Well Seeker Pro CRS Updated Functionality
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When running anticollision scans it is important that all relevant offset wells are selected. Often these wells are located on adjacent pads and in some instances these can be owned by different Operators.
While offset wells are in relatively close proximity to each other, it is possible that they may use different Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS’s) to define the surface location.
Prior to v2.2.0.53, Well Seeker Pro only had the ability to select offset wells with the same CRS referenced, with the exception of wells using NAD27 and NAD83. Any offset wells utilizing a different CRS were not available to select in the offset well selector dialog.
As of v2.2.0.53, Well Seeker Pro now has the ability to select offset wells which reference a different CRS. This functionality is also available in the Innova Web Portal.
Additionally, Well Seeker Pro is now able to convert the well surface location between different CRS’s.
This document will explain the changes.
The below describes the changes as they have been implemented in Well Seeker. As of June 2024, these changes have also been included in the Innova Web Portal, and function in the same way.
From v2.2.0.53 onwards, when in the offset well selector dialog, wells which have CRS’s with the same underlying ellipsoid will be available to select. The below screen shots show 2 different coordinate reference systems which both reference the GRS 1980 ellipsoid. Note that the Ellipsoid field is just a reference; the Semi Major Axis and Inverse flattening values are what define the ellipsoid. For Well Seeker to recognize that both CRS are using the same ellipsoid, these two values must be identical.
If using a version older than v2.2.0.53, when accessing a well referencing one of the above CRS’s, the user would not be able to select any offset wells referencing the other. The changes implemented in v2.2.0.53, now allow the user to select wells referenced to either of these.
In the below example, each of the wells reference a different CRS. The 2 CRS’s are the ones detailed above. Below left shows the offset well selector with v2.2.0.52 and below right is with v2.2.0.53. Notice in the below right that Example 2 is now available to select.
Having the ability to select these wells allows the user to visualize them in all of the available plots, and also run anticollision scans against them.
If the CRS’s do not share the same Ellipsoid, then they will not be available to select in the offset well selector.
Coordinate reference systems are selected at Field level in the database tree. Field, Facility and Well Locations are all referenced to the selected CRS. Users can enter the location at each of these levels as either Latitude and Longitude, or Grid Easting and Grid Northing. The values which have not been input are then automatically generated based on the selected CRS.
The selected CRS also outputs a value for Grid Convergence, at each of these levels, based on the coordinates entered for the Field, Facility and Well locations.
With the new functionality in v2.2.0.53, changing the CRS can have the following effect:
In the below example, we have a CRS (US-SPC83 / Texas Central Zone) selected at Field Level and coordinates entered as Grid Easting and Northing.
If we change the CRS to US-SPC83 / Texas North Central Zone (which references the same ellipsoid), then the below dialog will appear asking if you wish to “preserve lat longs and convert grid coordinates”.
Selecting Yes
If the user selects Yes, then regardless of what input has been selected, the latitude and longitude values will be preserved. The corresponding northing and easting values will then be recalculated, and the grid convergence will be updated based on the new CRS.
It is important to note that once the user hits Apply, this process will then also automatically happen at Facility and Well Level.
In addition to the changes detailed above, any plans or surveys which are located below the field will have their azimuths adjusted (if Grid is the azimuth north reference selection), based on the change in Grid Convergence. Note that the grid convergence is calculated at Field, Facility and Well level; however, the grid convergence used here is the one detailed at Well Level.
In our example, the Field, Facility and Well coordinates are all the same, so the grid convergence is the same at each level. The original grid convergence was -0.343° and the new grid convergence is -1.363, which is a difference of 1.02°.
The below left shows the survey before the CRS change and below right shows the azimuths after the CRS change. Note that the azimuths are now 1.02° larger.
Selecting No
If the user selects No, then the dialog closes, the new CRS is selected and whatever input values were selected for the location will be preserved and the calculated values will be recalculated based on the newly selected CRS.
In the below left example, the input values are Grid Easting and Northing. In the below right the input values are Lat / Longs. Comparing these values to what we had originally, you can see that the input values have remained unchanged but the calculated values have changed significantly. This is expected because we are now referencing a different CRS.
Selecting Cancel
If the user selects Cancel, then the dialog closes and the original CRS is reselected.
When selecting to change from an existing CRS to a new CRS which does not use the same Ellipsoid, the coordinate conversion dialog will again popup.
Selecting Yes
If the user selects Yes, then the below warning will appear.
When the user selects OK, the mapping grid will return to the original selection and no changes will be made.
Selecting No
If the user selects No, then the dialog closes, the new CRS is selected and whatever input values were selected for the location will be preserved and the calculated values will be recalculated based on the newly selected CRS.
Selecting Cancel
If the user selects Cancel, then the dialog closes and the original CRS is reselected.
The updates introduced in version v2.2.0.53 of Well Seeker Pro and the Innova Web Portal mark significant advancements in managing offset wells across different Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS). Prior limitations regarding CRS compatibility have been addressed, allowing users to select offset wells even when using different CRS definitions, provided they share the same underlying ellipsoid parameters. This enhancement not only improves the accuracy of anticollision scans but also facilitates seamless visualization and analysis of well data across diverse operational contexts.
Additionally, the new functionality enabling conversion of coordinates, enhances flexibility in data management and ensures consistency in spatial references throughout all levels of well operations.
This updates represent a substantial improvement in operational efficiency and data integrity within the platform.