The Directional Drilling Dashboard collects data from multiple sources within Well Seeker and displays them in one interface, allowing the Directional Driller or a RTOC to monitor drilling operations from a single screen.
To fully utilise all features in the DD Dashboard, the user should have already set up the following:
Created the well trajectory as a well plan and set it as the principal plan for the well.
Created an actual well, with a survey sheet ready to be populated.
Assigned offset wells to the survey sheet. These offsets should be any well that may cause anti-collision concerns.
Created a lease line for the actual well.
Created a BHA in the Drill String Editor for the actual well.
Have the slide sheet open for the well, with the correct BHA selected for the current BHA run.
The user can manually keep the slide sheet up to date, or they can automatically populate the slide sheet using WITS. If the user is using WITS, they must also correctly set up their Rig States thresholds.
Once set up is complete, the user can open the DD Dashboard from the slide sheet. Thy can do so by clicking on the DD Dashboard icon on the toolbar, or by opening it from the Tools menu.
Note: It is possible to have multiple DD Dashboards for the same well open at the same time, but this will cause additional CPU and memory load.
The DD Dashboard interface is split into 6 sections. These sections can be enabled or disabled in the Settings Menu. The remaining displays will be resized to fill the empty space, so the user can get a clearer picture of displays that they want by hiding ones that they do not need.
The Real Time Gauges are a graphical output of drilling parameters received from incoming WITS data via the Rig States dialog.
The user can edit which parameters are displayed, and the ranges shown on each gauge by opening the Settings menu and selecting Gauge Settings.
The Toolface Rose displays the latest toolface updates received over WITS. The centre of the rose represents the principal plan. The rings moving out from the centre represent the distance from the plan, whilst the values around the rose represent the toolface. Whether the toolface is referenced to highside or north depends on the toolfaces being received. If receiving magnetic toolfaces, the most recent toolface displayed in the centre of the rose will end in ‘MAG’ and the rose will be referenced to north. If receiving highside toolfaces, it will end in ‘L’ for Left or ‘R’ for Right and the rose will be referenced to highside. The crossover point between magnetic and highside (gravity) toolfaces is set in the Mag to Grav X/O option in the DD Dashboard Settings Window.
The Toolface Rose contains additional features that aid the DD in staying on track with the well plan. It can be configured to warn the DD if they are straying too far from the plan or tool close to any offset wells. It can also give recommendations on whether the DD should rotate or slide, and by how much, to stay close to the well plan.
The warnings and recommendations are configured in the DD Dashboard Settings Window (13.11.6 – DD Dashboard Settings Window).
The features of the Toolface Rose are described below and reference the numbers in the image above.
Principal Plan: The very centre point of the Toolface Rose represents the principal well plan. If the green bit projection is in the centre, then the wellbore is following the plan exactly.
Graphical Projections: All projections are from the Real Time Projection section and are relative to the principal plan. The green dot represents the bit projection. The yellow diamonds represent the bit projection + 100 and the bit projection +200, or the curve projection depending on the drilling mode. The pink square represents the advisory projection. There may be additional green dots with well names annotated. These represent nearby offset wells.
Real Time Toolfaces: The blue dots represent the most recent real time toolfaces that have been received from WITS. The transparent dark green cone represents the effective toolface (ETF), based on an average of the recent toolfaces. The red number in the centre of the rose is the most recent real time toolface to be received.
Tolerance Window: The red shape around the centre of the Toolface Rose represents the maximum distance that the wellbore is permitted to deviate from the well plan. As the bit projection nears this limit the user will receive a warning and will receive a second warning if the limit is crossed. The size and shape of the tolerance window depends on the drilling mode and user configuration, both of which are set in the Settings dialog (13.11.6 – DD Dashboard Settings Window).
Projections: This section is a trimmed down version of the Real Time Projection section, containing the MD, inclination, and azimuth of all the projections.
Mode: The current drilling mode. This is set in the Settings dialog.
TF to Plan: The toolface of a line drawn between the wellbore and the nearest point on the principal plan.
Slide (X DLS): The slide length required to achieve the DLS value in brackets, based on the predicted motor yield. DLS value is set with the Max DLS setting in the Settings Dialog. The predicted motor yield is set with the Def Motor Yield setting in the Settings dialog.
