Web Portal Data Acquisition and EDR Guide
A guide to setting up and running the Electronic Data Reader (EDR) in the Innova Web Portal.
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A guide to setting up and running the Electronic Data Reader (EDR) in the Innova Web Portal.
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The Data Acquisition and EDR features within the Innova Web Portal allows the user to capture, store, view and manage EDR (Electronic Drilling Recorder) data in real time, or historically.
The purpose of this document is to introduce the user to the Data Acquisition and EDR features in the Web Portal, and detail some of the steps required to correctly setup and use these features.
To use the Data Acquistion and EDR features within the Web Portal, the organization requires the Data Acq and Real time features to be enabled respectively. Additionally, in order to interact with any of the data acquisition features the user requires Admin permissions. It should be noted that to view data in the EDR page, no special users permissions are required.
The user will need to ensure they have a database structure in place that includes at least one actual well, as this is the level in the database tree that the EDR data is associated. Note, that this will not work in a plan, only in an actual well.
The following section will take the user through the data acquisition work flow, step by step.
The data store is an SQL server database that the EDR data is written to and stored in. The majority of companies will not require to add a data store, as they will use Innova’s own data store by default.
However, if a company does want to store data in their own data store, they can. To allow the Data Acquisition system access to store and retrieve EDR data to a company’s own data store, the user needs to input the following SQL Server database credentials for the relevant data store:
Name (generic name given by the user to the store)
Server (IP/URL)
Database Name
To add these details to the Web Portal, the user should select the burger menu at the top left of the screen, then Data Acquisition > Data stores. The user can add the details at the bottom of the page next to the green plus icon. Once added the details will appear in the main list at the top of the page.
The user can test that the connection details are valid by selecting the four square icon and Test connection. If successful, the user will get the below message. If unsuccessful, the details should be checked and adjusted accordingly.
The data source can be one of the below options:
Well Seeker Pro
WITS/WITSML connection to Well Seeker and Send Data to Server
Follow this link for a guide: WITS Setup & Remote Directional Drilling
Well Seeker Client
WITS connection to Well Seeker Client and Send Data to Server
Follow this link for a guide: Remote Client How to Guide
Can be pulled directly into the server
Can be pulled into a local Well Seeker Database and pushed to the server
If the data source is to be either Well Seeker or the Well Seeker Client see the above links for documents covering the setup. If the data source is WITSML, then the user requires to input the WITSML server credentials, followed by the configuration. To add the WITSML server credentials to the Web Portal, the user should select the burger menu at the top left of the screen, then Data Acquisition > WITSML Servers. The user can add the below details at the bottom of the page next to the green plus icon. Once added the details will appear in the main list at the top of the page.
Name (generic name given by the user to the WITSML server)
Server (IP/URL)
Version (Select from the dropdown list)
The user can test that the connection details are valid by selecting the four square icon and Test connection.
Data Configurations is where a user selects a well to associate EDR data with and adjusts any required configuration settings for a real time EDR data connection if required.
To add a well to the list, the user should select the burger menu at the top left of the screen, then Data Acquisition > Data Configurations.
The user can add a well by selecting from the ActualWell dialog at the bottom of the page next to the green plus icon. Once selected the below dialog will open, allowing the user to search for and select any actual well in the database. Only actual wells that are not already present in the Data Configuration page listing will be visible. Once the check box for the desired well has been ticked, select the green plus icon and the well will appear in the main list as a new row.
When EDR data is received live, or uploaded at a later date, it is possible to assign a relevant Rig State to each line of the data. The Rig State defines the operation being carried out at the time e.g. rotating, sliding, circulating etc. In order for rig state data to be inferred based upon the EDR data, the user must first select the rig state thresholds for the well. Select the four square icon for the relevant well and select Rig state thresholds.
Input the desired threshold values. See following video guide for an explanation of rig state thresholds: Rig States - Oscillating while Sliding
Note that if the Dynamic Thresholds option is checked in the Data Configurations page, the portal will automatically adjust the hookload and RPM thresholds to better fit the captured data.
