Remote Data Fetch Procedural Recommendations
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The Remote Data Fetch dialog allows a user to pull facility (pad), actual well and plan level data from a server database to a local database, usually at the rig location. When used correctly, this is a powerful tool that ensures that the rig has the correct information at the start of a pad/well, or is able to receive well plan updates mid-job, as and when they become available on the server database. However, when used incorrectly, data can be overwritten that was not intended. This document will outline some basic procedural recommendations on how to use the Remote Data Fetch tool correctly.
The Remote Data Fetch tool will pull the selected pad, well and plan data onto a user’s current local database. When this pull occurs, any imported data from the server will overwrite any existing data for database tree levels of the same name. Below are some recommendations to avoid accidental data loss:
Well planners / admins responsible for trajectory data upload should ensure that accurate and up to date information is on the server prior to the rig remote data fetching
Rig users should start the job with a new blank database, prior to remote data fetching from the server
Once the information has been fetched by the rig user, ensure that the naming of all database tree levels remains unchanged on both the server and the local database
Generally this is only necessary when a new well plan becomes available
Before carrying out a Remote Data Fetch, backup your database. This can be done in seconds by selecting File > Backup Database. This will ensure that even if the Remote Data Fetch process does result in data being accidentally overwritten, there is a copy of the original data to be reverted to if required
Prior to performing the Remote Data Fetch, the field user should carry out a Real Time Data Exchange of their current data back to the server. It is important to check that the file transmission was successful. This will ensure that any data from the currently drilled well is updated on the server database.
In the above image you can see the confirmation of File Transmission Successful. As a note to users, the No External Files To Push message is not an error, but a message to let the user know that no attachments, such a performance report images, have been found to push back to the server.