Rot DLS (Avg/Last): The dogleg achieved while rotating ahead.
Rot TF (Avg/Last): The toolface of the DLS in the Rot DLS.
Plan (Inc/Azi): The inclination and azimuth of the nearest point on the principal plan.
Delta (Inc/Azi): The different between the inclination and azimuth of the wellbore and the Plan.
Dist to Crit Pt: The distance to drill until the wellbore reaches the MD of the next critical plan point in the principal plan.
Slide Advisory Recommendation: In this section, Well Seeker will give a recommended action – either sliding or rotating - to the DD to help them stay on track with the well plan and stay within the Tolerance Window. If recommending a slide, the recommendation will suggest a toolface and length for the slide.
Recommendation Cone: This is a graphical representation of the advisory recommendation. If the recommendation suggests a slide, the toolface that the DD should follow will be displayed as a green cone on the Toolface Rose.
The Real Time Anti-Collison section monitors the proximity of offset wells and lease lines, and can alert the DD if the wellbore strays too close.
By default, the principal plan and any lease lines assigned to the actual well are listed in the anti-collision table. See section 11.0 – Targets for information on setting up a lease line for a well. Offset wells need to be assigned to the survey sheet using the Offset Selector before they appear in the table (see section 6.4.7 – Offset Selector).
The table consists of the following columns.
Reference Depth: The point on the wellbore that anti-collision calculations are calculated from.
Centre to Centre (C2C): The distance between the wellbore and the closest point on the offset well.
Separation Factor (SF): The separation factor between the wellbore and the offset well. Separation factor compares the C2C distance of two wells against the size of their EOU. A SF of 1 means that the EOU are touching. The SF is calculated using the below formula:
Reference Ellipse: The size of the semi-major ellipse in the EOU of the wellbore.
Offset Ellipse: The size of the semi-major ellipse in the EOU of the offset well.
Ellipse Separation: The distance between the edge of the wellbore ellipse and the offset well ellipse.
For more detailed information on how anti-collision rules are calculate, see section 8.2 - Level 2: Operator. The limits for the anti-collision are set in the DD Dashboard Settings dialog:
Min C2C: The minimum Centre to Centre (C2C) distance between the wellbore and an offset before a warning is issued.
Min C2C Lease Line: The minimum Centre to Centre (C2C) distance between the wellbore and any lease line before a warning is issued.
Min SF: The minimum Separation Factor (SF) between the wellbore and an offset before a warning is issued.
If any these limits are violated, the line will turn red, and a warning will appear in the Warnings column.
The Real Time Projection section contains details of the most recent surveys recorded in the survey sheet. This includes the measured depth, inclination, azimuth, DLS (dogleg section) and TVD. The UD (Up/Down) and LR (Left/Right) columns indicate how far away the surveys are from the principal plan. Also displayed is the length of any sliding recorded in between each survey, and the calculated motor yield for that period.
The green line below the surveys represents the bit projection. The depth of the bit projection is the last recorded depth in the slide sheet. The trajectory of this projection is set by the action recorded in the slide sheet between the last survey point and the deepest depth in the slide sheet. If the drill string has been rotating, the bit projection will be a rotation projection. This will be straight unless include rotary in projection is turned on in the Settings dialog (13.11.6 – DD Dashboard Settings Window). If the drill string has been sliding, the bit projection will be a sliding projection, based on the distance of the slide and the motor yield calculated in the Settings dialog.
The two yellow lines below the bit projection represent the bit projection extended +100ft (30.48m) and +200ft (60.96m) when in Vertical or Lateral Mode. These projections are always rotary with no sliding, and if include rotary in projection is turned on in the Settings dialog then it will use the rotary DLS and rotary TF, also located in the Settings dialog. When in Curve Mode the yellow line represents the target of the curve projection.
The pink line represents the advisory projection. This shows the position of the well if the DD follows the slide recommendation in the Toolface Rose for 100 ft beyond the bit projection.
The projections will be updated in real time using the deepest out of the slide sheet or the survey sheet. If the latest survey plus survey offset is deeper than the latest slide sheet record, then the projections will be based off the survey sheet. If not, they will be based off the slide sheet.
