A selection of quick start guides for Well Seeker X
Well Seeker X comes with a number of new and improved features compared to Well Seeker Pro. It also has a new user interface which may be unfamiliar for users accustomed to Well Seeker Pro. This document is designed to be a guide for users who are already familiar with Well Seeker Pro, and help them during the transition to Well Seeker X.
Unlike Well Seeker Pro, which is only available as a 32-bit program, Well Seeker X is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. As a 64-bit program, Well Seeker X can access significantly more of your computers random access memory (RAM). This improves performance, allowing the program to perform memory intensive tasks faster and handle larger data sets.
For information regarding 64 bit version compatibility see Section 3.1.
The old method of accessing features using nested dropdown menus has been replaced with menu ribbons. Ribbons provide a much more user friendly way of accessing functions by displaying them directly on the screen in organized tabs, making it easier to perform actions, or change settings quickly without having to navigate through multiple nested menus.
You will find menu ribbons in the main Well Seeker window and in major dialog windows, such as the Daily Reports and Drill String Editor dialogs. The ribbons contain all of the functions previously contained in the dropdown menus, along with some new features.
To free up space for the main user interface, the ribbons can be shrunk by toggling on Simplified Mode in the top right corner of the Well Seeker X window.
The ribbon options can also be searched using the Search option in the top right of the main user interface.
The Database Tree has been renamed the Object Explorer and has a number of improved features.
Levels in the tree now have an Active Well Indicator, represented by a green number, which indicates how many currently active wells are contained under each level. Additionally, the database can be searched by entering a well or plan name in the search bar at the top of the tree.
Innova have made it easier to access Reporting and other dialogs such as the casing and lithologies – the user can now access these dialogs from the menu ribbon when at actual well or plan level. In addition to this, the criteria for option selection is now less strict. For example, in Well Seeker Pro, the user could only open the Cost Codes dialog in the main UI when the Well level was selected in the Object Explorer. In Well Seeker X the user can open the Cost Codes dialog when the Well level, or any of its child items are selected in the Object Explorer, i.e., Well, Actual Well, Survey, Plan or Planned Wellbore. This makes it simpler for new users to be able to select relevant options.
The quick access toolbar at the top of the main user interface gives the user customizable quick access to commonly used options.
The status bar at the bottom of the page is now interactive. The user can now click on the items in the status bar to:
Change unit sets.
Open current database location.
Start/Stop screen captures.
Open the real time data exchange.
Download IPMs.
View Data Sync status and toggle between online and offline modes
View WITS/WITSML status
View notifications.
Well Seeker X now has a dark mode. To toggle between light and dark modes, use the Style dropdown box, which you can find in the very top right corner of the Well Seeker X window.
In Well Seeker X, survey, plan and plot tabs can be detached completely from the Well Seeker window. Simply left-click on a tab and drag the tab outside the window. Drag the tab back into the Well Seeker window to restore it. This feature makes user customizable screen layouts even more achievable.
All Daily Reporting related dialogs have been reworked to improve performance, simplify the UI and reduce the need for double entry of data. Users familiar with the daily reporting system will notice that a number of features have been rearranged, or removed entirely. This section details the key changes to the Daily Reports system.
Job data has been removed from the Daily Reports window into it’s own independent dialog. This dialog can be accessed by selecting the Actual Well level, or below, in the Object Explorer and selecting the Job Data button from the Home ribbon in the main Well Seeker interface.
Data entered into this dialog applies to all daily reports. Other dialogs also source data from the Job Data – for example the Drill String Editor uses the rig name entered here.
The Well Status, DD Coordinator and MWD Coordinator settings have also been moved from the Daily Reports window to the Job Data dialog. This allows the user to set these values without needing to create a daily report.
A number of changes have been made to the way the Daily Reports window interacts with the Slide Sheet, to reduce user workload and remove double data entry.
The Get DDR from slide sheet and Get Params buttons have been removed. Instead, whenever the slide sheet is saved, the drilling activity is uploaded to Daily Reports. The daily activity section in the Daily Reports window will automatically populate with rotating and sliding activity, and the activity descriptions will be updated using the drilling parameters from the slide sheet. Activities uploaded from the Slide Sheet cannot be edited in the Daily Reports window.
24 hour & BHA run drilling parameters, drilling and circulating hours, etc. are all calculated from the slide sheet and stored in the background. To streamline the user interface, only fields that require user entry remain in the Daily Data section and the Mud Data section.
The Data Validation menu has been removed from the Daily Reports window in Well Seeker X. Instead, the program will scan the daily activities in real time. If any discrepancies are found, they will be highlighted in red to alert the user.
Additionally, in the Home ribbon there is a new Data Validation section that logs any errors found, along with a description. The user can use the controls to quickly navigate to each error
In addition to the key changes detailed above, the following minor changes have been made to simplify the UI and streamline data entry.
You can now rearrange the columns in the Daily Activity section in the same way that you can for survey tables, plan tables and the slide sheet. Simply left click and drag on the column header to move a column.
The toggle for using dropdowns for rig names & personnel has been removed. If any names have been entered into the Rig Names and Personnel Names tables (located in the Admin ribbon in the main interface) then dropdowns will automatically be enabled in the Daily Reports.
The Assembly Type and MWD Type selections have been moved to the Daily Data section.
Each day now has it’s own Personnel dialog. When a new day is created, the previous day’s personnel will be copied over. Field Supervisor and Drilling Supervisor have been removed.
Company Man’s Report options have been removed.
Date changes and report number changes will now not take affect until the user selects save. The user will be warned about duplicate dates when a date is selected, and will be warned about duplicate report numbers when clicking on Save.
