A guide to creating a sidetrack in Well Seeker Pro.
The purpose of this document is to help guide the user through the steps required to create a sidetrack.
Depending on the requirements, it is possible to create 3 different types of sidetrack within Well Seeker:
A plan which sidetracks another plan
A plan which sidetracks a survey
A survey which sidetracks another survey
NOTE: It is not possible to create a survey which sidetracks a plan.
The steps required to create the sidetrack are the same, regardless of which of the above 3 options are required.
This document will detail the steps required to create a sidetrack under 2 different conditions:
When the sidetrack and the motherbore both have the same depth reference
When the sidetrack and the motherbore have different depth references
In order to create a sidetrack, the user must first enter a well which will act as the motherbore. The motherbore can be either a plan or a survey. For the purposes of this guide, it will be assumed that the motherbore has already been created in Well Seeker.
Any well plan or survey which is entered in Well Seeker requires a depth reference to be assigned to it. In most cases this will consist of:
A Ground Level Elevation above a System - Usually MSL
A Datum above a System – Usually RTE or RKB above Mean Sea Level
When planning a sidetrack, it is important to know what the depth reference of the motherbore is and what the depth reference of the sidetrack is. There are 2 possible situations which the user may encounter.
The first situation is where the depth reference for the motherbore and sidetrack are the same. This is usually experienced when the sidetrack is drilled with the same rig, as the variable is the RTE above ground level, since ground level elevation is unlikely to change.
The second situation is where the depth reference for the motherbore and sidetrack are different. This is usually experienced when the sidetrack is drilled with a different rig, where the RTE above ground level is different when compared to the motherbore.
The following two sections detail the steps required to deal with these two situations.
This section will cover the creation of a sidetrack using the same depth reference as the mother bore.
Firstly, the user needs to open the well properties and ensure that the Motherbore Depth Reference is checked as Default. In this situation it is likely that other than the Default datum on line 1, the motherbore depth reference will be the only other option. Once selected, hit Apply and then Close.
In the Database Tree, right-click on the well containing the motherbore and select one of the following options:
Insert new actual well if the sidetrack is a survey.
Insert planned well if the sidetrack is a plan.
The Plan Properties/Actual Wellbore Properties dialog will appear. Fill in the Properties, Vertical Section and Magnetics Sections as normal
If the motherbore depth reference was correctly selected as default, then this should be referenced in the Depth Reference section. If it was not correctly selected as default, something else will be referenced here and the user will need to select the correct reference from the drop down menu.
If the user needs to do this, a warning box will appear. Choose the option Preserve TVD’s.
In the Sidetrack Details section, check the Plan is a sidetrack checkbox.
Select the mother bore from the Parent Well/Plan drop-down box and enter the sidetrack depth in the Sidetrack Depth box. Note that the depth must be within the range of the motherbore i.e. a motherbore with a TD of 1000m MD can’t be sidetracked at 1010m MD etc. Then click on the Create sidetrack box.
As soon as create sidetrack has been selected, the below warning will appear. This is warning that proceeding will reset the survey program in the plan or actual wellbore properties. This is not an issue as this section will currently be blank anyway. Select Yes.
The Survey Program and Tie-On sections will automatically update based on the sidetrack depth entered. The survey program will now mirror the survey program of the motherbore down to the sidetrack point, and the tie-on section will show the details of the tie-on line. Click on Apply and then Close to close the Plan Properties/Actual Wellbore Properties.
At this stage the process differs, depending on whether the user is creating a planned or actual sidetrack.
When the sidetrack is a plan, all the user needs to do is open the plan by double right clicking on the plan level. This will open the plan and the tie-on line in row 1 will mirror the sidetrack depth entered in the plan properties dialog.
The user can now build their sidetrack plan as per their planning requirements.
When the sidetrack is an actual wellbore, the first thing the user needs to do after selecting the ST depth and closing the Actual Wellbore properties (Section 3.0) is to create a new survey. The actual wellbore will already contain the motherbore surveys from surface to the ST depth, but in order to enter the ST surveys, the user must first create a new survey.
To do this the user should right click on the actual wellbore and select Insert New Survey.
In the survey Properties Dialog, select From Survey in the tie-on section and from the drop-down section, select the survey that you want to sidetrack. Note that when the appropriate survey has been selected the MD cell will be populated with the deepest survey station for the selected survey. If required, the user can then manually overwrite this value with the appropriate ST depth.
The user can then select the appropriate Survey Instrument from the drop-down menu and select Apply and then Close.
The user can now double right click on the newly created survey. This will open the survey and the tie-on line in row 1 will mirror the tie-on depth entered in the survey properties dialog.
The user can now enter the appropriate surveys as they are received.
This section will cover the creation of a sidetrack which has a different depth reference to the mother bore. This can happen, for example, when a well has been drilled a long time ago and then returned to for side tracking with a different rig.
In the Database Tree, right-click on the well containing the motherbore. Select Properties to open the Well Properties dialog.
In the Depth Reference section, create a new depth reference in the line below the motherbore reference. Give your depth reference a name in the Datum Name column. In the Elev above system column, enter the depth reference height of the sidetrack. Enter the name of the rig used to drill the sidetrack (if available) in the Rig column. Enter the ground level elevation in the Ground Elevation to MSL box. At this stage it is important to check that the Air Gap has been calculated correctly. If this value is not correct, then an error has been made entering the data and this needs to be addressed.
In the above you can see that the RTE above ground level for Rig 2 is 5m greater than Rig 1. Once the user is happy the new elevation has been entered correctly it is important to then select the new ST datum as the Default. Selecting the new ST datum as default at this stage will save a lot of unnecessary steps during the rest of the process which can lead to mistakes being made, so this is an important selection to make. Click on Apply and then Close to close the Well Properties dialog.
In the Database Tree, right-click on the well containing the motherbore and select one of the following options:
Insert new actual well if the sidetrack is a survey. Note, you can only sidetrack an existing survey with this option. If the motherbore is a plan, then this can only be sidetracked by another plan.
Insert planned well if the sidetrack is a plan.
The Plan Properties/Actual Wellbore Properties dialog will appear. Fill in the Properties, Vertical Section and Magnetics Sections as normal. Check to make sure the depth reference is correct. If the new ST datum was selected as default in the Well Properties dialog, then this should be correct.
In the Sidetrack Details section, check the Plan (or well) is a sidetrack checkbox.
Select the mother bore from the Parent Well/Plan drop-down box. This is now the point where the user should select the appropriate sidetrack depth. The sidetrack depth entered in the cell will be referenced to the Depth Datum selected in the plan properties dialog, which may differ from the motherbore. In the situation where the datum selected is different from the motherbore, the user needs to be very careful at this point to ensure they enter the correct depth.
Referencing the below diagram, if the user needs to sidetrack the motherbore at 1000m MD, then they should enter the sidetrack depth as 1005m MD.
Note that the depth must be within the range of the motherbore i.e. a motherbore with a TD of 1000m MD can’t be sidetracked at 1010m MD etc. Then click on the Create sidetrack box.
As soon as create sidetrack has been selected, the below warning will appear. This is warning that proceeding will reset the survey program in the plan or actual wellbore properties. This is not an issue as this section will currently be blank anyway. Select Yes.
The Survey Program and Tie-On sections will automatically update based on the sidetrack depth entered. The survey program will now mirror the survey program of the motherbore down to the sidetrack point, and the tie-on section will show the details of the tie-on line. Click on Apply and then Close to close the Plan Properties/Actual Wellbore Properties.
At this stage the process differs, depending on whether the user is creating a planned or actual sidetrack. For instruction regarding this process, refer to Section 3.1 - Planned Sidetrack and 3.2 - Actual Wellbore Sidetrack.
As soon as the user has setup a planned or actual sidetrack the first thing they should do is check that the sidetrack point has been chosen correctly. One way to double check this is to compare the ST tie-on line with the interpolated sidetrack point on the motherbore.
In the below screen shot, the motherbore plan is on the left and the interpolate window shows the interpolated sidetrack point on the motherbore at 1000m MD. To the right is the sidetrack tie-on line. It is expected that the MD and TVD will be different when comparing these, but if the inclination, azimuth, NS, EW and TVDss are the same, then the ST depth has been chosen correctly. If these values do not tie in, then the user should double check the sidetrack depth selected and adjust appropriately.
A step by step guide to installing Well Seeker Pro
Well Seeker PRO can be supplied as a zipped installation file which must be unzipped before use. Right click on the file and select “Extract All….” From the context menu.
Select a location which you wish to extract the files to and click “Extract”. The installation files will be extracted to the selected location in a folder called “Well Seeker PRO”
Once the files have been extracted, open the Well Seeker Pro folder and double click on the “Well Seeker PRO vx.x.x.exe” file to begin the installation process.
The installer checks the computer for some prerequisite software, which is required for Well Seeker Pro to operate correctly. If any of these software items are missing from the computer, then the installer will go through the steps of installing them before installing Well Seeker Pro. To proceed with the installation of the prerequisite software select “Next”.
If the Microsoft Edge Update (Microsoft Edge webview2 run time) is missing, then the below figure will display. Select “Next”.
If Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015-2022 is missing then the below figure will display. Select “Next”.
If a version of Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015-2022 is already present on the PC then the below window may appear. Select “Repair”.
Once installed select “Close”. If you select “Restart” at this stage the Well Seeker installation will be aborted.
If the Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server is missing then the below figure will display. Select “Next”.
Read the Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server license terms. Select “I accept the terms in the license agreement”. Select “Next”.
In the Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server feature selection section, select “Next”.
In the Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server ready to install section, select “Install”.
Select the location which you wish to install Well Seeker Pro. The default location is “C:\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker PRO\”. If you wish to change the location the program is installed to click on the “…” button.
Click on “License terms and conditions”. This will display the below screen.
Read the terms and conditions. This information can also be printed for future reference by selecting the printer icon. Once read, select the “Accept and Install” button to begin installation.
If the copy of Well Seeker Pro is genuine the user will be presented with a dialog showing the verified publisher as “Innova Drilling & Intervention”. If not the software is not genuine and should not be used. Click “Yes” to continue the installation.
Once the installation is complete the final dialog will display “Well Seeker PRO has been successfully installed”. Select “Finish” to close the dialog. An icon will have been added to the desktop and an entry for “Well Seeker PRO” will be in the start menu.
Finally, restart the PC to ensure that the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015-2022 is fully functional, prior to opening Well Seeker Pro.
A guide to the Project Ahead Function within Well Seeker Pro.
The Project Ahead tool can be found on the Toolbar at the top of the screen.
It is important to note that this option is only available when the user is in a Survey. If the user is in a Plan, or the Actual Wellbore, this option will be greyed out and they will be unable to select it.
When in a survey, select the Project Ahead option. This will open the Project Ahead Box.
Note, that Line 1 at the top of the box will be populated with the last survey point. The projection will be made from this point.
The user can now select from the same Planning Tools which are available when creating a well plan, with the exception of the S-Well and Slant-Well tools, as these can only be plotted from surface.
Once the relevant planning tool has been selected and the values entered, the projection is calculated by selecting Calculate.
The projection can then be added to the survey by selecting Add to Survey and removed from the survey by selecting Remove From Survey.
Two of the more relevant projection options are discussed below.
The Trend Over tool is only available in the Project Ahead dialog and is not displayed in the planning tools when in a well plan. This function allows the user to apply the build and turn trends seen in the previous surveys to the projection.
To select the Trend Over function, the user must select Adjust and then either MD or CL. This function will remain greyed out until these options have been selected.
Select the Measured Depth (MD) or Course Length (CL) of the projection and the number of surveys to model the trend over, then hit the calculate button. The projection will appear in line 2, directly below the last survey in the Project Ahead box.
The tool works by averaging out the Build and Turn rates based on the number of surveys selected.
In the below example, 1 survey has been selected, so the projection just uses the build and turn rate calculated for the last survey.
In the below example, 3 surveys have been selected, so the projection calculates the average build and turn rate values over the last 3 surveys.
Using the Optimum Align function, it is possible for the user to project back onto a plan.
Select Optimum Align
In the target details section, select Plan - all the plans below the Well will be available to select from the drop-down menu – Select the relevant plan
In the By box, input the Measured Depth on the plan that you want to line up on. On entering the depth, the NS, EW, TVD, Inc and Azi will be automatically populated with the values that correspond to this depth
Select the relevant Optimum Align Parameters
Hit Calculate
NOTE, that once the projection has been calculated, the measured depth in almost all cases will not match the depth entered in the By box.
The Multi Nudge Projection tool allows the user to quickly project ahead using additional features which are not available in the standard Project Ahead section of Well Seeker. More importantly, it allows an unlimited number of projection lines to be included.
As with the Project Ahead tool, it is important to note that the Multi Nudge Projection tool is only available when the user is in a Survey. If the user is in a Plan, or the Actual Wellbore, this option will be greyed out and they will be unable to select it.
When in a survey, this tool can be selected from the toolbar or by selecting Tools – Multi Project from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
When the tool first opens, the Tie-On line will be populated with the last survey in the listing. At this point the user can then select from 1 of 5 projection Methods.
The Multi Nudge Projection box can be left open while the user is adding new surveys, and the tie-on line can be updated by selecting the Update Tie On button. Note, that the surveys do not need to be saved for this to happen.
If the box is closed and then reopened, it will automatically tie onto the last survey point. The projection setup will remain populated with whatever setup the user had selected previously, even when the program has been closed and reopened. To remove the input projections, the user can delete the lines one at a time or select Reset to remove all projections.
Projections can be added to the survey by selecting Append to Survey and can be removed by selecting Remove from Survey. The Multi Nudge Projection window can remain open while using other Well Seeker functions, but all projections must be removed from the survey before new survey stations can be entered.
If the user has a slide sheet currently open, Get from Slide Sheet will pull the slide sheet entries in as projections. Note: If the user has not input the motor yield for their slides in the slide sheet, the motor yield and the DLS will default to 15 in the Multi Nudge Projection.
The five projection methods are described below:
This option allows the user to select Course Length (CL), Dogleg (DLS) and Toolface Orientation (TFO) to calculate the projection. This method assumes a 100% slide. Motor Yield will be automatically populated with the same value input in the DLS column.
This option allows the user to select Course Length (CL), Slide Percentage (%) and Toolface Orientation (TFO) to calculate the projection. The user is also required to add the Motor Yield, as the projected dogleg is calculated based on the slide (%) and the Motor Yield.
In the example above, the slide (%) is 50% and the motor yield is 5°/30m, which results in a 2.5°/30m DLS.
This option allows the user to select Course Length (CL), Slide Distance (Dist) and Toolface Orientation (TFO) to calculate the projection. The user is also required to add the Motor Yield, as the projected dogleg is calculated based on the slide (Dist) and the Motor Yield.
In the above example, the Slide Distance is 4m (Course Length is 10m) and the motor yield is 5°/30m, which results in a 2.0°/30m DLS.
This option allows the user to select Inclination (Inc), Azimuth (Azi) and Dogleg (DLS) to calculate the projection. This method assumes a 100% slide. Motor Yield will be automatically populated with the same value input in the DLS column.
This option allows the user to select Course Length (CL). The inclination and azimuth from the tie-on line will be held for the selected distance.
The user can set up the Multi Nudge Projection with as many lines as required.
This section of the Multi Nudge Projection allows the user to project to a landing point and is most useful when landing out a horizontal lateral and functions in a similar way to the Dogleg Toolface - Point planning method.
Note that this section will only work if a principal plan for the well has been assigned. To set a plan as a principal plan, right-click on the plan in the database tree and select Properties. In the Properties window check the Set as principal plan checkbox next to the well name.
The Bit row displays the deepest survey station in the currently opened survey sheet. As this is the most recent survey, to accurately use this projection tool, the user should make a projection to the bit to get the true bit position. To do this the user should make a projection in the top window and append it to the to the survey, as displayed in the image below. The Bit row will update automatically when the projection is added. If for any reason this does not happen, the Update Bit Position button can be used to force an update.
When a MD is entered in the Target row, Well Seeker looks for this MD on the Principal Plan and then populates the rest of the cells in the row with the values from the plan. The Landing Data tool then automatically calculates the constant Tool Face and DLS required to reach that point on the principal plan from the bit position shown in the Bit row.
In the below example, the MD of the curve landing point (7751.18 USft MD) has been entered and the TVD, NS and EW coordinates in the projection match the plan at this depth. The Tool Face and DLS columns show the Tool Face and DLS required to reach this landing point from the current bit position. Note that the plan is open here for demonstration purposes. It does not need to be open for the Landing Data window to work.
The Select Critical Point drop down box can be used to quickly select plan points from the principal plan as the landing target. If the principal plan is changed while the Multi Nudge Projection is opened, the list of plan points can be updated using the Update button.
The user can also enter a target using the Find Landing button. This button will automatically pick the plan point from the principal plan that has the highest inclination. If multiple plan points share the highest inclination, the Find Landing button will pick the shallowest.
The Append to Survey button will add the Target row to the survey list as a projection, while the Remove from survey will delete it. Projections from both the Multi-Nudge section and the Landing Data section can be present on the survey list at the same time.
The landing data calculation should automatically update whenever new input data is added; however, if for any reason this does not happen, it can be updated manually using the Calculate button.
Selecting the Adjust TVD checkbox allows the user to change the TVD of the point selected in the above. The MD stays unchanged as this is what the program is using to determine the local coordinates of the landing point.
Note in the below example how the NS and EW local coordinates are still the same as the landing point line, but because the TVD has been shifted deeper the DLS, Tool Face and Inc have changed. The program is still aiming for a specific point here, only with an adjusted TVD.
This option is only available when Adjust TVD is selected.
This allows the user to enter an Inc, Azi and TVD to project to. The main difference with this selection compared to the previous options is that the user is not projecting to a specific point i.e. the local coordinates are not fixed.
In the example below, the Inc, Azi and TVD are entered for the planned curve landing point. Note that the MD, NS and EW landing points are no longer the same as the landing point in the plan. This setup simply tells the user what dogleg is required to land out at horizontal for a given TVD. When new surveys are added, the bit line updates automatically and so does the landing point line.
NOTE: When you first open this dialogue, there is no requirement to enter a MD. It is possible to just select Adjust TVD and Adjust Inc / Azi and input the values. There is no need to add a MD unless you specifically want to hit an exact point.
The TVD Projection feature can be activated by clicking on the check box in the top right of the Landing Data window. This feature displays two new Target rows that are offset by a user specified TVD from the main Target row.
In the example below, TVD Projection 1 has been set as -10, so its target is the same as the Target row but 10 USft TVD shallower. TVD Projection 2 has been set as 10, so its target is 10 USft TVD deeper.
The TVD projection feature can be used in tandem with the Adjust TVD and the Adjust Inc/Azi functions. TVD projections are for reference only and cannot be appended to the survey list.
The following document details the recommended procedures to follow in Well Seeker Pro from pre-job, through to post-job. These procedures are designed to aid office and field personnel by providing a structured, repeatable workflow for them to follow. For a more detailed breakdown of each of the features mentioned in this guide, refer to the Well Seeker Manual.
The document is split into the following sections:
Office - Pre-Job Steps
Rig Site – Pre-Job Steps
Rig Site – WITS Setup
Rig Site- Drilling Operations
Office – Monitoring Drilling Operations
Rig Site – End Of Well Steps
Office – Post-Job Steps
These steps describe how to set up a job on your company’s remote server database, so that it is ready for the rig crew to download when they arrive at the rig site.
1. Log on to the SQL server field database.
If you are using a corporate license, your login window may be simplified (right) and will require you to only enter your username and password. Otherwise, you will require additional login credentials for your SQL server database (left).
2. Review your default activity, phase and cost codes. Click on the Tools menu and select Code Defaults.
3. Use the Code Defaults window to review the default activity, phase and cost codes for the server database. These codes will be applied to any new operator and actual well that is created, either manually or when imported using a Compass EDM file. When you are satisfied with your default codes, click on the Save icon and then close the window. Note that you will be able to tweak the codes for your well later.
Steps four, five and six assume that you will set up your well by importing a well plan from Compass. If you have built your well and/or well plan in Well Seeker, skip to step seven.
4. Review your Compass import settings.
5. Select Import Compass EDM file.
6. Select the correct Compass export file to import that includes final well plan and any offset wells not already included in the database. You may notice that your database tree contains slightly different names when imported into Well Seeker, compared to the original Compass file. This is because Well Seeker requires names in the database tree to be unique, whereas Compass does not. Well Seeker will modify names to avoid conflicts. For more information on the logic behind this process, visit this page: EDM Import Function Update
7. Make sure that your principal well plan has been correctly designated. Right click on the well plan and select Properties.
8. In the Plan Properties window, check the Set as Principal Plan checkbox and click Apply, then Close.
9. Right click at well level and select Insert new actual well.
10. In the Actual Wellbore Properties window that appears, input and check the actual well name, vertical section, magnetics and depth reference details. If your well is a sidetrack, refer to this page for a guide to tying your well onto its mother bore. After checking your inputs, click on Apply and then Close.
11. Right click at actual well level and select Insert new survey.
12. Input and check survey name, tie on details and survey instrument/IPM. After checking your inputs, click on Apply and then Close.
13. Double click on the newly created survey to open the survey table. Click on the Save icon. When the program asks Do you wish to add this survey to the survey program? Click Yes. Then close the survey table.
14. Double click on the actual wellbore to open the actual wellbore table. Click on the Select Offsets icon in the toolbar, or open the Tools menu and select Offset Selector.
15. In the Select Offsets window, select all relevant offset wells. If you need to select offset well plans, you will need to make them visible by activation them in the Filters section. Once you have selected the desired offsets, click on Apply and then Close.
16. Right click on the actual well and select Reporting >> Drill String Editor.
17. In the Drill String Editor window click on the Add New BHA icon in the toolbar. In the newly crated BHA, input the BHA description and BHA number. Click on the Save icon and then close the window.
18. Open the Tools menu and select Personnel Names and Details.
19. In the Personnel Details window, ensure that the DD Coordinator, MWD Coordinator, DDs and MWD Engineers for the upcoming job are present in the list. Other personnel are optional. Once you are satisfied, click on the Apply button and then Close.
20. Open the Tools menu and select Rig Names.
21. In the Rig Names window, ensure that the rig being used in the upcoming job is present in the list. Once you are satisfied, click on the Apply button and then Close.
22. Open the Tools menu and select Shipping Addresses.
23. In the Addresses window, list contains any relevant addresses for the upcoming job. For example, the address of the rig and the workshop that tools will be shipped to/from. This will aid the field personnel when they come to create shipping tickets. Once you are satisfied, click on the Apply button and then Close.
24. Right click on the actual well and select Reporting >> Daily Reporting.
25. In the Daily Reports window, click on the Activity Codes icon on the toolbar. In the Activity Codes window, verify the activity codes are correct. Any changes to the codes here will only apply to the current operator and do not affect the default codes. You can reset to the default codes by clicking on the blue arrow icon in the toolbar. Once you are satisfied, click on the Save icon and close the window.
26. Click on the Phase Codes icon on the toolbar. In the Phase Codes window, verify the phases codes are correct. Any changes to the codes here will only apply to the current operator and do not affect the default codes. You can reset to the default codes by clicking on the blue arrow icon in the toolbar. Once you are satisfied, click on the Save icon and close the window.
27. Click on the Cost Codes icon on the toolbar. In the Cost Codes window, verify the cost codes are correct. Any changes to the codes here will only apply to the current well and do not affect the default codes. You can reset to the default codes by clicking on the blue arrow icon in the toolbar. Once you are satisfied, click on Apply and Close.
28. In the Daily Reports window, set the Well Status as Upcoming. Select the DD Coordinator and the MWD Coordinator from the dropdown menus. If they are not available, go back to step 18 and update the Personnel Details. Click on the Save button and then close the window.
29. Right click on the actual well and select External Files. Here you can add any file that you want the rig to have when they start the job. Click on the folder icon to select the desired file. You have the option to assign a category to the file if you wish using the drop down box. Click on the Add button to add the selected file to the well. Once you have added all of the desired files, click on the Close button.
These steps detail how the rig crew can download the job data from the remote server, and get the software ready to record drilling activity.
1. Open Well Seeker.
2. If you use a single database to store all of your wells, select it by opening the File menu and click on Select Database. If not, create a new blank database by opening the File menu and click on Create New Database. After you have created your new database, you will need to select it using Select Database.
3. You can confirm your currently selected database by checking the path displayed on the status bat at the bottom of your Well Seeker window.
4. Use the Remote Data Fetch tool to pull down your job from the server database. Open the Tools menu and select Remote Data Fetch.
5. In the Data Fetch window, enter the details for your company’s ICDS IP Address and Port. If you have a corporate license, these details may be automatically entered. If not, you will need to get them from your company administrator. After entering your details, click on the Connect button.
6. Find your job in the list of wells on the server database. You can use the search box and the filter drop down boxes at the top of the window to narrow down the list.
7. Make sure that Pull Offset Wells and Pull Principal Plan have been turned ON in the options section the bottom right corner of the window.
8. Select the actual well for your job from the list by clicking on the circle, then click on the Fetch Data button. When the download is complete, the message box should display the message Data Fetch Complete! You can now close the window.
If you do not see any circles to select your well in the list, refer to this technical note.
9. Right click on the actual well and select External Files. Here you can view any files that were attached to the job. You can also put any signed tickets here during the job.
10. Right click on the well plan and select Properties. Check that all of the information is correct, and then click on Close.
11. Double click on the well plan to open it. Check that the well plan matches what well planning sent in their report.
12. The office will have made an actual well for you. Right click on the actual well and select properties. Check that all of the information is correct, and then click on Close.
13. Right click on the actual well and select Reporting >> Tool Inventory.
14. Fill in the inventory with your tools that you have on location. When you are finished, click on the Save button and then close the window.
15. Right click on the actual well and select Reporting >> Drill String Editor.
16. You should find that the office personnel have already created the first BHA. Start filling in the components for the BHA, starting from the bit. For each component, start by selecting the component type from the Component column. Then right click on the row and select Insert from Inventory. This will allow you to pick one of the components that you recorded in the Tool Inventory. Alternatively, select Insert from Catalogue. This will allow you to insert components from a list of generic tools.
17. After inserting a component, fill in its Component Properties on the right.
18. Repeat the process for each component until the BHA is complete. You can also fill in the Rig, MWD #, Mud Weight and target Formation if you wish. Click on the Save icon and then close the window.
