A guide to the Engineering section within the Innova Web Portal.
The Engineering Dashboard is a new feature in the Innova Web Portal that allows the user to run torque & drag and hydraulics calculations against the wells stored on any relevant server database.
This document will guide the user through setting up an engineering case for their well, running the calculation and viewing the results. The user should follow the below chapters in order.
Before using the Engineering Dashboard, make sure that the correct well has been selected. The currently selected well is displayed in the top left of the portal.
Select a well by clicking on its name in the Wells List page. Or by clicking on the Select Well option in the top right corner.
The units used for inputs and outputs in the Engineering Dashboard are governed by the user’s currently selected Unit Set. Unit sets can be changed by opening the User Profile Menu in the top right of the page and then selecting Change Units.
Once a well has been selected, the Engineering Dashboard is then available to select from the Well Views section located down the left hand side of the portal. If the Engineering Dashboard is not showing in the list the user should check with their system admin to make sure they have access to this feature with their login credentials.
Inputs for the Engineering model are entered in the Input Parameters section on the left and the Input Tables section at the bottom of the page Engineering Dashboard page.
Before entering any inputs, the user should first create or select an Engineering case in the Case Details section. Once a case has been created or selected, all the input options will then be available to populate.
Different Engineering setups for each well are stored in the Innova Portal as cases. Before any inputs are entered, a case needs to be created or selected in the Selected Case field.
After a case has been created / selected, the other inputs can be entered.
Active: Toggling this on marks the currently selected case as the active case. Each time the Engineering Dashboard is opened for a given well, it will default to the active case; however, the user can still select and edit other cases which are not active.
Calculation Depth: This is the depth at which the calculation will be run and the depth at which snap shot calculations will be performed. This depth must be within the range of the surveys for the well.
After the case has been set up, the user can begin entering parameters into each of the sections below the Case Details. Note that initially when no cases have been created, none of these input parameters will be displayed. At least one case has to be created before these options appear in the list.
Depending on the results that interest you, not all of the input parameters are necessary to fill in.
ROP: Rate of penetration. This is used to calculate the cuttings loaded (Dirty) ECD’s, other hole cleaning parameters, and is part of the casing wear calculation.
RPM: The rotational speed of the drill string at surface. Affects standpipe pressure results, reaming hookloads and reaming torques.
WOB: The weight on bit while rotary drilling.
WOB – Slide: The weight on bit when sliding.
The inputs available in this section depend on the hydraulics model selected in the Hydraulics section (2.2.3 – Hydraulics). If Bingham Plastic is selected, only the Mud Weight, PV, and YP will be available to enter. If any other model is selected, the Mud Rheology fields will also be available.
Description: Enter a descriptive name for the drilling fluid used in the case.
Mud Weight: The density of the drilling mud.
PV: Mud plastic viscosity. Only used if Bingham plastic hydraulics model is selected.
YP: Mud yield point. Only used if Bingham Plastic hydraulics model is selected.
Mud Rheology: The Fann dial readings of the drilling fluid (600, 300, 200, 100, 6, 3) are used for all hydraulics models except Bingham Plastic.
Model: Choose between Bingham Plastic, Power Law, Herschel Bulkley or Robertson Stiff. Bingham plastic uses PV, YP and mud weight, while all other models use Mud Rheology and Mud Weight.
Surface Pressure Loss: The pressure loss through the surface equipment. This value is added to the total standpipe pressure calculated by the model.
Surge & Swab Type: Specifies if the surge and swab calculation to be carried out is Open or Closed Ended.
Surge & Swab Ref: The location in the well bore where the surge / swab results will be calculated. Select from the drop down box:
Bit – Bit depth. Uses the Calculation Depth from the Case Details section.
Shoe – Uses the shoe depth of the deepest casing, taken from the Wellbore table.
Bottom Hole – Uses the deepest survey in the Surveys table.
User Defined – Enables the Reference Depth field where the user can enter a custom reference point.
Continuous Circulation: Used to model coiled tubing. Assumes circulation while tripping, this means that swab effects will be less and surge effects will be more depending on flow rate. The first flow rate in the Flow Rates table is used to determine the annular velocity generated by the circulating fluid.
Continuous Tripping: This option assumes continuous tripping, and as a result will only calculate one acceleration phase (on the first stand length) and one deceleration phase (on the last stand length). This option is best used to model coiled tubing.
Include Gels: Include the additional pressure required to break down the gels. This is normally fairly small.
Include Pipe Acceleration: This option allows the user to include or exclude pipe acceleration. When this is included, the calculation will use an acceleration and deceleration phase for each stand length. When it is not included, the Trip Speeds table will be used for the whole stand with no acceleration or deceleration phase.