The 3D Plot section operates in a very similar way to the 3D chart (see section 12.3 - 3D Chart). The focus point of the chart is always the reference well being drilled. Actual wells including the reference well and offsets are all coloured red. Plans are coloured blue The user can use the up and down arrow keys to move the focus point up and down the well and the information on the left will update. The user can right click to access the context menu and toggle the closest approach distances between highside and north reference.
The spheres on the plan/survey lines represent surveys or critical points in the plan. The green line represents the bit projection. The yellow line represents the bit projection extended +200ft (or 60.96m), or the curve projection when in Curve Mode. The pink line represents the advisory projection. This shows the direction of the well if the DD follows the slide recommendation in the Toolface Rose. The values for all these projections can be found in the Real Time Projection section.
The projections will be updated in real time using the deepest out of the slide sheet or the survey sheet. If the latest survey plus survey offset is deeper than the latest slide sheet record, then the projections will be based off the survey sheet. If not, they will be based off the slide sheet.
The elements displayed on the 3D Plot can be configured using the 3D Chart Menu (section 13.11.4 – DD Dashboard 3D Chart Menu).
The Drilling Parameters section consists of two parts. On the left all drilling parameters received via WITS are plotted are plotted against time on two trace charts. The RPM, pump pressure, WOB and block position are plotted on the top chart. The Differential pressure, flow rate, hookload and torque are plotted on the bottom chart. The Y axis ranges for all these parameters can be customised by opening the Settings menu and selecting Set Drilling Parameters Ranges.
On the right the Drilling Parameters section displays the most recent update for several parameters that are drawn from different sources:
The drilling parameters from Hole Depth to Block Position are taken directly from the WITS feed.
The Survey Offset and Gamma Offset are taken from the MWD Component Details in the Drill String Editor.
The Rig State is taken from the Rig States dialog.
The Effective Toolface and Slide Grade are calculated using toolface data from the WITS feed.
The Hole Size, Bit Type and Bit Hydraulics values are taken from the Bit Component Details in the Drill String Editor.
The Bottom Hole Temperature is taken from the WITS feed.
Print warnings report: Prints an excel format report that displays a summary of any warnings that have been issued during drilling. Each warning will be listed in the Warning Name column. The threshold set in the DD Dashboard Settings that triggers each warning is listed in the Threshold Value column. The Time Above Threshold shows the total cumulative time that each threshold has been violated. Finally, the Alert Message column displays the message that will have been displayed in the DD Dashboard Settings window.
Exit: Closes the DD Dashboard
Number of toolfaces: Controls how many toolfaces from the WITS feed will be displayed on the toolface rose. For example, if the maximum of 10 is selected, then the 10 most recently received toolfaces will be displayed.
Show offsets on rosebud: Toggles whether offset wells are displayed on the toolface rose. Offsets will be displayed as a green dot with the name of the offset. Offsets are selected in the Offset Selector (section 6.4.7 – Offset Selector)
Set drilling parameter ranges: Opens the Set Curve Ranges dialog, which allows the user to configure the Drilling Parameters display (see – Drilling Parameters below). The name of each curve is listed in the Curve Name column. The user can set the maximum and minimum values displayed on each curve by editing the Max and Min columns.
Settings: Opens the DD Dashboard Settings dialog. See 13.11.6 – DD Dashboard Settings Window below.
Check for warnings: Toggling this option off will disable ALL warning alerts in the DD Dashboard if any of the warning thresholds in the DD Dashboard Settings dialog are violated. This includes anti-collision warnings. It will also disable the automatic opening of the DD Dashboard Settings dialog when a threshold is violated.
Gauge settings: Opens the Gauge Settings dialog, which allows the user to configure the Rig Gauges display (see – Real Time Gauges below). The user can set the WITS mnemonic that each gauge displays in the Mnemonic column. They can then set the minimum and maximum values on the gauge using the Max and Min columns.
Rig messages: Opens the Rig Messages dialog. This dialog can be used to force the Toolface Rose to display a user entered slide recommendation instead of the calculated one. It can also send a message to the DD Dashboard on the Innova Web Portal.
