IPM File Management
Describes the IPM File Management system implemented in Well Seeker Pro versions and later, that helps to ensure that all users in an organization are using the same IPMs.
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Describes the IPM File Management system implemented in Well Seeker Pro versions and later, that helps to ensure that all users in an organization are using the same IPMs.
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Instrument performance models (IPMs) are one of the components used when calculating error ellipses and anti-collision scan results. It is common for users to have multiple revisions of the same IPM, which leaves a degree of uncertainty as to which IPM file the user should select. To overcome this industry wide issue, Innova have implemented the IPM File Management tools in version This allows any organization with a Well Seeker Pro server database to store and manage a list of IPM files on their server, which can then be pulled down to individual PCs, ensuring organization wide IPM conformity.
Baseline IPMs were set out by the ISCWSA and these have evolved from Rev 1 to 5 as guidelines have changed. Unfortunately, there is no commonly adhered to naming convention to distinguish between different revisions of IPM files, making it impossible to guarantee identification of the revision of any of the IPM files, by filename or header alone i.e. the IPM MWD could be any IPM file ranging from a Rev 1 to 5, which could have a large impact on the error ellipse and anti-collision results.
When pulling in Compass export files to Well Seeker Pro, the user is given the option to import IPMs. If selected, if the Compass edm contained an IPM file with the same name, but different contents then Well Seeker would not blindly overwrite your existing IPM file, but instead create a second file with the IPM name and a number after it. This then allowed the user to review the IPM files and chose which one was the appropriate one to use.
Even though this was an improvement, it still proved difficult for organizations to have complete control over the IPMs present on their PCs.
Innova have implemented the IPM File Management tools. This allows any organization with a Well Seeker Pro server database to store and manage a list of IPM files on their server. This list of IPMs can then be pulled down to any PC with the correct company Well Seeker Pro credentials, overwriting all existing IPM files used by Well Seeker Pro on that PC. This ensures that well planning have control over the IPM files used within their organization and gives the field the tools to always be in line with the well planner’s IPM structure.
Below is a description of the tools available from Tools > IPM File Management within Well Seeker Pro:
Upload IPM folder: The user must be logged on to their company main Well Seeker Pro server database, with a Well Seeker login that has the Administrator user permission enabled. This option first deletes any existing IPMs on the server database and then uploads all the IPM files from the local PC they are currently using via the following pathway C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Well Seeker Pro\IPM, to the server database. Any IPM files that do not contain error coefficients will not be imported and a log detailing these files will open once the process has been completed.
View IPM files: The user must be logged on to their company main Well Seeker Pro server database. Opens a dialog where the current list of IPMs on the server can be viewed, including the file name, the user that uploaded the IPM file and the upload date.
Pull IPM Files from server: This option can be selected when accessing either a local or server database. When selected, all existing IPMs on the computer are moved to a new folder in the IPM directory called Old, and the IPMs from the server are then all downloaded to the IPM directory (C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Well Seeker Pro\IPM) on the local PC.
Delete IPMs from server: The user must be logged on to their company main Well Seeker Pro server database, with a Well Seeker login that has the Administrator user permission enabled. This option deletes all the IPMs from the server.
In addition to the above IPM management tools, there is also an automated check in place where Well Seeker checks the users local IPM directory to see if it is up to date compared to the server. This works as follows:
With a stable internet connection, Well Seeker connects to the server database every 30 minutes to perform the check
The IP Address and Port Number entered in the ICDS section of the RT Data Exchange dialog is what determines which remote database Well Seeker performs the check on
Well Seeker checks the Upload Date for each of the IPM’s on the server database and takes the most recent date
It then checks the Created Date for all the IPM’s on the local computer and takes the most recent date
If the upload date is NEWER / GREATER than the created date, an orange warning displays in the status bar at the bottom right-hand side of the main user interface
If no IPM’s are on the server then there will be no error displayed
Note: The above does not check the number or content of the files in the 2 folders, only the Upload Date and the Created Date. This means that if the files on the server are identical to the ones on the local, but the created date of the local files is less than the server, then the warning will be displayed.