19. Right click on the actual well and select Reporting >> Daily Reporting.
20. Click on the Add Daily Report icon in the toolbar to create your first day.
21. Click on the Well Data & Personnel icon in the toolbar.
22. Fill in the Well Data & Personnel with the information that you have, but make sure to fill in the Job #, Rig, State, County and the Day/Night DDs and MWD Engineers.
The Rig and Personnel fields should be selectable using drop down boxes. If not, go back to the Daily Reports window, open the Report Options menu and make sure that Use dropdown list for personnel/rig is toggled on.
After entering the information, click on Apply.
23. If you wish to add pump information, you can add it by clicking on the Pump Data icon in the main toolbar. After entering the pump data, click on Apply.
24. Click on the Daily Costs icon in the main toolbar. Enter the charges for the using the dropdown menu in the Description column. Enter the quantity and select an associated BHA, if applicable. After entering the charges, click on Apply.
25. Open the Reporting Options and select Set Default Activity Code / Description. This option sets the activity and comment that will be used to fill in time gaps when the Get DDR from Run Sheet button is pressed. Usually this will be survey and connection time, so pick an activity that represents that.
If it is company policy to count survey and connection time as circulating time, choose an activity code starting with 5 such as 5A: Circulate. If not, choose a different code such as 10D: Survey & Connection. If in doubt, check with your coordinator.
26. Set the Well Status to Active.
27. You can now start recording your daily activities. Remember to save regularly by clicking on the Save icon in the main toolbar.
The Daily Reports window does not need to be closed in order for you to work in other parts of Well Seeker. It can be minimized or moved to another screen.
28. All rigs should send data back to the server database. This can be done in the background using the Real Time Data Exchange. In the Daily Reports window, click on the Real Time Data Exchange icon in the main toolbar. If you are in the main Well Seeker interface, open the Tools menu and select Real Time Data Exchange.
29. In the Data Exchange dialog, use the dropdown boxes in the Select Well section to choose the current job.
30. In the ICDS Server section enter the details for your company’s ICDS IP and Port. If you have a corporate license, these details may be automatically entered. If not, you will need to get them from your company administrator.
31. In the Select Data section, select the data that you wish to push back to the server. At a minimum, select Surveys and Daily Reports. For other selections, discuss with your coordinator.
32. In the Data Transfer section, set the update rate. This sets the time between pushes to the server. For this example, we will use 30 minutes. Click on the Start button to begin running the data exchange.
33. You can now close the Data Exchange window. It will keep running in the background. You can view the status of the data exchange in the bottom right hand corner of the main Well Seeker window.
This section only applies if you are using a WITS feed from the rig to automatically fill in your slide sheet. If you are recording your slide sheet manually, you can skip to the next section.
1. In the main Well Seeker interface, open the Tools menu and select WITS mappings. Coordinate with the rig to make sure that the RECORD_ID and FIELD_ID match with the incoming WITS data. When you have finished, click on Apply.
2. The rest of the WITS options are found in the slide sheet. In the database tree, double click on the survey for the job to open it. Then right click on the survey in the database tree and select Reporting >> Slide Sheet.
3. In the slide sheet window, click on the Serial / TCP WITS Comms icon in the toolbar to open the WITS Comms window. Choose your WITS settings depending on the method of input:
a. If you are using a serial cable, select your comm port in the Serial WITS Settings section.
b. If you are using an ethernet cable, select your input type, port and IP address in the Ethernet WITS settings.
4. Click on Start Reading. You should see data coming through in the WITS Data Stream section.
5. You should also send data back to the server. The IP and Port boxes on the right hand side of the window define which server you are uploading to, and are set by the IP and Port set in your Real Time Data Exchange window. Toggle on the Send Data To Server option. If the upload is successful, you will see the message Update completed with no critical errors.
6. Minimize the WITS Comms window. Do not close it.
7. Click on the Rig States icon in the Slide Sheet main toolbar. In the Rig States window, the incoming WITS values are displayed in the Current WITS Data section. Adjust the settings in the Thresholds section so that the WITS data is translated into the correct rig state in the Current Rig State section.
8. Minimize the Rig States window. Do not close it.
9. In the slide sheet window, make sure that the correct BHA is selected in the drop down box. Click on the green Auto Populate Slide Sheet icon in the toolbar. You will see the message Live rig states running appear and you will no longer be able to edit the slide sheet. Instead it will automatically populate using the incoming WITS data. To stop recording, click on the red Stop Populating Slide Sheet icon in the toolbar. Remember to save regularly using the save icon in the toolbar.
10. Minimize the slide sheet, do not close it while recording WITS data. You will be able to work in the Daily Reports and main Well Seeker windows with the slide sheet minimized in the background.
The steps below detail some of the tools available to the rig crew during drilling operations, as well as recommended procedures for filling in and performing quality control on your reporting data.
1. Fill in your daily reporting activities until you are on bottom and drilling. From this point, begin recording your slide sheet and surveys. Drilling activities can be automatically transferred from the slide sheet to the daily report using the Get DDR from Run Sheet button, as detailed in Step 9, below.
2. When viewing a survey sheet, the Up/Down, Left/Right and (Centre-to-Centre) Dist columns can be used to monitor how closely you are following the principal plan. If these columns are not available, they can be activated using the Survey Column Show Hide option in the View menu.
3. If the wrong plan is set as the principal, it can be changed using the Set as principal plan option in the Plan Properties window.
4. Plots can be viewed when a survey or plan is open. Click on any of the plot icons on the toolbar, or select them from the Plots menu.
5. When viewing a plot, offset wells/plans can be toggled on or off by clicking on the Toggle Offsets icon on the toolbar. The selected offsets can be edited by clicking on the Offset Selector icon on the toolbar or in the Tools menu.
6. Projections can be added to a survey using the Multi-Project and Project Ahead tools. Multi-project allows you to add multiple, simple projections, while Project Ahead utilises the same planning tools as the well plan. Both of these windows can be left open while working in other parts of the software. Access them using the icons in the toolbar or in Tools >> Projection Tools.
7. The Real Time Anti-Collision (RT AC) dialog can be accessed when viewing a survey. Open it by clicking on the icon in the toolbar or by selecting Tools >> Dashboards >> RT AC Warnings. The RTAC will display the anti-collision results for all selected offsets, the principal plan and any lease lines/hard lines.
8. The Directional Drilling (DD) Dashboard collects data from multiple sources within Well Seeker and displays them in one interface, allowing the Directional Driller or a RTOC to monitor drilling operations from a single screen. It is accessed via the Slide Sheet. In the Slide Sheet window, click on the DD Dashboard icon in the toolbar.
The DD Dashboard will then open. It can be left open while working in other parts of the software. Multiple DD dashboards can be opened at the same time, but this can be taxing on your computer’s CPU and memory.
The DD dashboard contains the following sections. For a detailed breakdown of these sections, refer to the Well Seeker Manual:
Real time gauges showing various drilling parameters. Requires WITS data from the rig.
Toolface rose displaying details of the last slide.
Real time anti-collision.
Recent surveys with automatic bit projection.
3D plot showing principal plan and bit projection.
Drilling parameters plot and current rig state. Requires WITS data from the rig.
9. During drilling, click on the Get DDR from Run Sheet button in the Daily Reports window to automatically fill in your drilling activities using the data recorded in the Slide Sheet. Any gaps in drilling activity will be filled in with the default activity code that you set in the Report Options menu.
10. Click on the Get Params button to automatically update your run and 24hr parameters using the data recorded in your slide sheet. Update mud properties and Well Data & Personnel with any changes. Remember to fill in the Daily Costs for each day.
11. At the end of each day, it is recommended to QC your report. Open the Data Validation menu and select Check activity against slide sheet. If the drilling activities in your report do not match with the slide sheet, you will get an error message. You should also check the following:
a. The depth at the start of the day is correct.
b. All activity codes are correct.
c. If a BHA has been picked up or lay down, it has a 6O or 6P activity assigned. If no BHA is in the hole, the BHA field should be blank.
d. Every activity has a phase assigned to it.
12. It is also recommended that you backup your database at least once a day. In the main Well Seeker interface, open the File menu and select Backup Database. This will let you save a backup copy of your database.
13. Print your Daily Report by going to File >> Print DDR or File >> Print PDF Reports >> Print DDR. You can configure what is included in the DDR by opening the Report Options menu and using the Daily Report and Additional Daily Report Options submenus.
14. You can create a morning report by going to File >> Create Morning Report Package. This morning report is treated like an End Of Well Report and is configured in the EOWR submenu in Report Options. The package contains the following:
a. A copy of the database.
b. An Excel format EOWR up to the current day.
c. An email template containing a summary of the current status of the well.
15. At the end of a run you should fill out the performance report for the BHA. Open the Drill String Editor, select the current BHA and click on the Performance Report icon in the toolbar.
16. In the Performance Report, click on the Get Data From DDR. This will automatically fill in the parameters section using data recorded in the Daily Reports.
17. Click on Get MWD Surface System. This will pull all of the surface system serial numbers from the Tool Inventory, allowing you to select them using dropdown boxes in the MWD section.
18. Make sure a Reason for POOH has been selected. Make any general comments on the run in the Additional Comments and MWD Comments section.
19. If there was a tool failure, record it by clicking the Motor Failed, MWD Failed or RSS Failed check boxes. If a different tool caused the failure, just click the Failed checkbox in the top right. This will activate the Failure section allowing you to record details of the failure. Make sure to click the Trip For Failure or LIH (Lost in Hole) checkboxes if these apply.
20. Save and then close the Performance Report.
21. Save your BHA and then create the BHA for the next run by clicking on the Add New BHA icon. You can also click on Copy BHA, which will create a new BHA and copy over all of the components from the current BHA. Give the new BHA a name and BHA #. Once you have finished filling in the new BHA, you can Save and then close the Drill String Editor.
The following steps introduce the tools that can be used to monitor the job from the office. These tools require the field engineers to be pushing data from the rig site using the Real Time Data Exchange. Some also require the WITS feed from the rig to be pushed to the server.
1. Log into the remote server database.
2. Open the Tools menu and select the Dashboards submenu. These dashboards can be used to provide information for multiple wells at the same time.
3. The Anti-Collision (AC) Dashboard allows you to monitor the anti-collision status of multiple wells at the same time. Open the File menu and select Open RT AC For Active Wells. A window will appear displaying all wells that are currently set to active in the daily reports. Select the ones you want to monitor using the Select column. You can also change the offset settings of the wells by toggling Update Offset Selection on.
4. Click on the OK button and Well Seeker will open the Real Time AC dialog for the selected wells. The AC Dashboard will also populate with two lines for each selected well. One will show the offset well with the lowest C2C distance to the selected well. The other will show the offset with the lowest SF to the select well. If any anti-collision limits are breached, the lines will be highlighted in red.
5. The Rigs Online Dashboard displays all of the rigs that are currently pushing data to the server using the real time data exchange. The Time Since Update column displays the time in hours and minutes since the last update from the rig. Opening the File menu and selecting Show WITS Connections will cause the list to also display wells that are pushing WITS data to the server.
6. The Logistics Dashboard searches all the well inventories in the database and displays all tools which are listed in these inventories. Note that if the On Location box is not checked, the tool will not show up in this dialog. The list van be filtered using the dropdown boxes and search bar.
7. The Activity Dashboard displays an overview of all ongoing jobs in the server database – that is any job with the daily reporting status set as Active, Standby, Upcoming or TD. The list of wells at the bottom of the window can be filtered using the dropdown boxes. Selecting a well from the list will display information for that specific well.
8. The Incident Dashboard displays all BHA failures that have occurred in the last 12 months. This is logged using the Motor Failed, MWD Failed or RSS Failed checkboxes in the performance report. Selecting a well from the list at the bottom will display the BHA assembly of the well.
9. The Directional Drilling (DD) Dashboard collects data from multiple sources within Well Seeker and displays them in one interface, allowing the Directional Driller or a RTOC to monitor drilling operations from a single screen.
It is accessed via the Slide Sheet. Open one of the surveys for the well you wish to view. Then right click on the survey in the database tree and select Reporting >> Slide Sheet.
In the Slide Sheet window, click on the DD Dashboard icon in the toolbar.
The DD Dashboard will then open. It can be left open while working in other parts of the software. Multiple DD dashboards can be opened at the same time, but this can be taxing on your computer’s CPU and memory.
The DD dashboard contains the following sections. For a detailed breakdown of these sections, refer to the Well Seeker Manual:
Real time gauges showing various drilling parameters. Requires WITS data from the rig.
Toolface rose displaying details of the last slide.
Real time anti-collision.
Recent surveys with automatic bit projection.
3D plot showing principal plan and bit projection.
Drilling parameters plot and current rig state. Requires WITS data from the rig.
Once drilling operations have finished, follow the below steps to QA & QC your reporting data and close out the well.
1. Finish recording activities and parameters for the last day. Make sure that the last BHA has a 6P: Lay Down BHA activity assigned. Save and then close the Daily Reports window.
2. Save and close your slide sheet.
3. Save your surveys. Open the Actual Well Properties and check that the survey program is updated down to TD.
4. Once you have finished prepping your tools for backload, right click on the actual well and select Reporting >> Tool Inventory. In the Tool Inventory, mark tools that are ready for backload by clicking in the Ready for Backload column. When you are finished, click Save and close the window.
5. Right click on the actual well and select Reporting >> Shipping Ticket.
6. Create a new ticket by clicking on the New icon in the toolbar. In the Shipping From section, select the rig address from the dropdown box. In the Shipping To section, select the destination address. If these addresses are not available in the dropdown boxes, you can fill them in manually.
7. Add a comment and then select the tools that you want added to the ticket by clicking in the Select column. If you marked tools as Ready for Backload in the Tool Inventory, you can quickly select them by clicking the Mark Tools ready for Backload button.
8. Save your shipping ticket and then Print it. Once your tools have been shipped, you can click on the Ship Tools button to automatically mark your tools as off location in the Tool Inventory.
9. Steps 10 - 18 detail how to perform a QA & QC check on the daily reporting in the well. Follow this link for an in depth video guide on the below steps. Before starting, it is recommended to back up your database by opening the File menu and selecting Backup Database.
10. Right click on the actual well and select Reporting >> Daily Activity Editor. Check for the following:
a. Time Gaps – The start time of every activity should match with the end time of the previous activity. The editor will highlight any gaps in red.
b. Depth Gaps - The start depth of every activity should match with the end depth of the previous activity. The editor will highlight any gaps in red.
c. BHAs – Every BHA should have exactly one 6O: Pick Up and one 6P: Lay Down activity. Every row should have the BHA selected while it is in the hole. When no BHA is in the hole, the BHA cell should be blank.
d. Phases – Every row should have a phase selected.
Once you have completed these checks, click on Apply and Close.
11. Right click on the actual well and select Reporting >> Daily Reporting.
12. In the Daily Reports window, open the Data Validation menu and select Check activity against slide sheet all reports. Well Seeker will generate and open a text file that details all of the places where the drilling activities in the slide sheet do not match up with the daily activities in the daily reports.
Use the text file as a guide, and alter either the daily reports or the slide sheet until all errors have been dealt with. When you are finished, click on the Save icon in the toolbar.
13. Open the Data Validation menu again and select Zero RPM for all slides on slide sheet. This sets the RPM parameter on all slides in the slide sheet to 0, as this is supposed to represent surface RPM. Click on the Save icon in the toolbar again, and then minimize the Daily Reports window.
14. In the database tree, double click on one of the surveys for the job to open it. Then right click on the survey in the database tree and select Reporting >> Slide Sheet. For each slide sheet in the well, check through your drilling parameters to make sure that there have been no typos or mistakes.
A common mistake is that the drilling parameters get entered with the wrong units. If you are not sure what units you are supposed to be using, open the Tools menu in the main interface and select Unit Sets. The units in this dialog are the units used in the slide sheet.
When you have finished with each slide sheet, save your changes by clicking on the Save icon in the toolbar. When you have finished with every slide sheet, close the slide sheet window.
15. Go back to the Daily Reports window, open the Data Validation menu and select Update Activity Description from slide sheet all reports. This will take the drilling parameters that you have just checked in your slide sheets, and use them to update the descriptions for your drilling and sliding activities in your Daily Report.
16. Open the Data Validation menu and select Get drilling params from slide sheet all reports. This will take the drilling parameters that you have just checked in your slide sheets, and use them to update the 24hr and run parameters in in your Daily Report.
Click on Save in the toolbar and then minimize the Daily Reports window.
17. Once you have finished QC’ing the Daily Report, you should make sure that all of your BHA performance reports are filled in. Right click on the actual well and select Reporting >> Drill String Editor, then open the Performance Report by clicking on the icon in the toolbar.
18. For each performance report check that:
a. Parameters have been filled in. If not, you can click on the Get Data from DDR button in the toolbar. This will automatically update the drilling parameters in the performance report.
b. A reason for POOH has been selected.
c. If the BHA had a failure, make sure that this has been recorded.
19. You can now print your End of Well Report. In the Daily Reports window, open the Report Options menu and open the EOWR sub-menu. Toggle the options there on or off to set whether or not they are included in the EOWR.
20. In the Daily Reports window, open the File menu and select Print EOWR. This will print your EOWR in Excel format. If you want to print in PDF format, select File >> Print PDF Reports >> Print EOWR.
21. Set the well status to EOW Ready or EOW Sent. Click on Save and then close the Daily Reports window.
22. Right click on the actual well in the database tree and select External Files. Add any relevant documents, such as the EOWR and the shipping ticket.
23. Open the File menu and select SQL Server Databases. Make sure the Push External Files is toggled ON.
24. Push the last update to the server. Open the Tools menu and select Real Time Data Exchange. Force a push by clicking on Manual Push. Wait for the message box to say File Transmission Successful and External Files Transmission Complete. You can then stop the data exchange by clicking on the Stop button and closing the window.
After the rig has pushed their last update to the server, follow the below steps to QA & QC the data and verify that the well is finished. The rig may have already performed some of these steps during their End of Well procedure. Follow this link for an in depth video guide on quality control for the reporting data.
1. Verify that the bottom line of the actual wellbore and actual well properties match with the well planner’s details.
2. Right click on the actual well and select Reporting >> Daily Activity Editor. Check for the following:
a. Time Gaps – The start time of every activity should match with the end time of the previous activity. The editor will highlight any gaps in red.
b. Depth Gaps - The start depth of every activity should match with the end depth of the previous activity. The editor will highlight any gaps in red.
c. BHAs – Every BHA should have exactly one 6O: Pick Up and one 6P: Lay Down activity. Every row should have the BHA selected while it is in the hole. When no BHA is in the hole, the BHA cell should be blank.
d. Phases – Every row should have a phase selected.
Once you have completed these checks, click on Apply and Close.
3. Right click on the actual well and select Reporting >> Daily Reporting.
4. In the Daily Reports window, open the Data Validation menu and select Check activity against slide sheet all reports. Well Seeker will generate and open a text file that details all of the places where the drilling activities in the slide sheet do not match up with the daily activities in the daily reports.
Use the text file as a guide, and alter either the daily reports or the slide sheet until all errors have been dealt with. When you are finished, click on the Save icon in the toolbar.
5. Open the Data Validation menu again and select Zero RPM for all slides on slide sheet. This sets the RPM parameter on all slides in the slide sheet, as this is supposed to represent surface RPM. Click on the Save icon in the toolbar again, and then minimize the Daily Reports window.
6. In the database tree, double click on one of the surveys for the job to open it. Then right click on the survey in the database tree and select Reporting >> Slide Sheet. For each slide sheet in the well, check through your drilling parameters to make sure that there have been no typos or mistakes.
A common mistake is that the drilling parameters get entered with the wrong units. If you are not sure what units you are supposed to be using, open the Tools menu in the main interface and select Unit Sets. The units in this dialog are the units used in the slide sheet.
When you have finished with each slide sheet, save your changes by clicking on the Save icon in the toolbar. When you have finished with every slide sheet, close the slide sheet window.
7. Go back to the Daily Reports window, open the Data Validation menu and select Update Activity Description from slide sheet all reports. This will take the drilling parameters that you have just checked in your slide sheets, and use them to update the descriptions for your drilling and sliding activities in your Daily Report.
8. Open the Data Validation menu and select Get drilling params from slide sheet all reports. This will take the drilling parameters that you have just checked in your slide sheets, and use them to update the 24hr and run parameters in in your Daily Report.
Click on Save in the toolbar and then minimize the Daily Reports window.
9. Once you have finished QC’ing the Daily Report, you should make sure that all of your BHA performance reports are filled in. Right click on the actual well and select Reporting >> Drill String Editor, then open the Performance Report by clicking on the icon in the toolbar.
10. For each performance report check that:
a. Parameters have been filled in. If not, you can click on the Get Data from DDR button in the toolbar. This will automatically update the drilling parameters in the performance report.
b. A reason for POOH has been selected.
c. If the BHA had a failure, make sure that this has been recorded.
11. After all data QC has been completed, open the Daily Reporting for the well and changed the well status to Verified.
12. If you have a clean master database, you can now transfer the well, using your company’s preferred method. After doing so, change the well status to Transferred.
Well Seeker Pro comes pre-installed with the latest generic surveying error model tool codes issued by the ISCWSA. However, on occasion the user may want to add their own custom tool codes to the software. Usually this is to model the survey performance of a specific tool.
Most surveying tool manufacturers issue their tool codes as IPM (Instrument Performance Model) files with the “*.IPM” file format. If the user has received an IPM file they can follow the instructions in Method 1 below to add it to Well Seeker Pro. If the user does not have the IPM file but has the details of the tool code, they can enter them manually into Well Seeker by following the instructions in Method 2.
1. Open Well Seeker Pro. Open the Help menu and select Open Setup File Folder. This will open a new window.
2. Open the IPM folder.
3. Close Well Seeker Pro.
4. Paste your IPM file into the IPM folder.
5. Open Well Seeker Pro.
6. Your new IPM will be available to select from the dropdown menus in the Survey Properties window and the Plan Properties window.
1. Open Well Seeker. Open the Tools menu and select Survey Tool Editor.
2. Click the Create New button.
3. Enter a suitable file name and hit save.
4. Select the new name from the File Name dropdown menu and then click on the Edit button.
5. Enter a name for the survey tool in the Survey Tool Name box, and a description in the Description box. Enter the relevant co-efficients into the table in the Co-Efficients section. As you enter a row into the table, the software will create a fresh row underneath so that you can continue. When you are finished, click on the Apply button.
6. Your new IPM will be available to select from the dropdown menus in the Survey Properties window and the Plan Properties window.
A guide to backing up a Well Seeker Pro local Database.
When Well Seeker Pro is installed for the first time, part of the install is a database which can be found in the following location.
When the program is opened for the first time, this is the database which Well Seeker will access. The database being accessed is referenced in the bottom right corner of the Well Seeker screen.
Well seeker database files have a .mdb file extension, and the user can easily create and switch between databases using the File – Create New Database and File – Select Database features in the top menu.
It is very important that the user regularly backs up their databases to ensure they always have a copy in case something happens to their computer or in case there is some other issue.
The current database is defined as the database which is currently being accessed when you open Well Seeker. This database is backed up as follows:
Open Well Seeker
Select File – Backup Database
Choose an appropriate location to save the database and select an appropriate name. For example, Master Db.mdb or Master Db (Date).mdb etc.
It is not uncommon for a user to have multiple databases which they frequently switch between. It is very easy to back up a database without even opening Well Seeker, even if it is the current database. As an alternative method to the one described in section 2.1, any database can be backed up as follows:
Locate the database to be backed up. This will be a .mdb file.
Copy the .mdb database file and save it in the required backup location.
At this point the user can rename the database if necessary (but this is not required). For example, Well_Seeker_DB.mdb could be renamed Well_Seeker_DB (Date).mdb, or it could be completely renamed. This is just for reference and has no effect on the database itself.
When necessary a backup database can be accessed when in Well Seeker by selecting File – Select Database. The user should then Navigate to and select the relevant back up.
The backup location should NOT be in the Programs (x86) folder. Rather it should be in a documents folder on the computer C drive, or ideally somewhere that is backed up regularly i.e. a shared drive etc. The user’s desktop should also be avoided as files on the desktop are easy to delete by mistake.
When a new version of the software becomes available, the user needs to remove the existing version (via the add/remove programs feature in Windows) before they can install the new version. This uninstall process removes all the files which initially came with the install. This INCLUDES the original Well_Seeker_DB.mdb database. Although Innova recommends that users create their own database when they first start using the software some users prefer to work in the default. In this situation it is ESSENTIAL that the user backs this database up before they uninstall the software as this database will be DELETED during the uninstall process.
Well seeker database files have a .mdb file extension. When a database is being accessed by Well Seeker an additional .ldb file is temporarily created. This is a very small file which, disappears when the database is not being accessed i.e. Well Seeker is using a different database, or when Well Seeker is closed.
When backing up the current database following Section 2.2 instructions, the user should be careful not to copy the .ldb file instead of the .mdb as this does not contain any data. To avoid making this mistake, it is safer to ensure that the .ldb file is not present, and Well Seeker being closed ensures this.
Questions relating to any of the above can be sent to support@innova-drilling.com
A selection of quick start guides for Well Seeker Pro
This document answers frequently asked questions relating to Innova’s Well Planning and Engineering software.
Q1: I am getting an error message when I try to install the software?
A: Please make sure that you have administrator rights for the PC that you are installing to. For a step by step guide for software installation please see the documents IDI06-011C - Well Seeker PRO - Installation Guide and IDI06-010C - Engineering - Installation Guide. Both can be downloaded from our website at the following location: http://www.innova-drilling.com/drilling-software/documentation. In the unlikely event that you are still experiencing issues installing the software please contact us at support@innova-drilling.com.
Q2: Can I import a Compass Export file into Well Seeker Pro?
A: Yes. Simply open the Well Seeker Pro database that you wish to import the Compass Export file in to and select File > Import Compass EDM file. You can change the importing parameters by selecting File > Compass Import Settings.
Q3: I have been sent a hotfix; how do I install it?
A: If you encounter a bug with the program you will be sent a hotfix email. Normally this email will contain a link that will let you download the hotfix in the form of a .exe file.
Occasionally the hotfix will be sent as an attachment to the email. In this case the file extension will be changed to ensure that the receiving server does not strip the attached file from the email. For the hotfix to work, the recipient must change the file extension back to .exe by right-clicking on the file in windows explorer and selecting rename.
Once you have downloaded the hotfix .exe file, place it in the correct folder to activate it:
For Well Seeker Pro place the file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker PRO
For Engineering update place the file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Innova Engineering
Windows will ask if you want to replace the existing file in the folder. Select yes.
