13.4– Daily Reporting
The Daily Reporting section of Well Seeker allows the user to create daily reports for a given well. The Daily Reporting tool is only available for selection at the Actual Well level.
The user can access all features of the daily reporting module via either the menus, the toolbar or the main user interface itself. The figure below details the functions of the DDR toolbar. All the options available via the toolbar are also available from the various menus at the top of the page.
13.4.1 – DDR File Menu
Add daily report: Creates a new daily report.
Delete report: Deletes the currently selected report.
Last report: Selects the last daily report.
First report: Selects the first daily report.
Export cost data to Oasis: Exports cost data to an external Oasis ERP database. The Oasis endpoint credentials need to be set up in section – Oasis Credentials.
Save: Saves any changes to the daily report.
Reload Reports: Updates all daily reports. This is most useful when accessing an SQL database which is being regularly updated from the field.
Print Motor Yield Report: Prints a motor yield report for any or all of the BHAs for the well. The user can select which BHA they want to print and the report format. Drilling parameters can be included by clicking on the check box.
Print BHA: Prints the BHA which is assigned to the daily report being displayed in the main user interface at the time.
Print DDR: Prints the currently selected daily report as an Excel file.
Print Company Mans Report: Prints the currently selected daily report as a Company Mans Report in Excel format. Turn on Show Company Man Report Options in the Report Options menu to activate the parts of the daily report interface that are used in the Company Mans Report.
Print Cost Reports: The Print Cost Reports submenu gives the user access to all cost related reports.
The Print Cost Reports Submenu contains the below items:
Print Daily Cost: Prints the daily cost associated with the selected Daily Report as an Excel file.
Print Well Cost: Prints ALL the daily cost information for the actual well as a single Excel file.
Print Invoice Date Range: Allows the user to print versions of the Well Cost (Standard Invoice), Grouped Invoice and Cost Tracking report that are restricted to a specified date range.
The user should enter the desired date ranges in the table. The Print checkbox can be used to enable or disable the selected range. The user should then select the report type and file format from the dropdown boxes and select Print to print the report. The Save button will save the entered settings.
Print Field Invoice Grouped: Prints a field invoice, where all associated individual costs are grouped together. If for example on a 10 day well the same cost appears each day (operating @ $1,000), all of these would be grouped together with the date range and the total cost ($10,000). Note, only costs which are entered over consecutive days are grouped together. In a situation where there is a day, or several days where a given cost does not appear, then an additional line will be added to the report.
Print Cost Tracking: Prints a report that lists all cost codes for the well, and then marks on which days they were used.
Print Filtered Cost Report: Prints a Well Cost report that can be filtered to only show the cost codes that the user wants.
The user should select the cost costs that they wish to include and then click the Print button to print the report.
The Search box can be used to filter the results table. The Update from remote button allows the user to pull in cost codes from a bid sheet on a remote server.
To access bid sheets the operator must exist on both the local and the remote server. The user must also have recently connected to the remote server via the Real Time Data Exchange or Remote Data Fetch.
Print Tool and Personnel Tracking: Prints an excel report that lists all items in the Tool Inventory and the DD and MWD personnel for the well. The report will show which days the tools were in hole and the personnel were on site. It also totals up the number of days each tool was in hole and on locations, and totals the number of days each personnel member was on site.
Print EOWR: Prints an End of Well Report in Excel format. The user can select what data they wish to be included in the EOWR via the Report Options menu.
Print Tool Utilization: Prints a tool utilisation report in Excel format. The tool utilisation report lists every BHA component used in the well, along with the circulating hours, drilling hours, BRT hours and the runs in which each component was used. Note, that only tools with a serial number entered in the component details section of the relevant BHA will be included in this report.
Print Shipping Ticket: Opens the Shipping Ticket dialog, from which a shipping ticket can be setup and printed. See Section 13.8 – Shipping Ticket for more details.
Print Slide Sheet: Prints the slide sheet in excel format for the BHA selected in the currently active daily report.
Print RVDS Slide Sheet: Prints the RVDS slide sheet in excel format for the BHA selected in the currently active daily report. This slide sheet is not associated with the standard slide sheet and requires a separate license to access.
Print Personnel Utilization: Prints a personnel utilization report including Name, Position, Date and time of arrival and departure and total days / hours on site.
Print PDF Reports: Allows the user to print PDF versions of the above reports. It also gives quick access to PDF versions of reports found in other reporting modules such as the performance reports from the Drill String editor. Additionally, the user can print out a Certification Report and a Certified Survey Listing.
