display of the chart at the top of the page.
Get Oasis Tools/Get SureShop Tools: Allows the user to import assets, from an associated Oasis or SureShop third party database, into their inventory. Before this feature can be used, credentials need to be set up in Section 11.13 - Third Party Apps.
An existing tool can be deleted by clicking on the icon to the left of the row.