4.0 - Wells List
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The Wells List page serves as the homepage of the Innova Portal and provides a summary of well activity for the organization. It is split into two sections – the Charts section at the top, and the Wells Grid at the bottom.
Between the charts section and the well grid, there are two options which allow the user to change which well types are displayed in the Wells List Window. These options affect the Map, Well Timeline and the Wells Grid. If Show All Wells is turned off, only active, standby, upcoming and TD wells are shown. If Show All Wells is turned on, all well statuses will be displayed. If Show Following is shown on, only wells that the user is following will be displayed. See section 3.3 - Additional Options for more information on following wells.
The map displays a plot of the wells in the organization’s database on a Google Maps window. The map can be moved around by left-clicking and dragging, and can be zoomed in and out using the mouse wheel.
The user can hover over a well on the map for some extra information. Clicking on a well will select it and move to the Well Details page. If the map is zoomed out too far to distinguish between individual wells, the wells are clustered together with an icon that shows the number of wells in the cluster. Clicking on a cluster will zoom in, allowing the user to see individual wells.
Note: Google Maps uses it’s own co-ordinate reference system which usually will not match the CRS of the wells, so the location of wells on the Map will not exactly match their true location
To the right of the Map is the Wells Counters. These counters tally the wells in the organization’s database according to three criteria, set out below. The user can hover over each section in the Wells Counters to get more information.
Active Wells: Shows the number of wells in the organization’s online database with the Active, Standby, Upcoming or TD status.
All Wells: Shows all wells in the organization’s online database. If the Show All Wells option in the Main Menu is turned off, this will only show wells with the Active, Standby, Upcoming or TD status.
Operators: Shows the number of wells in the organization’s online database, divided up by the operator that the wells belong to. If the Show All Wells option in the Main Menu is turned off, this will only show operators with Active, Standby, Upcoming or TD status wells.
The Footage dashboard displays the total distance drilled and average ROPs for all rigs that have drilled within a specified date range.
The Well Timeline displays all wells in the database and the days on which they have daily reporting data recorded. Use the arrow buttons at the end of each axis to scroll through the list of wells or the date range.
Wells are coloured according to their status. By default only active, standby, upcoming and TD wells are shown. If Show All Wells is turned on, all wells will be displayed. If Show Following is turned on, only wells that the user is following will be displayed.
The range of the chart x-axis can by changed by clicking on the 1YR (1 Year) or 30D (30 Days). The Reset button will reset the x-axis so that the last day is today’s date.
Below the Charts is the Wells List. This displays the wells on the organization’s online database. If the Show All Wells option is turned off, this will only show wells with the Active, Standby, Upcoming or TD status. If Show Following is turned on, only wells that the user is following will be displayed.
The list can be filtered by entering text into the search bar at the top of the list. Clicking on a well in the list will select it and move to the Well Details page. The fields in the list are detailed below. Note that some of them can be edited by double clicking on them:
Favourite: Wells that the user is following will be marked with a star. Toggling the Show Following option will display only these wells. This column may be not be visible by default. It can be enabled using the Columns table to the left of the list.
Status Indicator: An icon showing the status of the well. Clicking on the icon will zoom in on the selected well in the map.
Well Name: Name of the Actual Well in the database. Clicking on the name will select the well and go to the Well Details page.
Operator: The name of the operator that the well is contained under in the database.
Job Number: The organization’s internal job number for the well. This can be edited by double clicking on the record in the table.
Rig: The drilling rig used to drill the well. This can be edited by double clicking on the record in the table. The available choices depend on the names entered in the Rig Names page (See section 11.3 - Rig Names)
State: The US state in which the well is being drilled. This can be edited by double clicking on the record in the table.
County: The US county in which the well is being drilled. This can be edited by double clicking on the record in the table.
Status: The status of the well. This can be edited by double clicking. Note that if the Show All Wells option is off, only active, standby, upcoming and TD wells are visible in the list. It should also be noted that only Active wells can accept data from a rig site via the Data Exchange service, so care should be taken when changing the status of wells that are currently being drilled.
Start Date: The start date of the well, taken from the date of the first daily report for the well.
End Date: The end date of the well, taken from the date of the last daily report for the well.
Last Depth: The most recently recorded measured depth in the daily reports for the well.
Total Drilled: The total distance in measured depth drilled over the course of the well.
Drilling Hours: The total hours spent drilling, according to the daily reports.
DEX: The time expired since the most recent update from the field via the real time data exchange function.
WITS: The time expired since the WITS data for the well was sent from the field.
Footage: The total measured depth drilled, broken up into sliding (orange) and rotating (green).
Drilling Hours: The total hours spent drilling, broken up into sliding (orange) and rotating (green).
ROP: The average rate of penetration for the well. The orange bar represents the average ROP for all sliding activity, green the average for all rotating activity, and pink for the average for all drilling activity.
DD Coordinator: The DD Coordinator for the well, as designated in the daily reports.
MWD Coordinator: The MWD Coordinator for the well, as designated in the daily reports. This can be edited by double clicking on the record in the table. The available choices depend on the names entered in the Personnel Names page (See section 11.7 - Personnel Names)
Clicking on the icon on the left hand side of each row will expand it to show some additional statistics for the selected well.
BHA Statistics
Displays each BHA in the well and shows the Total Footage, Total BRT Hours and Average ROPs for each BHA. In the Footage and Hours columns, the orange bar represents the total distance/time that the BHA spent sliding, while the green bar represents rotating. In the ROP column, the orange bar represents the average ROP for all sliding activity, the green for rotating, and the pink bar represents the average ROP for all drilling activity.
Distance to TD and 24Hr Summary
The Distance to TD compares the recorded measured depth against the TD measured depth in the principal plan. Hover over the green section to display the distance drilled, and the red section to display the distance remaining.
Below the Distance to TD is the 24Hr Summary and the 24Hr Lookahead. These are taken from the most recent daily report for the well.
Survey Sheet
Displays the five most recent surveys for the well. If slide sheet data is available, this will also display the slide seen, slide remaining and motor yield over the survey interval.
Displays the names of the DD and MWD field personnel. This is taken from the Personnel Data section of the most recent daily report for the well.
In the bottom right of the page, the user can hover over the icon to display the Wells List edit menu. This menu contains the following options:
Refresh: Refreshes the Wells List page.
Compass EDM Import: Allows the user to import a well into the organization’s server database using an export file from Landmark Compass.
Create New Well: Allows the user to create a new well.
Hide Charts: Hides the Map/Charts at the top of the page so that only the Wells Grid is visible.
The charts section at the top of the page displays either the Map, Footage Dashboard or Well Timeline. Hovering over the left or right hand side the page will display a or icon. Clicking on these icons will cycle through the three charts.
If the user hovers over the icon, it will display the Well Filters menu. Toggle the three options to change which wells are displayed on the Map. By default, only Active wells are displayed, but the user can also toggle on wells with Upcoming and Standby status.
If the user hovers over the icon, it will display the Layers menu, which can toggle on additional geological and geographical information on the Map. The Shale Basins and Conventional Basins options toggles display their respective oil play areas on the Map. Additionally, they can toggle on state and county borders using the States and Counties options. Lastly, the Well Paths option will impose the plan view plots of the wells on the map.
The user can set the date range using the two fields in the bottom left of the chart. Enter the dates manually or the icon to select from a calendar. Alternatively, the user can display the last day, 7 days or 30 days by selecting the options in the bottom right of the chart. Click on the to export that chart to Excel as a table.
Additional Well Info: Clicking on the icon on the left hand side of each row will expand it to show some additional statistics for the selected well. See the Additional Well Information subsection below.