To force a slide recommendation, the user should check the Force slide directive option. They should then enter the toolface and length of the slide advisory they wish to display. If the Specify Depth option is not checked, the advisory will start at the current bit depth. If it is checked, the user can enter the desired start depth and the slide advisory will not appear until the bit reaches that depth. Once the slide advisory is set up, the user can click the Send button to update the Toolface Rose, Slide Recommendation and advisory projections in the 3D Plot and Real Time Projection sections. Note that the toolface in the Slide Recommendation will not change.
The user can clear the forced slide directive by opening the DD Dashboard Settings window and clicking on the Calculate recommendation button.
In the Rig Message section, the user can enter their desired message and then click the Send button. Any users viewing the well through the Innova Web Portal will see the message on the DD Dashboard.
Show gauges/toolface rose/3D view/parameters chart: Toggling these options off will hide their respective displays in the DD Dashboard main user interface. The remaining displays will be resized to fill the empty space, so the user can get a clearer picture of displays that they want by hiding ones that they do not need.
The below options all configure how the 3D Plot ( – 3D Plot) is displayed.
Show targets: Displays targets on the 3D Plot. For information on creating targets see section 11.0 – Targets.
Show target names: If targets are turned on, this option will display the target name beside each target.
Show lease lines: Displays lease lines on the 3D Plot. Lease lines are created in the Targets dialog (11.0 – Targets).
Show survey points: Actual wellbores and surveys displayed on the 3D Plot will have spheres showing the position of each survey.
Show critical points: Displays the plan points on the principal plan in the 3D Plot.
Show critical point descriptions: Critical points will have annotations attached that display the measured depth, inclination, azimuth, and TVD of each point.
Show worksight: Displays the worksight around the centre point on the 3D Plot. By default, the centre point is at the end of the bit projection.
Show compass ring: Displays the compass ring around the centre point on the 3D Plot. By default, the centre point is at the end of the bit projection.
Show well names: Displays well names on all wells and plans on the 3D Plot. Names are displayed at the deepest point on the well/plan.
Show slide colours: Colours the reference well on the 3D plot to show which parts were drilled while rotating (red) and which were drilled while sliding (green).
Show all closest approaches: User must first turn on Show closest approach by right clicking on the 3D Plot. If this option is toggled on, the 3D Plot will show the closest approach to all offset wells instead of the currently selected offset well.
Show lease line curtain: If a lease line is present and show lease lines is on, the 3D Plot will draw a curtain from the lease line up to surface.
Slide advisory history: Opens the Slide Advisory History dialog, which contains a record of all suggested slides. The dialog can be exported to an Excel report using the Print option in the File menu.
Daily report: Opens the Daily Report window for the actual well currently being viewed in the DD Dashboard. See section 13.4– Daily Reporting.
Slide sheet: Minimizes the DD Dashboard and maximizes the slide sheet for the current well (See section 13.10 – Slide Sheet). Note that closing the slide sheet will also close the DD Dashboard.
Survey sheet: Minimizes the DD Dashboard and the slide sheet and maximizes the survey sheet for the current well (See section 9.0 – Survey View). Note that closing the survey will also close the slide sheet and the DD Dashboard.
The Settings window can be opened from the DD Dashboard Settings menu (see section 13.11.3 – DD Dashboard Settings Menu or by double-clicking anywhere in the DD Dashboard. It will also appear if there are any orange or red warnings active in the Warnings section.
The Settings window allows the user to configure how projections, warnings, anti-collision and the slide recommendations behave in the DD Dashboard. The user customises this behaviour in the Configuration section. The Warnings section will display alerts if the wellbore gets close to limits set by the user in the Configuration section.
The Calculate Recommendation button in the top right will force the slide advisory in the Toolface Rose to recalculate. This can be used to undo a forced slide directive in the Rig Messages tool in the Settings Menu. See the description of Curve Mode below for details on the other options in the top of the window.
The first five options in the Configuration section choose the drilling mode Whenever a mode is selected, the options that are relevant to that mode will be highlighted in blue in the Configuration section.
Vertical Mode: This mode should be selected when drilling the vertical section of the well. When in Vertical Mode the Warnings section will monitor the Vertical Maximum Distance (Dist. from plan) and Max Vertical Inclination (Max Inc) limits set in the Configuration section.
The Toolface Rose will display the tolerance window as a circle around the centre of the rose. The radius of the circle is set by the Vertical Maximum Distance limit and the slide advisory will attempt to stay within this limit.