Limit Acceleration: This option limits the additional surge pressures due to acceleration to a maximum of 2x the current max surge pressure. This stops very large (artificial) equivalent mud weights being generated when very shallow.
Use bit TFA: This option allows the user to use the bit TFA when running open ended surge and swab calculations. This will only work for assemblies which have a bit and a TFA entered. When this selection is off, the Engineering Dashboard uses the internal diameter of the last component.
Include Stabilizers: When this option is toggled off, the Dashboard will not consider stabilizer blades or casing centralisers when calculating hydraulics.
ECD Adjustment: An optional manual adjustment to all the ECD curves to better match the model with MWD PWD data.
SPP Safety Factor: Enter a percentage value here to increase the stand pipe pressure by the specified amount. Pipe Pressure Loss, Annular Pressure Loss and SPP values are all adjusted to reflect the input.
Interval: Determines the interval between calculated points. For example, a step interval of 10 generates a data point every 10 meters, or feet, measured depth.
Auto Bit Torque: When toggled on, the torque generated by the bit is calculated automatically using the bit OD and the WOB. Toggle off to enter a user defined value.
Block Weight: The weight of the rig travelling block.
Overpull: The overpull applied to the assembly when pulling out of hole.
Reaming Speed: The pipe speed up/down when reaming in and out. Used to calculate reaming hook loads and torques. It is also used to calculate the viscous drag if enabled in the section below.
Casing Wear Factor: Defined as the ratio of friction factor to specific energy (units E-10psi-1), the casing wear factor is used to quantify the effects of pipe/casing material and drilling fluid on casing wear. The table below should be used as a guide for casing wear factor selection.
Viscous Drag: Toggle on to take into consideration the drag caused by pulling the string through the mud. This only affects the PU and SO weights.
Side Force Units: Specifies the unit length of the calculated side force. If you are using side force to predict casing wear, this should be set to the length of a tool joint (ie. 30ft or 10m).
In some situations, it may be necessary to add tortuosity to better simulate real life conditions.
Apply Tortuosity: Toggle this on to add some extra tortuosity to the surveys in the Surveys table. Makes other tortuosity options in the section available.
Depth Range: If this is toggled off, tortuosity will be added to all surveys in the table. If toggled on, the user can define the depth range where tortuosity is applied by entering a Start Depth and an End Depth.
Method: Choose whether the tortuosity is applied in the form of a sinusoidal wave or randomly.
Period: The length of one cycle of tortuosity. Cycles of tortuosity are repeated down the length of the depth range.
This section applies to calculation for the Kick Tolerance results chart.
LOT / FIT: The leak off or formation integrity test pressure, expressed in EMW.
Gas Gradient: The expected pressure gradient of the influx fluid.
Kick Intensity: The value of the kick above the pore pressure.
Safety Margin: The safety margin in pressure units.
Pit Gain: The expected pit gain before the well is shut in.
At the bottom of the page, below the results charts, are the Input Tables. These tables must be filled in to run the torque & drag and hydraulics calculations for the Engineering model. The exception to this is the Kick Tolerance Limits table, which is only required for the Kick Tolerance result.
Enter the pump flow rates that will be used for the hydraulics modelling. The torque and drag modelling also requires one flow rate to be entered. If multiple flow rates are entered, the torque and drag calculation will use the FIRST value in the list.
Enter the pipe tripping speeds that will be used for the hydraulics modelling. The torque and drag modelling also requires one trip speed to be entered. If multiple trip speeds are entered, the torque and drag calculation will use the first value in the list.
Enter the friction factors that will be for the torque and drag modelling. Each friction factor has a value for cased hole and a value for open hole.
Enter the kick tolerance limits for the case. By default the values in the table will be the same as the image below. The names of the first three warnings levels cannot be changed. New warning levels can be added, and given any appropriate name, but these will be coloured green on the Kick Tolerance results chart.
This section allows the user to define the well construction. Before entering data, make sure a Wellbore has been selected or created in the Case Details section. Multiple wellbores can be saved to the same case, allowing the user to quickly switch between well configurations. The values shown here reflect the wellbore selected in the Case Details Section.
The section type is selected from the drop down in the Comp Type column and the depth is entered in the MD column. The ID of the section is entered in the ID column, and the OD is entered in the OD column. When Open Hole is selected, the OD cell will automatically populate with the same value entered in the ID cell.
A list of the hole section types can be found below:
Open Hole: This must always be the last item in the list
Casing: Casing can be positioned below a riser, open water, or an air gap but must be above a liner or open hole. Multiple casing sections can be added to represent a tapered casing string.
Liner: Must be positioned below casing and above open hole
Air Gap: If drilling in open water without a riser, this must be the first item entered and the next item must be open water.
Open Water: If drilling in open water without a riser, this must be below air gap and must be the second item.
