Tool Rental Run Tracking Guide
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Well Seeker Pro’s reporting package allows the input, collection and analysis of drilling data. However, when an organization does not have a user at the drilling site to input all of the reporting information, such as a tool rental job, it has historically been difficult to keep a record of the run data for the tools used. Using end of run data provided by the renter, there is now a feature available that allows the user to input this condensed data into Well Seeker, which can then be viewed in the Well Analytics Motor and MWD KPI reports. This option is detailed below
For this feature to work, the user is required to have a relevant actual well already set up in the Well Seeker database tree. For detailed steps regarding how to achieve this, refer to the Well Seeker Pro How to Guide.
Drill String Editor dialog - Input relevant BHAs
Daily Report dialog - Select correct Report Options
Well Data & Personnel dialog - Input relevant job details
Daily Report dialog - Input a row in the Daily Activity section for each relevant BHA
Drill String Editor dialog - Input relevant tools and run details
Performance Report dialog - Input relevant run details
These run details will now be visible within the Analytics Motor and MWD KPI reports, without having had to input all of the daily reports activity data covering the runs in question. The following section will provide more details regarding each of the steps in the above sequence.
Open the Drill String Editor dialog, by selecting the relevant actual wellbore in the database tree and either right clicking, Reporting > Drill String Editor, or selecting the Drill String Editor icon from the toolbar . Add a BHA by selecting File > Add New, or the green add icon from the toolbar . Input the data as follows:
Get Slide Rotate Hours from Activity
Auto Update Motor Report Params
Auto Update BHA Hours on save
If the user has any of these options selected, when the user selects save in the specific well’s Daily Reports dialog, it will overwrite any run data that has been entered in the Drill String Editor and Performance Report dialogs for that specific well.
Open the Well Data & Personnel dialog from within the Daily Reports dialog, by selecting Well Data > Well Data and Personnel. Input the data as follows:
Job #
API Job #
Target Formation
Any other relevant information
Select Apply
Add a row for each BHA that you want to include in the Daily Activity section. Input the data as follows:
End Time > Start Time. The actually end time is not important and is not used in the run data
Select the relevant BHA in the BHA column
Select the relevant Phase to associate with the BHA
Select an Activity. It does not matter what activity code is selected
In the Description cell enter Motor Rental Job
MWD # if relevant
Depth In
Depth Out
Date In
Date Out
Formation if known
Comments as required
Add a Drill Bit component. This must be added. Input the Drilling Hours and Circ Hours for the run within the Component Properties for the bit
Add a Motor component. This must be added, even if a motor was not run. Input any relevant data in to the Component Properties section
Add any other rental components. Input any relevant data in to the Component Properties section
Once the above processes have been carried out the user can view the relevant run data within the Well Analytics Motor and MWD KPI reports
Repeat this process for each BHA to be included in the well, ensuring that each BHA is saved by selecting the save icon .
Close the Drill String Editor dialog by selecting File > Exit, or the close icon .
Open the Daily Reports dialog, by selecting the relevant actual wellbore in the database tree and either right clicking, Reporting > Daily Reporting, or selecting the Daily Reporting icon from the toolbar . From the Daily Report dialog, select Report Options. Ensure that the below options are unchecked:
At this stage you can also select the relevant Well Status to improve filtering these wells when using the analytics tools. Select the Save icon .
Add a new daily report by selecting the File > Add Daily Report, or the green add icon from the toolbar .
Select the Save icon
Close the Daily Reports dialog by selecting File > Exit, or the close icon .
Open the Drill String Editor dialog, by selecting the relevant actual wellbore in the database tree and either right clicking, Reporting > Drill String Editor, or selecting the Drill String Editor icon from the toolbar . For each BHA, input the data as follows:
Repeat this process for each BHA, ensuring that each BHA is saved by selecting the save icon .
Open the Performance dialog from within the Drill String Editor dialog, by selecting Performance Report > Edit Data, or selecting the Performance Report icon from the toolbar . For each BHA, input any relevant run data. Repeat this process for each BHA to be included in the well, ensuring that each BHA is saved by selecting the save icon .