Curve Mode: This mode should be selected when drilling a curve to land off a lateral or tangent section. When in Curve Mode the Warnings section will monitor the DLS to Land limit set in the Configuration section.
When in curve mode there is no tolerance window and no yellow extended bit projections. Instead, the yellow projection becomes a landing curve projection in the Toolface Rose, 3D Plot and Real Time Projection sections. This curve will project from the bit projection to the landing target, which is set by the Landing TVD, Landing Inclination and Landing Azimuth in the Configuration section.
The slide advisory will give recommendations with the intention of hitting the landing target. On the Toolface Rose, the yellow diamond shows the distance between the landing target and the principal plan. If the yellow diamond is in the centre, this means that Well Seeker projects the wellbore to land exactly with the well plan.
The landing target is chosen in the Landing Target section at the top of the dialog.
Select Critical Point: This dropdown box contains all the plan points from the principal plan. When the user chooses a critical point from the list, it will update the landing target to the selected point. The Landing TVD, Landing Inclination and Landing Azimuth in the Configuration section will update to match the TVD, inclination, and azimuth of the critical point. Auto pick curve target must be turned off for this to work.
Update Critical Points: If the principal plan is updated while the DD Dashboard is open, the user should click on this button to refresh the Select Critical Point dropdown list.
Find Landing: If the user clicks on this button, Well Seeker will inspect the principal plan and attempt to automatically pick the most suitable critical point for the landing from the list. The selection in the Select Critical Point dropdown list will not update but the Landing TVD, Landing Inclination and Landing Azimuth in the Configuration section will.
Lateral Mode: Lateral Mode is designed for drilling the lateral of tangent section of the well. When in Vertical Mode the Warnings section will monitor the Lateral left/right tolerance (Max Left) and Lateral up/down tolerance (Max Down), Max delta inclination (Max Delta Inc), Max delta azimuth (Max Delt Azi) limits set in the Configuration section.
The Toolface Rose will display the tolerance window as a rectangle the centre of the rose. The height and width of the rectangle is set by the Lateral up/down tolerance and Lateral left/right tolerance limits. The slide advisory will attempt to stay within this rectangle.
Nudge Mode: This mode is currently in development and does not perform any function currently.
No Mode: No Mode only provides a projection to the bit. Extended projections, advisory projections, tolerance windows and almost all settings in the Configuration section are disabled. However, the anti-collision settings and warnings do still apply. It is possible to use the slide advisory in this mode, but it is not recommended.
The Warnings section monitors the constraints and limits for the wellbore set by the user in the Configuration section below. When the wellbore approaches one these limits – for example, the well wanders too far off plan and approaches the edge of the tolerance window – the DD Dashboard will issue an orange warning. The DD Dashboard main interface will flash orange, and the Settings window will appear. The warning that is nearing its limit will appear in the Warnings section, highlighted in orange.
If the wellbore crosses a limit completely the DD Dashboard will issue a red warning. The DD Dashboard main interface will flash red, and the Settings window will appear. The warning that is nearing its limit will appear in the Warnings section, highlighted in red.
Warning: Displays the name of the parameter being monitored.
Current value: The current value of the parameter as transmitted by WITS.
Threshold: The limit for the value, set by the user in the Configuration section below.
Active: When an orange or red warning is issued, this column will populate with a brief description of the issue.
Suppress: When a warning appears in the Warnings section, the user can check this option to suppress it. A suppressed warning will not cause the DD Dashboard to flash and will not cause the Settings window to appear. The user can suppress all warnings by toggling the Check for warnings option off in the Settings menu.
Time Exceeded: The Warnings section will record the total amount of time that the parameter has spent above the threshold.
Limits specific to the drilling modes and drilling parameters are shown constantly in the Warnings section regardless of whether they are close to their limit thresholds. The limits specific to drilling mode are described in the Drilling Modes section above. The Max Differential Pressure, Max Flow and Max RPM thresholds relate to the operational limits of the motor. To set them, the user needs to open the Drill String Editor for the BHA that the slide sheet belongs to. Then they should select the motor in the Assembly Details section and edit the limits in the Component Properties section. See section 13.5 – Drill String Editor.