Q4: My new license does not work
A: The license files for Well Seeker Pro and Innova Engineering are named WS_LICENSE.TXT and ENG_LICENSE.TXT respectively. The code within these files is different. If you get the licenses mixed up and placed in the incorrect folder, they will not work.
WS_LICENSE.TXT is placed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker PRO.
ENG_LICENSE.TXT is placed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention \Innova Engineering.
Only one license.txt file should be placed in the above folders at any one time. If you are renewing an old license, please delete the old license.txt file and replace with the new license.txt file. You must also ensure that the file name is not changed. If the file has been renamed, even if it is in the correct folder, it will not work.
Q5.0: I am trying to add my new license to the relevant folder, but I am being told I can’t add it here because I don’t have administrative rights.
A: If you are working on a company computer it is quite possible that you do not have the required permission to add files to this directory. Check with your IT department, who will be able to give you access.
Q5.1: I do have administrative rights on my computer, but I am still being told I can’t add the license file
A: Most computers will not let the user add files to this directory directly from an email, even if the user has administrative rights. The best way to avoid this is to save the license file to the desktop and add it to the folder from there. If this does not work restart your computer and try again. If none of these things work contact support.
Q6.0: My error outputs are not matching those from Compass
A: To compare generated errors, the set up in both programs must be identical. The following points detail where potential differences may lie.
Do you have the same Magnetic data assigned to each program (Dip / Btotal / Dec)?
Is the Wellbore set up in exactly the same way – Is the plan the same, or are the surveys entered in exactly the same way?
Do you have the same error models assigned over the same range?
Are the error models used in each program identical? It is worth noting that the ipm files used in Well Seeker are compatible with Compass.
If the answer to all of the above points are yes, and the errors are still not tying in, then the easiest thing to do is supply Innova with a Compass Diagnostic file, which will contain ALL of the information required to investigate the issue. Instructions regarding where to find this file are detailed below.
To generate a Compass Diagnostic File, follow the below instructions:
When in Compass, open the Survey tools box and check the “Diagnostics” box
Open the relevant well, and then run an error ellipse report – Don’t worry about the report, you can just close it once it has been generated.
Make sure that your computer is set up to show hidden files – If you don’t know how to do this, it differs between operating systems, so best to google the required steps.
Go to the C drive and search for .txt files. This will take a while. Once the search is over, list the results with the newest at the top. The top file, should be the file you require and you can see the location based on the search.
The generated file will be named se1.txt – Every time you create a new file, the number will increase by one.
Once you have located this file, send it to support@innova-drilling.com, along with your current database and an explanation of the issue you are having.
Q7: I imported a new Coordinate Reference System (CRS) into Well Seeker and it worked as expected. I then created a new Database, and I can’t find the new CRS.
A: When you import or create a new CRS, it gets added to the database you currently have selected and will stay within this specific database. It is however only within this one database, and if you create a new database or switch to a different database (that has not had the CRS added previously) the new CRS will not be there as an option to select. The CRS will have to be imported to be able to use it.
If a new CRS is created, you can send this to Innova and it will be added to the Master CRS file, which when installed will mean any NEW databases created will contain this CRS. NOTE, adding the new Master CRS file only affects NEW databases. For Old databases, the CRS will need to be added manually by importing it.
Q8: When creating a pdf Wall Plot from the wall plot composer, the quality is not as good as I was expecting.?
A: When creating a pdf from the WPC, ensure that the print properties of the pdf writer are set to the optimal values. Ensure that the paper size is set correctly (most will have A4 portrait as default, so will need to be adjusted if printing an A0 plot) and make sure that the output resolution is set as 600dpi.
Q9: I have just tried to open the software and have been given the following Error message?
A: This error is related to windows updates which have not installed properly and may not be isolated to just Innova’s software. The only way to address this is to remove the program via the Add / Remove programs tool and then reinstall. The latest install files can be downloaded from Innova’s website www.innova-drilling.com. Removing and reinstalling the program should only take around 10 minutes to do.
Q10: I have just added a new update to Well Seeker and when I open the program, it can’t find my database.
A: Occasionally an update may cause Well Seeker to forget the location of the last database accessed. The database will remain unaffected, and all the user needs to do is point Well Seeker to the database location. This can easily be done by opening Well Seeker and selecting File – Select Database. Navigate to the database location and select the relevant database .mdb file. The original install database is located in the following folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker PRO; however the user can select any database they know the location of.
Q11: Where is the best place to find out information on the specifics of the software?
A: The software has detailed help files within them, which can be access via Help > Help. This will open an intuitive and informative help file, where most information can be found. Additionally, selecting Help – Open Documentation Folder, will open a folder containing all the various manuals and guides. The software manuals and guides can also be downloaded from our documentation webpage:
Q12: I have created a new database in the “C:\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker PRO” folder. When searching to selecting the database through Well Seeker, I can see it in this folder, but if I physically open this folder I do not see my database?
A: It is not recommended to save a new database in this location, however if the user does save their new database to this folder, the actual physical location of the database is C:\Users\Select the appropriate user\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker PRO
Q13: I have imported a Compass export file and I can’t find my targets.
A: During the import process all targets are imported and stored at Field level. To assign the relevant target to Plan level, open the targets dialogue at Actual / Plan level, and then select Field from the dropdown under the Filter. This will take you to the targets at Field level, and the relevant targets can be selected by selecting the Actual / Plan check box.
Q14: I have imported a Compass export file which contained some new ipm files. Although I am able to select and use the new ipm files within Well Seeker, they do not appear to be in the “C:\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker PRO\IPM” folder.
A: These new ipm files will be located in the following location: C:\Users\ Select the appropriate user \AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker PRO\IPM
Q15: When I open Well Seeker, it displays the Splash Screen (pictured below) but the program then closes.
A: This issue is caused by a corrupted setup file. To solve the issue, do the following:
Navigate to the Well Seeker Pro roaming folder. By default, the address is C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Well Seeker Pro. You will need to enable Hidden Items in the Windows Explorer view menu to see the AppData folder.
Delete the file setupWS.ini.
Open Well Seeker Pro. Well Seeker will generate a new setup file.
NOTE: This will reset your Well Seeker program settings to their factory defaults.
If the issue is not resolved, please contact Innova support at support@innova-drilling.com.
Q16: Does Well Seeker support local database files (.mdb) located on a server i.e. OneDrive, Sharepoint etc?
A: This is not supported. Local database files should be physically stored on the computer in use.
Q17: When installing Well Seeker I get an error message saying that I am missing the MFreadWrite.dll and MFplay.dll files.
A: This error is due to the user not having the Windows Media Feature Pack installed. In most cases, this is because the user is running an ‘N’ or ‘NK’ edition of windows, which does not include the Windows Media Feature Pack as standard.
To check your edition and version of Windows, do the following:
Windows 10:
Select the Start or Windows button (usually in the lower-left corner of your computer screen).
Select Settings.
Select System and then select About. The resulting screen shows the Edition and Version of Windows.
Windows 8 or Windows 8.1:
Option 1: From the desktop
Swipe in from the upper-right corner of the screen while viewing the desktop to open the menu, and then touch Settings.
Select PC Info. Under Windows edition, the Windows version is shown.
Option 2: From the Start Screen
While on the Start screen, type computer.
Right-click the computer icon. If using touch, press and hold on computer icon.
Click or tap Properties. Under Windows edition, the Windows version is shown.
Windows 7
Click the Start or Windows button (usually in the lower-left corner of your computer screen).
Right-click Computer and choose Properties from the menu. The resulting screen shows the Windows version.
If your edition of Windows ends in an ‘N’ or ‘NK’ you will need to download and manually install the Media Feature Pack which can be download from the following Microsoft support page:
NOTE: Microsoft support for Windows 7 was discontinued in January 2020 and the download link for Windows 7 has been removed from the above page.
Q18: The database tree is missing from the main Well Seeker screen and I am unable to access any of the tree data.
A: The first place to check is the View Menu – Toolbars and Docking Windows. Check to see if the Well Seeker Database Tree option is checked.
This option needs to be checked for the database tree to display. If this option is checked and the tree is still not showing on the main user interface, then follow the below instructions:
Close Well Seeker
Open Notepad
Select File - Save and save a blank .txt file to the desktop called resetLayout.txt
Note, the file must be named exactly as above with a capital L
Paste this resetLayout.txt into the following folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker PRO
Open Well Seeker. You should see the window and toolbars have all been reset to the way they were on first install, and the database tree should now be visible at the left of the screen.
Delete the resetLayout.txt file once the reset has been completed, otherwise the users Window and toolbar selection will be reset each time Well Seeker is opened.
A guide to changing datum elevation in an existing plan or survey.
The following document will help to guide the user through the process of changing the depth reference (elevation) in Well Seeker for an existing plan or survey, which has an elevation already assigned.
In Well Seeker, the depth reference is entered at Well Level via the Well Properties dialog. This dialog is accessed via the database tree, by right clicking on the Well level and selecting Properties.
The user can then enter their depth reference data into the Depth Reference section, highlighted in red below. Multiple depth references can be entered at Well Level.
Once the user has entered their depth reference information at Well Level, they can then select the relevant depth reference for any plan or survey under that well. This is done by right clicking on the Actual Well or Plan level and selecting Properties. This will open the Actual Wellbore/Plan Properties Dialog. The user can then select the desired depth reference from the dropdown menu in the Depth Reference section, highlighted in red below.
If the Plan/Actual Well already has a datum referenced, then changing the depth reference in the Actual Wellbore/Plan Properties Dialog will prompt the following warning:
The user has three options:
Change TVD’s: Picking this option will change the MD and TVD values of the survey/plan points to reflect the new depth reference
Note: The TVD Subsea values will remain unchanged if the GL to MSL value is the same for both datums.
This option is usually selected when you have an existing well that was drilled with one rig and you are now planning to perform additional work with a different rig. In this situation the user wants to see the survey or plan depths adjusted to reflect the new datum.
Preserve TVD’s: Picking this option will preserve the MD and TVD values of the survey/plan
Note: The TVD Subsea values in this case will change.
This option is usually selected when a plan or survey has mistakenly been referenced to the wrong datum, and the user wants to assign a new datum, but not adjust the MD and TVD values.
Cancel: The change of depth reference is cancelled, and no changes are made to the survey/plan points.
Note: The user will also get this warning if they edit the value of a depth reference that is currently being referenced by a survey or plan.
In this example, we have a simple set of surveys, referenced to the below left RTE (RTE Plan) @ 100Usft AMSL.
We are then given a new RTE (below left RTE Actual) to reference @ 101Usft AMSL. When we select this new depth reference, the below right warning appears.
If we choose to Change TVD’s the surveys will change to the below:
The MD and TVD values have increased by 1Usft
The TVDss values have remained the same, except for the tie-on line
This would be desirable if you are side-tracking this well with a rig that has a RTE 1ft greater than the original rig.
If we choose to Preserve TVD’s the surveys will change to the below:
The MD and TVD values have remained the same
The TVDss values have changed by 1ft
This would be desirable if you discover that you have the wrong RTE referenced and want to reference the correct RTE without adjusting the survey depths.
A guide to maintaining proper naming conventions to avoid conflicts when importing compass export files.
When populating the database tree in Well Seeker it is important to understand that at every Level from Operator down, the user must enter UNIQUE naming conventions.
For example, in the below, we have 2 operators, and the field under the first operator is called Eddy County, NM (NAD 83 – NME). As a result, we cannot name the field under Operator 2 the same, even if it is in Eddy County as well. There MUST be some difference in the naming.
This is not an issue when manually entering data into the database tree, as Well Seeker will not allow the user to type a name that already exists. They will get the bellow warning.
Things can however become complicated when pulling in Compass Export Files
Compass does not require unique naming conventions in the database tree. As a result, depending on the naming convention used in Compass, the user may end up in a situation where they are importing data which is not unique at each level in the database tree. This can lead to a conflict and data being overwritten.
The best way to avoid this potential issue is within the Naming Conventions section of the Compass Import Settings.
The Compass Import Settings are accessed via the File menu in the main Well Seeker interface (File - Compass Import Settings).
Targets and Lease Lines: Allows the user to either include or omit targets and lease lines when importing.
Coordinates: When checked, Well Seeker will use the Latitude and Longitude values referenced in the Compass export file for the wellhead. When unchecked, Well Seeker will use the Northing and Easting values.
Surveys Tools: When checked, Well Seeker will import any survey tools associated with the relevant plans and surveys. If unchecked no survey tools will be imported. Note, that if survey tools are not imported, and any of the imported plans and surveys reference a survey tool which is not available on the imported computer, then Well Seeker will use the default error model selected by the user.
Naming Conventions: Gives the user 3 options relating to the way Well Seeker names the imported data in the database tree. If all boxes in this section are unchecked, the data will just be pulled in as it is in the Compass export file.
Append Operator Name to Field: Adds the relevant Operator name to the end of every Field name in the database.
Append Field Name to Facility: Adds the relevant Field name to the end of every Facility name in the database.
Append Facility Name to Well: Adds the relevant Facility name to the end of every Well name in the database.
Well Plans: This option allows the user to import ALL plans which are contained within a Compass Export file. If this option is not selected, then Well Seeker will only pull in the plans which are selected as PRINCIPAL in the export file. Default is ON.
To avoid any conflicts and naming issues, it is recommended that when the Well Planner or Coordinator imports a Compass export file into Well Seeker, they have ALL 3 of the Naming Convention options selected, as below.
Below left is an example of a well pulled in with none of the above options selected, while below right is the same export file with all 3 options selected during import.
With these naming conventions selected during the import process, it is very unlikely that there will be a conflict. This simple step will keep everything consistent when transferring data from Compass to Well Seeker and avoid the well planner having to make any adjustments to the existing Compass naming conventions.
A setup file saves each individual users preferred settings, which are loaded each time the software is opened. The Compass Import Settings are among the settings which are included in this setup file.
To ensure consistency across the company, it is recommended that once the desired Compass Import Settings are agreed, a setup file containing these settings should be distributed to the relevant personnel. This can be done as follows:
Open Well Seeker and setup the Compass Import Settings as required.
Go to File – Export Setup File
Distribute to the required personnel
They can then import by selecting File – Import Setup File
A guide to adding a new Coordinate Reference System within Well Seeker Pro.
There is a possibility you may find yourself in a situation where you are required to do planning referencing a CRS which is not available in Well Seeker. In this situation the information relating to the CRS should be requested from the client and can then be used to create a new CRS in Well Seeker.
The below screen shot is an example of the type of information which will be supplied by the client.
The following instructions detail how to use this information to create a new CRS.
1. From the Tools menu, open the Geomagnetic Calculator.
2. Click on the "Mapping Grid" button at the top left of the window.
3. Click on the Add New CRS in the toolbar to add a blank CRS to the list named ‘New CRS’.
4. Select ‘New CRS’ and click on Edit CRS in the toolbar. You will now be able to add information to your new CRS.
Parameters highlighted in GREEN are required and affect the output - Care should be taken to enter the data correctly:
Name: This can be anything you want as it has no impact on any of the calculations. In Well Seeker, the naming convention is the System / and then the Map Projection, and it is recommended that this convention is followed. For this example, the name would therefore be Polska 1992 / Transverse Mercator (Gauss-Kruger) Zone 3.
Area of use: Description of which part of the earth this CRS references and has no effect on any of the calculations. For this example, all we know is it is in Poland.
Datum: This is just text and does not directly affect any calculations. For this example, it is WGS1984.
System: This is just text and does not directly affect any calculations. Polska 1992.
Ellipsoid: The name of the Ellipsoid. This does not have any effect on the output. In this example you would choose WGS 1984.
Semi Major Axis (m): This is the Equatorial Radius of the Ellipsoid in metres and is required for the CRS to work. In this example it should be 6378137.
Semi Major Axis (UOM): This is the equatorial radius of the ellipsoid in the units of measure which the CRS is using and is optional. In this example it should be 6378137 again.
Units of Measure: This is a drop-down menu option, and you can choose from 7 options. For this example, it would be metre.
Inverse Flattening: Also called ‘1/f’, this is the inverse Flattening of the Ellipsoid and is required for the CRS to work. For this example, it should be 298.257224.
Map Projection: This is just text and does not directly affect any calculations - Transverse Mercator (Gauss-Kruger) Zone 3.
Projection Type: This is a drop-down menu, and you can choose from 4 options – TM, 1SP (Standard Parallel), 2SP or STEREO.
False Easting: 500000.00 m.
False Northing: -5300000.00 m.
Latitude of Origin: This should be input as a decimal - 0.0000 deg (See Point to Note Below).
Longitude of Origin: This should be input as a decimal - 19.0000 deg (See Point to Note Below).
Scale Factor: Ratio between measured distance on the map and on the ground - 0.99930 deg.
1st Standard Parallel: This information will be required if you select 1 SP or 2 SP from the Projection Type Drop down menu - Not applicable here - (See Point to Note Below).
2nd Standard Parallel: This information will be required if you select 2 SP from the Projection Type Drop down menu - Not applicable here - (See Point to Note Below).
5. The screen shot below is what your new CRS should look like based on the example information detailed above. Click on the Save icon in the toolbar to add your new CRS to the list and make it available to select from the mapping grid dropdown menu.
When adding Latitude & Longitude of Origin, and the 1st and 2nd Standard Parallel values, these are input as decimals. The below screen shot is from a CRS which requires all of these inputs. You can see that the numbers are provided in both decimal and degrees, minutes and seconds. To accurately input these values into a new CRS, the 4 decimal places displayed is not enough. This means that you will have to convert the degrees, minutes and seconds into decimal (so that you can see the additional decimal places) and input the numbers to 13dp.
The screen shot below shows a simple way to do this in excel. The formulae column shows the formulae used in the decimal column. You will note that to 4 decimal places the numbers match those above.
You can now add these numbers to the relevant CRS input.
After creating a new CRS, it is recommended that you check it for errors by comparing it against a location from an external source. This source must:
Use the same CRS as the one you just created.
Provide a location, such as the location of a wellhead, in both grid northing/grid easting AND latitude/longitude.
In Well Seeker, open the Tools menu and select Geomag Calculator. In the geomagnetic calculator, select your newly created CRS in the projection details section. Enter the grid northing and grid easting of the location, and Well Seeker will automatically generate the latitude and longitude.
If the latitude and longitude generated in Well Seeker match with the latitude and longitude in the external source, then the CRS are the same.
Well Seeker Pro now has the integrated functionality to remotely send and monitor downlinks on a specified rig, utilizing the rig’s control system. Currently Well Seeker Pro can communicate with NOV’s DrillLink software and downlink by either the mud pumps, or top drive on rigs utilizing the Amphion and Cyberbase rig control systems. This document is intended to guide the user through the process of setting up Well Seeker Pro, so that it can communicate with DrillLink and send downlinks from either the rig site, or a remote location.
Security of the rig control system is of the utmost importance, as such this section will deal specifically with the security in place when using the Downlink Control system within Well Seeker Pro.
If the Well Seeker Pro laptop is present at the rig site then the security concerns are minimized hugely.
The user will need to physically connect the laptop to the rig network
The user requires the IP address and Port for the DrillLink device, or the hardware that is forwarding commands to DrillLink, whichever is applicable. These are required to be input in the Downlink Control dialog, before any communication can be made with DrillLink
The Downlink Control functionality is a license enabled feature, meaning that only users with a valid license for the feature will be able to use it
The driller at the rig site will have ultimate control as to whether the DrillLink system allows remote access or not, utilizing an override switch in the DrillLink console on the rig floor
The below system diagram depicts how Well Seeker Pro interacts with DrillLink to send downlinks from the rig site.
If the Well Seeker Pro laptop is not at the rig site then the security risks are innately higher, as this requires a way for an external source to access the rig network. These risks are negated in the following ways:
Well Seeker Pro communication from a remote location is handled solely by the Innova Remote Client. This application will only deal with communication from Well Seeker Pro via the secure ICP API (Innova Cloud Portal API)
All communication between Well Seeker Pro and the Innova Remote Client use TSL encryption (Transport Layer Security)
Access to the Innova Remote Client requires a Username and Password for successfully communication to be established. These credentials can only be supplied by Innova
Each rig will be specified by a randomly generated unique code (GUUID) from Innova, which must be known to communicate with the Innova Remote Client for a specific rig. This can only be handled when using Well Seeker Pro software
The Downlink Control functionality is a license enabled feature, meaning that only users with a valid license for the feature will be able to use it
The driller at the rig site will have ultimate control as to whether the DrillLink system allows remote access or not, utilizing an override switch in the DrillLink console on the rig floor
The below system diagram depicts how Well Seeker Pro interacts with DrillLink to send downlinks from a remote location.
The below steps lead the user through setting up and using the Downlink Control functionality and assume that the user has already created an actual well, survey and a BHA populated with data.
1. Open the survey for the well that you are drilling
2. Open the slide sheet dialog
3. Select the Send downlink icon from the toolbar, or select Tools > Send Downlink. This will open the Downlink Control dialog
4. In the Drill Link section, select the Connection as either Local connection, or Remote connection. For local connections go to step 5. For remote connections go to step 6.
5. Input the IP Address and Port for the DrillLink device, or the hardware that is forwarding commands to DrillLink, whichever is applicable. These will be acquired from the rig. The port will always be 8080. Proceed to step 8
6. Input the Username and Password credentials for the ICP API. These can be acquired from Innova, or your company focal point.
7. If using a remote connection select Get rigs. This will populate the rig listing and display the rig name and online status. Check the Select cell for the required rig. The Online status must read Yes in order to send a downlink
8. If not already connected select Connect. If successful the Connection cell will change from Disconnected to Connected
9. In order to be able to send a downlink the Switch cell must contain Enabled. If this contains Disabled then the driller at the rig must enable remote access on their DrillLink display. This gives the driller at the rig ultimate control over whether remote access to the DrillLink system for downlinking purposes is granted or not
10. Select from the dropdown list which channel corresponds to which pump and the top drive. If unsure of the channel mapping, verify with the rig. Ensure that all channels that will be used are checked as Active and that any top drive channel has RPM CH selected
11. In the Downlink Setup section, select the Tool Type from the drop down list
12. Select the Software Ver. from the drop down list if applicable
13. Depending upon the tool type and software version selection, the Rotary DL check box may, or may not be selectable. If un-selectable / unchecked then the downlink will be transmitted using the mud pumps, if selected it will be transmitted using the top drive
14. Select the Tool Mode / Tool Map from the drop down list. The naming convention changes based upon the Tool Type selection
15. Select the desired Downlink from the drop down list
16. Select the desired percentage reduction of the pump strokes, or top drive rpm from the drop down list
17. Select Preview. This will load the Downlink Sequence and the Downlink Parameters portions of the Downlink Control dialog with the relevant data for the downlink
18. Select Send to start the downlink sequence. The progress of the downlink will display on the Downlink Sequence chart at the bottom of the dialog. If WITS data is being imported to Well Seeker Pro, the blue trace will display the WITS flow or rpm values in real time
19. Leave the sequence to complete, or the downlink sequence can be aborted at any time by selecting the Abort option
20. The user can carry out further downlinks, or if finished with the downlinking for the time being, select Disconnect and close the Downlink Control dialog
A guide to some issues associated with ipm files taken from Compass.
The Well Seeker Install includes a range of Instrument Performance Models (IPM) which have been created in line with the most up to date ISCWSA guidelines. In addition to these IPM files, Well Seeker is also able to utilize IPM files taken from Compass. These IPM files can be added manually, or they can be pulled in automatically as part of the Compass import process.
Care should be taken when assigning imported Compass IPM files. If assigned IPM files are giving unexpected results, then the user should check the below points.
In the IPM Co-efficients, there is a Vector and Tie-On entry for each row. An entry of “n” means that the associated error term is used as an intermediate calculation step in the error model calculation.
One of the issues seen with imported IPM files is that the tie-on column is marked as “n”, but the vector column is not. This can be seen in the below left screen shot, which is incorrect and incompatible with the ISCWSA standards.
If experiencing issues, check that any terms marked as “n” in the tie-on column are also marked as “n” in the vector column. The below right screen shot is correct.
The first column of the IPM file contains the name of the error term and the second contains the vector. Well Seeker (and the ISCWSA) requires the error term name to be unique for a given vector. If there are duplicate names with the same vector, the IPM can give unexpected results.
As an example, in the below left, the cgsys terms are duplicated as they all have the same name and vector. To address this issue, these terms must be renamed so they are unique (below right) and any other terms which use them must also be renamed. Note, in the below right that the vector was also changed from “a” to “n”, in line with the Vector Tie-On issue detailed above.
For some error terms, the weighting function may reference another error term in the formula. In the below, the term cgransq3 uses the term stiltavg.
In a situation like the above, any term which is referenced in the weighting function of another term, must come above it in the error file. The above example is correct, but if the stiltavg term was below the cgransq3 term, you would get unexpected results.
Some MWD IPM files have two values entered for the term drfr. These two entries have different numbers (usually 2.2 and 0.35) in the “Value” column. The term with the magnitude 0.35 is correct and the other term must be deleted.
This guide introduces the user to Well Seeker Pro from the point they first open the software after installation.
The purpose of this document is to take the user through some of the steps required to set up the program and get to the stage where they can create a plan and survey.
This document assumes that Well Seeker Pro has already been installed (see Manual for Install guide) and this is the first time the program has been opened.
When you first open Well Seeker, the screen will be configured as below.
The layout of the screen can be adjusted by going to View - Toolbars and Docking Windows:
The user can then choose what to display. For the rest of this document, the Output and Properties windows will be unselected.
The database is the .mdb file that Well Seeker Pro is directed to access information from. It is vitally important that the user is aware of the location of and backs up their database file regularly to another storage device. If this is done correctly then the user will always have a backup in the event of an unforeseen event such as a computer hard drive failure, that would have otherwise resulted in the loss of the database file and all the input data. The database can be quickly backed up by going to File > Backup Database.
The first thing to do when creating a new database is to select where you want to store the database on your computer. Ideally you want to put it somewhere where it will not need to be moved.
Create a folder somewhere in the C: drive and name it appropriately.
Go to File > Create New Database.
The box below will appear.
Navigate to the desired location where you will save the new database and enter your database name in the File Name: box and click Save.
The new database will now have been created as a .mdb file at your chosen destination.
Go to File > Select Database, browse to and select the database you have just created.
You have now created a new database and your screen should look like above, note that the database you have selected will be displayed at the bottom of the screen as highlighted by the red box.
