This option is only available to select from the Actual Well Level. The user can enter multiple pipe tallies for each well by using the add button. The different tallies are accessed via the dropdown menu at the top left of the dialog.
Description: Add a unique description for each tally
Add: Add a new Tally
Delete: Delete an existing Tally
Print: Print currently selected tally to Excel
BHA Length: Total length of the appropriate BHA. The length will be added to the total length of drill pipe to calculate the bit Depth.
Stickup: The length of pipe below the joint left sticking out above the rotary table when making connections. It is subtracted from the bit depth (along with the Survey Offset) to calculate the Survey Depth.
Survey Offset: Distance from bit to MWD sensor. It is subtracted from the bit Depth (along with the Stick Up) to calculate the Survey Depth.
Gamma Offset: Distance from bit to gamma sensor. This value is just for reference and does not affect the survey depth.
Joints Per Stand: How many joints are in a stand. This will be rig specific and will usually range from 1 to 3.
Survey at Mid Stand – This can be checked if surveys are being taken in the middle of the stand instead of at the bottom. The Survey Depth Column will change to reflect this.
Length: User should enter individual joint lengths here
Stand: This column is populated automatically based on the value entered in the joints per stand cell
Depth: This column is populated automatically and is the cumulative depth of the joints up to that point and the BHA Length.
Svy Depth: This column is populated automatically and shows the survey depth at the bottom of each single. If Survey at Mid Stand is checked, the survey depth for middle single will change to the middle of the single instead of the bottom.
Inc: User can add the survey inclination in the relevant cell
Azi: User can add the survey azimuth in the relevant cell
Comments: User can add an appropriate comment in the relevant cell if required.