After choosing the drilling mode, the user can then use the relevant options in the Configuration section to define how the slide advisory behaves, how projections are calculated and what tolerances they wish to stay within when drilling the current section of the wellbore
Include rotary in projection: Toggling this option on will include some unintended dogleg achieved while rotating ahead. This dogleg will then be factored in when making projections and slide recommendations. The Rotary DLS and Rotary TF settings define the size and direction of this dogleg. If this option is turned off Well Seeker will assume rotary drilling to be perfectly straight when making projections and slide recommendations.
Slide advisory: Toggles on/off the slide recommendation and advisory projection in the Toolface Rose, Real Time Projection and 3D Plot sections. This option can be used hide the slide advisory of the user does not need it. It can also force the slide advisory on when in No Mode, however this is not recommended.
Limit AC display: Hides any offset wells in the Real Time Anti-Collision section that are too far away to pose any collision risk.
Auto pick curve target: Only relevant in Curve Mode. When this option is toggled on, it will alter the target of the curve projection so that it hits the landing inclination as close to the principal plan as possible. However, it will alter the Landing TVD and Landing azimuth of the curve projection to do so. The landing inclination should be selected first either using select critical point dropdown or entering a value manually into the Landing inclination option.
Auto motor yield: Only functions when in Curve Mode. When this option is toggled on Well Seeker will use the slide sheet and survey sheet to automatically calculate the value in the Motor Yield setting. The survey sheet and slide sheet must cover the same part of the well for Well Seeker to be able to calculate the Motor Yield. Well Seeker will automatically keep the Motor Yield up to date as new slides and surveys are added.
Auto rotary: Like the Auto Motor Yield option above, when this option is toggled on it will use the survey sheet and the slide sheet to automatically calculate the Rotary DLS and Rotary TF settings. Does not function in No Mode.
Landing TVD: Only relevant in Curve Mode. Sets the TVD of the end point of the curve projection. This can be set by selecting the landing point from the select critical point dropdown list or using the auto pick curve target option. If auto pick curve target is off, this value can be edited manually.
Landing inclination: Only relevant in Curve Mode. Sets the inclination of the end point of the curve projection. This can be set by selecting the landing point from the select critical point dropdown list. If auto pick curve target is off, this value can be edited manually.
Landing azimuth: Only relevant in Curve Mode. Sets the azimuth of the end point of the curve projection. This can be set by selecting the landing point from the select critical point dropdown list or using the auto pick curve target option. If auto pick curve target is off, this value can be edited manually.
Rotary DLS: Sets the unintended dogleg of the wellbore while rotating ahead. Well Seeker will use the slide and survey records to automatically calculate this if Auto Rotary is turned on. If Include Rotary in Projection is turned on, Well Seeker will then factor this into the bit projection and the slide advisory.
Rotary TF: Sets the toolface for the Rotary DLS option above. Well Seeker will use the slide and survey records to automatically calculate this if Auto Rotary is turned on. If Include Rotary in Projection is turned on, Well Seeker will then factor this into the bit projection and the slide advisory.
Motor yield: The motor yield of the drill string while sliding. This will be used to calculate the slide recommendation and the bit projection. Well Seeker will automatically calculate this if Auto Motor Yield is turned on.
Default motor yield: If Well Seeker is unable to calculate a motor yield for the Motor Yield option above, it will use the value entered here by the user. Does not function in No Mode.
Max vertical inclination: This setting is only utilized when in Vertical Mode. Allows the user to set the maximum inclination that the wellbore is allowed to reach. A warning will be issued as this limit is approached. The slide advisory will take this setting into account and will suggest a slide if the inclination starts to get close the limit.
Max delta inclination: This setting is utilized in Lateral Mode. It represents the maximum allowed difference between the wellbore inclination and the principal plan inclination. The user will receive a warning if this limit is approached, and the slide advisory will recommend a slide back towards the plan.
Max delta azimuth: This setting is utilized in Curve Mode and Lateral Mode. In Curve Mode it sets how much the Auto Pick Curve Target is allowed to alter the azimuth of the landing point. For example, if the selected critical point has an azimuth of 140 and the Max Delta Azi is 2, then turning on Auto Pick Curve Target will result in a Landing Azi value of 138 – 142. Increasing the Max Delta Azi will allow Auto Pick Curve Target to land closer to the plan but at the cost of azimuth accuracy.