You can navigate to the file location of your database by opening the Help menu and selecting Open database location. To backup your database file open the File menu and select Backup Database. This will open a dialog box where you can choose a suitable location and name for the backup.
It is very straightforward to switch between databases, making it easy to maintain multiple databases depending on the user's needs.
Go to File - Select Database.
Go to the location of the database you would like to use.
Select the database and hit open.
The new database will now be selected and can be used.
The following section details the steps to follow in order to create a new well.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have the correct units selected.
Click on the Units icon located in the bar at the top of the screen or open the Tools menu and select Unit Sets.
This will open the Unit Sets dialog box
Well Seeker comes as standard with 5 unit sets (API, CAD, ND, SI & US), which are all editable.
There is also the option to create a new unit set using the Create new button. To edit a new unit set, click the Edit button. This will allow the user to access the unit drop down menus to change the parameters to the desired units.
Depth: Current units for measured depth and TVD. Options are Feet, US Feet and Meters.
Local: Current units for NS, EW and centre to centre distances. Options are Feet, US Feet and Meters.
Geographic: Defines what units the map co-ordinates are displayed in. Options are CRS Default (the unit set defined by the selected CRS), Feet, US Feet and Meters.
Diameter: This defines the units used to display Casing OD and ID as well as hole size. Options are mm and inches.
Dogleg: The current units DLS, BR and TR are displayed in. Options are Deg/100ft (or 30m), Deg/30ft (or 10m) or user defined. If user defined is selected, the parameter column becomes active and the units value becomes degrees per unit length based on the parameter entered.
Survey Calculation Method: This defines which calculation method is used for calculating survey parameters throughout Well Seeker PRO. Options are Minimum Curvature, Radius of Curvature, Tangential and Balanced Tangential. It should be noted that if a method other than minimum curvature is selected the Well Planning tools will not work.
Flow Rate: Current units for flow rate. User can choose between LPM and GPM.
Pressure: Current units for Pressure. User can choose between Bar and psi
Volume: Current units for Volume. User can choose between BBLS and m3
Mud: Current units for Mud Weight. User can choose between PPG, SG, psi/ft3 and lbs/ft3
Weight: Current units for Weight. User can choose between klbs and Tons
Torque: Current units for Torque. User can choose between kftlb and kNm
Temperature: Current units for Temperature. User can choose between degC and degF.
Cost: Current units for Cost. User can choose between $, EUR and GBP.
Jets: Current units for Jet size. User can choose between in2 and mm2.
Whatever is selected here will be applied to the whole database. It can be changed at any point, but the units are set for the whole database and not individual operators or wells.
Special care must be taken at this point because the survey calculation method affects the way the plans and surveys are generated. It is very unlikely that anything other than Minimum Curvature will ever be selected.
It is possible to create an instant plan or survey in Well Seeker. This can allow the user quick access to the planning tools without having to go through the process of filling in all the different levels of data to get there. For this kind of requirement, surface locations, elevations etc are of no concern and Well Seeker uses generic values at all the levels.
To create an instant plan or survey, right click on the database and select New Instant Plan or New Instant Survey.
Right click on the database and select Insert New Operator.
The Operator Properties box will now appear.
The Operator level is where the user sets up the company anti-collision policy, and it is very important to ensure this is done correctly.
This is also the level where the primary and secondary logos are added. These logos are then available to be included on generated reports.
Right click on the Operator and select Insert New Field.
The Field Properties box will now appear.
The following data is input at this level:
Mapping Grid or Coordinate Reference System (CRS). If the required CRS is not available a new one can be added (see the Adding a New Coordinate Reference System section).
Azimuth North Reference: Grid or True.
Local Coordinate system:
Well Centred - Local coordinates for all plans & surveys will be referenced to the well location making all local coordinates 0.00N & 0.00E at surface.
Facility Centred - Local coordinates for all plans & Surveys will be referenced to the facility location meaning local coordinates at surface will vary between wells.
Apply Scale Factor: If this option is selected, the scale factor defined in the CRS will be used to calculate map co-ordinates from local co-ordinates. This is the ratio between measured distances on the map compared to measured distances on the ground as a result of distortion of linear scale associated with mapping a spherical surface (the earth) onto a plane. Note that this option does not affect the local coordinates, only the map coordinates (Northing and Easting’s).
Show Map: This extends the existing dialog to include a Google Maps section. This will show the location of the positional data entered and can be toggled between map and satellite view using the Satellite checkbox. The map can also be zoomed in and out using the – and + buttons. This map location will only be accurate if the CRS selected uses WGS 84, as this is what Google Maps utilises.
Show Field Ref Point on Report: When selected, the field reference point coordinates will be included in the Field data box of any report generated. Default is off.
Field Reference Point: This is the reference location used for the field.
Input: Select the coordinates used to enter the Field Reference Point. Either Latitude & Longitude or Grid Easting & Northing.
Grid Convergence is not editable as it is based on the CRS selected and the Field Reference Point entered.
System Vertical Datum: This is the datum which all TVDs below field level will be referenced to. This is usually either mean sea level “MSL”, lowest astronomical tide “LAT” or some other user specified value. If a value other than MSL is selected from the combo box, the elevation above or below MSL must be entered. A positive value indicates that the datum is above mean sea level and a negative value indicates it is below it.
Once the required inputs have been completed, click Apply then Close on the bottom right of the window. To access the Field Properties again at any time, right click at the Field level and select properties
Right click on the Field and select Insert New Facility
The Facility Properties box will now appear
The following data is input at this level:
A slot template can be created by Clicking on the Templates button (see Creating a Slot Template section for more detailed instructions)
Lease /Hard Lines: The user can select to have lease / hard lines show at all levels within the Targets dialog. On will pre-select the lease / hard lines to be displayed from Field to Actual / Plan levels. Off will pre-select the lease / hard lines to be displayed from Field to Facility level only.
Show Map: This extends the existing dialog to include a Google Maps section. This will show the location of the positional data entered and can be toggled between map and satellite view using the Satellite checkbox. The map can also be zoomed in and out using the – and + buttons. This map location will only be accurate if the CRS selected uses WGS 84, as this is what Google Maps utilises.
Facility Reference Point: This is the reference location used for the facility. For an offshore platform, this is usually platform centre and for an onshore facility, this is usually the centre of the site. This location will provide the Local Coordinates of 0.00N & 0.00E if Facility Centred Local Coordinate System was selected in the level above
Input: Facility Reference Point Select the units used to enter the Facility Reference Point. Either Latitude & Longitude or Grid Easting & Northing.
Grid Convergence is not editable as it is based on the CRS selected and the Facility Reference Point entered.
Facility Location Uncertainty: The uncertainty of the facility location to 1 sigma. If unknown, leave as 0.
Once the required inputs have been completed, click Apply then Close on the bottom right of the window. To access the Facility Properties again at any time, right click at the Facility level and select properties.
Right click on the Facility and select Insert New Well
The Well Properties box will now appear
The following data is input at this level:
Location Uncertainty: The uncertainty of the Wellhead location to 1 sigma. If unknown, leave as 0.
Wellhead Location:
Slot: This allows the user to select any of the slots created in the template editor and the location will be automatically input based on this selection
Offset from Facility: This is the local Coordinates which allows the user to enter the distances at surface between the facility location and the wellhead location
Map: Input location as Grid Easting & Northing
Geographic: Input location as Latitude & Longitude
Depth Reference: Allows the user to input the relevant elevations. Default is for an onshore well with Ground Level to MSL, however If “offshore” is selected, the user can enter the well head elevation above MSL. If “subsea” is selected, the elevation below MSL can be entered. This is the distance between the top of the well head and MSL. By checking the Default box, the selected elevation will be automatically assigned to any new plans or surveys created.
Show Map: This extends the existing dialog to include a Google Maps section. This will show the location of the positional data entered and can be toggled between map and satellite view using the Satellite checkbox. The map can also be zoomed in and out using the – and + buttons. This map location will only be accurate if the CRS selected uses WGS 84, as this is what Google Maps utilises.
Once the required inputs have been completed, click Apply then Close on the bottom right of the window. To access the Well Properties again at any time, right click at the well level and select properties.
Right click on the Well and select Insert Planned Well
The Plan Properties box will now appear
The following data is input at this level:
Set as Principal Plan: Selecting a plan as the principal sets it apart from the other plans as the most important one, and it also tells Well Seeker to use it as the reference plan when the user is in a survey file under the same well. When inputting surveys, Well Seeker will display details telling the user how far away, Toolface, X & Y offset etc the survey is from the principal plan.
Tolerance Circles: Tolerance circles are for visual reference only. The radius of the inner and outer tolerance circles can be added here. These can be displayed in a plan or spider plot by selecting their inclusion in the chart properties dialog. The default colours for the inner and outer tolerance circles can be adjust in the Plots>Chart Defaults menu.
Survey Tools: The Survey tool editor can be accessed from here by clicking on the Survey Tools button located beside the Apply button.
Vertical Section: The VS azimuth and the local origin of the VS.
Depth Reference: This will be the selected default (from Well Level), but can be changed by selecting options from the drop down list.
Magnetics: Magnetic data can be generated here by selecting the model and the date. If the relevant model is not available, user defined details can be added. Several lines can be added to the magnetics table; however, only the data which is checked as Active will be used by the program.
Survey Program: This is where you create the survey program and assign the relevant error models to the plan. At this stage, because there is no plan yet this will remain incomplete (to be completed once a plan has been created). Error model can be assigned at this point by selecting from the drop down menu below IPM. However, if the plan is a sidetrack, then the details of the survey program from surface to ST depth can be entered. This will be done automatically when completing the Sidetrack details section.
Sidetrack Details: If plan is a ST, check the Plan is a sidetrack box and the user will be able to select the plan or survey that will act as the motherbore as well as determining the ST depth. By then selecting Create Sidetrack, the Survey program will be populated with the relevant details from the motherbore.
Tie-on: Allows the user to select where the plan is tied on. This can be from surface, a user defined point where the tie-on line can be manually typed in by the user or from an existing survey or a plan. This will be automatically populated when the Sidetrack Details section is completed.
Export Geomag Data: Exports the geomagnetics data as a document. Select the line in the Magnetics section that you want to export the geomagnetics data for. Then select the report format as PDF or Excel from the drop down menu, before selecting Export to generate the report.
Force Colour: Selecting this option and choosing a colour will ensure that this plan will always be displayed in this colour in all of the plots. This supersedes any colour options for this plan in the Chart Properties dialog.
Once the required inputs have been completed, hit apply then close
To access the Plan Properties again at any time, right click at the Plan level and select properties
The database tree should now look similar to the one below. In order to open the plan, the user must double click the Plan level of the database tree, and the plan window will open in the right hand screen. The plan can then be entered manually using MD, Inc and Azi, or the Planning Tools at the bottom of the screen. Once a plan has been created click Save. For more details on the Planning Tools, see Appendix A.
When you hit save for the first time, and again any time the plan is changed, the user is asked "Do you wish to add this plan to survey program". Select Yes. This will automatically update the survey program.
To check & edit the survey program, or assign an error model, open the Plan Properties. Left clicking on the Plan/survey column will reveal a drop-down menu with the available options. An appropriate error model can be selected from the drop-down list in the IPM column.
Click Apply and then close to save this selection.
To view the plan listed every 30m (100ft), double click on the Planned Wellbore level of the database tree and it will open this in the right-hand window.
When you have a plan selected, it is possible to choose what data you would like to be displayed by going to:
View - Show / Hide Columns
The user can choose which columns to be displayed. It is worth noting that the following columns will only be displayed for a survey (not a plan) even though they are selected, and will only be populated if one of the plans is selected as Principal:
Distance to Plan
TFO Highside
Up Down & Left Right
Closure Azimuth - can always be displayed in a survey regardless of whether there is a principal plan selected. It will not display in a plan.
The Targets properties box can be accessed from field level down by right clicking on the required level (Field, Facility, Well, Plan or Actual Well) and selecting Targets.
Select Create New and the Target Properties section will become editable.
Target shape, size and orientation can be selected by clicking on the desired tab at the centre right of the screen as seen highlighted by the red box in the above image.
If supplied with an azimuth and a horizontal displacement, target coordinates can be calculated by adding these values and selecting calculate. All target centre coordinates will be populated.
Drillers target can be calculated by selecting the desired confidence level (95% is the default) and selecting Create Drillers Target:
You will then be prompted to select the relevant plan before the calculation is done.
If the planned well path does not pass through the target, the calculation will not be carried out.
The size of the drillers target is affected by the Survey tool which is assigned to the plan - The more accurate the tool, the larger the drillers target.
The level that a target is created on will be displayed in the filter section. A target created at the Field level will only be seen at that level. A target created at plan level can be seen at all levels.
To see a target created at field level at plan level:
Open the target properties box at plan level - you will not be able to see the target.
Click on the Filter drop down menu and select Field.
You will now be able to choose which levels the target will be visible on. Just check the required box and click Save.
Lease lines and hard lines can be created by adding a target and selecting Polygon. The lease / hard line coordinates can then be entered in the same way as a polygon target. Once complete, the user should check the “Is a Lease Line” or “Is a Hard Line” box.
It is important to understand that once this has been checked, Well Seeker will see this as a lease line and not a target. The next time the user opens the target box, the lease / hard line will no longer be visible. To see the lease / hard lines, the user can select the “Show Lease Lines” option below the filter. This filter will hide the targets and display only the lease lines.
NOTE: Both targets and lease / hard lines will be available to plot and can be manipulated in a similar way in the chart properties dialog in the plots.
Casings can only be added at Actual Well and Plan level:
Right click on either and select Casing, and the casing details will appear.
The user can now fill in the required information.
Lithology details can only be added at Actual Well and Plan level:
Right click on either and select Lithologies, and the Lithologies box will appear.
The user can now fill in the required information.
Annotations can only be added at Actual Well and Plan level:
Right click on either and select Annotations, and the Annotations details will appear.
The user can now fill in the required information.
Right click on the Well and select Insert new actual well.
The Actual Wellbore Properties box will now appear.
The initial set up of the Actual Wellbore is the same as for a plan. Refer to Creating a New Well Plan Section.
Once the required inputs have been completed, click Apply then Close.
To access the Actual wellbore Properties again at any time, right click at the Actual Well level and select properties.
Right click on the Actual Well and select Insert new survey
The Survey Properties box will now appear
The user can select the appropriate Survey tool and select a tie-on.
Once the required inputs have been completed, click Apply then Close.
To access the Survey Properties again at any time, right click on the survey and select properties.
To enter the survey and add survey stations, double click on the survey you wish to add to, and the survey will open in the right-hand window.
A prompt will appear which asks, "Do you wish to add this survey to the survey program?". Select Yes.
Once a survey has been created and saved, the next step is to go back to the Actual Wellbore Properties and check the Survey program. Clicking on the Survey column will reveal a drop down menu with the available options. Any surveys which have been created below the Actual Wellbore will be available to select. Since a survey tool has already been assigned to each individual survey the IPM column will be automatically populated.
Click Apply and then Close to save this selection.
Once a survey has been added to the survey program, if new survey stations are added to the survey, on saving, Well Seeker will again prompt the user Do you wish to add new surveys to the survey program? Selecting yes will update the survey program Depth To column to include the latest surveys.
The Actual Wellbore is where the user can view the survey program listing.
Double clicking on the Actual Wellbore displays an un-editable listing which contains all the surveys assigned to the survey program
It is possible to import a Compass .xml file into Well Seeker. This file is an export file from Compass which contains details of plans, surveys, targets, error models etc. When this file is imported, all the information will be used to create the relevant wells within Well Seeker.
To import a Compass .xml file, select File > Import Compass EDM File. This will then open a screen which will allow the user to navigate to the relevant file and select it.
Once selected, Well Seeker will begin the import process. The time taken for this process will vary based on the size of the import.
Compass Import Settings: This option opens the compass import settings dialog, where the user can select the appropriate settings they desire when importing data from a Compass EDM file.
Targets and Lease Lines: Allows the user to either include or omit targets and lease lines when importing. The user can also choose if imported lease lines are automatically assigned to their appropriate wells.
Surveys Tools: When checked, Well Seeker will import any survey tools associated with the relevant plans and surveys. If unchecked no survey tools will be imported. Note, that if survey tools are not imported, and any of the imported plans and surveys reference a survey tool which is not available on the imported computer, then Well Seeker will use the default error model selected by the user.
Naming Conventions: Gives the user 3 options relating to the way Well Seeker names the imported data in the database tree. If all boxes in this section are unchecked, the data will just be pulled in as it is in the Compass export file.
Note: Well Seeker requires all items in the database tree (except for surveys) to have unique names, whilst Compass does not. Importing two items from Compass with the same name will cause a conflict in Well Seeker. For this reason, Innova recommend that these Naming Conventions should be turned on by default.
Append Operator Name to Field: Adds the relevant Operator name to the end of every Field name in the database.
Append Field Name to Facility: Adds the relevant Field name to the end of every Facility name in the database.
Append Facility Name to Well: Adds the relevant Facility name to the end of every Well name in the database.
Well Plans: This option allows the user to import ALL plans which are contained within a Compass Export file. If this option is not selected, then Well Seeker will only pull in the plans which are selected as PRINCIPAL in the export file. Default is ON.
At Facility level, it is possible to add a slot template. When in the Facility Properties window, select Templates, and the Template Editor window will pop up.
Properties: Select Create New to create a new template:
Select Template: This will populate automatically once the Name box has been completed and the template has been saved.
Name: Add the relevant name.
Slot Prefix: This will appear in front of all slot names.
Template Centre Relative to facility: This is only available when Rectangle or Circle is selected in Geometry. Allows the user to offset the centre of the template relative to the facility location entered in the Facility Properties window.
Geometry: Select from Rectangle, Circle or Single Slot. Single slot allows the user to create a slot template that is not a predefined shape and is made up of individually entered slots.
Rectangle: Contains available options related to the Rectangle Geometry and will only be editable when the Rectangle option is selected.
Circle: Contains available options related to the Circle Geometry and will only be editable when the Circle option is selected.
Convert to Single Slots: This option allows the user to convert rectangle and circle templates into single slots. This action is not reversible once it is selected.
Display slot names: Displays the names of the slots on the plan view on the right.
Slots: This is where the slot Name and local coordinates are input. The local coordinates are generated automatically for the Rectangle and Circle Geometry and are fully editable for the Single Slot option.
When a slot template has been created select apply to save
When more than one template has been created, the relevant template can be selected from the Select Template drop down menu at the top of the screen.
You may find yourself in a situation where you are required to do planning referencing a CRS which is not available in Well Seeker. In this situation the information relating to the CRS should be requested from the client and can then be used to create a new CRS in Well Seeker.
The below screen shot is an example of the type of information which will be supplied by the client.
The following instructions detail how to use this information to create a new CRS.
Open the Geomagnetic Calculator by clicking on the icon on the toolbar or go Tools > Geomag Calculator.
Click on the "Mapping Grid" button at the top left of the box.
Select Add CRS at the bottom left of the Mapping Grid.
You will now have a blank template which you can start adding information to.
Parameters in RED below are important and affect the output - Care should be taken to enter the data correctly
Name: This can be anything you want as it has no impact on any of the calculations. In Well Seeker, the naming convention is the System / and then the Map Projection, and it is recommended that this convention is followed. For this example, the name would therefore be Polska 1992 / Transverse Mercator (Gauss-Kruger) Zone 3
Area of use: Description of which part of the earth this CRS references and has no effect on any of the calculations. For this example all we know is it is in Poland.
Datum: This is just text and does not directly affect any calculations. For this example it is WGS1984.
System: This is just text and does not directly affect any calculations. Polska 1992
Ellipsoid: This is an important one and you have to choose from a drop down list of 38 options. In this example you would choose WGS 84
Semi Major Axis (m): This is the Equatorial Radius of the Ellipsoid and is automatically populated based on the ellipsoid selected.
Semi Major Axis (UOM): This is the equatorial radius of the ellipsoid in the units of measure which the CRS is using and is automatically populated based on the ellipsoid selected.
Units of Measure: This is a drop-down menu option and you can choose from 7 options. For this example, it would be metre
1/f: This is the inverse Flattening of the Ellipsoid and is automatically populated based on the ellipsoid selected.
Map Projection: This is just text and does not directly affect any calculations - Transverse Mercator (Gauss-Kruger) Zone 3
Projection Type: This is a drop-down menu and you can choose from 4 options – TM, 1SP (Standard Parallel), 2SP or STEREO. In this example, choose TM.
False Easting: 500000.00 m.
False Northing: -5300000.00 m.
Latitude of Origin: This should be input as a decimal - 0.0000 deg.
Longitude of Origin: This should be input as a decimal - 19.0000 deg.
Scale Factor: Ratio between measured distance on the map and on the ground - 0.99930 deg.
1st Standard Parallel: This information will be required if you select 1 SP or 2 SP from the Projection Type Drop down menu - Not applicable here
2nd Standard Parallel: This information will be required if you select 2 SP from the Projection Type Drop down menu - Not applicable here
The Screen shot below is what your new CRS should look like based on the information detailed above:
Select Save CRS and your new CRS will be available to select from the mapping grid dropdown menu.
In addition to the individual Plan View, Section View and 3D View plots, Well Seeker also has a Wall Plot Composer (WPC), where different plots along with data tables can be displayed and then output together.
As with the individual plots, the WPC option only becomes available when the user is in a plan, survey, planned wellbore or actual wellbore.
The first thing to do in the WPC is to ensure that the page is setup as required. The default page layout will be A4 Portrait view. To change this, select File > Page Setup. The user can then choose sizes ranging from A0 to A7 or User Defined.
The user can then start to build the wall plot by inserting the desired Charts and Tables. This can be done by selecting Insert from the top menu or by right clicking anywhere on the plot.
Certain Charts and Tables can also be inserted from the tool bar along the top of the screen.
The offset selector in the WPC works in the same way as it does on the main Well Seeker menu. It is however completely independent, which means that offset wells selected in the main menu will have to be reselected when in the WPC.
Once a plot has been inserted into the WPC, the user can then open the Chart Properties by selecting a chart and either using the menu, Tools > Chart Properties, or the Chart Properties icon. This is where most of the chart functionality is located, and allows the user to add labels, change colours and customise the plot.
Once a plot has been inserted the user can then manipulate the size of the plot and position it appropriately on the screen. Dragging the plot to increase or decrease its size affects the scale. Once the user is happy with the size of the plot and its position, they can then select the appropriate scale and zoom in if required. Once the scale has been fixed the physical size of the chart will also be fixed and the user will no longer be able to grab the corners and drag to manipulate the chart size.
To zoom in, all the user needs to do is Left click and drag across the relevant portion of the plot. This will change the max and min axis values along with the scale. To Undo a zoom, right click on the plot and select Undo Zoom from the list of options, or alternatively press the z key.
Any time the plot box size is changed, or the user Zooms in, the Chart Grid section in the Chart Properties updates to match. In the below left, the plot was zoomed to show the point of interest. The chart scales are greyed out but match the plot. The plot was then manipulated (below right) using the chart scales option to fine tune the output.
It is important to note that any selection made in the Chart Grid section will be overwritten if the user changes the physical size of the plot or zooms in or out. When the user goes back into the Chart Properties after doing either of these things, the check boxes will have been unchecked and the greyed-out values will represent what is currently being seen on the plot.
Grid Lines can be added and manipulated from the Chart Properties. The user can also select the distance between major and minor tick marks on the plot. When a chart is first opened, the default is Auto and the boxes are greyed out and empty. To manually select these values the user needs to uncheck the Auto box, and they will then be able to adjust the line spacing as required. The grid line colour can also be selected from here.
In the File option at the top left of the WPC screen, the user can select to Save or Open an existing wall plot composer template. These templates are saved as .wpc files and allow the user to save the template they are working on and come back to it at a later date.
When a table is inserted into the WPC, it will be a fixed size. Like the plots, manipulating the border changes the size of the table. If the table has been stretched out of shape then the Reset Table Aspect Ratio button can be selected from the toolbar. This will keep the width of the table as the user set and alters the height of the table to set the table to the correct aspect ratio.
The Logo size can also be manipulated in the same way. However, the logo aspect ratio is reset using the Reset Logo Aspect Ratio button
The initial logo input will be the primary logo selected at Operator Properties in the database tree. Once input this image can then be changed to any image, so long as the image is a .bmp file. Insert the logo, then right click on the logo and select Select Image. The user can then select any .bmp file for inclusion in the wall plot.
The last four options on the toolbar are the alignment tools, which allow the user to line up the edges of items in the wall plot for neater presentation. The available options are left, right, top and bottom alignment. Select an item, click on one of the alignment tools and then click on another item. The first item will move so that its edge lines up with the second item.
It is possible to adjust the screen zoom. This option allows the user to zoom in, to look more closely at a particular section of the plot, or to zoom out to look at the whole plot. This feature can be accessed via the View menu.
This option is also available on the quick access toolbar along the top of the WPC screen.
It is possible to select plot defaults, which will be applied each time a plot is opened. These default selections are available on the main Well Seeker interface when a plan, survey or actual wellbore is open.
Select Plots from the toolbar along the top of the screen and the Chart Defaults options are available in the list. The selected defaults apply to the individual plots as well as the plots created in the WPC.
When viewing a plan, the well planning tools will be displayed at the bottom of the window.
Selecting one of the seven planning tools displayed will activate other options to configure the chosen tool. Once all options have been entered, click on the calculate button to add it to the well plan. Below is a description of each available planning tool:
The adjust planning method is a simple tool that will draw a curve with the minimum dogleg required to reach the desired inclination, azimuth and distance from the current point. The exception to this is the INC, AZI, DLS option – In this case the planning tool will calculate the build/turn values required to reach the desired inclination and azimuth while keeping to the desired dogleg.
MD, INC, AZI: Enter a MD, an INC and AZI in the text boxes in the parameters section.
CL, INC, AZI: Enter a CL, an INC and AZI in the text boxes in the parameters section.
INC, AZI, TVD: Enter an INC, an AZI and a TVD in the text boxes in the parameters section.
INC, AZI, DLS: Enter an INC, an AZI and a DLS in the text boxes in the parameters section.
The build / turn planning method is a 3D planning tool in which consecutive surveys have a constant build / turn rate between them. The well path produced by this method is effectively describing a trajectory travelling around a cylinder.
MD / CL: Enter an MD or CL, build rate and a turn rate and click on the “Calculate” button.
INC: Enter a build rate and a turn rate and an INC and click on the “Calculate” button.
AZI: Enter a build rate and a turn rate and an AZI and click on the “Calculate” button.