If EDR data is to be captured in real time then the below options need to be configured correctly:
Update Rate(s) (user defined with a minimum value of 1)
Data Source (Select from dropdown menu from Well Seeker, Well Seeker Client and WITSML)
Data Store (If a new data store was added then select from the dropdown, otherwise leave as Default which will save to Innova’s database)
WITSML Server (Select from the dropdown if a WITSML server was added): Note, this is only available to select if WITSML has been selected as the Data Source
If WITSML has been selected as the Data Source, the WITSML settings need to be configured. Select the four square icon to the left of the relevant well in the table and select WITSML Config.
In the expanded WITSML Config options, select the correct well, wellbore and track for the well in the tree on the left, and select the desired log type. In the Mnemonics section in the top right, assign the correct WITSML Mnemonic to the EDR parameters you wish to record. All other fields in the WITSML Config options are there for user information purposes and cannot be edited.
Select the four square icon for the relevant well and select Start reading. The Status will change to RUNNING. The data acquisition system will now save EDR data to the data store, and the rig states will be defined and recorded as the data is received.
Once there is no longer any requirement to capture WITS data, the user should select Stop Reading.
Note: The data acquisition system will automatically stop logging for any wells that have data that is static for a period of 48 hours. If this occurs, The reader can be started again at any time if required by the user.
If EDR data is to be uploaded via a file e.g. a Pason/Totco export csv file, either at points during the well, or after the well is completed, then the user does not need to change any of the below configuration settings.
Select the four square icon for the relevant well and select Upload file.
The Import Data dialog will open. Select SELECT FILES and navigate to the desired file to import.
Once the file has loaded the column and row data will display as below. At the top left of the dialog, select the check box if the data being imported is referenced to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and select the Import Mode from the options of overwrite and fill.
The first row of the .csv file is assumed to be a header row and will display in the top of the table. The row below this (the second row) will be blank, allowing the user to Map the data via dropdown options. This is a critical step, as it identifies the data in each of the columns and ensures they are correctly assigned during the import process. Once completed, select IMPORT.
At this point the Status cell will read “import in progress”. Depending on the volume of data being imported, and the internet connection, this may take a while to complete. Once successful, the user will receive the pop up message, File Uploaded. Close the dialog by selecting CLOSE. The status of the file upload can be monitored on the File History page (Burger menu > Data Acquisition > File History).
The user who initiated the file upload will also receive an email notification when the data upload has completed.
Once a well is completed and all the required data has been stored in the data acquisition system the user has options regarding what to do with that data.
The user can export a copy of the EDR data for the well to a .csv file by selecting Export raw data. The user will receive a message notifying them that the export has been queued. The user will be able to monitor the export process on the File History page. Note that for large amounts of data, this can take some time. Once the export has completed, they will receive an email containing a link allowing them to download the .csv file, similar to the screenshot below. The file will also be available for download at any time via the File History page.
The user can reprocess the rig state data based upon the current rig states threshold values by selecting Re-Process Data. By selecting this option, each line of data will be reevaluated based on the current rig states threshold and an appropriate rig state will be assigned. In most circumstances, the user would use this after uploading historic EDR data via the Upload File function. However, it can also be used after capturing live EDR data, to regenerate the rig state values based on the currently selected Rig State Threshold values.
Clear Data is an Innova Admin feature only.
In order to keep the well list in the Data Configuration page manageable, the user can Delete & Archive the data. This removes the well from the list in the data configuration page and makes it no longer viewable in the EDR page. The data is downloaded and stored as a .csv file on Innova’s cloud storage system. The status of the archiving process can be monitored on the File History page. Note that for large amounts of data, this this can take some time. Once archiving is complete, the user will receive an email where they can download the data, as if they had exported it. The data can also be viewed, downloaded and restored at any time via the File History page.