Riser: If drilling with a riser, this must be the first item entered.
The BHA chosen in the Case Details section will be displayed in the Drill String table for the well.
The drill string can be edited in the same way as in the Drill String page. The Tool Inventory and Component Catalogue can be opened by clicking on their names to the right. Left click and drag items into the string to insert them.
Note: Any changes made in this table will also affect the drill string saved in the Drill String page for the well. BHA’s can also be created from scratch in this section if required.
In this table, the surveys from the Surveys page in the portal will be displayed. Surveys can be added, edited or deleted in the same way as in the Surveys page.
Note: Any changes made in this table will also affect the surveys saved in the Surveys page for the well.
Once the user has entered all of the relevant data into the Input Parameters and Input Tables sections, they can now run the Engineering case and generate results.
Click on the Calculate button at the bottom right of the results chart to model the case. This will populate the results charts. If any changes are made to the inputs, the calculate button will need to be clicked again to re-run the case.
Each result chart can be viewed by clicking on its icon at the top of the page.
The results charts can be exported in three ways:
Export to Excel: Exports the current chart as a data table in Excel format.
Export to PDF: Prints the chart to PDF as an image and as a data table.
Export to Image: Right click on the chart to save it as an image, or copy the image to your clipboard.
Each chart has some customisation options. The options available will depend on the chart you are currently viewing:
Show Casing: Adds lines to the chart to represent the casing shoe depths entered in the Wellbore table.
Show Legend: Toggles the legend to the right of each chart on/off.
Shade Limits: In a chart this option will shade the area which represents buckling. This option only works in the Drillers Hookload, On Bottom Tension and Off bottom Tension snapshot charts.
Show Slide Sheet Parameters: Toggle on to display drilling parameter data recorded in the Slide Sheet page on the chart. If the data in the Slide Sheet page is updated, the charts must be refreshed by clicking on the Refresh Drilling Parameters button beside the Calculate button.
Select BHA: Only relevant if Show Slide Sheet Parameters is toggled on. Allows the user to choose which BHA(s) have their slide sheet data displayed on the chart.
Lastly, if any errors or warnings are generated when the case is run, they will be displayed at the top of the page. Hover over them to receive details on the issue.
On any chart, use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out of the chart. Left click and drag to move the viewing area of the chart around. Hover over a line on the chart to read the X and Y axis values at that point. Left clicking any series in the legend will toggle the visibility of a series off /on from the chart.
This chart displays the standpipe pressure (SPP) expected at surface when the bit is at the depth specified on the Y-Axis. There will be a line displayed for each of the flowrates entered in the Flow Rates input table.
This chart displays the following lines for each of the flowrates entered in the Flow Rates input table:
Clean ECD: The ECD at the end of the string, when the bit is at the depth specified on the Y-Axis, based on a cuttings-free annulus.
Dirty ECD: The ECD at the end of the string, when the bit is at the depth specified on the Y-Axis, based on a cuttings-loaded annulus. The volume of cuttings in the annulus is calculated based on the ROP entered in the Drilling Parameters section. If the ROP is entered as zero then the clean and dirty ECD lines will lie on top of each other.
Additionally the Mud Weight entered in the Mud section will also be displayed.
The ECD snapshot line shows the expected ECD at each point in the annulus when the bit is at the Calculation Depth specified in the Case Details section. This line is generated based on a cuttings free annulus, which means that the last point for both the Clean ECD line and the ECD Snapshot line will be the same.
The chart displays a line for each of the flowrates entered in the Flow Rates input table.
This chart displays the surge and swab lines for each of the tripping speeds entered in the Trip Speeds table.
The Y axis corresponds to the bit depth regardless of what has been selected as the Surge & Swab Reference in the Hydraulics section. The results, however, display the calculated values at the surge & swab reference based on the bit position. So if for example you have the reference point selected as the bottom of the hole, when you look at the chart, it will be displaying the surge and swab pressures at the bottom of the hole, when the bit is at any given depth.
The minimum flow rate plot is a snapshot chart which shows the minimum flow required to keep the hole clean at all points in the wellbore for a range of ROPs at a certain depth. The ROP value in the Drilling Parameters section will be used as the lowest ROP and 4 additional ROP values that are 125%, 150%, 200% & 250% larger will be automatically generated.
To interpret the plot, the user needs to find the largest flow rate for any one ROP and that will be the minimum flow that is required at that depth to keep the hole clean. This can be done by hovering the mouse pointers over the desired line.
Displays the kick tolerance for the well, based on the inputs in the Well Control section, when the bit is at the depth specified on the Y-Axis.
The blue lines represent the kick tolerance for an influx, for the mud weight as well as ±0.5 MW units and ±1 MW units. The red lines represent the swab kick tolerance for the mud weight as well as ±0.5 MW units and ±1 MW units.