TVD: Enter a build rate and a turn rate and a TVD and click on the “Calculate” button.
The dogleg tool face method is a 3D planning tool where build rates and turn rates will vary between survey stations depending on the dogleg and tool face setting requested.
MD / CL: Enter an MD / CL, DLS and TFO and click on the “Calculate” button.
INC: Enter a DLS, TFO and an INC and click on the “Calculate” button. The trajectory will be calculated until the required INC is reached. If the INC selected cannot be reached, an error will be displayed.
AZI: Enter a DLS, TFO and an AZI and click on the “Calculate” button. The trajectory will be calculated until the required AZI is reached. If the required AZI cannot be reached, an error will be displayed.
TVD: Enter a DLS, TFO and a TVD and click on the “Calculate” button. If the TVD cannot be reached, an error will be displayed.
TANGENT: There are two methods available for the tangent option:
Tangent – HC (Hold Curve): The HC option draws a tangent section then a curve to hit the target
Tangent – CH (Curve Hold): The Curve Hold draws a curve to line up on the target then a tangent to hit the target
The Curve Hold method allows a larger number of targets to be reached. A NS, EW and TVD value must be entered. This can be done manually or by selecting an existing target. Lastly the DLS of the curve must be selected. If the target cannot be reached with the parameters specified, an error will be displayed. Usually increasing the DLS allows the target to be reached or changing the method from hold curve to curve hold.
POINT: Enter a NS, EW and TVD; this can also be done by selecting an existing target from the drop-down menu. The well trajectory will be turned using the minimum possible dogleg to reach the point. This method describes a constant curve to the target. If the required point is on an existing plan, this can be achieved by selecting plan from the target details section, choosing the relevant plan from the drop-down menu and selecting the appropriate MD. This MD relates to the point on the offset plan and Well Seeker will automatically populate the NS, EW and TVD based on this selected point.
The Hold function causes the trajectory to travel in a straight line at the current inclination & azimuth until at reaches the specified distance or depth:
CL: Enter a CL (Closure Length) and click on the “Calculate” button.
MD: Enter an MD and click on the “Calculate” button.
TVD: Enter a TVD and click on the “Calculate” button.
VS: Enter a Vertical Section and click on the “Calculate” button
The optimum align function is a powerful tool for lining up on targets at specified inclinations and azimuths. It is particularly useful if multiple targets are to be hit. The trajectory produced is usually a 3D S-shape profile, which can be defined either by specifying two curve sections and a hold or by using two curves. If “Curve Hold Curve” is used, the doglegs for both the curve sections must be specified. For a “Curve-Curve” method, only the dogleg for one of the curves must be entered. If “Balanced” is selected, Well Seeker PRO will attempt to create a profile using the same dogleg for both curves.
When selecting a point to hit, the user can choose any available targets from the drop-down menu or enter the N/S, E/W and TVD values manually using the user defined option. Then select the appropriate optimum align parameters and required dogleg, and enter the desired inc and azi and click on the “Calculate” button
If there are 2 targets and the user requires the plan to “line up” the first target with the second, the second target can be selected from the line up drop-down menu. Well Seeker will calculate the tangent inc and azi between the 2 targets and automatically enter these values into the relevant boxes.
It is also possible to line up on an existing plan. When Plan is selected, the user can choose the relevant plan from the drop-down menu and the relevant MD on the plan that they would like to hit. The coordinates and TVD of the point on the plan will be automatically entered and the inc and azi will mirror that particular point on the well plan.
If the optimum align method cannot reach the desired inc and azi at the target point, an error message will be displayed. Usually increasing the doglegs will allow the target to be reached.
If the user has multiple targets to hit, then one way to achieve this is by selecting the “Thread” function in the target details section. No planning method needs to be selected to open the Thread targets dialog; however, the feature utilises the Optimum Align functions when generating plans. Targets are available to select via a drop down menu at the top of the dialog, and the planning method options are selected at the bottom of the dialog.
The 2D well planning tools are designed to allow a well from surface to be planned with a single click. The 2D planning tools have multiple build /drop rates but only one horizontal plane (azimuth). There are two options available: S-Well and Slant Well. The S-Well profile can either be a standard S where the inclination is dropped back to vertical at the target, or a modified S where a specified inclination greater than zero is reached at the target. The slant well has a constant build up rate and a specified kick off point to reach the target.
To use this method, the KOP must be entered (the inclination will be vertical to this point), the DLS of the initial build (BUR 1) and then the drop rate (BUR 2).
The user then has two additional options to choose from, final inclination (Fin Inc) and final hold length (Fin Hold). The user can choose to select none, one or both of these options via the checkbox to the right of the corresponding cell. The final details required are the target NS, EW and TVD. These can be entered manually or by selecting a target from the drop-down menu. If the target cannot be reached with the specified parameters, a warning message will be displayed.
No Checkboxes selected: When the user does not select either the Final Inclination or Final Hold options, the drop section of the plan will stop at the selected target at an inclination of 0° (if this is possible). This will be referenced in the Method Column of the plan as SWELL_OPT1.
Final Inclination Only: When the user enters only the final inclination, the drop section of the plan will stop at the selected target at the desired inclination (if this is possible). This will be referenced in the Method Column of the plan as SWELL_OPT2.
Final Hold Only: When the user enters only the final Hold, the plan will hit the target at 0° inclination (if possible) and will have lined up at the given hold distance entered prior to hitting the target. In the below example, the plan has lined up at 0° inclination 100m MD before hitting the target. This will be referenced in the Method Column of the plan as SWELL_OPT3.
Final Inclination & Hold: When the user enters both values, the plan will hit the target at the desired inclination (if possible) and will also include a hold section prior to hitting the target. In the below example, the plan has lined up at 5° inclination 100m MD before hitting the target. This will be referenced in the Method Column of the plan as SWELL_OPT4.
To use this method, the KOP must be entered (the inclination will be vertical to this point) and the DLS of the build (BUR 1). The final details required are the target NS, EW and TVD. These can be entered manually or by selecting a target from the drop-down menu. If the target cannot be reached with the specified parameters, an error message will be displayed.
Details the different ways the user can configure Well Seeker Pro to handle Inclination-Only MWD error models
Well Seeker Version and later has changed the way that Well Seeker Pro manages Inclination-Only instrument performance models (IPMs). The following guidelines clarify how the user should configure Well Seeker for use with Inclination-Only IPMs:
Well Seeker will recognise a survey tool as Inclination-Only if it has the following wording in the name of their IPM file. These names are not case sensitive, but anything other than the below will not be recognised as inclination only:
Inclination Only
IPM file names can be edited by opening the Survey Tool Editor (Tools >> Survey Tool Editor) and selecting the Open IPM Folder option in the toolbar. This will open a Windows folder where the file names can be edited.
If a survey has been assigned an Inclination-Only survey tool, the following behavior will occur:
The inclination values in the survey will be used to calculate the Ellipse of Uncertainty (EOU) in the error model.
The well will be treated as if it were completely vertical. No azimuth or inclination values will be used to calculate North/South, East/West, Vertical Section, Dogleg, Build Rate or Turn Rate i.e. they will all be zero.
However, the TVD and TVD Subsea values will be calculated using the inclination values. A constant azimuth value is assumed for the purpose of the calculation.
If an Inclination-Only survey is tied onto a non-Inclination-Only only survey, or vice versa, the non-Inclination-Only surveys will plot as normal but all Inclination-Only surveys will plot as vertical.
It should be noted that when using an inclination only IPM, the difference in the calculated error ellipse for a portion of a well with a zero degree inclination, when compared to a portion of a well with a positive inclination (0.01 degrees or greater) can be very large. This is caused in a large part by the misalignment term XYM1 in the inclination only models that has a very large magnitude and is based upon the sine of the inclination.
When inputting surveys for a well that is using an inclination only IPM, ensure that the surveys are input as per the inclination only survey results. Inputting an inclination of zero, where in reality it is not, will have a huge impact on the calculated error ellipse.
Note that in versions prior to, the user had the option to toggle Inclination-Only behaviour on and off in the Survey Tool editor. This option has been removed, and Inclination-Only behaviour is now always on. If the user wishes to stop Inclination-Only behaviour in a survey, they must switch to a non-Inclination-Only survey tool, or rename their Inclination-Only IPM in a way which does not correspond with the naming convention described earlier in this document.
Well Seeker Pro now has the integrated functionality to remotely send and monitor downlinks on a specified rig, utilizing the rig’s control system. Currently Well Seeker Pro can communicate with NOV’s DrillLink software and downlink by either the mud pumps, or top drive on rigs utilizing the Amphion and Cyberbase rig control systems. This document is intended to guide the user through the process of installing and setting up the Innova Remote Client application on a device on the rig network, so that it can communicate with both DrillLink and Well Seeker Pro installed on a remote PC, to facilitate the downlink functionality. The Innova remote client is only required if the Well Seeker Pro PC is outside the rig network.
The below system diagram depicts how Well Seeker Pro interacts with DrillLink to send downlinks from a remote location and the role the Innova Remote Client plays in that communication.
If the Well Seeker Pro laptop is not at the rig site then the security risks are innate security risks, as this requires a way for an external source to access the rig network. These risks are negated in the following ways:
Well Seeker Pro communication from a remote location is handled solely by the Innova Remote Client. This application will only deal with communication from Well Seeker Pro via the secure ICP API (Innova Cloud Portal API)
All communication between Well Seeker Pro and the Innova Remote Client use TSL encryption (Transport Layer Security)
Access to the Innova Remote Client requires a Username and Password for successful communication to be established. These credentials can only be supplied by Innova
Each rig will be specified by a randomly generated unique code (GUUID) from Innova, which must be known to communicate with the Innova Remote Client for a specific rig. This can only be handled when using Well Seeker Pro software
The Downlink Control functionality is a license enabled feature, meaning that only users with a valid license for the feature will be able to use it
The driller at the rig site will have ultimate control as to whether the DrillLink system allows remote access or not, utilizing an override switch in the DrillLink console on the rig floor
The below steps lead the user through installing the Innova Remote Client application on to a device that is on the rig network and will be able to communicate with the DrillLink device.
1. Save the install file provided by Innova on to the desktop of the chosen device. This device should be connected to the rig network
2. Open the install file by double left clicking on it
3. Check the I agree to the License terms and conditions cell and then select INSTALL. The user can view the license terms and conditions by selecting the blue phrase License terms and conditions
4. The installation will complete. Select Finish
5. A shortcut for the application will have been created on the device desktop
Once installation is completed the Innova Remote Client must be setup so that it can communicate with both Well Seeker Pro, via the ICP API and DrillLink. The below steps will guide the user through this process.
1. Open the Innova Remote Client via the shortcut on the device desktop
2. In the ICP Configuration section input the Username and Password credentials supplied by Innova. This allows the Innova Remote Client to communicate with Well Seeker Pro via the ICP API
3. Input the Rig GUUID supplied by Innova. This is a security feature that ensures that the rig can only be communicated with by a validated user and not be confused with any other rigs
4. If not already the case, set the Environment to Production. This can be selected in the Environment menu and selecting Production
5. Enter the DrillLink Configuration IP Address and Port. This is the IP for the device that DrillLink is installed on, or relays information to DrillLink. The port is always 8080
6. The DrillLink Controls section displays the status of connection between the Innova Remote Client and DrillLink. The user can use the Connect and Disconnect options to ensure that the correct settings have been input and that a successful connection has been established, denoted by the Connected cell displaying Connected. During downlinking operations the connect, disconnect and abort functions will be controlled by the end user within Well Seeker Pro’s Downlink Control dialog.
7. The current inputs can be saved to a file. To do this select File > Save config
8. To load previous inputs saved to a file select File > Load config. Select the relevant config file and select Open
9. The setup process is now complete
A guide to printing a wall plot to pdf via the Wall Plot Composer.
In most cases, printing a wall plot from the Wall Plot Composer (WPC) dialog within Well Seeker Pro is a simple process. However, a small number of cases have been noted when printing to an A1 or A0 size PDF, particularly from a device with high-resolution display settings, that the resulting PDF document does not accurately represent the image created within the WPC dialog.
This issue is independent of the ‘Page Setup’ settings within WPC and is solely related to the ‘PDF Page Size’ option in the PDF printer properties. So regardless of what size of plot is created within the wall plot composer (A0 to A7 or user defined), the user may only see an issue if they try to print to A1 or A0 size. It should be noted that in general, to get the best possible output, the user should print to the same paper size as selected in the page setup i.e. if an A4 plot is created, print it as an A4 PDF etc.
This is not a problem with Well Seeker Pro, but a common issue with multiple different PDF printing software applications and their interaction with a wide range of chart creation software.
The aim of this document is to give the user a simple solution to this potentially time-consuming problem.
When in the WPC dialog, in order to print the WPC design to PDF the user selects ‘File > Print’. The below, or similar, dialog will appear, allowing the user to select one of a number of potential PDF printers. The options available from the drop-down menu, depends on the pdf software the user has installed on their machine.
When the user selects ‘Properties’ the adjoining dialog, or similar, will appear, allowing the user to adjust the PDF print settings. In this example the settings will be left as default and the page size as A4.
The PDF is created when the user selects ‘OK’ in the Print dialog. The below images show the resulting PDF matches the WPC design.
In most instances the generated output matches the WPC layout; however, a few users with high resolution display settings may encounter the below issue when printing an A0/A1 plot to PDF.
When in the WPC dialog, in order to print the WPC design to PDF the user selects ‘File > Print’. The below, or similar, dialog will appear, allowing the user to select one of a number of potential PDF printers. When the user selects ‘Properties’ the adjoining dialog or similar will appear allowing the user to adjust the PDF print settings. In this example the settings will be left as default with the exception of the page size, which will be changed to A0.
The PDF is created when the user selects ‘OK’ in the Print dialog. The below images show the resulting PDF matches the WPC design in most respects, but the Y axis grid lines in the section view plot are not printed correctly.
If you encounter this issue it can be overcome by REDUCING the Print Quality DPI setting, without impacting the perceived image quality. This process will differ between PDF printer software, but the below example is for one such software.
To change the print quality DPI setting, when in the WPC dialog, the user selects ‘File > Print’. The below, or similar, dialog will appear, allowing the user to select one of a number of potential PDF printer options. When the user selects ‘Properties’ the adjoining dialog or similar will appear allowing the user to adjust the PDF print settings. In this example the settings will be left as default with the exception of the page size, which will be changed to A0.
The user then selects the ‘Paper/Quality’ tab, and then selects ‘Advanced’, shown below.
This will open the below, or similar, dialog where the user should DECREASE the ‘Print Quality’ to 600dpi.
Once this option has been selected and the printing process has been completed the resulting PDF should represent the image in the WPC dialog, without any graphical flaws in the X or Y axis gridlines of a chart.
A guide to adding HDGM, mvHD and BGGM geomagnetic models into Well Seeker Pro.
The Well Seeker install includes the latest IGRF and WMM geomagnetic models as standard. In addition to these, the software is also compatible with the following geomagnetic models:
HDGM (NOAA – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
mvHD (MagVAR)
BGGM (BGS - British Geological Survey)
This document details the steps required to add these geomagnetic models to Well Seeker, as they do not come with the initial install.
This section describes how to incorporate the NOAA HDGM geomagnetic model into Well Seeker.
Firstly, the user must have purchased a valid license from NOAA. Innova do not supply these licenses and the user must contact NOAA directly () to organize this.
The following file is required and will be provided by NOAA upon purchasing a license.
hdgm20xx.dll: This is the only file required and the xx in the file name will represent the year e.g. hdgm2020.dll, hdgm2021.dll etc.
The user must now follow the below steps to correctly add the file:
Place the .dll file in the C:\Program Files(x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker PRO\Magnetics directory
Open Well Seeker.
You should now be able to select HDGM model in either the Geomag Calculator Tool or in the Magnetics section of the plan/wellbore properties dialog.
This section describes how to incorporate MagVAR’s mvHD geomagnetic model into Well Seeker.
The following is a list of files which are required, ALL of which will be supplied by MagVAR.
MagVarGlobalPlugIn.DLL: Make sure you have the correct 64- or 32-bit version dependent on your computers operating system. Current version is 2.0
A *.mvgm file: This is the magnetic model file which contains the magnetic field parameters for a 12-month period
Hardware Key: This is a string of alpha numeric characters which is unique for each customer who has purchased the magnetic model
The user must now follow the below steps to correctly add the files:
Place the .DLL file and the .mvgm files in the C:\Program Files(x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker PRO\Magnetics directory
On the desktop, create a file called mvhdHardwareKey.txt (a standard text file)
Open the text file and copy and paste the hardware key into it
Save the file and close
Add this file to the same directory as the other 2 files
Open Well Seeker
You should now be able to select mvHD model in either the Geomag Calculator Tool or in the Magnetics section of the plan/wellbore properties dialog.
This section describes how to incorporate the BGGM geomagnetic model into Well Seeker.
The method used depends on whether the user has purchased a single or multiuser license.
When the user buys a single user license of BGGM, they will receive a standalone version of the software to run the calculations. If they want to have the BGGM model available to select from within Well Seeker, they need to enable the BGGM Web Service from their machine. This option is available in Well Seeker from v2.0.0.016 onwards. To do this the user should follow the below instructions:
Firstly, the user must have purchased a valid single user license from BGS.
Open Well Seeker and go to Help > License Info. In the License Details dialog, the computers MAC address will be displayed.
BGS will authenticate the MAC address and send a password.
Create a blank text file and name it bggmWebService2023.dat
Note: The name of this file should be adjusted each year, based on the model. For example, if the user purchases the 2025 model the file should be called bggmWebService2025.dat etc.
Innova can provide this if necessary.
Open this file with Notepad and paste the password received from BGS into it
Save and close.
Copy the bggmWebService2020.dat file into the Well Seeker magnetics folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker PRO\Magnetics
Open Well Seeker.
You should now be able to select bggmWebService2020.dat in either the Geomag Calculator Tool or in the Magnetics section of the plan/wellbore properties dialog.
When the user buys a multiuser license, BGS will send a bggm20xx.dat file which needs to be put in the magnetics folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker PRO\Magnetics
The xx in the file name will represent the year e.g. bggm2020.dat, bggm2021.dat etc.
With both files in the magnetics folder, the user will now be able to select bggm20xx.dat in either the Geomag Calculator Tool or in the Magnetics section of the plan/wellbore properties.
Once the new geomagnetic model has been added to Well Seeker, there are 2 places within the program where the user can select this to view the relevant output. These are detailed below.
The Geomagnetic calculator is accessed via the Tools menu in the main user interface.
This will open the below dialog. From here, the user can select the relevant Coordinate Reference System, enter the required surface location, and then generate the magnetics results based on the desired geomagnetic model.
As can be seen from the below dialog, the geomag model is available to select from a dropdown menu. If the user’s new model is not available in this menu, then the model has not been installed correctly and the user should repeat the installation process.
If the user would like to set the new geomagnetic model as their default, this can be done via the Magnetics results section of the Geomagnetic Calculator dialog. Simply select the desired default from the dropdown list and then select Set As Default. The user can check this has worked correctly by closing and reopening the Geomagnetic Calculator. The default will be automatically populated in the Model cell.
The plan and actual wellbore properties dialogs are accessed by right clicking on a plan or actual wellbore in the database tree and selecting Properties. In the Magnetics section the user will be able to select the required geomagnetic model from the dropdown list.
Note that row 1 is uneditable and will always contain the default model, but new rows can be added and selected as Active where appropriate.
Innova’s Well Seeker Remote Client is a stand-alone program which can be utilized at the rig site to send WITS data back to the companies SQL server database via the ICDS (Innova Central Database Server). This data can then be viewed and used by anyone in the company with the appropriate access to the database, providing the user with all the data required to carry out remote operations from anywhere in the world.
This document describes the Well Seeker Remote Client and details the steps required to correctly utilise its functionality.
The below steps lead the user through the Well Seeker Remote Client installation process.
Save the install file (Well Seeker Remote Client - vX.X.X.X.exe) provided by Innova onto the desktop of the chosen device.
Open the install file by double left clicking on it
Check the I agree to the License terms and conditions cell and then select INSTALL. The user can view the license terms and conditions by selecting the blue phrase License terms and conditions
Once the installation is complete. Select Finish
A “Well Seeker Remote Client” folder will have been created in the following location on the computer:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker Remote Client
This folder will contain the following files:
To open the Well Seeker Client, the user should double left click on the wellSeekerClient.exe file. This will open the program and the user will see the main user interface as show below.
File Menu
Save Config: Saves the current configuration. When this option is selected, the saved configuration will be what loads each time the program is opened.
Save Config As: Saves the current configuration as a .ini file which can be selected again at any time to load the users desired setup
Load Config: Loads an existing config .ini file, which pulls in all the users saved settings
Exit: Closes the program
WITS Mapping Menu
Reset to Defaults: Resets the WITS Mapping table to the default values
Help Menu
About: Opens a dialog which shows which version of the program is being used
This section allows the user to map the WITS inputs to ensure that the data is being received on the correct channels. WITS mapping should be standard, but this information can be obtained from the EDR provider.
RID: The Record ID, which comes from the WITS zero standards
FID: The Field ID, which comes from the WITS zero standards
Mnemonic: The Internal Mnemonic is what Well Seeker uses to map the WITS data it is receiving. For example, a WITS ID of 0110 is mapped to Hole MD (WITS zero standards), which is something that will make more sense to the user
If necessary, the user can add a new line to the table by selecting an existing line and pressing the spacebar. This inserts a line above the selected line.
This section allows the user to configure the thresholds used for determining the current Rig states. The rig states will operate when the WITS Reader is running.
The below is a guide to initial threshold values, which can be adjusted and fine-tuned as you start to receive data:
RPM: Initially, set this as the oscillating RPM when sliding; however, this is something that will likely need to be adjusted based on operating parameters.
Pump Pressure: 300psi.
Flow Rate: 50gpm.
HKLD: Set at block weight + 20, or something similar.
On Bottom Delta: 0.5ft.
WOB Threshold: 2k or 1T.
RPM Buffer Size: This is the number of rpm values which WS will remember in the rpm buffer. Well Seeker uses this to identifying when the assembly is rotating. 9 or 10 is usually a good starting value here.
The Rig States logic is what Well Seeker uses to determine what is currently happening in the well e.g. Rotating, Sliding, Tripping, Circulating etc. The thresholds will determine at what level certain rig states will be classified. Rig states logic is defined below:
RPM < RPM Threshold then Sliding = True
Pump Press < Pump Press Threshold then pumps off = TRUE
HKLD < HKLD Threshold then In Slips = TRUE
Pumps Off = TRUE and In Slips = TRUE then Connection
Hole Depth – Bit Depth < On Btm Delta, then On Bottom = TRUE
RPM threshold should be 50% of current rotating speed
Based on the WITS values being received, the threshold values and the above rig states logic, the Rig State cell will populate with the resulting rig state conclusions.
The WITS Data section will populate with the latest WITS values as they are received. The WITS mapping must be correct, otherwise the values will either not show in the table or will populate in the wrong cell.
This section is where the user chooses the type of WITS connection and starts reading the available data.
WITS Status: Show if WITS is being received.
With NO WITS being received the cell will be red and say Not Reading
When receiving WITS, the cell will be green and will say Reading WITS. The message will include whether the received wits is serial or UDP.
WITS Reader Window: When WITS data is being received, the user will see characters fill this window
Comm Port: This dropdown menu shows the list of available Comms ports for the user to select. Unless the user has a serial box to USB box connected to the computer, they are unlikely to have any comm ports available on this list.
UDP PORT: This option should be selected if receiving UDP WITS, which will be received via an ethernet cable. This is where the user enters the relevant UDP Port. This input will only be available when the checkbox to the left of the UDP Port text is selected.
TCP IP Address: This is where the user enters the relevant TCP IP Address. This input will only be available when the checkbox to the left of the TCP IP Address text is selected. When selected, the UDP Port cell will also become available to populate.
Pause Messages: This option pauses the live messages allowing the user to easily scroll through the list of messages without it constantly updating. This does not stop the messages being received, it only pauses the view. Once unselected, all messages which were received during the paused interval will appear.
Send Handshake: Leave checked, unless receiving WITS from Noralis.
Start Reading: Starts reading the available WITS data.
Stop Reading: Stops reading the available WITS data.
The ICDS data transfer section is where the user can enter the appropriate details to connect to the ICDS and select the relevant well which the WITS data will be associated with in the database.
ICDS Data Transfer Window: This window displays all available Actual Wells in the SQL server database which have daily reports associated with them. The user can then choose the appropriate well from the list. When the data is then sent, it will be associated with the selected well in the SQL database.
Get Well List: Selecting this option will populate the ICDS Window with all available wells from the SQL Server database.
Select Well: Once the user has selected the required well in the ICDS Window, choosing this option will populate the Selected Well cell.
Start Sending: Starts sending the WITS data to the SQL server database
Stop Sending: Stops sending the WITS data to the SQL server database
Selected Well: Shows the well which the WITS data will be associated with on the SQL server database
ICDS IP Address: The IP address for the relevant ICDS
ICDS Port: The port number for the relevant ICDS. This is usually 42000
ICDS Password: The password for the relevant ICDS.
ICDS Status: Shows the user if the WITS data is being sent or not.
To run the Well Seeker Remote Client correctly, the following inputs / Information are required:
ICDS IP Address
ICDS Password
The Actual Well or Job Number, which needs to be selected in the ICDS Data Transfer Window
For the Rig States to operate, the below, correctly mapped WITS Inputs are required via either serial, UDP or TCP connection
The following section details the steps required to run the Well Seeker Client.
Ensure the computer has a WITS connection
Ensure the WITS Mapping matches that of the data being received
Select the relevant Comm or UDP Port
Check the Send handshake checkbox, unless receiving WITS via Noralis
Select Start Reading and ensure the WITS reader window is populating with the incoming WITS data
The WITS Status should be green and show the type of WITS connection being used
Check the Rig States Threshold values are setup as required
Enter the ICDS
IP Address
Select Get Well List
The ICDS Data Transfer Window should populate with the available wells
Select the required well from the table and hit the Select Well button
Ensure the correct well name has populated the Selected Well cell
Select Start Sending
The ICDS Status cell should turn green and it should say Sending Data along with the current time
If the above steps have been followed and all data has been entered correctly, then the WITS data will now be sent to the server database via the ICDS and will be available to all users.
A guide to integration with the Oasis ERP software by Merge Solutions, using Well Seeker Pro and the Innova Web Portal.
