The targets dialog can be opened from field level down to actual well / planned well level, from the targets button in the database explorer.
The list of targets available to the level the dialog was opened from is displayed in the grid. Targets can be made available to different levels by clicking the check boxes next to the target name in the grid. Targets are always available to the field level; however, the user can select which other levels they are to be associated with. The maximum level the target can be assigned to is dependent on which level the dialog was opened. For example, if the dialog was opened at well level, it would not be possible to associate the target with any actual wells or plans but it would be possible to associate the target with wells and facilities.
Targets will only be visible in the grid if they are currently associated with the level the dialog was opened from. If you wish to add a target from a different level, use the “Filter” drop-down menu to show targets from the level above. The check boxes can then be clicked to associate the target with the current level. When the target dialog is opened, the filter is set to the current level by default.
To create a new target, click the “Create new” button and a target will be added to the grid. The “copy target” will create a duplicate of the currently selected target. The “Delete” button will remove the currently selected target from the grid, and ”Save” will save any changes made.
The export targets button will export all targets currently displayed in the targets list to a well seeker export file. This can then be imported using the import targets button. When targets are imported, they will be imported and allocated to the current level which the targets dialog was opened from and may have to be manually assigned to any plans.
The targets name can be changed from the “Name” edit box and when “Save” is pressed, the name in the grid will be updated. The filter combo box will allow the user to show which level targets are currently being displayed at. The show lease lines radio button when checked will toggle the target list to only display lease/hard lines and will not display lease/hard lines when unchecked.
The TVD of the target can be entered in the TVD edit box. It should be noted that the TVD reference will change depending on which level the dialog was opened from. For Field, Facility, and Well level the TVD datum will be the system datum, and for actual and planned wells, the datum will be whichever depth reference is currently selected. The depth datum and elevation will be displayed in the text to the right of the edit box.
To create a drillers target enter the confidence level required in the confidence box. This represents the statistical likely hood that if the drillers target is hit the well will be within the geological target. Click the create drillers target button and select the well path which will be used to create the target. If the well path does not reach the targets TVD an error will be displayed. If the errors are small enough and the confidence level selected allows, the drillers target will be created and displayed on the plot. If the survey errors are too large or the confidence level too high an error will be displayed. Selected confidence must be less than 100%.
The target centre location can be defined in three ways by selecting the appropriate radio button:
Local: Local coordinates relative to the local datum. The local datum changes depending on which level the target dialog was opened at. The current datum is shown in the text at the bottom of the target centre frame.
Map: Enter the map coordinates of the target. This is usually the best way to enter the target centre location as it leaves no room for confusion which can occur with local coordinates.
Geographic: Enter the target lat / long.
When a target is supplied as a horizontal displacement and azimuth from the surface location, the user can use this section to generate the desired coordinates. Once these details are added and calculate has been selected, the program will automatically populate the target’s local coordinates. These cells will only be editable when local is selected in the target centre section.
The user can select to force the line style and colour of each target individually. This means that when a target is displayed on a plot, it will always display with the forced colour and line style. Note that when this is selected the line colour and style can not be adjusted from within a plot. This can only be done from the Targets dialog. If the user needs to be able to adjust from the chart properties then this option should be deselected.
No data is required for entering a point target.
Dip Angle: The dip angle of the target horizontal plane. Note that this is applied after the rotation setting.
Dip Azimuth: The azimuth of the dip direction
Thickness Up: The distance from the target centre to the top of the target
Thickness Down: Distance from the target centre to the bottom of the target
Radius: The target radius
Rotation: Only applicable if the arc properties are enabled and it defines the rotation angle from north of the target centre line. Note that this is applied before the dip angle is applied.
Aiming Point Offset From Target Centre: Offsets the centre of the circle north/south and east/west from the target co-ordinates. Note that the target itself does not change, just the position of the circle.
Arc Properties: Allows half-moon targets or equivalent to be created. Specify the start angle of the arc and the end angle.
Dip Angle: The dip angle of the target horizontal plane. Note that this is applied after the rotation setting.
Dip Azimuth: The azimuth of the dip direction
Thickness Up: The distance from the target centre to the top of the target
Thickness Down: Distance from the target centre to the bottom of the target
Semi-Major: The length of the ellipse semi major axis
Semi-Minor: The length of the ellipse semi minor axis
Aiming Point Offset From Target Centre: Offsets the centre of the ellipse north/south and east/west from the target co-ordinates. Note that the target itself does not change, just the position of the ellipse.
Arc Properties: Allows half-moon targets or equivalent to be created. Specify the start angle of the arc and the end angle.
Rotation: The rotation angle from north of the target centre line. Note that this is applied before the dip angle is applied.
Dip Angle: The dip angle of the target horizontal plane
Dip Azimuth: The azimuth of the dip direction
Thickness Up: The distance from the target centre to the top of the target
Thickness Down: Distance from the target centre to the bottom of the target
Length: The length of the target
Width: The width of the target
Aiming Point Offset From Target Centre: Offsets the centre of the rectangle north/south and east/west from the target co-ordinates. Note that the target itself does not change, just the position of the rectangle.
Rotation: The rotation angle from north of the target centre line. Note that this is applied before the dip angle is applied.
Polygon targets can be used for defining unusual shaped drilling targets as well as lease lines and hard lines. The input method must first be selected by choosing either map coordinates or local XY coordinates. Local coordinates are local with respect to the target centre and map coordinates are absolute points on a map.
The target can either have a constant thickness which is defined by the thickness up and down edit boxes or each point can have an individual thickness which is entered for each point on the grid. The dip angle and azimuth of the target can also be specified.
Target points are then typed into the grid using whichever input method was selected.
Shrink Target: This option allows the user to reduce the size of a polygon target by a set distance. This is useful for creating a hard line from a lease line at know set back distance. Complex polygons may have their corners / edges rounded or smoothed to take in to account the shrinking.
Lease Lines and Hard Lines are differentiated from a polygon target by checking the “Is a Lease Line” or “Is a Hard Line” box. It is important to understand that once this has been checked, Well Seeker will see this as a lease/hard line and not a target. The next time the user opens the target box, the lease line will no longer be visible. To see these lines, the user can select the “Show Lease Lines” option below the filter. This filter will hide the targets and display only the lease lines and the hard lines.
NOTE, that both targets and lease lines will be available to plot and can be manipulated in a similar way in the chart properties.