The Data Acquisition pages allow the user to manage the recording, storage and output of drilling parameter data recorded at the rig site. This is done by setting up credentials for external WITSML servers and storage databases, and then linking them together with a well in a data config.
A data config links a drilling data source (such as WITSML or Well Seeker pushing WITS data from the rig site) with a data store.
It also allows the Web Portal to output data from that store for use in features such as the EDR or the Multiwell Dashboard. Data configs are set up on a per well basis – if the user wishes to record and/or output data for a well, a data config for that well must be set up and recording.
A new data config can be created using the Edit Menu located in the bottom right of the page. Existing data configs have the following functions:
Select WITSML well: Allows the user to select the target well from those available on the WITSML server.
Select WITSML wellbore: After selecting a WITSML well, the user can select the actual wellbore that they want from the WITSML server.
Select WITSML log: Allows the user to select between a depth log or a time log, if available. The EDR page requires time log to be selected. Requires a WITMSL well to be selected.
Select WITSML trajectory: Allows the user to select the trajectory from available tracks, which contains survey data. Requires a WITMSL well to be selected.
WITSML curve mapping: Opens the Update Curve Mapping window. WITSML mnemonics must be correctly mapped to each parameter in the window for the Web Portal to correctly interpret incoming data.
Show/hide WITSML controls: If the data source for the well is set to WITSML, this option will display the WITSML controls.
Edit well: Allows the user to change the actual well that this data config is assigned to. A well will only be available if its status has been set to Active in the Wells List page.
Start/Stop recording: When the data config is running, it will record data to its assigned data source. Required for some Web Portal features such as the EDR and the Multiwell Dashboard.
Delete config model: Deletes the selected config model.
The Add/Edit Data Configuration allows the user to set up a new data config or edit an existing one.
Well name: Select from the dropdown box the actual well that this data config is assigned to. A well will only be available if its status has been set to Active in the Wells List page.
Data source: User can select between Well Seeker, Well Seeker Client, or WITSML. Well Seeker means that drilling parameters are being transmitted by Well Seeker Pro software from the rig site. Well Seeker Client is a standalone piece of software that transmit data from the rig site without providing any other Well Seeker features. WITSML means that data is drawn from a WITSML server and enables the WITSML controls on the Data Acquisition page.
Data store location: User can choose either Default or Data Store. Default uses a data store hosted by Innova. Choosing data store allows the user to choose one of the stores set up on the Data Stores page.
Update interval: Sets the time interval in seconds that Data Acquisition saves data to the data store.
Thresholds: Well Seeker & the Web Portal determine the current rig state (e.g., rotating and sliding) by comparing incoming drilling parameters to the thresholds set in the Add/Edit Data Config. The user will need to set these thresholds to the correct values for the rig they are on to make sure that the Web Portal correctly interprets the rig state.
Rig states logic is defined below:
Is the Bit on Bottom?
Hole depth – Bit Depth < On bottom delta threshold
If on bottom, are you drilling?
Pump Pressure > Pressure Threshold
WOB > WOB Threshold
Hookload > Hookload Threshold
On bottom recorded when all 3 of the above are recorded = TRUE
If Drilling = TRUE, the logic is as follows:
If 10% of the values in the RPM buffer are < RPM threshold, then Sliding
If 10% of the values in the RPM buffer are > RPM threshold, then Rotating
The RPM Buffer section is used along with the RPM threshold value to determine if the string is rotating. The RPM buffer size sets how many of the most recent RPM values to keep in the buffer, and the RPM Buffer Threshold sets how many values in the buffer need to be above the RPM threshold before Well Seeker considers the string to be rotating.
If the organisation has an external database for recording drilling data, the user can enter its credentials on the Data Stores page. The data store can then be selected when setting up a Data Configuration. This allows the Web Portal to direct incoming data from Well Seeker or WITSML to the data store, as well as use the data store as a source of data for Web Portal features.
The user can add a new data store using the edit menu in the bottom right corner of the page or edit an existing datastore by left clicking on it. This will open the Edit Data Store window.
Name: A name for the data store so it can be selected in the Data Config page.
Database server (IP/URL): The IP address or the URL of the server hosting the data store.
Database name: The name of the database on the host server being used as the data store.
Database port: The port number corresponding to the database.
Username: The username provided to the organisation that allows it to access the server.
Password: The password corresponding to the username.
The WITSML Servers page allows the user to add the credentials for a WITSML server to the Web Portal. This in turn allows the user to select the WITMSL server as the source of drilling data when setting up a Data Configuration.
The user can add a new WITSML server using the edit menu in the bottom right corner of the page or edit an existing server by left clicking on it. This will open the Edit WITSML Server window.
Server name: A name for the server so it can be selected in the Data Config page.
Server (IP/URL): The IP address or the URL of the WITSML server.
Username: The username provided to the organisation that allows it to access the server.
Password: The password corresponding to the username.
WITSML version: Select either 1.3.1 or 1.4.1 depending on the version of the server.
Add: Creates a new config model/data store/WITSML server.
Refresh: Refreshes the page.