The Oasis integration within the Innova software allows the user to pull cost and inventory data from Oasis. This information can then be utilized in the daily reporting features, where daily costs and tool hours are recorded, and once complete, this data can be transferred back to Oasis.
The purpose of this document is to introduce the user to the Oasis integration in the Web Portal and Well Seeker Pro, and detail some of the steps required to correctly setup and use these features.
This document assumes that Well Seeker Pro has already been installed (), and that the user is familiar with the daily reporting features ().
To use the Oasis integration within Well Seeker, the user requires the relevant license. The license features can be checked in Well Seeker by selecting Help – License Info, which will open the below License Details dialog.
The daily reporting module within the Innova database is where most of the Oasis integration data can be found. As a result, the user will need to ensure they have a database structure in place that includes at least one actual well, as this is the level in the database tree that the daily reporting is associated. Note, that this will NOT work in a plan, only in an actual well.
When using the Oasis integration within the Innova software there are two suggested workflow options detailed below.
Server workflow: The job is setup in Oasis, office personnel are then able to pull and synchronize Oasis data into the Web Portal, before the field user pulls down all the data via the Remote Data Fetch tool into a local Well Seeker Pro database. Data is automatically pushed back to Oasis.
The benefits of this workflow are:
Oasis login credentials are only input once in the Web Portal and are not required to be distributed to field personnel
Office personnel can ensure the correct data is pulled into the Web Portal
Data is pushed back to Oasis at a pre-defined time increment, requiring no additional steps from the field user for this to work
Local PC workflow: The job is setup in Oasis, the field user pulls down the well data from the Innova server, via the Remote Data Fetch tool, into a local Well Seeker Pro database and then has to synchronize the job number, cost code and tool data with Oasis. Data is manually pushed back to Oasis by the field user
The benefits of this workflow are:
This is the original workflow that many users are familiar with.
The negatives of this workflow are:
The Oasis credentials need to be distributed to all field personnel to input into each individual install of Well Seeker Pro
The field user is required to manually push the cost and tool data back to Oasis, for this data to then be available within Oasis
The following section will take the user through the server work flow, step by step.
Oasis credentials are input in the Web Portal only once
The job number in Oasis is synchronized with the desired well in the server database via the Wells List page in the Web Portal
The Cost Codes are pulled from Oasis via the Web Portal
The Tools are pulled from Oasis via the Web Portal
DD uses the Remote Data Fetch feature in Well Seeker Pro to pull the well data from the server database to their local PC
Turn on the Real Time Data Exchange to push data from local PC back to the Innova Server
When operations begin, complete the daily cost table for each daily report every day
Create the first BHA in the drill string editor and insert the relevant tools from the inventory. Repeat the process for each subsequent BHA as required throughout the job
When appropriate, reference the BHA’s in the daily activity table in the daily reports and ensure the performance report is updated for each BHA at the end of every run
The Well Seeker cost and tool hour data is automatically pulled to the Oasis server at a predefined time interval. This interval can’t be adjusted by the user.
To allow communication between the Web Portal and Oasis, the user needs to have the following Oasis login credentials, which are provided by Merge Solutions NOT Innova:
To add these details to the Web Portal, the user should select the burger menu at the top left of the screen, then Database Admin Tools > Third Party Apps. Note that this option is only visible and editable for users with the admin permission enabled.
At the bottom of the page select OASIS from the Application cell dropdown list and enter the Oasis username and password. A new row with this data will be created at the top of the page. The organization cell will be populated automatically based on the organization the users login credentials are associated with. The user will need to enter the relevant URL at this point.
These credentials only need to be added once for the entire organization.
To allow Oasis and Innova to transfer data between their databases they require a common Job Number for each well. These job numbers must be identical in both programs otherwise none of the transfer functionality will work. The Job Number for each well is entered directly on the Wells List page in the Portal. This can be entered either manually or it can be pulled (synchronised) directly from the Oasis server. The advantage of pulling the job number from Oasis is that the values in both systems will be identical with no potential for data entry errors.
The Oasis Job Data dialog lists all the available jobs in Oasis. The user can use the search bar at the top or can select any of the column headers to sort or filter the data to find the relevant well. Once the relevant well has been found, the user should select the checkbox on the left. Once this has been selected a new option becomes available at the bottom of the dialog called UPDATE JOB INFO. Selecting this will update the Job# and Rig cells in the Wells List page of the Portal.
Note, if the incorrect job number is synchronized at this stage, any data transfer between Oasis and Innova will be for the incorrect job.
Select the well from the Wells List page and then select the Daily Reports option from the menu on the left of the screen. For the integration to function correctly, there must be at least 1 daily report available in this section. This report does NOT need to contain any data.
Select the pencil menu from the bottom right of the screen and select the Add New Report option. Select the relevant date and select submit.
The new report will be created in the table, and the user can then move onto the next step.
Note: If there are no daily reports in this table, when the user tries to import cost and tool data, they will receive the below error message. If this happens, follow the above steps to add a daily report and try to import the data again.
Select the relevant well from the Wells List and then select the Costs page. Select the Cost Codes tab from the far right of the page.
Within the Cost Codes tab, right click to open the context menu and select Get Oasis cost codes.
The Oasis Costs dialog will open. Select the desired Quote and then the desired cost items from that quote. All items can be selected using the top left check box. When selection is complete select IMPORT COST CODES. Note, the user can sort the quotes in this dialog using the columns or the search bar.
Select the relevant well from the Wells List and then select the Inventory page. Select the pencil icon and then Get Oasis Tools.
Select the tools you want to import and select IMPORT TOOLS.
The job number, cost code and tool data have now been synchronized between the Oasis server and the Innova server database. This data is now ready to be pulled down to a local user for use at the rig site.
The Real Time Data Exchange is a tool that is used to update the Innova server database with the latest well data from the local PC. It is essential with this workflow to ensure that the Real Time Data Exchange is pushing data back to the Innova server database throughout the duration of the well, as the data that will be pulled back to Oasis is not pulled from the local PC, but is pulled from the Innova server database. To run the Real Time Data Exchange, open the Daily Report dialog for the relevant well and select Tools > RT Data Exchange, or select the toolbar icon. This will automatically start the Real Time Data Exchange for the selected well.
The daily cost dialog is accessed from within Well Seeker Pro’s daily reporting interface by selecting View – Daily Costs.
Each daily report has its own separate daily cost table associated with it, allowing the user to easily keep track of daily and well total costs. Costs are selected by clicking on the description cell and choosing the appropriate option from the drop-down menu. The available options in the drop-down menu are taken directly from the cost codes table which was populated with the Oasis data.
Once a cost is chosen, the user can then enter the quantity and the total will update. Throughout the job, there will be daily cost data associated with each daily report and this will be pulled back to Oasis.
With the tools now entered in the inventory, the user can add any of these to a BHA. This is an important step in the process as BHAs have run sheets associated with them and are selected in the daily activity section of the daily reports, which is how the associated job run data (hours, depths, dates, drilling parameters etc) is linked to each BHA and by default their individual components.
The drill string editor is accessed by right clicking at Actual Well level and selecting Reporting – Drill String Editor.
Components can be added to the drill string from the inventory by selecting the relevant component type from the dropdown menu and then right clicking on that row and selecting Insert from Inventory. The user can then choose the appropriate tool and select Insert. Note that the tools displayed in the insert from inventory table will only be of the type selected in the drill string editor.
For example, in the below the component in the drill string is a sub, therefore the user will only be given the option to insert tools from the inventory that are referenced as subs, so care should be taken to ensure that each component in the inventory has the component type correctly referenced.
Once the BHA has been completed and all the necessary tools inserted from the inventory, the BHA can then be selected where appropriate in the daily reports. By doing this, as the section is drilled, all the associated data will be linked to the BHA. At the end of the run, this data can then be pulled into the performance report.
The performance report can be accessed via the drill string editor dialog, by selecting Performance Report – Edit Data.
When data is pushed back to Oasis for any given BHA, the performance report is where the data comes from, so it is important that this is updated correctly. Once a BHA has been laid down, and the user is happy the daily report and slide sheet have been completed correctly, they should go to the performance report and select Tools – Get Data from DDR. This will update the performance report with the relevant data which will be pulled to Oasis.
To transfer the cost and tool hour information from Well Seeker Pro to Oasis requires no user actions on the Well Seeker Pro side. This data is pulled from the Innova server database via the Innova API to the Oasis database at a predefined time interval.
It is however important to keep the Well Seeker server updated as much as possible to ensure that any time Oasis updates, it is pulling the most up to date information. As mentioned earlier in the document, this is achieved by setting up and utilizing the Real Time Data Exchange where possible.
The following section will take the user through the local PC workflow, step by step.
Oasis credentials are input in to Well Seeker Pro on each local PC
The job number in Oasis is synchronized with the desired well in the database via Well Seeker
Import the cost details from Oasis into the Cost Codes table in Well Seeker
Import the relevant tools from Oasis into the Well Seeker Inventory
When operations begin, complete the daily cost table for each daily report every day
Create the first BHA in the drill string editor and insert the relevant tools from the inventory. Repeat the process for each subsequent BHA as required throughout the job
When appropriate, reference the BHA’s in the daily activity table in the daily reports and ensure the performance report is updated for each BHA at the end of every run
At the end of the job:
Export the cost data back to Oasis
Export the tool data for all BHA’s back to Oasis
To allow communication between Well Seeker Pro and Oasis, the user needs to have the following Oasis login credentials, which are provided by Merge Solutions NOT Innova:
To add these details, into Well Seeker Pro, the user should selecting File – SQL Server Databases – Oasis Credentials, which opens the Oasis Credentials dialog.
Once entered the user should select apply and close. The user will only need to enter these details once per PC, and they will then be saved within Well Seeker.
To allow Oasis and Innova to transfer data between their databases they require a common Job Number for each well. These job numbers must be identical in both programs otherwise none of the transfer functionality will work. The Job Number for each well can be entered directly in the Well Data and Personnel dialog in Well Seeker. This can be entered either manually or it can be pulled directly from the Oasis server. The advantage of pulling the job number from Oasis is that the values in both systems will be identical with no potential for data entry errors.
To synchronize the job number between Oasis and Well Seeker for a specific well, the user must right click at the Actual Well level and select Reporting > Daily Reporting > Well Data > Well Data and Personnel > Get from Oasis.
In the Oasis Jobs dialog select the relevant job checkbox and select OK. Selecting this will update the Job# and Rig cells in the Well Data and Personnel dialog.
In the Well Data and Personnel dialog, select Apply, and select Save in the Daily Report dialog.
Note, if the user fails to enter a job number at this stage, the Oasis Jobs dialog will open for the user to select the relevant job every time they pull costs codes, or tools and push costs, or tool hours data.
This section will detail how to pull in cost details from Oasis quotes, how to use this data within Well Seeker and how to push this data back to Oasis.
The cost details from Oasis quotes are pulled into Well Seeker via the cost codes dialog. This dialog is accessed by right clicking at the Actual Well level and selecting Reporting > Daily Reporting > Tools > Cost codes. Note that the Cost Codes can also be accessed at Well Level in the database tree. If accessed at Well Level, the “Import from Oasis” option will not be available. To access this feature, the Cost Codes MUST be accessed via the Daily Reporting dialog.
The cost codes entered here are available to select from a dropdown menu in the daily cost dialog within the daily reporting. These cost codes can be imported directly from Oasis by selecting the Import from Oasis button.
This will open the Oasis bids dialog, where all bids associated with the selected job will be listed. Note, if the Oasis credentials have been input incorrectly, then the user will get an error message and the Oasis jobs dialog will not open. The user will need to make the relevant adjustments to the entered credentials before they retry.
The user can then select the check box for the required bid and select ok. This will populate the table with all the costs associated with the selected bid in Oasis.
The daily cost dialog is accessed from within the daily reporting interface by selecting View – Daily Costs.
Each daily report has its own separate daily cost table associated with it, allowing the user to easily keep track of daily and well total costs. Costs are selected by clicking on the description cell and choosing the appropriate option from the drop-down menu. The available options in the drop-down menu are taken directly from the cost codes table.
Once a cost is chosen, the user can then enter the quantity and the total will update. At the end of a job, there will be daily cost data associated with each daily report and this can then be pushed back to Oasis.
At any point in the job, the cost data can be exported to Oasis from within the daily reporting interface by selecting File – Export cost data to Oasis.
If successful, the below message will appear on the screen.
This section will detail how to pull in tool details from Oasis, how to include these tools in BHA’s within Well Seeker and how to push job run data associated with each tool back to Oasis.
Tools from Oasis are pulled into Well Seeker via the Inventory dialog. This dialog is accessed by right clicking at Actual Well level and selecting Reporting – Tool Inventory.
The inventory is where all tools on location for any given job are detailed. The inventory can be filled in manually, or tools can be imported directly from Oasis by selecting File – Import from Oasis. It is important to note that for the Oasis integration to work correctly, tools MUST be imported and NOT manually entered.
Additional data is associated with the imported tools that is not visible in the inventory table but is required when pushing data back to Oasis. If this is missing because the tools have been manually entered, then the data will not push back to Oasis.
Once Import from Oasis has been selected, what happens next depends on what has been entered into the job number cell in the Well Data and Personnel dialog.
If the user has correctly synced the job number and it matches a job number on the Oasis server then the Select Tools dialog will open, where all the tools in Oasis associated with the selected job will be listed (below left). If a job number has been entered but has not been correctly synced, then a warning message will be displayed saying the job number could not be found. Finally, if no job number has been entered at all, The Oasis Jobs dialog (below right) will open. The user will then need to select their job before they can access the select tools dialog.
From the Select Tools dialog, the user can select some or all of the available tools by selecting the appropriate receive tool check box. Once the tools have been selected the user must then enter their name in the received by cell and then select receive selected. Note, the tools will NOT pull into Well Seeker unless a name has been entered in the received by box.
With the tools now entered in the inventory, the user can add any of these to a BHA. This is an important step in the process as BHAs have run sheets associated with them and are selected in the daily activity section of the daily reports, which is how the associated job run data (hours, depths, dates, drilling parameters etc) is linked to each BHA and by default their individual components.
The drill string editor is accessed by right clicking at Actual Well level and selecting Reporting – Drill String Editor.
Components can be added to the drill string from the inventory by selecting the relevant component type from the dropdown menu and then right clicking on that row and selecting Insert from Inventory. The user can then choose the appropriate tool and select Insert. Note that the tools displayed in the insert from inventory table will only be of the type selected in the drill string editor.
For example, in the below the component in the drill string is a sub, therefore the user will only be given the option to insert tools from the inventory that are referenced as subs, so care should be taken to ensure that each component in the inventory has the component type correctly referenced.
Once the BHA has been completed and all the necessary tools inserted from the inventory, the BHA can then be selected where appropriate in the daily reports. By doing this, as the section is drilled, all the associated data will be linked to the BHA. At the end of the run, this data can then be pulled into the performance report.
The performance report can be accessed via the drill string editor dialog, by selecting Performance Report – Edit Data.
When data is pushed back to Oasis for any given BHA, the performance report is where the data comes from, so it is important that this is updated correctly. Once a BHA has been laid down, and the user is happy the daily report and slide sheet have been completed correctly, they should go to the performance report and select Tools – Get Data from DDR. This will update the performance report with the relevant data which can now be pushed to Oasis.
Once a BHA is out of hole and has been laid down, the user can push the data associated with this back to Oasis. This is done from the drill string editor by selecting Import / Export – Export current BHA to Oasis. It is also possible to push all BHA’s back at one time by selecting Export all BHA’s to Oasis.
Note: The data can be pushed back to Oasis either from the local field database, or from the server database. When pushing from the server database it is important to make sure this is up to date with the latest data from the field, which is most often achieved by using the Real Time Data Exchange.
Once the data has been successfully sent, the below message will appear on the screen.
Within Well Seeker, it is possible to transfer tools from one well to another via the inventory dialog, by selecting Transfer Tools. The user can then select the job to transfer the tools to, what tools they wish to transfer and the transfer date.
If the user has Oasis Credentials entered, then the below dialog will appear, asking if the user wishes to transfer the tools in Oasis. If no Oasis credentials have been entered, then this dialog will not appear and the tools will only be transferred within Well Seeker.
Selecting Yes, allows the user to select the current job the tools are associated with in Oasis and then the well they wish the tools to be transferred to. Once complete, the tools will then be transferred within both Well Seeker and Oasis.
An alternative to the above would be to transfer the tools directly in Oasis and then import them into the Well Seeker inventory for the new well.
Once the survey has been entered, hit Save
When in a chart, to select an offset survey or plan, click on the Offset Selector. This will open the select offsets box and allow the user to select the relevant plan or survey.
Once these have been selected and the dialog box has been closed, the user can then display the offsets on the plot by selecting the Offsets On / Off button.
Firstly, the user must have purchased a valid license from MagVAR. Innova do not supply these licenses and the user must contact MagVAR directly () to organize this.
Firstly, the user must have purchased a valid license from BGS. Innova do not supply these licenses and the user must contact BGS directly () to organize this.
Click Email MAC Address and send the mail along with the relevant BGGM license details to BGS ()
A second file called bggm32_v3_8.dll is also required in the magnetics folder. This file is provided by Innova. Once the user has purchased the multiuser license from BGS, they should contact Innova () to receive the second file.
If the Oasis Integration check box is empty, then the user will not be able to access these features and should contact to organise a new license. Note, that as the Oasis integration is part of the daily reporting module, the user will also require this license to be turned on as well.
In order to synchronize a well’s Job Number and Rig details between Oasis and Well Seeker Pro, navigate to the Wells List page, right click on the well of interest and select Get Oasis job info.
The remote data fetch is a tool used by the field user to pull a copy of a specific well and it’s offset data from the Innova server database to their local PC. Pull down the required well on to the local PC. For more details on the Remote Data Fetch function see the following .
Introduces the user to the Rig States dialog, which is used in tandem with WITS to automatically populate the slide sheet.
During drilling operations, Well Seeker Pro has the ability to receive a WITS or WITSML feed from the rig site and use this data to automatically populate the Directional Driller’s slide sheet. To do this, Well Seeker Pro must use the WITS data to deduce the current operation on the rig – drilling, sliding, connection and so on – otherwise known as the rig state.
Well Seeker receives drilling parameters from the WITS/WITSML feed and compares them against user-defined thresholds. Depending on whether the incoming values are above or below the threshold, Well Seeker can infer what activity is currently happening on the rig. For example, if the string RPM is below the RPM threshold it can be inferred that the string is not rotating etc. Well Seeker then combines all of these parameters to deduce the current rig state.
The user can control this process by defining the drilling parameter thresholds in the Rig States Dialog. The purpose of this document is to introduce the user to the Rig States dialog in Well Seeker Pro, and detail the steps required to correctly setup and use it.
Note that the Rig States dialog requires an incoming WITS or WITSML feed to function properly. For details on setting up a WITS/WITSML feed, see the following guide: WITS Setup & Remote Directional Drilling - Innova Drilling & Intervention (innova-drilling.com).
To auto-populate the slide sheet, the following channels need to be received from the WITS/WITSML feed:
Weight on Bit
Total GPM
Bit Depth
Hole Depth
Block Position
Standpipe Pressure
ROP (Optional – for recording parameters only)
Torque (Optional – for recording parameters only)
In addition, if the user wants to receive survey and toolface data, the following channels are required:
Magnetic Toolface
Gravity Toolface
Survey Measured Depth
Survey Inclination
Survey Azimuth
The Rig States dialog can be configured before or after setting up the WITS/WITSML feed. To do this, follow the below instructions:
Configure the rig parameter Thresholds.
The threshold value acts as a switching point. Any value below the threshold is effectively off, while any value recorded above the threshold is on. It should be set low enough that there is a clear demarcation between each activity, but not to zero. This will stop erroneous WITS values from accidentally changing the activity.
RPM: If the incoming RPM value is below the threshold, the pipe is considered to be not rotating. If it is above, it is rotating. When drilling, this is used to decide if the string is sliding or rotary drilling.
Pump Pressure: If the incoming standpipe pressure value is above the threshold value, then the pumps are considered on. If it is below the threshold, the pumps are off.
Flow Rate: This threshold is obsolete and can safely be ignored.
Hookload (HKLD) Threshold: If the incoming hookload value is lower than the threshold, the string is considered in slips. If it is above, then it is out of slips.
On Bottom Delta: The program calculates the difference between the Bit Depth and the total Hole Depth. If this value is smaller than the On Bottom Delta, then the bit is considered on bottom. If it is larger, then the bit is off bottom.
Weight On Bit (WOB) Threshold: The incoming weight on bit value must be above this threshold before the program acknowledges that WOB is being deliberately applied by the driller.
If necessary, configure the RPM buffer. RPM values from the WITS/WITSML feed can fluctuate, so in addition to the RPM Threshold, the Rig States dialog also uses the RPM Buffer to determine if you are rotating or sliding.
The RPM buffer size sets how many of the most recent RPM values to keep in the buffer, and the RPM Buffer Threshold sets how many values in the buffer need to be above the RPM threshold before Well Seeker considers the string to be rotating.
As an example, with an RPM Buffer Size of 9 and an RPM Buffer Threshold of 3 the below would be true.
If there are 3 or fewer values in the RPM buffer that are > RPM Threshold then you are sliding.
If there are 4 or more values in the RPM buffer that are > RPM threshold then you are rotating.
In most cases, these values can be left as the default.
Once the thresholds have been set up, minimize the Rig States dialog. Do not close it.
Once both the Rig States and the WITS/WITSML feed have been set up, you can click on the green Auto Populate Slide Sheet button on the toolbar to start automatically recording rotate and slide activity, as well as drilling parameters.
The message “Live Rig States Running” will appear below the toolbar. You will NOT be able to manually edit the slide sheet while the slide sheet is auto-populating. To pause recording, click on the red Stop Auto Populating Slide Sheet button on the toolbar. This will allow you to edit the slide sheet again.
The thresholds can be changed while the slide sheet is auto-populating. If you feel that the slide and rotate activity is not being accurately captured, try adjusting some of the thresholds.
While receiving WITS data, the Rig States dialogue can be used to view the incoming drilling parameter data and the rig state inferred from that data. These will display regardless of whether auto-populate is turned on or off.
The Current WITS Data and Drilling Params sections display the data values taken from the WITS feed. They will display the most recently received values.
In the Current Rig State section, Well Seeker takes the values from the Current WITS Data and Drilling Params sections, and compares them to the user defined threshold values to deduce the activities displayed:
On Bottom Delta >> On/Off Bottom
Pump Pressure >> Pumps On/Off
Hookload Threshold >> In/Out of Slips
These activities are combined with the direction of the travelling block to deduce the RigState output. The slide sheet can only record rotating or sliding activity, but the RigState output can deduce other activities, such as reaming in/out, tripping in/out and connection. See the Troubleshooting section below for the full list of activities.
If the WITS feed is also sending toolface data, this will be displayed in the Sliding TF section.
The Timers section displays the last time a Pumps On, In Slips, Off Bottom or Survey event was recorded. The Duration column records how long the event lasted.
If the slide sheet is not auto-populating in the way you would expect, follow the below steps to troubleshoot the issue:
Check the Current WITS Data and Drilling Params sections. As a minimum, the following channels need to be received from the WITS/WITSML feed for the Rig States dialog to function:
Weight on Bit
Total GPM
Bit Depth
Hole Depth
Block Position
Standpipe Pressure
If a channel is not receiving data, it will display a null value of -9999.25. If one or more channels are displaying this value, it could indicate that the WITS channels have not been mapped correctly. Consult with the rig and change the WITS mapping by going to Tools >> WITS Mapping. For more detailed information on WITS mapping, refer to the following guide: WITS Setup & Remote Directional Drilling - Innova Drilling & Intervention (innova-drilling.com).
If all channels are not receiving data, this could indicate that the WITS feed is not being received at all. Make sure that the WITS or WITSML reader is reading. If it is, check that the message box is showing incoming messages. If not, there may be an issue with your connection.
Check the physical connection between your computer and the rig WITS system. If you are using serial WITS, note that you should be using a null modem cable and not a regular serial cable.
Observe the Current Rig State section while rig activity is happening. If the activities being displayed in the section do not match with the activities on the rig, this can indicate that your thresholds have not been set properly.
Each state displayed in the RigState field corresponds to a specific combination of threshold values and travelling block direction. The combination required for each is displayed in the table below.
If a cell is filled in GREEN then the value is above the threshold. If it is filled in RED then it is below the threshold. Cells filled in grey can be either above or below.
If the combination of thresholds and block speed does not match with one of the rig states listed here, the displayed rig state will be UNKOWN.
If having worked through all of the trouble shooting steps detailed above, you are still having issues, you can contact Innova support for assistance. When contacting Innova, to allow us to provide the most efficient support, please follow the below steps:
Create a debugging file: In the main Well Seeker window, open the Help menu and select Create Debugging File. This will create a .zip file containing a copy of the current database, a copy of your setup file and a txt document containing system information.
Clearly state the name of the well and Operator you are working in.
Create a log file: In the Slide Sheet window, open the Tools menu and toggle on Enable Error Logging. This will create a log file that captures incoming rig parameter data and logs any errors. Start reading with the WITS feed and open the Rig States dialog, and let them run for some time to collect some data in the log file. This should ideally be done whilst performing the next step.
Record a screen capture of your Slide Sheet and Rig States dialog: In the main Well Seeker window, open the Help Menu and select Start Screen Capture. This will begin recording a video of your screen. Note that it does not record any audio. Display your slide sheet and Rig States dialog on your screen, similar to the screenshot below, and begin auto-populating your slide sheet. Try to capture the issue occurring. When you are ready to stop recording, go back to the Help menu and select Stop Screen Capture.
Open the Help menu again and select Open Setup File Folder. In this folder, open the Debug folder. The log file rigStateLog.txt and the screen capture screenCapture.mp4 are located here.
Attach the debugging file, log file and screen capture file to an email, and send it to support@innova-drilling.com.
Include a detailed description of your issue.
Innova support will get in contact with you to provide assistance.
A guide to the toolbars available within Well Seeker Pro.
Well Seeker Pro comes pre-installed with three toolbars:
A Well Seeker Toolbar which contains the main functions of Well Seeker
A Reporting Toolbar, which contains functions relating to the Drill String and Daily Reporting editors.
A Field Toolbar, which contains functions that Directional Drillers commonly use during drilling operations.
This document provides a guide to customizing the Well Seeker and Reporting toolbars.
