The Tool Orders page allows an organization to create, update and maintain oversight of all the tool requirements for upcoming and existing jobs. The tools required for an upcoming well or section can be recorded in a tool order form and then monitored from this page.
Clicking on a tool order allows the user to edit its properties. Clicking on the red trash bin icon to the right of each tool order will delete it. Clicking on the arrow to the far right of each tool order opens the Edit Tool Terms page, which allows the user to attach tools to the tool order.
The user can add new tool orders using the edit menu, which is opened by clicking on the icon in the bottom right of the page and has the following functions:
Refresh: Refreshes the page.
Export to XLSX: Exports all tool orders to Excel.
Add: Adds a new tool order to the list and opens the Add Tool Order window.
If the tool order is for a job that has no daily reporting data yet, i.e. an upcoming job, then the user should input the Operator, Job # and Well information and leave the Hole Size, State, County, Rig, Mud Type, Mud Weight, Min Temp and Max Temp inputs blank.
If the tool order is for an existing job which has daily reporting data input within the database, the user can enter the Job # only and the rest of the inputs will populate based upon the daily reporting data.
Other required inputs are Status and Date Needed, remaining inputs can be entered if the information is available.
Operator: The operator responsible for the well the tools are being sent to.
Job #: Job number for the well.
Well Name: The well name in the organisation’s database.
Hole Size: Hole size of the section that the tools are required for.
Mud Type: Mud type in the section that the tools are required for.
Mud Weight: Mud weight in the section that the tools are required for.
Date Needed: The date that the tools are required at the rig site.
Min Temperature: The minimum downhole temperature expected in the section that the tools are required for.
Max Temperature: The maximum downhole temperature expected in the section that the tools are required for.
Status: The current progress towards the completion of the tool order. This should be updated by the user as updates are received from the workshop and the field. Available statuses, roughly in order of start to finish, are Request from Rig, Draft, Submitted, In Progress, Shipped and Complete.
Comments: Any additional comments.
DD Coordinator: The name of the DD Coordinator overseeing the tool order.
MWD Coordinator: The name of the MWD Coordinator overseeing the tool order.
Tool Comments: Any additional comments specific to the tools attached to the tool order.
Motor Comments: Any additional comments specific to any motors attached to the tool order.
Drill Pipe Connection: The connection used at the rig site.
The Edit Tool Terms page allows the user to add tools to their tool order.
Clicking on a tool allows the user to edit its properties. Clicking on the red trash bin icon to the right of each tool will delete it. The user can add new tools using the edit menu, which is opened by clicking on the icon in the bottom right of the page and has the following functions:
Refresh: Refreshes the page.
Add: Adds a new tool to the list and opens the Add Tool window. The user should enter a descriptive name for the tool in the Description box, and then select a Tool Type from the dropdown box. The availability of other fields depends on the type of tool chosen. Currently the available types are Motor and Other.