In Lateral Mode the Max Delta Azi represents the maximum allowed difference between the wellbore azimuth and the principal plan azimuth. The user will receive a warning if this limit is approached, and the slide advisory will recommend a slide back towards the plan.
Vertical maximum distance: This setting is only utilized when in Vertical Mode. Sets the maximum distance that the wellbore is allowed to deviate from the well plan. A warning will be issued as this limit is approached. The slide advisory will take this setting into account and will suggest a slide if the distance starts to get close the limit. When in Vertical Mode this distance is illustrated on the Toolface Rose as the radius of the tolerance window around the centre of the rose.
Lateral up/down tolerance: This setting is only utilized when in Lateral Mode. Sets the maximum distance above or below that the wellbore is allowed to deviate from the principal plan. This value is represented on the Toolface Rose as the height of the red tolerance window. The slide advisory will attempt to keep the wellbore within the tolerance window, and the user will receive a warning if the bit projection nears the edges.
Lateral left/right tolerance: This setting is only utilized when in Lateral Mode. Sets the maximum distance to the left or right that the wellbore is allowed to deviate from the principal plan. This value is represented on the Toolface Rose as the width of the red tolerance window. The slide advisory will attempt to keep the wellbore within the tolerance window, and the user will receive a warning if the bit projection nears the edges.
Lateral tolerance offset up/down: This setting is only utilized when in Lateral Mode. Allows the user to shift the lateral tolerance window in the Toolface Rose up or down. Negative values will shift the window up, while positive values will shift the window down.
Lateral tolerance offset left/right: This setting is only utilized when in Lateral Mode. Allows the user to shift the lateral tolerance window in the Toolface Rose left or right. Negative values will shift the window left, while positive values will shift the window down.
Maximum DLS: Sets the maximum dogleg severity that the slide advisory in the Toolface Rose is allowed to suggest for a slide. Does not function in No Mode.
Minimum slide length: Sets the minimum slide distance that the slide advisory in the Toolface Rose is allowed to suggest for a slide. This is to stop the slide advisory suggesting many tiny nudge slides. If the recommended slide is less than this minimum, the slide advisory will suggest rotating ahead instead. Does not function in No Mode.
Magnetic to gravity X/O: Sets the inclination crossover point between magnetic and gravity toolfaces. For wellbore inclinations below the value set here, toolfaces received over WITS will be interpreted as magnetic toolfaces. Inclinations above the value will be interpreted as gravity/highside toolfaces.
Aggressiveness: Aggressiveness is a coefficient that tells the slide advisory how strictly it should enforce limits and monitor the wellbores proximity to the plan. Value should be between 0 and 100. At high aggressiveness the slide advisory will react sooner, while at low aggressiveness it will allow the wellbore to stray closer to limits before it suggests a slide. Default value is 50. Does not function in Curve Mode or No Mode.
Projection distance 1: Sets the size of the first yellow extended bit projection in the Real Time Projection section. By default, this is +100ft beyond the bit projection, but the user can change the distance here. Does not function in Curve Mode or No Mode.
Projection distance 2: Sets the size of the second yellow extended bit projection in the Real Time Projection section. By default, this is +200ft beyond the bit projection, but the user can change the distance here. Does not function in Curve Mode or No Mode.
Stand length: Sets the length of a stand. This is to help the slide advisory work out how much distance it has to work with when suggesting a slide. Default value is 100 ft. Does not function in Curve Mode or No Mode.
Stand length curve: This setting is only utilized when in Curve Mode. This works the same as the Stand Length setting above but allows the user to set a different stand length for the curve section. This is in case the user wishes to take multiple surveys in a stand rather than at just stand down. Default value is 30ft.
Minimum C2C: Sets the minimum centre-to-centre distance allowed in the Real Time Anti-Collision section. A warning will be issued as this limit is approached.
Minimum C2C lease line: Sets the minimum centre-to-centre distance for lease lines allowed in the Real Time Anti-Collision section. A warning will be issued as this limit is approached.
Minimum separation factor: Sets the minimum separation factor (SF) allowed in the Real Time Anti-Collision section. A warning will be issued as this limit is approached.