Create Morning Report Package: Creates a zipped folder which contains a copy of the current database and an excel morning report. The morning report contains the following tabs: Summary, Well Summary, Personnel Report, Field Invoice, Grouped Invoice, Tool Inventory, Tool Utilization, Depth vs Time, Activity Summary chart, Phase Summary chart, Footage per Day chart, Footage per Phase chart, Survey Report, all Daily Reports, all BHA’s, all BHA Performance Reports, all Daily Cost Reports.
Report Colours: Allows the user to select the background colour for all excel reports generated in Well Seeker. This option is linked to the excel report colour option in the Report Manager. When the colour is changed in either of these locations, the other will update to match automatically.
Select Merge PDF File: Allows the user to add an external PDF document to the PDF End of Well Report. User should select the PDF file in the dialog box that opens, and then click on the Open button. The external document will be added to the biggening of the EOWR, after the cover page.
Clear Merge PDF File: If a Merge PDF file has been selected, this option clears the selection.
Exit: Closes the Daily Report Dialog
13.4.2 – DDR View Menu
Pump Data: Opens the Pump Data dialog. See Section 13.4.11 – Pump Data.
Daily Cost: Opens the Daily Cost dialog. See Section 13.4.10 – Daily Costs.
Next Report: Selects the next day’s report from the currently selected report.
Previous Report: Selects the previous day’s report from the currently selected report.
KPI Tracking: Opens the KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Tracking dialog. See Section 13.4.12 – KPI Tracking Graphs.
Depth v Time graph: Opens the Time v Depth dialog. See Section 13.4.13 – Depth v Time graph.
Well Statistics: Opens the Well Statistics dialog. See Section 13.4.14 – Well Statistics.
Tortuosity KPI: Opens the Tortuosity KPI dialog. See Section 13.4.15 – Tortuosity KPI.
13.4.3 – DDR Report Options Menu
Copy Previous Report: Gives the user the option to copy certain information (well data & personnel, Fluids and Drilling Parameters details) from the current report to the next new report when the Add Daily Report button is pressed.
Copy Previous Report Costs: Gives the user the option to copy the daily costs from the current report to the next new report when the Add Daily Report button is pressed.
Report Hours: Allows the user to set the number of decimal places that time in hours is reported to in reports.
Daily Report: Allows the user to select whether to include the following data in body of the Daily Report. Toggling these options on/off will add/remove the relevant items from the daily report when it is printed using the Print Report button. If there is no data available, the section will not be included regardless of whether the section is toggled on/off:
Include BHA: Includes the most recently used BHA for that day. Data for the BHA is taken from the Drill String Editor (13.5 – Drill String Editor)
Include Surveys: The daily report will check the depths in the Daily Activity section against the surveys in the actual wellbore for the well. Any surveys that fall within that day’s drilling will be included in a table.
Include Drilling Parameters: Includes data from the Drilling Parameters section in the DDR main user interface.
Include Pump Data: Adds data from the Pump Data dialog (13.4.11 – Pump Data).
Include Daily Costs: Adds data from the Daily Costs dialog (13.4.10 – Daily Costs).
Include MWD Data: MWD Data is taken from the MWD Parameters dialog (13.4.9 – MWD Parameters) and the Drill String Editor (13.5 – Drill String Editor), specifically the component details of the MWD/LWD component.
Include Sign Off Section: Adds a section at the bottom of the report where the creators and approvers of the report can put their signature.
Show activity description of code in DDR: Toggling this on will cause the Code column in the Daily Activity section to show the full description of the activity code, as opposed to just the code number.
EOWR – The End of Well Report (EOWR) is a collection of other reports from the Reporting module. The EOWR submenu allows the user to select which reports are included in the EOWR report when it is printed using the Print EOWR button in the File Menu.
Note: If the Include Daily Costs, Include Well Costs and Include Cost Tracking options are all turned off, all cost information will be removed from the DDR and the EOWR. This allows the user to sanitize their reports of any cost data if they wsh.
The option Include Section Separators only applies to the PDF version of the EOWR. It adds title pages between each report included in the EOWR.
Date Format: Allows the user to choose between DD/MM/YY and MM/DD/YY (default) date formats.
Location: Select between USA, Canada, and Rest of the World. This toggles the headings in the Well Details section of the Daily Reports Dialog between State and County (USA), Province and AFE (Canada) and Region and Country (Rest of the World).
Additional Daily Report Options: This submenu only applies to Excel format DDRs. It allows the user to add other reports from the Reporting module to the DDR when it is printed using the Print DDR button in the File Menu.