It is possible to hide or display both toolbars based on the user’s personal preference. The selection made is remembered by Well Seeker and the selected toolbars will be displayed each time the software is opened. The user can show or hide the toolbars by following the below steps:
1 - Open the View menu from the Menu Bar and select the Toolbars and Docking Windows menu item.
2 - Select the Well Seeker Toolbar, Reporting Toolbar or Field Toolbar item to toggle the respective toolbars on/off.
When first installed, the toolbar contains all the available options, which for some users may be too many buttons. It is possible to remove any unwanted icons by following the below step:
Hold down the ALT key and then left-click the mouse key and drag the desired icon away from the toolbar. Releasing the mouse key will then cause the icon to disappear.
If an icon is removed by mistake, or if the user decides to add back in previously removed icons, this can be achieved by following the below steps:
1 - Open the View menu from the Menu Bar and select the Toolbars and Docking Windows menu item.
2 - Select the Customize menu item to open the Customize dialog. Select the Commands tab.
3 - The user can then search for the desired icon by selecting the various categories on the left-hand side of the dialog. The icons relating to the selected category will be displayed in the Commands box on the right-hand side of the dialog.
4 - Once the desired icon has been identified, it can be added to the toolbar by dragging and dropping it onto the toolbar.
The toolbar can be reset back to its default setting, as per first install as follows:
1 - Open the View menu from the Menu Bar and select the Toolbars and Docking Windows menu item.
2 - Select the Customize menu item to open the Customize dialog. Select the Toolbars tab.
3 - Select your desired toolbar and click on the Reset button. Alternatively click on the Reset All button to reset all the toolbars.
As of version, Well Seeker Pro now contains the Tool Orders functionality. Tool Orders is a licensed feature that is designed to give an organization the means by which to create, update and maintain oversight of all the tool requirements for upcoming and existing jobs. The Tool Orders will be managed from the server database, but local database users at the rig site can also create tool orders and push these back to the server for approval, should the requirement for more tools occur during an ongoing job.
The way in which Tool Orders can be accessed and used differs between the server and local database. The remainder of the document will guide the user through the specifics of the setup on the server and any subsequent utilization from a local database.
The below steps assume that the user already has a Well Seeker Pro SQL server database:
1. Log on to the SQL server database
2. Select Tools > Dashboards > Tool Orders Dashboard
4. Input details for each of the tool order detail types in the Select menu option dropdown list. This will form the basis of what tool configurations the user can specifically ask for when using the Tool Orders dialog. This can be edited at a later date if required. When the user has filled in all of the relevant options, select Apply and then close the dialog.
6. Fill in the relevant details in the Tool Orders table:
If the tool order is for a job that has no daily reporting data yet, i.e. an upcoming job, then the user would input the Operator, Job # and Well information and leave the Hole Size, State, County, Rig, Mud Type, Mud Weight, Min Temp and Max Temp inputs blank.
If the tool order is for an existing job which has daily reporting data input within the database, the user would enter the Job # only and the rest of the cells will populate based upon the daily reporting data.
Update the Date Needed cell. This defaults to the date the tool order was created.
Input any additional information in the remaining cells.
7. Fill in the relevant details in the Order Details table. Some cells will be manually input, others will be selectable from the dropdown menu, the choices of which the user has set up previously. More than one row for multiple tools may be input in this section.
8. The Tool Order has been completed. By default the tool order status is Draft. This should be changed to Submitted when the details are finalized. The status can be updated sequentially as the tool order is In Progress, Shipped and Complete.
9. At any stage a tool order can be printed or attached to an email. Firstly select the tool order from the Tool Order table. In the Order Details table, check the Print cell for any row that you wish to be included in the printed report.
11. A tool orders status can be updated from the Status dropdown menu as the tool order progresses through its work cycle.
The below steps assume that the user already has a Well Seeker Pro local database, populated with an actual wellbore:
3. When the dialog opens it checks the IP and Port values entered in the Real Time Data Exchange dialog. If these are correct, then the dropdown menu options for the Order Details cells will be populated from the information on the server database.
4. Create the tool order and order details as you would on the server database. Any tool orders created on the local database will automatically be given the status of Request from rig.
A step-by-step guide to using Well Seeker Pro's survey correction feature, that allows the software to sync surveys with external correction providers
Well Seeker Pro version or later includes an integrated feature that allows the user to download corrected surveys from three survey correction providers – Superior QC, H&P Survey Management and RoundLAB. This document is a guide to setting up and using the integration.
For this feature to work, the user requires a stable internet connection and an actual well and survey already set up in the Well Seeker database tree. For detailed steps regarding how to achieve this, refer to the Well Seeker Pro How to Guide.
1. Open the survey that you want to sync with the survey correction service. When the corrected surveys are downloaded they will overwrite what is currently in the survey sheet, so if you have multiple tabs open, make sure you are viewing the correct one.
2. Open the Tools menu and select Svy Correction Provider Settings. Note that this option will not show in the menu unless a survey is open. This will open the Survey Correction Provider Settings window.
3. Select your provider from the dropdown box in the Provider field, then enter your username and password into the Username and Password fields.
5. In the Select column click on the checkbox that corresponds to the desired well and then click on Update. The Sel Well Name and Sel Operator fields in the Survey Correction Provider Settings window will update.
Note: This will overwrite any existing data in the sheet.
Note: If the tie-on line for the survey is deeper than the surveys available, selecting yes will not do anything i.e. no surveys will be pulled into Well Seeker.
7. You can also set Well Seeker to automatically check for and sync new surveys. Change the Auto Update field from ‘NO’ to ‘YES’ and set the update rate in minutes in the Update Rate field. In order for the automatic sync to work, the survey sheet must remain open, but the Survey Correction Provider Settings window can be closed.
Some features of the Survey Correction Integration are only available when Superior QC is selected as the provider. These features are optional and are not required to perform the basic survey retrieval function.
To enter the API number in Well Seeker, right click on the relevant actual well in the database tree and select Reporting >> Daily Reporting.
In the Daily Reports window, make sure you have at least one daily report created, and then click on the Well Data & Personnel icon in the toolbar. In the Well Data & Personnel window, fill in the API Job # field. Make sure this matches exactly with the API number entered in Superior QC. Click on Apply, and then save in the Daily Reports window. Note, that if the API number is entered but does not match, then the user will still have the option to manually select the desired well.
In Well Seeker the Latitude and Longitude co-ordinates of the well are set in Well Properties dialog for the well. Grid Convergence is automatically calculated using the well location and the mapping grid selected in the Field Properties Dialog.
Total Field, Dip and Declination are set in the Actual Well Properties dialog. These dialogs can all be accessed by right clicking on the database tree at the relevant level and selecting Properties.
A step-by-step guide to using the Solo Cloud feature in Well Seeker Pro version onwards.
From version onwards, Well Seeker Pro includes an integrated geosteering update feature which automatically creates new plans using updated geosteering data from ROGII’s Solo Cloud. This utilizes Well Seeker’s existing Create Offset Plan tool, combined with input data automatically pulled from Solo Cloud. In combination this negates the requirement for user input, speeds up the geosteering update workflow and eliminates a source of human error.
Additionally, this feature can pull the formation top data (topsets) from Solo Cloud and overwrite Well Seeker’s Lithology table data.
This document will guide the user through the specifics of the setup and operation of this feature.
For this feature to work, the user requires a stable internet connection and an Actual Well / Survey setup in the Well Seeker database tree. For detailed steps regarding how to achieve this, refer to the Well Seeker Pro How to Guide.
Open any survey table under the well of interest.
Select Tools > Solo Cloud.
Check and then expand the relevant Organization, Well and Actual Well item in the Object Explorer. As you select items in the Object Explorer, the Settings dialog will update accordingly.
Chose the Auto Update setting. Select YES or NO.
YES: When a new starred Target Line is added to the Solo Cloud database, or an existing starred line is changed in some way, the Well Seeker user will receive a pop up message within the Well Seeker interface, informing the user of the existence of the new target line and offering the user the choice of creating a new plan within Well Seeker. If the user selects to create a new plan, the plan will be automatically generated in Well Seeker and selected as the principal plan. This new plan will also be pushed to Solo Cloud. If the user chooses not to create a new well plan, nothing will change. If the user selects YES, set the frequency of updates in minutes using the Update Rate (mins) field.
NO: The user picks the target line and creates an offset plan manually from the Solo Cloud dialog.
In the Back to Plan Transition field choose either STEP or SMOOTH. When the user creates a new offset plan in Well Seeker, it will be pushed back to Solo Cloud. This setting decides if the transition between the old plan and the new will be a step change, or a smooth transition. If SMOOTH is chosen, set the dogleg severity in the Back to Plan DLS field. Note that the smooth transition will only be displayed in Solo Cloud (below right). In Well Seeker, the transition is displayed as a step regardless of what is chosen here.
Check and expand the Target Lines level and select the relevant target line. Target lines that are currently Starred within Solo Cloud will display with a green T icon next to them. This is to indicate the most recent target line. The Object Info section will display the target line data when selected.
Select the Create offset plan icon. The offset plan will then be automatically created and will be accessible in the Well Seeker database. Close the Solo Cloud dialog. Note that when Auto Update is selected, the user will only need to manually create the first target line, after that a dialog will pop up on the screen any time a change in target line is detected.
When added to the database tree, the name of the offset plan will contain the name of the target line, the date and time it was added to Well Seeker, and whether it is using a STEP or SMOOTH transition (even when named smooth, it will always be stepped in Well Seeker).
The new offset plan will be automatically pushed to Solo Cloud and set as the principal plan in Well Seeker.
How the user should then proceed depends on whether they chose YES or NO for the Auto Update setting in step 5:
Selecting YES:
If a new target line is created and starred, or the current starred target line is changed in any way (including target thickness) in Solo Cloud, the Well Seeker Pro user will receive a popup message, describing the new target. If the user clicks on Ignore, no change will be made in Well Seeker. If they click on Accept, a new offset plan will be created in the database tree, and will be set as the principal plan for the well. It will also be automatically selected as an offset well so if a chart is open it will show up immediately.
Selecting NO:
The user will not automatically receive an update if any changes are made in the Solo Cloud database. They should periodically re-open the Solo Cloud dialog to check if any updates have been added to their project.
If a change has been made, the user should repeat steps 7 and 8 to create a new offset plan in their Well Seeker database tree.
Note: Well Seeker creates a new plan for EVERY target line change detected, even if this is just a change in an existing target line e.g. thickness. This is important because it is handled differently in Star Steer. This is discussed in more detail in the next section.
Whenever the user accepts a new target line in Well Seeker, either through the auto-update feature or manually using the Solo Cloud dialog, it always results in a new plan being created in the Well Seeker database tree. At the same time, Well Seeker transmits the plan back to Solo Cloud and the StarSteer software.
However, this does not necessarily result in a new plan being created in the StarSteer interface. In StarSteer, each target line can only have one plan from Well Seeker associated with it. If a plan already exists for a target line, it will be overwritten by the new plan transmitted from Well Seeker. The date and time in the name of the plan will change to show when the update was received.
For example, the StarSteer user has two target lines for a well. Target Line 1 is currently starred and the user creates an offset plan from this. Below left is Well Seeker and right is Star Steer.
They then make a change to Target Line 1, and this change is sent to Well Seeker. The Well Seeker user accepts the target line change, which creates a new plan in Well Seeker (below left) and sends this back to Star Steer. Because Target Line 1 already has a plan associated with it in Star Steer, the plan is overwritten and the name is updated (below right).
The StarSteer user than changes the starred target line to Target Line 2, which does not currently have a plan assigned to it. This change is sent to the Well Seeker user, who accepts the change, and a new plan is transmitted back. Because Target Line 2 currently has no plan, a brand new plan is created in StarSteer.
Follow section 2, steps 1 to 4.
Select Topsets and then the desired Topset group. Note that the check boxes will NOT be selectable. Only the text can be selected. The Object Info section will update with the relevant formation top data.
Select the Pull Tops icon. Select Yes to the overwrite existing lithologies message. Close the Solo Cloud dialog. The Lithologies table for the current actual wellbore will have been overwritten with the Solo Cloud Topsets data.
A guide to the Analytics module in Well Seeker Pro
The purpose of this document is to introduce the user to the Well Analytics module features within Well Seeker Pro. It has been assumed that the user has already installed Well Seeker Pro, has a valid license that gives them access to the Well Analytics features and has a database structure in place ranging from Operator to Actual Well level.
The Well Analytics tool allows the user to search through their database and select wells based on various search criteria. The user can then plot these wells on google maps in the Maps tab or compare them using several KPI metrics. This tool is most powerful when combined with the Reporting license feature.
On the left of the Well Analytics window is the database tree. This tree contains every actual well and well plan in the database. Clicking on the check box beside each well enables them to be included in the Map and KPI tab. The user can select these wells manually or using the filtering tools in the Search tab.
The workflow for the Well Analytics tool follows the sequence below:
Activate one or more search fields in the Search Tab by clicking on the checkbox beside each one.
For each field, pick an option from the drop-down box.
Click on the Search button. Any wells that match the search criteria will be displayed in the Wells section at the bottom of the window. The user can also check the Ignore Offsets option. This filters out any wells without daily reporting data.
When the user is happy with the search results, they can click on the Select Wells button to select them in the database tree. The user can manually add or remove wells by clicking on them in the database tree.
Wells selected in the database tree can then be displayed in the Map tab, used to generate KPI charts in the KPI Tab or used to generate reports in the KPI Reports menu.
Details for the tabs and menus are shown in the following sections:
The search tab contains several options which can be used to quickly filter through the data in the database tree to find the relevant information. Each field must be activated using the checkbox to its right.
Operator: Allows the user to filter their search for a given operator.
Date Range: Allows the user to filter their search based on start and end dates. The start and end dates which Well Seeker searches for are the ones associated with the daily reports for each individual well.
Distance from Well: Enter a decimal latitude and longitude into the Lat and Long boxes, and then a radius into the Dist box. Well Seeker will include any wells in the database which are the radius entered. The user can also select a well from the dropdown boxes – this will populate the Lat and Long boxes with the surface location of the selected well.
Drilling Parameters: Allows the user to search for wells that contain the entered drilling parameter. Currently only RPM is available.
Formation: Allows the user to filter their search for wells that are targeting a selected formation. The formation which Well Seeker searches for is the one entered in the Well Data & Personnel dialog in the daily report.
Assembly Type: Allows the user to filter their search for wells with the selected BHA type. Options available from the drop-down menu are Motor, RSS and Rotary. A BHA is defined as a Motor or RSS BHA if there is a motor or RSS present for the BHA in the Drill String Editor. A BHA can then be assigned to a well in the Daily Activity section of the Daily Report.
Failure: Allows the user to filter their search for wells which had a BHA failure. The failure type can be MWD, Motor or Any. Whether or not a BHA failed is defined in the Performance.
State: Allows the user to filter their search for wells in the selected US state. The state is assigned in the Well Data & Personnel dialog in the daily report.
Job Number: Filter the search using job number. The job number is assigned in the Well Data & Personnel dialog in the daily report.
Directional Company: Filter the search using the directional company. The directional company is assigned in the Well Data & Personnel dialog in the daily report.
Well Status: Filter the search using the well status. The well status is assigned on the main userinterface in the Daily Reports window.
Rig: Filter the search using the rig used to drill the well. The rig for a well is defined by the selection in the Well Data & Personnel dialog in the daily report.
Motor SN: Filter the search for a particular mud motor serial number. The mud motor serial number is defined by the SN of the motor in the Drill String Editor.
County: Filter the search using the county. The county that a well is in is defined by the selection in the Well Data & Personnel dialog in the daily report.
Motor Make: Filter the search using the motor make. The motor make is taken from the motor component details in the Drill String Editor.
Bit Make: Filter the search using the bit make. The bit make is taken from the motor component details in the Drill String Editor.
LIH (Lost in Hole): Allows the user to filter their search for failures that resulted in a BHA being lost in hole. For a BHA to be flagged as LIH, the LIH checkbox must be checked in the Failure Information section of the Performance Report.
Hole Size: Allows the user to filter their search for wells that drilled a section with the selected hole size. The hole size is set by the OD of the bit in the Drill String Editor.
Motor Config: Allows the user to search by the selected motor lobes and stages. These are set in the Component Properties section for the motor in the Drill String Editor.
Serial Number: Allows the user to search for wells containing tools with the matching serial number. The serial number is set in the Component Properties section for any tool in the Drill String Editor. Serial numbers entered in the Tool Inventory do not count.
Incidents/Failures: Searches for wells that have the Failed option checked in the Performance Report in the Drill String Editor. If CLOSED is selected in the drop-down box, then the results will only show wells where the Closed option has been checked in the Performance Report. If OPEN is selected then the results will only show wells where the Closed option has NOT been checked.
Chargeback: Searches for wells that have any text entered in the Chargeback section in the Performance Report in the Drill String Editor.
Once the desired filters have been selected, the user can then choose from one of the following options:
Search: Any well that matches all the filters will appear in the Wells section below.
Clear Results: Clears all wells from the Wells section.
Reset Filters: Clears all search filters.
Select Wells: All wells currently in the Wells section, and set as included, will be selected in the Database Tree, allowing them to be used in the Maps and KPI tab.
Deselect Wells: Clears the selections made in the Database Tree.
Check All: Toggles the Include column on for all wells in the Wells section. Wells with Include toggled off will not be selected when the Select Wells button is clicked.
Uncheck all: Toggles the Include column off for all wells in the Wells section. Wells with Include toggled off will not be selected when the Select Wells button is clicked.
Open Job: Selecting a well in the Wells section and then clicking Open Job will close the Analytics window and open the well in the main database tree.
Map Options:
Well Paths: Displays the well path of selected wells on the map tab. Note that this will always show the surveys but will only show the plans if the Show planned well paths option is selected as well.
Lease Lines: If any of the selected wells have lease lines associated with them, selecting this option will display them on the map.
Well Names: Displays the well names of selected wells on the map. Note, the names will display at the wellhead.
Planned wells: Displays the well paths of selected plans on the map, so long as Show well paths on map is selected.
Database QC Report
Clicking on the Print button in the Database QC Report section will generate an Excel spreadsheet that contains statistics for all wells selected in the Database Tree. The QC report contains the following information:
Actual / Planned Well Name
CRS / Map Grid
Well Latitude (Decimal)
Well Longitude (Decimal)
Well Latitude (DD MM SS)
Well Longitude (DD MM SS)
Well Grid North
Well Grid East
BHL (Bottom Hole Location) Latitude (Decimal)
BHL Longitude (Decimal)
BHL Latitude (DD MM SS)
BHL Longitude (DD MM SS)BHL Grid North
BHL Grid East
Depth Datum
Datum Elevation
System Datum
System Datum Elevation
North Reference
Local Co-ordinate Reference
Vertical Section Azimuth
The Map tab displays the selected wells on Google Maps. Surveys are displayed in Blue and Well Plans are displayed in Green. Note that Google Maps references the WGS 84 Mercator projection, so any wells referenced to a CRS which does not use this projection, may be offset slightly on the map.
How the wells are displayed on the map can be customised using options found on the Search tab (see previous section).
The KPI tab allows the user to quickly generate a variety of KPI charts for the selected wells. The data used to generate these charts is taken from the daily reports and BHA’s associated with each of these wells.
Generate KPI: Generates all the KPI charts for the selected wells.
Export: Creates an excel document containing the data used to generate the currently selected chart
White Chart: Changes the background of the charts from black to white.
Sanitised: Instantly sanitises the names displayed along the X axis of the charts.
Short Names: Shortens names in the X axis be removing the rig name.
Sort Data: Sorts the data in the chart so that the smallest value is on the left and the largest on the right.
Select KPI: This dropdown menu allows the user to select from the following list of KPI charts:
Slide & Rotation Footage
Depth V Time
Failure Analysis
Directional Cost Per Foot
Well Cost Per Foot
BHA Details
Detailed Cost Breakdown
Wells by Formation
Activity Comparison
Wells by Rig
Parameter Comparison
Average Interval Cost by Quarter
Footage per Day by Operator
Wells by Directional Company
Wells by Motor Make
Wells by Bit Make
ROP & Footage by Formation
ROP & Footage by Directional Company
ROP & Footage by Motor Make
ROP & Footage by Bit Make
ROP & Footage by Hole Size
Phase Comparison
ROP & Footage by Rig
Well / Section Performance
Driller Performance
Footage per Day by Rig
Phase: When in the appropriate KPI chart, the user can select to either view the Well data or any one of the available Phases from this dropdown menu.
Motor KPI: Once a search has been completed this button may be selected. Creates an excel motor KPI report, containing statistics for all motors used in the filtered wells that appear in the Wells section.
Motor KPI Summary: Once a search has been completed this button may be selected. Creates an excel motor KPI report for the filtered wells that appear in the Wells section. This is like the Motor KPI report but instead of listing individual motors is summarises them by manufacturer, size and state.
MWD KPI: Once a search has been completed this button may be selected. Creates an excel MWD KPI report, containing statistics for all MWD tools used in the filtered wells that appear in the Wells section.
Section KPI: Once a search has been completed this button may be selected. Creates an excel report containing statistics for each drilling phase in the filtered wells that appear in the Wells section.
Revenue Report: Only functions when a Date Range filter has been applied in the Search tab. This report lists every job running on each day inside the date range, along with the total revenue and number of rigs for each day.
Rig Days Report: Only functions when a Date Range filter has been applied in the Search tab. This report lists every job running on each day inside the date range, along with the number of rigs, the 30-day average rigs and the 10-day average rigs for each day.
Personnel Report: Only functions when a Date Range filter has been applied in the Search tab. Creates an excel personnel report for all wells within the date range. This lists all personnel in the database and shows the days that they worked within the set date range.
Rig Days Chart: Displays a chart generated using data from the Rig Days Report.
Revenue Chart: Displays a chart generated using data from the Revenue Report.
Well Ranking: Generates a Well Ranking report from the filtered wells that appear in the Wells section. This report shows which out of the selected wells performed the best in several different categories, as well as an overall score between 0 and 1 based on the performance of each well over all categories.
Well Ranking Weights: Allows the user to set how much each category affects the overall score of a well in the Well Ranking report. The user should enter a value between 0 and 1 in the Weight column. The user can also exclude a category from affecting the overall score entirely by unchecking the checkbox in the Included column.
Drill Records: This option is only available when connected to a remote server database. Opens the Drilling Records dialog, which allows the user to create a report containing rankings of the wells that have performed best in selected KPIs.
The user should choose the report format (Excel or PDF) from the Report Type drop-down. The number in the # Results box sets how many results are in each ranking – for example a value of 5 will mean each ranking lists the top 5 wells.
The user should select the KPIs that they want to create rankings for in the KPI column. Currently there are four KPIs to choose from – fastest section, fastest ROP, longest section, and max footage per day. The user can optionally limit each ranking to a single phase and/or hole size if they wish, by choosing a value from the dropdowns in the Phase and Hole Size columns.
Checking the Inc Non Drlg Hrs checkbox will factor non-drilling hours into the rankings. The Active column can be toggled off to disable a ranking and remove it from the report.
Once the user is happy with their setup, they can generate the report by clicking on the Create button.
Get well list from search grid: If this option is toggled on, reports generated from the KPI Reports Menu will be populated with wells in the Wells section. If it is toggled off, the reports will be populated by the wells that have been selected in the Database Tree.
The context menu is available in every plot by right clicking anywhere on the plot. This allows the user to change certain aspects of the plot based on their requirements. The contents of the menu will vary depending upon the chart selected.
Viewing Style – Allows the user to select the desired Chart style
Border Style – Allows the user to select the desired Border style of the chart
Font Size – Allows the user to select the desired font size, which will affect all fonts on the chart including title and axis labels. Large, Medium or Small
Show Legend – Allows the user to toggle the chart legend on and off
Legend Style – Allows the user to select the Legend style. There are 6 options, including Hide Legend
Numeric Precision – Allows the user to select the number of decimal places the numbers in the plots are referenced to. Zero to 3 d.p
Plotting Method – Allows the user to select the way the line is plotted: Point, Line, Bar, Points + Line, Spline Area
Data Shadows – Allows the user to select between off, shadow and 3D
Gradient Styles – Allows the user to select the gradient graphic on a pie chart
Data Labels as – Allows the user to select the labels as a percentage or as the actual value
Group Percentages – User can select the percentage threshold below which a segment in a pie chart will be grouped as other
Grid Options – Allows the user to change the grid options in the chart
Graph and/or Table – Allows the user to view the chart only, table only or both at the same time
Point Label Orientation – Allows the user to select the orientation of the X axis series labels
Include Data Labels – Allows the user to add data labels to the chart
Mark Data Points – Adds the data points relating to the data labels
Undo Zoom – Resets the zoom on the chart. Pressing the Z button has the same effect
Customization Dialog – Opens a dialog that allows the user to chart titles, axis min and max values, fonts, line colour and styles
Maximise – Maximises the chart to fill the screen. Escape button exits this view
Export Dialog – Allows the user to Export the chart using multiple image formats: EMF, WMF, BMP, JPG and PNG. The user has 3 options:
Clipboard: exports directly to clipboard, allowing images to be quickly added to word, excel & PowerPoint documents
File: Creates an image file of the chart which can be used on its own or imported into any suitable document
Printer: Sends the chart to the printer
The user can also choose the relevant Width, Pixels and DPI to use for the export. For Clipboard and File options, Pixels is the only available selection. When Printer is selected, the Millimeters, Inches and Points options become available to select.
X Axis on Top – Moves the labelled X axis from the bottom to the top
Y Axis on Top – Moves the labelled Y axis from the left to the right
Additional X Axis – Adds an additional labelled X axis
Additional Y axis – Adds an additional labelled Y axis
Print current chart Excel/PDF: Prints the last viewed KPI chart as an image in an Excel or PDF document.
Print all charts Excel/PDF: Export all KPI charts as images in a single Excel or PDF document,
Export all chart data: Exports all KPI charts as data tables in an Excel document.
Exit: Close the Well Analytics window.
Expand All: Expands the Database Tree to show every well in the database.
Collapse All: Collapses the Database Tree so that no wells are visible.
Hide Tree: Removes the Database Tree section from the Analytics window so that the user can view the map and the KPI charts easier. Click on Hide Tree again to bring the Database Tree back.
Select Wells: All wells currently in the Wells section, and set as included, will be selected in the Database Tree, allowing them to be used in the Maps and KPI tab.
Deselect Wells: Clears the selections made in the Database Tree.
Search: Any well that matches all the filters will appear in the Wells section.
Clear Results: Clears all wells from the Wells section.
Reset Filters: Clears all search filters.