This chart displays the calculated hookload values for slack-off (tripping in), rotating off bottom and pickup (tripping out). For slack-off and pickup, there will be a line represented for each set of friction factors entered in the Friction Factors table. The Y-Axis denotes the bit position.
The minimum weight to helically buckle (tripping in) will also be displayed on this chart. Any tripping in line which crosses this limit will start to experience buckling in the string. At this point it may be difficult to effectively transfer weight down hole and the string may need to be rotated in order to get to bottom. From the chart, you can tell the string depth and hookload where the buckling will occur, but you will not be able to determine where in the string the buckling is occurring. To determine this, consult the on and off bottom tension snapshot charts.
This chart displays the on and off bottom torques. For each operation, there will be a line represented for each set of friction factors entered in the Friction Factors table. The Y-Axis denotes the bit position.
This chart is a snapshot chart, meaning that the bit depth stays at the calculation depth specified in the Case Details section. The Y-Axis value denotes the position in the drill string, while the X-Axis value shows the tension in the string at that point. The chart displays the following lines:
Rotating on Bottom: Rotating with the WOB from the Drilling Parameters section applied.
Sliding: A Sliding line will be represented for each of the entered friction factors.
Sinusoidal Buckling: If the Rotating or Sliding lines cross this threshold, the string will experience sinusoidal buckling at that point. The further the line drops below the threshold, the more severe the buckling during the activity in question.
Helical Buckling: If the Rotating or Sliding lines cross this threshold, the string will experience helical buckling at that point. The further the line drops below the threshold, the more severe the buckling during the activity in question.
This chart is a snapshot chart, meaning that the bit depth stays at the calculation depth specified in the Case Details section. The Y-Axis value denotes the position in the drill string, while the X-Axis value shows the tension in the string at that point. The chart displays the following lines:
The chart displays the following lines:
Rotating off Bottom: Rotating off bottom with no WOB applied.
Pick-up (PU): A Pickup line will be represented for each of the entered in the Friction Factors table.
Slack-of (SO): A Slack Off line will be represented for each of the entered in the Friction Factors table.
Sinusoidal Buckling: If the Rotating or Sliding lines cross this threshold, the string will experience sinusoidal buckling at that point. The further the line drops below the threshold, the more severe the buckling during the activity in question.
Helical Buckling: If the Rotating or Sliding lines cross this threshold, the string will experience helical buckling at that point. The further the line drops below the threshold, the more severe the buckling during the activity in question.
This chart is a snapshot chart, meaning that the bit depth stays at the calculation depth specified in the Case Details section. The Y-Axis value denotes the position in the drill string, while the X-Axis value shows the side force in the string at that point.
The chart displays the rotating side force along with the pickup and slack off side forces for each set of friction factors entered in the Friction Factors table.
This chart displays the apparent weight on bit (WOB) required at any given depth to achieve the actual WOB entered in the Drilling Parameters section.
To read the chart the user should select the measured depth of interest and note the apparent WOB for each of the friction factors at that depth. These are the WOB values the driller will need to see at surface in order to achieve the desired actual WOB down hole at the bit.
This chart displays the number of completed revolutions that the rotary table must be turned in order to turn the bit. A line will be represented for each of the friction factors entered in the Friction Factors table. The Y-Axis denotes the bit position.
This chart displays the amount of pipe elongation the user would see when picking up, for each of the friction factors entered in the Friction Factors table. The Y-Axis denotes the bit position.
A new case can be created by clicking on the icon, or deleted by clicking on the icon. Click on the icon to rename the selected case. Click on the icon to create a copy of the selected case.
BHA: Select the drill string that will be used for this case. BHA’s created in the Drill String page for the well will be available here. Once selected, the components for the drill string will populate the Drill String table in the Input Tables section. A new blank string can be created by clicking on the icon, or deleted by clicking on the icon. Click on the icon to rename the selected string.
Wellbore: This section loads in a previously created Wellbore in the Input Tables section. This option allows the user to store multiple wellbores under the same case, so that they can quickly switch between different casing configurations. A new wellbore can be created by clicking on the icon, or deleted by clicking on the icon. Click on the icon to rename the currently loaded wellbore. The Wellbore details are entered in the Input Tables section after it has been selected here.
Enter new rows into a table by filling in the information for the new row in the area at the bottom of the page, next to the symbol. When all of the information for the new row is entered, it will automatically be added to the table.
Rows in each table can be deleted by clicking on the symbol.
Click on the icon beside each component to display its component properties. The Engineering Dashboard only displays component properties that are relevant to the hydraulics and torque & drag calculations. To access any properties relevant to daily reporting, the user should go to the drill string section of the portal.