10.0 - Analytics
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The Analytics pages allow the user to compare multiple wells using various key performance indicators (KPI). Right clicking on the plots allows the user to save the chart as an image or copy it to the clipboard.
The Analytics pages are controlled using the Edit Menu, which is in the bottom right corner of each page. This menu is used to select and de-select the wells used for comparison. The functions in the edit menu are described below:
Clear Selection: De-selects all selected wells.
Search: Opens the Search Wells window. The user can select an option from one or more of the search criteria and then click on the Submit button. This will select all wells in the database that match all the criteria.
Show Well List: Opens the Well List on the right-hand side of the page. This allows the user browse through all wells in their organisation’s database and select them for comparison. To select/deselect a well the user should click on the button to the right of each well. The user can filter the well list by entering text into the search bar at the top of the list.
Export to XLSX: Exports the data from the page to an Excel spreadsheet in the form of a table.
Remove Flat Time: Only available in the Depth V Days page. Toggling this option on removes any time from the Depth V Days where no drilling progress has been made.
Phase Filter: Where available, this option allows the user to only compare data for the selected phase.
The Depth V Days page displays a Depth V Time comparison of the selected wells. The depth vs day lines for each well are coloured according to the phase at the time. The user can hover over a line to display the following information: Well name, Depth and time at that point, BHA number, Phase and Activity Code.
The user can hover over the well name in the key below the X-Axis to highlight the well’s line on the chart. Clicking on a name will toggle off/on its display on the chart.
When on the Depth V Days page, the Remove Flat Time option is available in the Edit Menu. Toggling this option on removes any time from the Depth V Days where no drilling progress has been made.
The Slide/Rotate Footage chart displays the distance drilled for each selected well as a bar chart and splits each bar to show what proportion of each well was drilled while rotating, and what proportion was drilled while sliding.
The user can hover over each section to see exactly what distance was drilled either rotating or sliding. Clicking on the Slide and Rotate labels above the chart will toggle off that type of drilling on the chart.
The Slide Rotate ROP chart shows the sliding ROP, rotating ROP and total (average) ROP of each selected well.
The user can hover over each node to get an exact number for the sliding, rotating and total ROP value for each well.
Clicking on the name labels above the chart will toggle off that type of drilling on the chart.
The Slide/Rotate Hours chart displays the time spent drilling for each selected well as a bar chart and splits each bar to show what proportion was spent rotating, and what proportion was spent sliding.
The user can hover over each section to see exactly how many hours were spent either rotating or sliding. Clicking on the Slide and Rotate labels above the chart will toggle off that type of drilling on the chart.
The Cost Per Well chart displays the total cost in $US of each of the selected wells. The bar chart is split to show the cost of each phase. The user can hover over a phase and the chart will show the exact cost for that phase. The user can also click on the phases in the key at the top of the chart to toggle them off/on.
The Cost Per Day shows the total amount in $US spent on selected days for the selected wells. The X-Axis displays the days, starting with the first day of the earliest well and ending with the last day of the latest well. The cost displayed on each day is the sum of the daily cost for all selected wells.
Hovering over a bar on the chart will display the day and the exact total cost for that day.
The Cost Per Operator chart shows the total cost in $US for the selected wells, divided between their respective operators. Hovering over a bar on the chart will display the exact total cost for each operator.
The Rig Days chart displays the number of rigs running on each day during the timeframe of the selected wells.
The X-Axis displays the days, starting with the first day of the earliest well and ending with the last day of the latest well. The Y-Axis displays the total number of wells operating that day.
The Motor KPI page lists all the BHA used in the selected wells and summarises the drilling statistics for them. For each motor the following information is displayed:
BHA: The name and number of each BHA.
Depth In: The measured depth that the BHA went below the rotary table, as set in the DDR daily activities.
Depth Out: The measured depth that the BHA came back above the rotary table.
Drilled: The distance drilled by this BHA.
Drlg (Drilling) Hrs: The total number of drilling hours recorded for this BHA.
Slide Hrs: The total number of hours this BHA has spent sliding.
Rotate Hrs: The total number of hours this BHA has spent rotating.
Circ Hrs: The total number of hours spent circulating without any drilling.