Remove Flat Time at Start: Removes any time when there is no change in depth at the start of the Depth V Days KPI chart. The Generate KPI button needs to be clicked before any changes are applied.
Remove all flat time: Removes any time when there is no change in depth at any point in the Depth V Days KPI chart. The Generate KPI button needs to be clicked before any changes are applied.
Well Seeker Pro’s reporting package allows the input, collection and analysis of drilling data. However, when an organization does not have a user at the drilling site to input all of the reporting information, such as a tool rental job, it has historically been difficult to keep a record of the run data for the tools used. Using end of run data provided by the renter, there is now a feature available that allows the user to input this condensed data into Well Seeker, which can then be viewed in the Well Analytics Motor and MWD KPI reports. This option is detailed below
For this feature to work, the user is required to have a relevant actual well already set up in the Well Seeker database tree. For detailed steps regarding how to achieve this, refer to the .
Drill String Editor dialog - Input relevant BHAs
Daily Report dialog - Select correct Report Options
Well Data & Personnel dialog - Input relevant job details
Daily Report dialog - Input a row in the Daily Activity section for each relevant BHA
Drill String Editor dialog - Input relevant tools and run details
Performance Report dialog - Input relevant run details
These run details will now be visible within the Analytics Motor and MWD KPI reports, without having had to input all of the daily reports activity data covering the runs in question. The following section will provide more details regarding each of the steps in the above sequence.
Open the Drill String Editor dialog, by selecting the relevant actual wellbore in the database tree and either right clicking, Reporting > Drill String Editor, or selecting the Drill String Editor icon from the toolbar . Add a BHA by selecting File > Add New, or the green add icon from the toolbar . Input the data as follows:
Get Slide Rotate Hours from Activity
Auto Update Motor Report Params
Auto Update BHA Hours on save
If the user has any of these options selected, when the user selects save in the specific well’s Daily Reports dialog, it will overwrite any run data that has been entered in the Drill String Editor and Performance Report dialogs for that specific well.
Open the Well Data & Personnel dialog from within the Daily Reports dialog, by selecting Well Data > Well Data and Personnel. Input the data as follows:
Job #
API Job #
Target Formation
Any other relevant information
Select Apply
Add a row for each BHA that you want to include in the Daily Activity section. Input the data as follows:
End Time > Start Time. The actually end time is not important and is not used in the run data
Select the relevant BHA in the BHA column
Select the relevant Phase to associate with the BHA
Select an Activity. It does not matter what activity code is selected
In the Description cell enter Motor Rental Job
MWD # if relevant
Depth In
Depth Out
Date In
Date Out
Formation if known
Comments as required
Add a Drill Bit component. This must be added. Input the Drilling Hours and Circ Hours for the run within the Component Properties for the bit
Add a Motor component. This must be added, even if a motor was not run. Input any relevant data in to the Component Properties section
Add any other rental components. Input any relevant data in to the Component Properties section
Once the above processes have been carried out the user can view the relevant run data within the Well Analytics Motor and MWD KPI reports
A guide to creating Certified Survey Reports in the Well Seeker daily reporting dialog.
After drilling a well in Texas or North Dakota, there is a requirement to send a certified survey report to the relevant government department. Well Seeker Pro allows the user to quickly print a set of certified surveys along with the accompanying report which is setup with the correct formatting.
The feature is accessed through the Daily Reports dialog. To print the certified surveys open the File menu, select Print PDF Reports and then select Print Certified Surveys.
To print the certification reports open the File menu and select Print PDF Reports. Select Print Certification Report – Texas or Print Certification Report – ND.
The certified surveys and certification reports are populated using data located in various parts of the Well Seeker Pro database. The sections below explain where each element is sourced.
The top of every page in the report contains the company’s logo and address.
Logo – Set using the Secondary Logo option in the Operator Properties, accessed via the Database Tree.
Company Address and Details – Your company’s details in the top right are set by opening the Help menu in the main Well Seeker interface and selecting Company Details.
After the recipient address the report contains some general information for the well:
Operator – Populated from the Name field in the Operator Properties, accessed via the Database Tree.
Well Name – Populated from the Name field in the Actual Well Properties, accessed via the Database Tree.
The following elements of the report are populated from the Well Data & Personnel dialog. In the Daily Reports window, open the Well Data menu and select Well Data & Personnel.
Permit Number – Permit Num.
Survey – Permit Survey.
Abstract – Permit Abstract.
Field – Target Formation.
County & State – Selected from the dropdown boxes in the State/County section.
API Number – API Job #.
Company Name - Open the Help menu in the main Well Seeker interface and select Company Details. The source for this element is the Company Name field.
Operator Number – Also in the Company Details dialog. The source for this element is the Survey Operator # field.
Name of Surveyor – In the Daily Reports window, open the Well Data menu and select Well Data & Personnel. The name of the surveyor is taken from the Day MWD Engineer field.
Drainhole Number – If the well starts at surface it will be described as ‘Original Wellbore’. If it is a sidetrack it will be described as a ‘sidetracked wellbore’.
Surveyed Depths – The shallowest and deepest value of each separate survey included in the survey program. It does not include the tie-on survey or the last survey. The program assumes the last survey is a projection.
Dates Performed – The date of the first and last daily report in the Daily Reports dialog. This will be the same for each line
Type of Survey – Populated based on the Survey Tool selected in the Survey Properties dialog. Gyro type surveys are not included in the list.
MWD Operations Manager - Open the Help menu in the main Well Seeker interface and select Company Details. The source for this element is the MWD Ops Manager field.
Job Number – Job # field in the Well Data & Personnel section.
Survey Type – Populated using the Survey Tool selected in the Survey Properties dialog. Gyro type surveys are not included in the list.
Operating Company – Populated using the Name field in the Operator Properties, accessed via the Database Tree.
Well Name and Number – Populated using the Name field in the Actual Well Properties, accessed via the Database Tree.
Drainhole Number – If the well starts at surface it will be described as ‘Original Wellbore’. If it is a sidetrack it will be described as a ‘sidetracked wellbore’.
Location – Selected from the dropdown boxes in the State/County section in the Well Data & Personnel section.
API Number – API Job # field in the Well Data & Personnel section.
Tie In Depth – The tie-in of the first survey of the well, set in the Survey Properties in the database tree.
Surveyed Depths – The first and penultimate survey in the actual wellbore of the well.
Projected TD Survey – Final survey in the actual wellbore of the well.
Dates Performed – The dates of the first and last daily report in the Daily Reports dialog.
Company Name - Open the Help menu in the main Well Seeker interface and select Company Details. The source for this element is the Company Name field.
Magnetic Variation Services LLC – This is standard text for this report and cannot be changed.
MWD Surveyor Name – In the Daily Reports window, open the Well Data menu and select Well Data & Personnel. The name of the surveyor is taken from the Day MWD Engineer field.
MWD Operations Manager – Open the Help menu in the main Well Seeker interface and select Company Details. The source for this element is the MWD Ops Manager field.
Signature – Intentionally left blank.
Date – The date the report was generated.
Email - Also in the Company Details dialog. The source for this element is the Ops Manager Email field.
The Certified Survey Listing is a survey report that has each of its constituent survey runs split up into their own individual reports, to comply with local government reporting requirements. The survey program, accessible via the Actual Wellbore Properties, is what determines which reports are included.
To print the certified surveys open the File menu, select Print PDF Reports and then select Print Certified Surveys.
Each report comes with its own cover page.
The cover page contains the Operator, Field, Well, Actual Well and Survey names. These are taken from the Database Tree in the main Well Seeker user interface.
It also contains the API Number, which is set in the API Job # field in the Well Data & Personnel section, in the Daily Reports interface.
Above each survey listing are a number of header boxes:
The Field header is populated using data from the Field Properties dialog, accessed via the Database Tree.
The Well header is populated using data from the Well Properties dialog, accessed via the Database Tree.
The Wellbore and Survey Program headers are populated using data from the Field Properties dialog, accessed via the Database Tree.
Provides details regarding the WITS setup and functionality within Well Seeker Pro, and how this can be utilised within the program for remote directional drilling operations.
The following document provides details regarding the WITS setup and functionality within Well Seeker Pro, and how this can be utilised within the program for remote directional drilling operations.
WITS is a standardised format by which wellsite information is transferred e.g. bit depth, hole depth, rpm average etc.
There are 3 types of WITS connection:
WITSML: WITS data transferred to an online server. Costs more, as such rarely used.
UDP WITS: WITS data transferred via a local network, usually an ethernet cable. Less commonly used.
WITS Serial: WITS data transferred via a serial cable.
The WITS data will be taken from the rigs EDR (Electronic Drilling Recorder) system, which will be provided by a company like PASON / TOTCO /NORALIS etc.
Serial WITS uses a seral cable to transfer the data from the EDR (Electronic Data Reader) to WS. The EDR will have a serial port, but it is unlikely that the receiving laptop will have a serial port as these are not very common now in modern computers. As a result, a USB to Serial connection is usually used. This allows the USB end to be plugged into the laptop.
Where DD and MWD computers need a feed, but only one serial cable from the EDR (PASON / TOTCO) is installed, a serial splitter cable can be used
The user will usually require USB to serial RS232 Adapter (which is a box with a USB wire coming out and a serial port) and a null modem cable. The null modem cable is a serial cable which will plug into the EDR serial port and then into the serial port on the adapter. It is important that it is a null modem cable and not a regular serial cable.
UDP & TCP WITS are transmitted via an ethernet (network) cable. The user just plugs in the ethernet cable, finds out which port the data is being sent on and then enters the port number into the WITS data reader. TCP WITS also requires and IP Address.
The following section describes the recommended steps to follow and settings to select when setting up a WITS feed in Well Seeker.
Open the WITS Mapping Dialog via the Tools Menu on the main Well Seeker interface: Tools – WITS Mapping:
Check the WITS mapping prior to setting up the WITS connection. The WITS mapping should be standard but can be obtained from the PASON / TOTCO provider.
Well Seeker’s default Record and Field ID come from WITS zero standard.
WITS will be sent from the rigs PASON / TOTCO system to the Well Seeker Pro computer.
The record ID and field ID must match the settings that PASON / TOTCO is outputting:
For example, PASON / TOTCO is outputting the bit measured depth on record ID 01, field ID 08. We must have the WITS mapping set to the same for bit md, or the computer will not know what the data is, or how to handle it.
Note PASON / TOTCO often outputs the hookload average and WOB average values on the hookload max and WOB max channels. Be aware of this and prepare to change the WITS mapping as required.
Hookload MAX is what is used when populating the PU/SO/ROT weights in the slide sheet.
There is no standard mapping for RAW survey values BX BY BZ, so this is something which will need to be double checked.
Once the user is happy with the setup, hit apply and close.
Open a survey and then open the slide sheet dialog.
Note, the slide sheet option is not available unless you are in a survey.
Select the WITS Survey Options: Settings – WITS Survey Options:
Survey Type: Select the format which the surveys are being received via the WITS feed:
Inc and Azi – Calculated Values.
GxGyGzBxByBz – RAW Values.
Magnetic Units: Only relevant if receiving raw survey data.
Accelerometer Units: Only relevant if receiving raw survey data.
Survey QC Limits: Only relevant if receiving raw survey data and applying Short Collar Correction (SCC).
Auto Send Survey Email: Select this if you require an email update to be automatically sent to the current distribution list defined in the survey email update template. No dialog or outlook window will appear.
Auto Accept Surveys: When a WITS survey is detected at a depth deeper than the last entered survey, it will automatically be accepted and added to the survey listing without prompting the user. Recommend that this is NOT selected.
Use Bit Depth as Survey Depth: If a new WITS survey is detected this option forces the survey depth to be set as the current bit depth.
Include Bit Projection in Survey Email: Allows the user to either include or omit a projection to bit in the survey update email template available from the Tools menu.
Attach Survey Listing to Email: Allows the user to either include or omit the survey listing in the survey update email template available from the Tools menu.
Check for WITS Surveys: When selected Well Seeker will check for and display any WITS Surveys which are received. When unselected, WITS surveys will be ignored.
Via the slide sheet dialog, select the Rig States Option: Tools – Rig States:
Rig States allows the user to configure the thresholds for real time state detection.
Rig States will operate when:
The WITS Data Reader is running (and receiving data), and
The Auto Populate Slide Sheet Option is selected from the Settings Menu.
The below is a guide to initial threshold values, which can be adjusted and fine-tuned as you start to receive data:
RPM: Initially, set this as the oscillating RPM when sliding; however, this is something that will likely need to be adjusted based on operating parameters.
Pump Pressure: 300psi.
Flow Rate: 50gpm.
HKLD: Set at block weight + 20, or something similar.
On Bottom Delta: 0.5ft.
WOB Threshold: 2k or 1T.
The Rig States logic is what Well Seeker uses to determine what is currently happening in the well e.g. Rotating, Sliding, Tripping, Circulating etc. The thresholds will determine at what level certain rig states will be classified. Rig states logic is defined below:
Is the Bit on Bottom?
Is (Bit MD – Hole MD) < On bottom threshold
If on bottom, are you drilling?
Pump Pressure > Threshold
WOB > Threshold
Hookload > Threshold
On bottom recorded when all 3 of the above are recorded = TRUE
If Drilling = TRUE, the logic is as follows
If 10% of the values in the RPM buffer are < Rotating threshold then Sliding
If 10% of the values in the RPM buffer are > Rotating threshold then Rotating
You can also see the current WITS data values received and the resulting rig state conclusions.
Via the slide sheet dialog, open the WITS Data reader: Tools – WITS Data Reader:
If you have a serial box to USB box connected, then you may be able to select a Com port from the drop-down menu.
UDP and TCP WITS will come in over an ethernet cable.
To start reading UDP WITS click on the UDP WITS check box and type in the port.
To start reading TCP WITS click on the TCP WITS check box and type in the port and IP Address.
Leave the Baud Rate as 9600, unless specified by the personnel transmitting the WITS data from the rig.
Start Reading: Will start the software looking for incoming WITS data. If any is found it will be displayed in the WITS Feed Stream.
Stop Reading: Stops looking for WITS data.
If you want to clear all the WITS data in the database click Clear WITS Data. You may want to do this if you have WITS data from a previous well or the database size is getting too big.
Pause Messages: Pauses the messages in the WITS Data Stream. WITS data will continue to be received in the background.
Save Svy and TF Data: This will save the Survey and Toolface data to the database. You need this selected if you want to calculate slide grade and view the slide analysis data.
Note that the slide sheet will populate without this option checked; however, if you want the data saved you must have these selected.
Send Data to Server: Will send the latest WITS data directly to the server database every 1 seconds if checked. Used for unmanned or small crew jobs.
Note, for this option to work, the user must also have entered the ICDS Server IP address, ICDS Server Port number and the Well that they are sending data for in the Real Time Data Exchange dialog, otherwise the data will not be directed to the ICDS.
Send Data Handshake: Leave checked, unless receiving WITS from Noralis.
To utilize all the features available within WS, to allow the slide sheets to be automatically populated, and to receive surveys and tool faces, as a minimum, the following channels need to be received.
There are several features within Well Seeker which can be utilized for remote DD operations. These are detailed below:
DD Dashboard:
Shows the live Toolfaces.
Effective Toolface.
Slide Grade which is effectively calculated from the above 2 points. This is displayed on the slide sheet and not in this dialog.
Last 4 calculated motor yields.
Live Bit projection based on the data entered in the slide sheet and DD Dashboard settings.
3D plot.
WITS Input traces e.g. RPM, SPP, Block height etc.
Rig Gauges.
AC Dashboard.
Rigs Online Dashboard.
For the above features to operate to their full capability, a local WITS input is required, which then needs to be sent on to the ICDS.
In the future we will have the ability to access the remote DD screen via a mobile phone or web browser to allow people to log in to see how the well is progressing.
To receive the WITS data on a remote computer, there needs to be a computer at the rig site with the following setup.
Rig site computer with:
Well Seeker Pro installed.
Principal well plan input.
Actual well with current survey and BHA input.
WITS equipment:
USB to Serial connection.
Serial Splitter.
Null Modem Cable.
WITS/WITSML feed to the rig site computer including:
ICDS IP address and Port number details.
These are required for the Real Time Data Exchange and the Data Fetch features within Well Seeker.
Stable internet connection.
Once there is WITS data streaming to the local rig computer, there are now two potential options for how we update the remote server database:
Well Seeker Pro is setup to send WITS data to the remote server database directly, every 1 second. The remote user can then utilise the WITS data to auto populate the slide sheets and perform all the required DD operations via their remote computer.
Local Rig Database User
Open the Real Time Data Exchange, fill in ICDS server IP and Port number details and select the current well.
Check the Send Data to Server box in the WITS Reader dialog. Start reading. WITS data is now being sent to the ICDS and on to the remote server database.
For this setup, the user does NOT need to Start the data exchange.
Remote Server Database User
Monitor incoming WITS feeds via the Rigs Online Dashboard and selecting File - Show WITS Connections.
Set the Rig States Thresholds in the rig states dialog.
Select the Auto Populate Slide Sheet radio button in the slide sheet toolbar. The WITS data populates the slide sheet and surveys.
The DD Dashboard will automatically update with real time projection to bit, anti-collision for the projection to bit, 3D plot and drilling parameters chart.
Data from the slide sheet can be used to one click populate the daily activity section of the daily reports (Get DDR from Run Sheet).
Based upon daily reporting data, KPIs and data analytics can be utilised in real time.
Well Seeker Pro is set up to auto populate the slide sheet on the local computer and then sends updates via the Real Time Data Exchange dialog to the remote server database, up to every 1 minute, or when manually pushed. DD operations are therefore performed locally at the rig site. This way remote users will have constant access to up to date data. WITS data can also be pushed back to the ICDS every second to allow the remote user to utilise the rig gauges and WITS traces.
Local Rig Database User
Opens the Real Time Data Exchange, fills in ICDS server IP and Port number details, selects the current well and either starts a data transfer by automatic update rate, or by a manual push
Check the Send Data to Server box in the WITS Reader dialog. Start reading. WITS data is now being sent to the ICDS and on to the remote server database.
Set the Rig States Thresholds in the rig states dialog.
Select the Auto Populate Slide Sheet radio button on the slide sheet toolbar. The WITS data populates the slide sheet and surveys.
The DD Dashboard will automatically update with real time projection to bit, anti-collision for the projection to bit, 3D plot and drilling parameters chart.
Data from the slide sheet can be used to one click populate the daily activity section of the daily reports (Get DDR from Run Sheet).
Remote Server Database User
Monitoring incoming data exchanges via the Rigs Online Dashboard. Each time the rig transfers data (surveys, slide sheets, daily reports etc) via the Real Time Data Exchange, the remote server database is updated with the same data as the local rig database for the given well.
Monitor incoming WITS data via the rig gauges or the WITS traces in the DD Dashboard.
Based upon daily reporting data, KPIs and data analytics can be utilised in real time.
This can be accessed via the main Well Seeker interface by selecting Tools – Real Time Data Exchange.
The real time data exchange is where the local rig database user inputs the following:
ICDS Server IP address.
ICDS Server Port number.
The Well that they are sending data for.
If these are not filled in, the WITS data will not be directed to the remote server database.
When running the operation remotely, you DO NOT need to start the data exchange.
When running the operation locally, you need to start the data exchange at a given update rate or select Manual Push every time you wish to push data from the local rig database to the remote server database:
Select the relevant survey and open the slide sheet. Tools > Slide Sheet.
Within the slide sheet select Tools > WITS Data Reader.
Check the Send Data to Server cell. This will send the latest WITS data to the ICDS and on to the server database every 1 seconds if checked.
This should be set up for BOTH local and remote operations.
For both local and remote operations, once the appropriate WITS feed is being received and transmitted, the user then needs to select to auto populate the slide sheet:
Settings – Auto Populate Slide Sheet.
Settings – Auto Populate Parameters.
The slide sheet will now begin to automatically populate as the data is received.
While this option is enabled, the user will NOT be able to manually add or adjust anything on the slide sheet.
If it is necessary to adjust the slide sheet for any reason, this can be done by temporarily turning off the auto populate option, making the appropriate adjustment and then turning it back on again.
The DD Dashboard is accessed via the Slide Sheet and provides an interface containing tools a directional driller can utilize while drilling a well either locally on the rig or remotely from an RTOC.
The DD Dashboard will automatically update based upon the following data:
The survey Record.
Real Time WITS data being received.
Slide sheet being set to auto populate.
The DD Dashboard contains the following information:
A Tool Face Rose which displays:
GTF & MTF values received via WITS.
Effective Toolface, calculated from the above inputs.
Bit Projection which is calculated based on the data entered into the slide sheet.
Target window for Vertical (Circle) and Lateral (Rectangle) modes.
Offset Wells.
Real Time Anti-collision for bit projection which displays C-C distance and Separation Factor and the relevant warnings against the following:
Principal Plan.
Offset Wells.
Lease Lines.
Last 4 surveys along with the Slide Seen and Motor Yield for each one
Projection to Bit which is automatically updated based on data entered into the slide sheet. When auto populate slide sheet is selected, this is updated in real time.
Landing Projection, which is calculated when Curve Mode is activated.
Two additional Projections, which are calculated when Vertical and Lateral Modes are activated.
Real time 3D plot showing:
Actual surveys with appended projection to bit.
Principal Plan.
Offset Wells.
Lease Lines.
Surveys points.
Slide and Rotary Intervals.
Drilling parameters charts populated from the WITS data feed plot:
Pump Pressure.
Block Position.
Differential Pressure.
Within the DD Dashboard, the user can select from 4 different modes, which are accessed and selected via the settings menu:
No Mode
No additional features activated.
Vertical Mode
Red Tolerance Circle is drawn on the rose bud (diameter can be set in the settings).
2 Projections are added (in addition to the bit projection) and will show on the rosebud and 3d view. Distances can be adjusted in settings.
Rotary walk and build can be set in the settings. Inc Rotary in Proj option must be selected for these to do anything.
If rotary is not included the additional projections will straight line and the rotary sections in the bit projection will also straight line.
A tool face back to plan will be displayed in the top left hand corner along with a slide distance to achieve the Max DLS (this value is set in the settings) the slide length is based on the stand length (also in settings).
Nudge Mode
This mode does not currently do anything.
Curve Mode
No tolerance box or circle is displayed.
A new projection is calculated to the TVD INC AZI specified in the landing target section of the dashboard settings.
The user can use the drop-down list or the find landing button in the settings dialog to quickly find / adjust the landing target.
The DLS to land will show in the top left along with the required tool face and slide distance (based on the motor yield and stand length curve in the settings).
The last Motor yield will also show at the bottom. If this is within 90% of the DLS to land it will be red, if it is within 75% it will be orange otherwise green.
Lateral mode
The same as Vertical mode except that it draws a rectangle as the tolerance box rather than a circle (lateral up/down/left/right tolerance can be set in the settings).
In the Slide Sheet window, open the Rig States dialog by clicking on the icon in the toolbar, or by going to Tools > Rig States.
3. The Tool Orders dialog will open. Prior to the first use of the Tool Orders it is recommended that the user input all the of the available tool order options that users will be able to select when creating a tool order in future. Select either Tools > Edit drop down menus or the icon from the toolbar.
5. To add a new Tool Order select Tools > Create new tool order or select the icon from the toolbar. This will create a new row in the Tool Orders table.
10. Any tool orders with the status of Request from rig are a tool order that has been pushed from a local database to the server database. A user on the server can the approve this request for tools by selecting the tool order in question and selecting Tools > Approve order, or select the icon on the toolbar. This will change the status from Request from rig to Submitted.
1. Select the actual wellbore that the user requires and open the Tool Inventory, by selecting either the icon from the toolbar, or right clicking on the actual wellbore in question and selecting Reporting > Tool Inventory.
2. In the Tool Inventory dialog select the icon. This will open the Tool Orders dialog.
5. To send this tool order request back to the server database, select the icon, or select Tools > Send order to server. The tool order can then be approved by the administrators from the server database and acted upon.
4. Click on Get Wells to open the Well Selection dialog. Depending on your provider, the Well Selection dialog will look slightly different.
6. Click on Sync Surveys to check if any new surveys are available from your selected provider. If there are, the user will be given the option to update the survey list in Well Seeker. Click on Yes to update your survey sheet.
8. Click on Save to save your settings, and then click on the X in the top right of the window to close. To close without saving your settings, click on Cancel.
If the user has an API number for the well entered in the Daily Reporting section of Well Seeker, when the Get Wells button is clicked, Well Seeker will look up the API number on the Superior QC server and automatically select the correct well.
Clicking on Check Well Data will compare the latitude, longitude, magnetic field strength, dip, declination and grid convergence values stored on the Superior QC server, with the values referenced in Well Seeker. If they do not match, a warning box similar to the image below will appear.
The Solo Cloud dialog will open. In the Object Explorer section, your organization name should display below Solo Cloud. If it does not, confirm that the ICDS Server IP and Port values in the Real Time Data Exchange dialog are correct. Input valid Username and Password credentials for the relevant Solo Cloud server, then click on the Connect button in the toolbar. These credentials should be obtained from your Solo Cloud provider. Once entered the Username and Password will be saved and used for all surveys present below the Actual Well.
Repeat this process for each BHA to be included in the well, ensuring that each BHA is saved by selecting the save icon .
Close the Drill String Editor dialog by selecting File > Exit, or the close icon .
Open the Daily Reports dialog, by selecting the relevant actual wellbore in the database tree and either right clicking, Reporting > Daily Reporting, or selecting the Daily Reporting icon from the toolbar . From the Daily Report dialog, select Report Options. Ensure that the below options are unchecked:
At this stage you can also select the relevant Well Status to improve filtering these wells when using the analytics tools. Select the Save icon .
Add a new daily report by selecting the File > Add Daily Report, or the green add icon from the toolbar .
Select the Save icon
Close the Daily Reports dialog by selecting File > Exit, or the close icon .
Open the Drill String Editor dialog, by selecting the relevant actual wellbore in the database tree and either right clicking, Reporting > Drill String Editor, or selecting the Drill String Editor icon from the toolbar . For each BHA, input the data as follows:
Repeat this process for each BHA, ensuring that each BHA is saved by selecting the save icon .
Open the Performance dialog from within the Drill String Editor dialog, by selecting Performance Report > Edit Data, or selecting the Performance Report icon from the toolbar . For each BHA, input any relevant run data. Repeat this process for each BHA to be included in the well, ensuring that each BHA is saved by selecting the save icon .
Block Position
Torque (Optional)
ROP (Optional)
Block Position
Torque (Optional)
ROP (Optional)