6.1 - File Menu
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Creates a new blank Well Seeker PRO database. It should be noted that spaces and other symbols should not be used in the filename and that the user must have write permissions for the file location selected. Unless Well Seeker PRO is running with administrator privileges it will not by default have write access to the C:\ location or “program files”
Select the database for Well Seeker PRO to use. This will also be the database which Well Seeker PRO will attempt to connect to the next time the program is opened.
This option refreshes the database tree and useful when accessing an SQL database as it will update the tree with any changes made by other users who are accessing the database at the same time.
Allows the user to select a database from a list of the 10 most recently selected databases.
The User can access Well Seeker’s remote database and SQL server functions here.
This option opens the below dialog, which allows the user to connect to a remote database.
The user should enter their login credentials provided by their server administrator into the appropriate sections. The checkboxes beside Database IP/URL, Database Name and Port hide the entered information. Passwords are hidden by default but can be displayed by clicking on the Show Passwords button. Click on the Save Passwords button to save entered passwords between logins. The Clear button will delete all entered information. Login credentials entered in this window are saved in Setup.ini file. See section 6.1.15 - Export Setup File for more information on the setup file.
Depending on how the user’s organisation has set up their user management section, the Connect to Remote Database login may look like the above, instead. In this case the user does not need to enter any credentials for their company’s database – these are selected automatically. The user simply needs to enter the username and password they use for the Innova Web Portal, provided to them by their administrator.
When logged into a remote server database, this option can be used to update the server table schema to match with the user’s current version of Well Seeker. When used, Well Seeker will display a message similar to the one below, comparing the user’s version of Well Seeker with the remote server’s.
Well Seeker will then update all the relevant tables to the remote server to bring it up to date with the user’s version of Well Seeker. Please note that this can sometimes cause issues for users that try to connect to the remote database using old versions of Well Seeker.
This function can be used to select a new external files directory for the ICDS server. The user should select a folder on their local computer. The folder will then be copied to the ICDS server and will be used as the directory for storing external files from that point on. Any files inside the folder on the local computer will also be copied to the ICDS server.
When this option is toggled on, the Real Time Data Exchange will upload external files when it pushes data to the remote server.
This function links the database to an Oasis ERP database, which then allows the user to import/export data from the Cost Codes, Tool Inventory, Daily Reporting and Drill String sections of the Reporting module. The user should enter the URL, username, and password provided by the Oasis database admin.
Save the currently open survey or plan to the database and update any associated survey programs. This option is only available if a survey or plan is selected in the “Survey / Chart Viewer” area.
Allows the user to import survey data into the selected survey. This option is only available if a survey is selected in the “Survey / Chart Viewer” area. This option is NOT available when in a plan. When the option is clicked the user will be promoted to select a survey file.
Select a survey file from the dialog box and select its file type from the filter drop down menu. Supported file types are tab delimited text, space delimited text, comma delimited text, Excel 2003 files and Excel 2007 files. The file type must be selected correctly based on the file you are trying to import, or the file will not open properly. The survey file can contain column headers and must contain the measured depth in a column, inclinations in a column and azimuths in a column. The columns do not have to be in any order and the file can contain other data columns. Once selected the following dialog will be displayed.
A preview of the survey file will be displayed in the main grid with the row numbers down the left-hand side of the lower grid. Select the start row and the end row of the surveys you wish to import and select which column is which from the combo boxes in the upper grid. MD INC and AZI must be selected and if the column is not to be imported select NA from the combo box.
Once happy with the selection, click the import button and the surveys will be imported.
This option is only available if a survey or plan is selected in the “Survey / Chart Viewer” area. Selecting this option will bring up the survey export dialog which allows the currently active survey / plan to be exported either as a text or an Excel file.
If text file is selected from the drop-down menu, the delimiter can be selected from the radio buttons to the right of the dialog. If the results are to be interpolated, click the ‘Interval’ check box and enter the interval required. Clicking the ‘Depth From’ check box allows the user to specify a depth range to export. Clicking the ‘Include Stations’ check box will include all survey/plan stations as well as interpolated points. Clicking the ‘Include Final Station’ will include only the final survey/plan point. If a plan or survey fie is selected, the ‘Export Whole Path’ option becomes available. This exports the current survey / plan as well as any surveys or plans which the current view is tied to.
When selected, the Autosave feature will automatically save any plan or survey which has not been saved for 30 minutes e.g. if the user enters a survey and then leaves their machine without saving, after 30 minutes, Well Seeker will automatically save the survey. Default is ON.
