Tool Orders User Guide

1.0 - Introduction

As of version, Well Seeker Pro now contains the Tool Orders functionality. Tool Orders is a licensed feature that is designed to give an organization the means by which to create, update and maintain oversight of all the tool requirements for upcoming and existing jobs. The Tool Orders will be managed from the server database, but local database users at the rig site can also create tool orders and push these back to the server for approval, should the requirement for more tools occur during an ongoing job.

The way in which Tool Orders can be accessed and used differs between the server and local database. The remainder of the document will guide the user through the specifics of the setup on the server and any subsequent utilization from a local database.

2.0 – Tool Orders – SQL Server Database

The below steps assume that the user already has a Well Seeker Pro SQL server database:

1. Log on to the SQL server database

2. Select Tools > Dashboards > Tool Orders Dashboard

4. Input details for each of the tool order detail types in the Select menu option dropdown list. This will form the basis of what tool configurations the user can specifically ask for when using the Tool Orders dialog. This can be edited at a later date if required. When the user has filled in all of the relevant options, select Apply and then close the dialog.

6. Fill in the relevant details in the Tool Orders table:

  • If the tool order is for a job that has no daily reporting data yet, i.e. an upcoming job, then the user would input the Operator, Job # and Well information and leave the Hole Size, State, County, Rig, Mud Type, Mud Weight, Min Temp and Max Temp inputs blank.

  • If the tool order is for an existing job which has daily reporting data input within the database, the user would enter the Job # only and the rest of the cells will populate based upon the daily reporting data.

  • Update the Date Needed cell. This defaults to the date the tool order was created.

  • Input any additional information in the remaining cells.

7. Fill in the relevant details in the Order Details table. Some cells will be manually input, others will be selectable from the dropdown menu, the choices of which the user has set up previously. More than one row for multiple tools may be input in this section.

8. The Tool Order has been completed. By default the tool order status is Draft. This should be changed to Submitted when the details are finalized. The status can be updated sequentially as the tool order is In Progress, Shipped and Complete.

9. At any stage a tool order can be printed or attached to an email. Firstly select the tool order from the Tool Order table. In the Order Details table, check the Print cell for any row that you wish to be included in the printed report.

11. A tool orders status can be updated from the Status dropdown menu as the tool order progresses through its work cycle.

3.0 – Tool Orders – Local Database

The below steps assume that the user already has a Well Seeker Pro local database, populated with an actual wellbore:

3. When the dialog opens it checks the IP and Port values entered in the Real Time Data Exchange dialog. If these are correct, then the dropdown menu options for the Order Details cells will be populated from the information on the server database.

4. Create the tool order and order details as you would on the server database. Any tool orders created on the local database will automatically be given the status of Request from rig.

Last updated