Date In: The time and date that the BHA went below the rotary table.
Date Out: The time and date that the BHA came back above the rotary table.
BRT (Below Rotary Table) Hrs: The total number of hours that the BHA spent in the.
POOH: The reason for pulling the BHA out of the hole.
Bit: The manufacturing company of the bit. The number in brackets is the bit nozzle TFA, as set in the drill string.
Grade In The IADC grading of the bit when the BHA was first run in hole.
Grade Out: The IADC grading of the bit after the BHA was laid down.
Motor: The lobes and stages of the motor.
The Phase KPI page displays all the phases used in the selected wells and summarises the drilling statistics for them. For each phase the following information is displayed:
Phase: The phase code for the phase being inspected.
Depth In: The shallowest depth that this phase is used in the DDR daily activities.
Depth Out: The deepest depth that this phase is used in the DDR daily activities.
Drilled: The distance drilled under this phase.
Drlg (Drilling) Hrs: The total number of drilling hours recorded under this phase.
Slide Hrs: The total number of hours spent sliding under this phase.
Rotate Hrs: The total number of hours spent rotating under this phase.
D&C Hrs: The total number of hours spent rotating and circulating without any drilling.
Start Date: The time and date that the phase is first used in the DDR daily activities.
End Date: The time and date that the phase is last used in the DDR daily activities.
BRT (Below Rotary Table) Hrs: The total number of hours that the BHA(s) spend in the hole during this phase.
#BHA: The number of BHAs run during this phase.
Hole Size: The largest hole size drilled during this phase. This is set by the bit size in the drill string.
Max BHT: The maximum recorded temperature during this phase.
Rot Drilled: The distance drilled under rotary drilling during this phase.
Slide Drilled: The distance drilled under slide drilling during this phase.
The Fastest Section page displays the top 10 fastest wells in the organisation’s database. The names of the wells are listed on the left-hand side, and the number on each bar shows the number of drilling hours spent to complete the well.
Below the chart, the page lists additional details for the top 10 wells. In the Edit Menu, accessed in the bottom right, the user can use the Search function to filter the wells used for the ranking.
The Longest Section page displays the top 10 longest wells in the organisation’s database. The names of the wells are listed on the left-hand side, and the number on each bar shows the length of each well.
Below the chart, the page lists additional details for the top 10 wells. In the Edit Menu, accessed in the bottom right, the user can use the Search function to filter the wells used for the ranking.
The Max Drilled per Day page displays the top 10 wells in the organisation’s database, that have drilled the furthest in a single day. The names of the wells are listed on the left-hand side, and the number on each bar shows the distance drilled for each well.
Below the chart, the page lists additional details for the top 10 wells. In the Edit Menu, accessed in the bottom right, the user can use the Search function to filter the wells used for the ranking.
The Max ROP page displays the top 10 wells in the organisation’s database, that achieved the highest maximum ROP. The names of the wells are listed on the left-hand side, and the number on each bar shows the maximum ROP achieved at some point during the well.
Below the chart, the page lists additional details for the top 10 wells. In the Edit Menu, accessed in the bottom right, the user can use the Search function to filter the wells used for the ranking.
The Parameter Comparison page allows the user to plot the drilling parameters of their selected wells against each other. The page contains five graphs, each plotting a different drilling parameter as recorded in the slide sheets of each well. The X-Axis of each graph shows the measured depth.
Hovering over the chart will give a readout at that depth, which gives an exact value for each parameter for all selected wells.
The BHA Results page totals up the performance data for all the BHAs used in the selected wells and displays them in four pie charts. The user can hover over the sections of each chart for additional information. Clicking on one of the items in the key below each chart will hide that item on the chart.
Each chart is described below:
Footage: The total distance drilled by all the BHAs in the selected wells. The chart is split between distance drilled while rotating and distance drilled while sliding.
Failures: Displays the number of successful BHAs and the number of BHAs that experienced some sort of failure during their run. The number in the centre of the chart shows the total number of BHAs used in the selected wells.
Failure Details: Displays which failure types were experienced by the failed BHAs.
Reason POOH: Displays all the different reasons the BHAs were pulled out of the hole, regardless of whether they are successful or failed.