This option allows the user to create a backup copy of the currently selected database. This is effectively a “save as” feature, allowing the user to choose a suitable location and name for the backup.
This option allows Compass .xml files to be imported into Well Seeker. Select the desired file in the Open File dialog window and click on ‘Open’. Well Seeker will import targets, lease lines, survey error models and well plans according to the settings chosen in section 6.1.13 – Compass EDM Import Options.
Well Seeker Pro requires all items in the same database tree level to have a unique name, whilst Compass does not. To avoid conflicts Well Seeker will modify names at the field, facility, well and actual/plan level when importing a Compass EDM. The logic that the software uses is described below:
Operator: Well Seeker will use the name of the operator stored in the EDM.
Field: Well Seeker will append the name of the operator to the end of the field name stored in the EDM.
Facility: The facility will use the name of the facility stored in the EDM and will not append the field name to it.
Well: The well may or may not have the facility name appended to the end of it, depending on the logic shown in the flow chart below:
Actual Well and Plan: Actual wells and plans will always have the name of the well appended to them as a prefix.
This submenu contains additional settings and options for importing Compass EDM files.
This option opens the compass import settings dialog, where the user can select the appropriate settings that they desire when importing data from a Compass EDM file.
Targets and Lease Lines: Allows the user to either include or omit targets and lease lines when importing. The user can also choose to assign lease lines to their associated wells. If not, the user must assign them manually in the Targets window.
Surveys Tools: When checked, Well Seeker will import any survey tools associated with the relevant plans and surveys. If unchecked no survey tools will be imported. Note, that if survey tools are not imported, and any of the imported plans and surveys reference a survey tool which is not available on the imported computer, then Well Seeker will use the default error model selected by the user.
Well Plans: This option allows the user to import ALL plans which are contained within a Compass Export file. If this option is not selected, then Well Seeker will only pull in the plans which are selected as PRINCIPAL in the export file. Default is ON.
This option functions the same as Import Compass EDM file above, but also sets the status of all imported wells to ‘upcoming’ in the Daily Reporting window. See Section 13.4– Daily Reporting for more information.
This option functions the same as Import Compass EDM file above but allows the user to import the Compass data under an existing operator in the user’s Well Seeker database, instead of the operator contained in the EDM. After selecting this option, a dialog will appear allowing the user to select the operator they wish to import the Compass data into. After that an Open File dialog will appear allowing the user to select the desired EDM file.
This option functions the same as the Import Compass EDM File option above but allows the user to select multiple Compass .xml files to import at the same time. Note that depending on the number and size of the Compass files being imported, the import process can take a long time to complete.
Exports the users Setup.ini file. This file contains all the Well Seeker settings which the user has on their computer including Chart Defaults, Colum Selections, Font Size etc. The only thing this file does not contain is the unit set the user is referencing at the time of export. The exported file does not need to be named ‘setup.ini’, the user can give it any name for easier identification later. The exported file also contains the Toolbar Layout. Users importing an exported setup file will be asked if they also want to import toolbar information.
Allows the user to import a Setup.ini file. This will allow the user to instantly set up a new computer with the same settings being used on another machine. This import will not change the units the user had selected before the import and it will also not affect the database which they are working in. i.e., it will not cause them to switch databases. The user will also be asked if they want to import Toolbar Layout information. The user can import any .ini file. If Well Seeker does not recognize it as a valid setup file, it will give a warning message. Note that setup files exported from obsolete versions of Well Seeker may not be recognised by the latest version.
Resets the setup file back to its original install settings.
Exports the user’s configuration of the toolbars at the top of the main user interface as a .ini file. See Section 5.1 - Toolbars for more information on Toolbars. Note that the Toolbar Layout is also included in a Setup File export, so exporting the Toolbar Layout is not required if the user is exporting their Setup File at the same time.
Allows the user to import a .ini file containing Toolbar Layout information. This will allow the user to instantly set up a new computer with the same toolbars being used on another machine. The user can import any .ini file. If Well Seeker does not recognize it as a valid toolbar export, it will give a warning message.
Resets the setup file back to its original install settings.
This option is primarily for users who are accessing an SQL database which is receiving data from several rigs. When selected, the database is refreshed every 1 minute to ensure that all new surveys pushed from the rig are updated on the user’s screen and incorporated in the real time Anti-collision dialog.
This option closes Well Seeker.