Compass Export Files & Db Naming Conventions
A guide to maintaining proper naming conventions to avoid conflicts when importing compass export files.
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A guide to maintaining proper naming conventions to avoid conflicts when importing compass export files.
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When populating the database tree in Well Seeker it is important to understand that at every Level from Operator down, the user must enter UNIQUE naming conventions.
For example, in the below, we have 2 operators, and the field under the first operator is called Eddy County, NM (NAD 83 – NME). As a result, we cannot name the field under Operator 2 the same, even if it is in Eddy County as well. There MUST be some difference in the naming.
This is not an issue when manually entering data into the database tree, as Well Seeker will not allow the user to type a name that already exists. They will get the bellow warning.
Things can however become complicated when pulling in Compass Export Files
Compass does not require unique naming conventions in the database tree. As a result, depending on the naming convention used in Compass, the user may end up in a situation where they are importing data which is not unique at each level in the database tree. This can lead to a conflict and data being overwritten.
The best way to avoid this potential issue is within the Naming Conventions section of the Compass Import Settings.
The Compass Import Settings are accessed via the File menu in the main Well Seeker interface (File - Compass Import Settings).
Targets and Lease Lines: Allows the user to either include or omit targets and lease lines when importing.
Coordinates: When checked, Well Seeker will use the Latitude and Longitude values referenced in the Compass export file for the wellhead. When unchecked, Well Seeker will use the Northing and Easting values.
Surveys Tools: When checked, Well Seeker will import any survey tools associated with the relevant plans and surveys. If unchecked no survey tools will be imported. Note, that if survey tools are not imported, and any of the imported plans and surveys reference a survey tool which is not available on the imported computer, then Well Seeker will use the default error model selected by the user.
Naming Conventions: Gives the user 3 options relating to the way Well Seeker names the imported data in the database tree. If all boxes in this section are unchecked, the data will just be pulled in as it is in the Compass export file.
Append Operator Name to Field: Adds the relevant Operator name to the end of every Field name in the database.
Append Field Name to Facility: Adds the relevant Field name to the end of every Facility name in the database.
Append Facility Name to Well: Adds the relevant Facility name to the end of every Well name in the database.
Well Plans: This option allows the user to import ALL plans which are contained within a Compass Export file. If this option is not selected, then Well Seeker will only pull in the plans which are selected as PRINCIPAL in the export file. Default is ON.
To avoid any conflicts and naming issues, it is recommended that when the Well Planner or Coordinator imports a Compass export file into Well Seeker, they have ALL 3 of the Naming Convention options selected, as below.
Below left is an example of a well pulled in with none of the above options selected, while below right is the same export file with all 3 options selected during import.
With these naming conventions selected during the import process, it is very unlikely that there will be a conflict. This simple step will keep everything consistent when transferring data from Compass to Well Seeker and avoid the well planner having to make any adjustments to the existing Compass naming conventions.
A setup file saves each individual users preferred settings, which are loaded each time the software is opened. The Compass Import Settings are among the settings which are included in this setup file.
To ensure consistency across the company, it is recommended that once the desired Compass Import Settings are agreed, a setup file containing these settings should be distributed to the relevant personnel. This can be done as follows:
Open Well Seeker and setup the Compass Import Settings as required.
Go to File – Export Setup File
Distribute to the required personnel
They can then import by selecting File – Import Setup File