Remote Client How to Guide
1.0 - Introduction
Innova’s Well Seeker Remote Client is a stand-alone program which can be utilized at the rig site to send WITS data back to the companies SQL server database via the ICDS (Innova Central Database Server). This data can then be viewed and used by anyone in the company with the appropriate access to the database, providing the user with all the data required to carry out remote operations from anywhere in the world.
This document describes the Well Seeker Remote Client and details the steps required to correctly utilise its functionality.
2.0 – Well Seeker Remote Client Installation
The below steps lead the user through the Well Seeker Remote Client installation process.
Save the install file (Well Seeker Remote Client - vX.X.X.X.exe) provided by Innova onto the desktop of the chosen device.
Open the install file by double left clicking on it
Check the I agree to the License terms and conditions cell and then select INSTALL. The user can view the license terms and conditions by selecting the blue phrase License terms and conditions
Once the installation is complete. Select Finish
A “Well Seeker Remote Client” folder will have been created in the following location on the computer:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker Remote Client
This folder will contain the following files:
3.0 – User Interface
To open the Well Seeker Client, the user should double left click on the wellSeekerClient.exe file. This will open the program and the user will see the main user interface as show below.
3.1 - Menus
File Menu
Save Config: Saves the current configuration. When this option is selected, the saved configuration will be what loads each time the program is opened.
Save Config As: Saves the current configuration as a .ini file which can be selected again at any time to load the users desired setup
Load Config: Loads an existing config .ini file, which pulls in all the users saved settings
Exit: Closes the program
WITS Mapping Menu
Reset to Defaults: Resets the WITS Mapping table to the default values
Help Menu
About: Opens a dialog which shows which version of the program is being used
3.2 – WITS Mapping
This section allows the user to map the WITS inputs to ensure that the data is being received on the correct channels. WITS mapping should be standard, but this information can be obtained from the EDR provider.
RID: The Record ID, which comes from the WITS zero standards
FID: The Field ID, which comes from the WITS zero standards
Mnemonic: The Internal Mnemonic is what Well Seeker uses to map the WITS data it is receiving. For example, a WITS ID of 0110 is mapped to Hole MD (WITS zero standards), which is something that will make more sense to the user
If necessary, the user can add a new line to the table by selecting an existing line and pressing the spacebar. This inserts a line above the selected line.
3.3 – Rig States Threshold
This section allows the user to configure the thresholds used for determining the current Rig states. The rig states will operate when the WITS Reader is running.
3.3.1 – Threshold Values
The below is a guide to initial threshold values, which can be adjusted and fine-tuned as you start to receive data:
RPM: Initially, set this as the oscillating RPM when sliding; however, this is something that will likely need to be adjusted based on operating parameters.
Pump Pressure: 300psi.
Flow Rate: 50gpm.
HKLD: Set at block weight + 20, or something similar.
On Bottom Delta: 0.5ft.
WOB Threshold: 2k or 1T.
RPM Buffer Size: This is the number of rpm values which WS will remember in the rpm buffer. Well Seeker uses this to identifying when the assembly is rotating. 9 or 10 is usually a good starting value here.
3.3.2 – Rig States Logic
The Rig States logic is what Well Seeker uses to determine what is currently happening in the well e.g. Rotating, Sliding, Tripping, Circulating etc. The thresholds will determine at what level certain rig states will be classified. Rig states logic is defined below:
RPM < RPM Threshold then Sliding = True
Pump Press < Pump Press Threshold then pumps off = TRUE
HKLD < HKLD Threshold then In Slips = TRUE
Pumps Off = TRUE and In Slips = TRUE then Connection
Hole Depth – Bit Depth < On Btm Delta, then On Bottom = TRUE
RPM threshold should be 50% of current rotating speed
Based on the WITS values being received, the threshold values and the above rig states logic, the Rig State cell will populate with the resulting rig state conclusions.
3.4 – WITS Data
The WITS Data section will populate with the latest WITS values as they are received. The WITS mapping must be correct, otherwise the values will either not show in the table or will populate in the wrong cell.
3.5 – WITS Reader
This section is where the user chooses the type of WITS connection and starts reading the available data.
WITS Status: Show if WITS is being received.
With NO WITS being received the cell will be red and say Not Reading
When receiving WITS, the cell will be green and will say Reading WITS. The message will include whether the received wits is serial or UDP.
WITS Reader Window: When WITS data is being received, the user will see characters fill this window
Comm Port: This dropdown menu shows the list of available Comms ports for the user to select. Unless the user has a serial box to USB box connected to the computer, they are unlikely to have any comm ports available on this list.
UDP PORT: This option should be selected if receiving UDP WITS, which will be received via an ethernet cable. This is where the user enters the relevant UDP Port. This input will only be available when the checkbox to the left of the UDP Port text is selected.
TCP IP Address: This is where the user enters the relevant TCP IP Address. This input will only be available when the checkbox to the left of the TCP IP Address text is selected. When selected, the UDP Port cell will also become available to populate.
Pause Messages: This option pauses the live messages allowing the user to easily scroll through the list of messages without it constantly updating. This does not stop the messages being received, it only pauses the view. Once unselected, all messages which were received during the paused interval will appear.
Send Handshake: Leave checked, unless receiving WITS from Noralis.
Start Reading: Starts reading the available WITS data.
Stop Reading: Stops reading the available WITS data.
3.6 – ICDS Data Transfer
The ICDS data transfer section is where the user can enter the appropriate details to connect to the ICDS and select the relevant well which the WITS data will be associated with in the database.
ICDS Data Transfer Window: This window displays all available Actual Wells in the SQL server database which have daily reports associated with them. The user can then choose the appropriate well from the list. When the data is then sent, it will be associated with the selected well in the SQL database.
Get Well List: Selecting this option will populate the ICDS Window with all available wells from the SQL Server database.
Select Well: Once the user has selected the required well in the ICDS Window, choosing this option will populate the Selected Well cell.
Start Sending: Starts sending the WITS data to the SQL server database
Stop Sending: Stops sending the WITS data to the SQL server database
Selected Well: Shows the well which the WITS data will be associated with on the SQL server database
ICDS IP Address: The IP address for the relevant ICDS
ICDS Port: The port number for the relevant ICDS. This is usually 42000
ICDS Password: The password for the relevant ICDS.
ICDS Status: Shows the user if the WITS data is being sent or not.
4.0 – Required Inputs
To run the Well Seeker Remote Client correctly, the following inputs / Information are required:
ICDS IP Address
ICDS Password
The Actual Well or Job Number, which needs to be selected in the ICDS Data Transfer Window
For the Rig States to operate, the below, correctly mapped WITS Inputs are required via either serial, UDP or TCP connection
5.0 – Running Well Seeker Remote Client
The following section details the steps required to run the Well Seeker Client.
Ensure the computer has a WITS connection
Ensure the WITS Mapping matches that of the data being received
Select the relevant Comm or UDP Port
Check the Send handshake checkbox, unless receiving WITS via Noralis
Select Start Reading and ensure the WITS reader window is populating with the incoming WITS data
The WITS Status should be green and show the type of WITS connection being used
Check the Rig States Threshold values are setup as required
Enter the ICDS
IP Address
Select Get Well List
The ICDS Data Transfer Window should populate with the available wells
Select the required well from the table and hit the Select Well button
Ensure the correct well name has populated the Selected Well cell
Select Start Sending
The ICDS Status cell should turn green and it should say Sending Data along with the current time
If the above steps have been followed and all data has been entered correctly, then the WITS data will now be sent to the server database via the ICDS and will be available to all users.
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