Users familiar with Well Seeker Pro will notice that some fields that could be manually altered, such as the Date In/Out and the Depth In/Out, have been removed. This data is now automatically retrieved whenever Daily Reports are saved.
The major change to the Drill String Editor is to the Performance Report. The dialog has been greatly simplified to reduce the need for double entry of data and has been split into two separate dialogs – one for motor related data, and another for MWD data. These two dialogs can be accessed via the Drilling and MWD options in the Run Data section of the menu ribbon.
All drill string related reports, including performance reports, are now printed from the Drill String Editor using the Print BHA Excel and Print BHA PDF options in the menu ribbon. Additionally, some new tools relating to M/LWD have been added to the menu ribbon. These are referred to as the MWD Toolkit and are covered in the next chapter.
The Performance Report dialog has been greatly simplified in comparison to Well Seeker Pro. The user no longer has the option to manually enter drilling parameters or pull parameters from the Daily Reports. Instead, this information is automatically updated when the Slide Sheet is saved.
As a result, the dialog has been reduced to only the information that is still required to be manually entered: some additional run information, the reason for POOH and failure information. Additionally, the MWD run data has been split off and given it’s own dialog.
If running a rental job, data can be input within the Rental Data dialog, negating the requirement to fill in the daily reports for such jobs. Toggle on the Is Rental option to indicate that the job is a rental job and enter the relevant run details. When this option is toggled on, the data entered here will ignore any data from the daily activity section of the daily reports.
Well Seeker X adds three new MWD related tools to the Drill String Editor. In addition, the way that MWD surface system data is entered for performance reports has been updated. These tools can be found on the menu ribbon in the Drill String Editor.
The MWD Probe Config tool allows the user to define the probe arrangement within the MWD/LWD tool. Well Seeker X will then combine this information with the BHA details to calculate the sensor offsets.
The Probe Config requires data to be present in the Probe Catalog, as it uses this to populate the options for selection. The Probe Catalog is an organization level record of the exact probe measurements that are uniform to specific probes, which is stored on the organizations server. This catalog can be accessed from the menu ribbon and will automatically pull to the local database when using Well Seeker X with an internet connection.
The user can then use the MWD Probe Config tool to arrange the desired probes in whatever order they wish. The program will calculate the sensor offsets, and when the user clicks Apply, the offsets will be automatically added to the MWD/LWD component properties.
The MWD surface system has been separated from the motor performance report and given it’s own dialog. Items entered here are applied to all BHAs for the well, so that the user does not need to enter their information multiple times. If surface system components have been entered into the Inventory, they will be available here as dropdowns. If not, their serial numbers can be entered manually.
The Non-Mag Spacing Calculator from Innova Engineering has been added to Well Seeker X. This feature allows the user to predict the amount of non-magnetic material required above and below the directional sensor to keep interference from the drill string within an acceptable tolerance for uncorrected magnetic surveys. It can also evaluate whether the BHA meets these requirements.
To run the calculator, the user requires a completed BHA that contains an MWD/LWD component with directional sensor offset entered into the component details and magnetics data present within the Actual Well Properties. The user manually inputs the estimated Depth In and Out for the run and the maximum acceptable azimuth error. The calculation can be toggled between using the actual wellbore, or the principal plan for the well. Pole strength values are automatically assigned based upon the BHA components present, but these can be manually overwritten by toggling off the Auto slider and editing the pole strength values.
The Pressure Drop Calculator can be used to calculate the pressure drop across positive pulse transmitters / pulsers or restrictors. The user should select either POPPET or RESTRICTOR from the Type column, and then enter the relevant parameters to calculate the pressure drop.
If there is a MWD/LWD type component in the string, the user can check the Selected checkbox and when they save and close the dialog, the poppet, orifice and pulse width values will be added to the MWD component properties.
Well Seeker X is available in two versions, 64 and 32 bit. In order to be able to run the Well Seeker X 64 bit version the PC must fulfil the below criteria:
64 bit operating system (OS)
To check the PCs OS version, right click on the Start Menu icon in your Windows task bar and select System. In the Device Specifications section, it will display in the System Type field what bit version of OS is installed.
64 bit Microsoft Office / 365
If Microsoft Office / 365 is installed on the user’s machine, and the user wishes to use the 64-bit version of Well Seeker X, then Microsoft Office / 365 must also be 64-bit. To check the PCs Microsoft Office / 365 version, open any Office program, e.g., MS Excel or Word. Select File > Account > About XXX, where XXX is the name of the software.
If either of these conditions are not met, then the user should install the 32-bit version of Well Seeker X.
Only Well Seeker Pro or Well Seeker X can function on a PC at any one time. In order to use one, the other must first be uninstalled.
The below steps detail how the user can upgrade their installation of Well Seeker Pro to Well Seeker X:
Uninstall Well Seeker Pro using the “Programs and Features” feature in the Windows control panel.
Run the compatible Well Seeker X installer, available for download from the Innova Website. Follow the instructions on screen to install any required pre-requisite software. Once installation is complete, you will see the new Well Seeker icon on your desktop and in the Start Menu.
This section details some common issues that prevent Well Seeker X from installing or running, and how to resolve them.
Users should be aware that the version of Well Seeker X used to create a database will affect it’s compatibility with other versions of Well Seeker X and Well Seeker Pro.
The 64-bit version of Well Seeker X is able to open any database, whether it was created using 64-bit Well Seeker X, 32-bit Well Seeker X or Well Seeker Pro. However, 32-bit Well Seeker X and Well Seeker Pro cannot open databases that were created in the 64-bit version of Well Seeker X.