WSP & Innova Portal - Object Validation Feature

Introduces the new Object Validation feature for the Innova Web Portal and Well Seeker Pro


The Object Validation feature is a QAQC tool that allows an organization to alert users if they have not filled in the minimum standard pieces of daily reporting data.

This technical note guides the user through set up and operation of the Object Validation feature.

Setup – Innova Web Portal

Object Validation must be set up and activated for your organization using the Innova Web Portal. To access the Object Validation page, the user must have admin privileges for their organisation.

Object Validation rules are contained in rulesets called “Object QC Schema.” Any existing schema for your organization will be displayed.

Description: The name of the object QC schema. Double click to edit.

Scope: Double click to open a drop down menu. Available options are ALL or OPERATOR. If you are using the Operator Access dialog to restrict the schema to specific operators, you must select OPERATOR. Otherwise select ALL.

Operators: This checkbox will automatically toggle on if any operators have been selected in the Operator Access dialog, which is detailed later in the document.

Updated By: Displays the name of the user that last updated the object QC schema.

Update Date: Displays the date and time that the object QC schema was updated.

Active: Click the checkbox to toggle whether the object QC schema is active or not. Only active schema will apply their rules to your organization. An organization can have multiple schema active at the same time. For example, your organization could have one general schema and then specific schema for individual operators.

Scroll through the available selection, and mark data points as required by clicking on the Active checkbox.

Once a schema has been configured and activated, it will begin applying to all users. Note that once a change has been made to any part of the Object Validation page, Well Seeker will need to be closed and then reopened for these changes to be registered on each of the companies computers and Web Portal users will need to refresh their browser, or log out and in again.

Operation - Well Seeker Pro

Before Object Validation rules can be applied to the user’s Well Seeker Pro interface, two requirements must be met:

  1. The user’s computer must be connected to the internet.

  2. The user must have a copy of their organization’s Well Seeker Pro license installed on their computer. This can be confirmed by selecting Help – About Well Seeker. The companies name will be detailed after the version number. If this says Innova or has a different company name, then the object validation will not work.

Once these criteria are met, Object Validation rules will begin applying automatically. When the user encounters a piece of data that is required, it will be highlighted in red. If the user clicks save in either the Drill String Editor or the Slide Sheet, they will receive a message indicating which pieces of required data have not been filled in.

For example, the image below displays component properties for the bit in the Drill String Editor dialog. The user’s organization have used the Object Validation to specify that the # blades and IADC code values are required. As these have not been filled in, their cells have been highlighted red to alert the user.

When the user clicks on the Save icon in the Drill String Editor, they will receive an alert such as the one below, indicating which data still needs to be filled in, and the corresponding component. This warning does not stop the user from continuing, but if all the required data has been entered, the user should not see any warnings when they hit save in the drill string editor or the slide sheet.

Operation – Innova Portal

When Object Validation is active, the user will also be notified of missing required data when using the Portal. When accessing the Slide Sheet or Drill String page, each BHA will display a number in a red circle to the left of its row.

The number indicates how many data entries are missing for that BHA. Hovering over it will display a list of the data that is missing.

Last updated