The File History page keeps a record of all EDR data files that have been uploaded, re-processed, exported, archived and restored. The File History page can be accessed by selecting the burger menu at the top left of the screen, then Data Acquisition > File History.
In the File History table, the Wellname field shows the well that the data belongs to, and the Status field shows the task that was performed to generate the record. Clicking on the > icon to the left of each record will display a more detailed breakdown of the task, with time stamps.
Users can search for specific records using the search bat at the top of the page.
Clicking on the four square icon to the left of each record displays some additional options. Note, these will only be available if the row status is either Archive complete or Export ready:
The Download File option allows the user to download the EDR data as a .csv file. This csv file, if required, can be used with the Upload File function in the Data Configuration page.
The Restore Archive option will restore the well and its data to the Data Configuration page and make the data visible in the EDR page again. This option allows the user to retrieve data that was archived using the Delete & Archive function in the Data Configuration page.
Archive data can be deleted using the Delete Archive option. Note that this is permanent, and any data deleted from the File History page in this way cannot be retrieved.
The EDR page is where a well’s data, which is stored in the data acquisition system, can be viewed.
To access the EDR page select the burger menu at the top left of the screen, then Well Views > EDR.
The data stored in the data acquisition system for the currently selected well will be displayed. The user can change the referenced well via the well selection option at the top right of the page.
The EDR page display is broken down into sections:
Depth time activity bar
Side tabs
Additional options
The mini map displays the entire wells data set as time vs hole depth, time versus bit depth and time vs activity (colour coded bands). There is also a overlay that displays which section of the well data is current visible within the y-axis and charts sections. The overlay can be resized by dragging the top and bottom overlay edges to the desired time span and then the overlay can be moved by selecting the overlay centre and dragging to the desired location on the mini-map. This is a fast, effective way of being able to view a desired data range.
The depth time activity bar, displays data relating to the currently selected chart section.
At the top left of the bar next to the chart legends, is tool tip data related to where the user is hovering the mouse cursor on the charts area, including hole depth, rig state inferred activity, date and time. The remainder of the bar displays the y-axis time date increments and the rig states inferred activity coloured areas.
The charts section consists of a user definable number of tracks and each track displays a user definable number and selection of curves. Below is the default layout and configuration.
Tracks are the columns that curves can be displayed upon. Users can select to have as many or as few tracks as desired, but will realistically be limited by display dimensions.
To add a track, right click on a track main area and select Add Track. The new blank track will be inserted to the left of the track in question. Tracks can also be deleted in this manner.
The Add Curve option is also available from the right click context menu. Details of how to edit curve settings once added are included in the next subsection.
In addition to using the mini-map functions, the user can scroll up and down the data using the mouse wheel and zoom in and out using the mouse wheel whilst the Ctrl button is depressed.
Curves are the individual lines that are plotted on the tracks and represent one of a number of predefined mnemonics that are saved in the data acquisition system.
To add or delete a curve right click on a curve legend and select the corresponding option.
To edit an existing curve, double left click on a curve legend and the below dialog will open.
The user can select the curve data type by selecting the CURVE NAME and selecting from a dropdown list. Colour is selected by either inputting the colour code, or selecting the colour tile and manually selecting the desired colour. Minimum and maximum display range can also be selected for a curve here.
An existing curve can also be dragged and dropped from one track to another, by holding down the left mouse button on a curve legend and dragging it to the curve legend area of another track and releasing the left mouse button.
Side tabs allow additional dialogs to be displayed or hidden based on the users requirements. Below details the current side tabs.
Displays a schematic of the current well. Conductor, casing and liner dimensions and measured depth data displayed is from the actual well Casing table. Open hole data is from the survey or slide sheet data, whichever is greater.
Displays directional drilling related data for real time drilling operations overview.
In the bottom right of the EDR page the user can hover over the pencil icon to display additional options.
Reset Curves gives the user the option to manually reset the curve data layout on the page to the default settings.
Export to excel produces an xlsx report that shows all of the raw tabulated data currently displayed within the tracks on the page over the same date/time range.