Geomag Model Installation Guide

A guide to adding HDGM, mvHD and BGGM geomagnetic models into Well Seeker Pro.

1.0 – Introduction

The Well Seeker install includes the latest IGRF and WMM geomagnetic models as standard. In addition to these, the software is also compatible with the following geomagnetic models:

  • HDGM (NOAA – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)

  • mvHD (MagVAR)

  • BGGM (BGS - British Geological Survey)

This document details the steps required to add these geomagnetic models to Well Seeker, as they do not come with the initial install.

2.0 – HDGM Geomagnetic Model

This section describes how to incorporate the NOAA HDGM geomagnetic model into Well Seeker.

Firstly, the user must have purchased a valid license from NOAA. Innova do not supply these licenses and the user must contact NOAA directly ( to organize this.

2.1 - Required Files

The following file is required and will be provided by NOAA upon purchasing a license.

  • hdgm20xx.dll: This is the only file required and the xx in the file name will represent the year e.g. hdgm2020.dll, hdgm2021.dll etc.

2.2 – Installation Steps

The user must now follow the below steps to correctly add the file:

  1. Place the .dll file in the C:\Program Files(x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker PRO\Magnetics directory

  2. Open Well Seeker.

  3. You should now be able to select HDGM model in either the Geomag Calculator Tool or in the Magnetics section of the plan/wellbore properties dialog.

3.0 - mvHD Geomagnetic Model

This section describes how to incorporate MagVAR’s mvHD geomagnetic model into Well Seeker.

Firstly, the user must have purchased a valid license from MagVAR. Innova do not supply these licenses and the user must contact MagVAR directly ( to organize this.

3.1 - Required Files

The following is a list of files which are required, ALL of which will be supplied by MagVAR.

  • MagVarGlobalPlugIn.DLL: Make sure you have the correct 64- or 32-bit version dependent on your computers operating system. Current version is 2.0

  • A *.mvgm file: This is the magnetic model file which contains the magnetic field parameters for a 12-month period

  • Hardware Key: This is a string of alpha numeric characters which is unique for each customer who has purchased the magnetic model

3.2 – Installation Steps

The user must now follow the below steps to correctly add the files:

  1. Place the .DLL file and the .mvgm files in the C:\Program Files(x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker PRO\Magnetics directory

  2. On the desktop, create a file called mvhdHardwareKey.txt (a standard text file)

    1. Open the text file and copy and paste the hardware key into it

    2. Save the file and close

    3. Add this file to the same directory as the other 2 files

  3. Open Well Seeker

  4. You should now be able to select mvHD model in either the Geomag Calculator Tool or in the Magnetics section of the plan/wellbore properties dialog.

4.0 - BGGM Geomagnetic Model

This section describes how to incorporate the BGGM geomagnetic model into Well Seeker.

Firstly, the user must have purchased a valid license from BGS. Innova do not supply these licenses and the user must contact BGS directly ( to organize this.

The method used depends on whether the user has purchased a single or multiuser license.

4.1 – Single User License

When the user buys a single user license of BGGM, they will receive a standalone version of the software to run the calculations. If they want to have the BGGM model available to select from within Well Seeker, they need to enable the BGGM Web Service from their machine. This option is available in Well Seeker from v2.0.0.016 onwards. To do this the user should follow the below instructions:

  1. Firstly, the user must have purchased a valid single user license from BGS.

  2. Open Well Seeker and go to Help > License Info. In the License Details dialog, the computers MAC address will be displayed.

  3. Click Email MAC Address and send the mail along with the relevant BGGM license details to BGS (

  4. BGS will authenticate the MAC address and send a password.

  5. Create a blank text file and name it bggmWebService2023.dat

    1. Note: The name of this file should be adjusted each year, based on the model. For example, if the user purchases the 2025 model the file should be called bggmWebService2025.dat etc.

    2. Innova can provide this if necessary.

  6. Open this file with Notepad and paste the password received from BGS into it

    1. Save and close.

  7. Copy the bggmWebService2020.dat file into the Well Seeker magnetics folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker PRO\Magnetics

  8. Open Well Seeker.

  9. You should now be able to select bggmWebService2020.dat in either the Geomag Calculator Tool or in the Magnetics section of the plan/wellbore properties dialog.

4.2 – Multiuser License

When the user buys a multiuser license, BGS will send a bggm20xx.dat file which needs to be put in the magnetics folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Innova Drilling and Intervention\Well Seeker PRO\Magnetics

The xx in the file name will represent the year e.g. bggm2020.dat, bggm2021.dat etc.

A second file called bggm32_v3_8.dll is also required in the magnetics folder. This file is provided by Innova. Once the user has purchased the multiuser license from BGS, they should contact Innova ( to receive the second file.

With both files in the magnetics folder, the user will now be able to select bggm20xx.dat in either the Geomag Calculator Tool or in the Magnetics section of the plan/wellbore properties.

5.0 – Selecting Your New Model

Once the new geomagnetic model has been added to Well Seeker, there are 2 places within the program where the user can select this to view the relevant output. These are detailed below.

5.1 – Geomagnetic Calculator

The Geomagnetic calculator is accessed via the Tools menu in the main user interface.

This will open the below dialog. From here, the user can select the relevant Coordinate Reference System, enter the required surface location, and then generate the magnetics results based on the desired geomagnetic model.

As can be seen from the below dialog, the geomag model is available to select from a dropdown menu. If the user’s new model is not available in this menu, then the model has not been installed correctly and the user should repeat the installation process.

5.1.1 – Set Default Geomagnetic Model

If the user would like to set the new geomagnetic model as their default, this can be done via the Magnetics results section of the Geomagnetic Calculator dialog. Simply select the desired default from the dropdown list and then select Set As Default. The user can check this has worked correctly by closing and reopening the Geomagnetic Calculator. The default will be automatically populated in the Model cell.

5.2 – Plan & Actual Wellbore Properties

The plan and actual wellbore properties dialogs are accessed by right clicking on a plan or actual wellbore in the database tree and selecting Properties. In the Magnetics section the user will be able to select the required geomagnetic model from the dropdown list.

Note that row 1 is uneditable and will always contain the default model, but new rows can be added and selected as Active where appropriate.

Last updated

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