License Renewal

When you first download the software, it comes with a 2-day trial license. After the 2 days have passed the license will expire, and the next time you attempt to open the software you will see the warning box displayed below Left. This box will be displayed any time you try to open the software without a valid license. When you select OK the "Computer Code" box will appear.

The Computer Code can also be accessed at any time when in the program, by selecting Help – License Info

To request a license extension/renewal, follow the instructions below:

  • Highlight the code which is displayed in the "Computer Code" box

  • Press Ctrl + C (this will copy the code to your clipboard)

  • Paste the code into an email or word document (Ctrl + V)

  • You will need to clearly specify which program you need a license for, either Well Seeker Pro, Innova Engineering or BOTH, as each program requires a separate license.

Innova will then send out a new license in the form of a LICENSE.txt file. Once you have received this, follow the instructions below:

For Well Seeker Pro:

  • Place the LICENSE.txt file in the Well Seeker Pro folder (most common directory path detailed below)

    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker PRO

    • Same directory as Well Seeker.exe

    • If a LICENSE.txt file already exists in this folder, make a copy before you replace it. This can then be used as a temporary backup in case there are any issues with the new file.

For Innova Engineering:

  • Place the LICENSE.txt file in the Innova Engineering folder (most common directory path detailed below)

    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Innova Engineering

    • Same directory as Innova engineering.exe

    • If a LICENSE.txt file already exists in this folder, make a copy before you replace it. This can then be used as a temporary backup in case there are any issues with the new file.

If you experience any issues during this process, please contact for support

Last updated