Include Slide Sheet with DDR: When selected, an additional tab will be included in the generated DDR which includes the Slide Sheet.
Include Costs with DDR: When selected, an additional tab will be included in the generated DDR which includes the Daily Costs.
Include BHA with DDR: When selected, an additional tab will be included in the generated DDR which includes the BHA.
Include Survey Report with DDR: When selected, an additional tab will be included in the generated DDR which includes the Survey Report.
Include Inventory with DDR: When selected, an additional tab will be included in the generated DDR which includes the Inventory.
Include Tool Tracking: When selected, an additional tab will be included in the generated DDR which includes the Tool Tracking report.
Include Depth V Days: When selected, an additional tab will be included in the generated DDR which includes the Depth V Days chart.
Set Default Activity Code / Description: If the user uses the Get DDR from Run Sheet button to populate the Daily Activity Section, Well Seeker will fill in any time gaps with a default activity code and description. The code and description can be edited here.
Get Slide Rotate Hours from Activity: With this option selected the Slide Drill Run, Slide Hours Run, Rotary Hours Run, Circulating Hours Run and BRT Hrs will be automatically calculated in the drilling summary section on the main user interface, based upon the Activity selection in the Daily Activity section of the Daily Reports Dialog. The only exception to this is the BRT Hrs, which use the date and time entered in the Drill String Editor and the Performance report as the point which the assembly goes below rotary table. With this option unselected these details can be input manually by the user.
Auto Update Motor Report Params: The Motor Report has a Get Data from DDR function that will pull in the DDR Drilling Parameters from relevant DDRs. Once a Motor Report has been populated this way, turning on the Auto Update Motor Report Params option will keep the Motor Report updated if any of the DDR Drilling Parameters are changed. Note: For this function to work, Auto Update BHA Hours on save must also be toggled on.
Auto Update BHA Hours on save: When selected, this option automatically updates the BRT Hrs, Drlg/Circ Hrs, Rotary and Slide Hrs in the motor Performance Report.
Morning Report Package:
Open email with morning report package: When selected, if the user chooses to Create a morning report package via the file menu, instead of the option to save the zipped folder, Well Seeker will open an email with the zipped folder attached.
Include EOWR as part of ZIP file: Toggling this option on will include an EOWR in excel format in the morning report package zip file.
Include database in package: Toggling this option on will include the currently selected Well Seeker database as part of the morning report package zip file.
Include day gaps in grouped cost report: By default, the Grouped Invoice groups each cost starting from the first day to the last day it is included in the Daily Costs, and ignores any days in between where the cost is not included. Toggling on this option will split costs up to show where a cost has missing days.
Include phase gaps in footage per day: If there is a time gap in the daily reports – for example there is a break in operations so there are a few dates without reports assigned – then by default the Footage Per Day KPI chart will cut the missing days out. If this option is toggled on, the tap gap will be preserved in the chart.
Toolbar Prints PDF Reports: Changes the Print Report, Print Daily Cost, Print Well Cost, Tool Utilization Report, Print Shipping Ticket, Print Slide Sheet and Print EOWR functions on the toolbar to print their reports in PDF format instead of Excel. This also changes their matching functions in the File menu.
Use dropdown list for personnel: If this option is toggled on, the Name fields in the Well Data & Personnel window can be populated using a dropdown box instead of manually entering names into the fields. The dropdown box is populated using the Personnel Details tool. See Section 6.4.18 – Personnel Names and Details for more information.
Use dropdown list for Rig: If this option is toggled on, the Rig field in the Well Data & Personnel window can be populated using a dropdown box instead of manually entering a rig name into the field. The dropdown box is populated using the Rig Names tool. See Section 6.4.20 – Rig Names for more information.
Show company man report options: Toggling this option on will add extra fields to the Fluids section, Drilling Parameters section and the Well Data and Personnel window, which are included in the Company Man’s Report.
Group cost reports by BHA: When this option is toggled on, the Field Invoiced Grouped report will group costs by BHA and date rather than just by date.
Include all BHA’s for 24hr summary: If this option is toggled off, the 24-hour Drilling Summary section in the DDR only shows stats for the most recent BHA. If it is toggled on the 24-hour Drilling Summary section will show all BHAs used that day.
Circ hours includes drilling hours: This option relates to the Total Circulating/BRT hours statistic in the Run Data section of the PDF BHA Performance Report, which is accessed by opening the File menu and selecting Print PDF Reports > Print BHA Performance Report. If this option is toggled on, the statistic shows the Total Circulating and Drilling Hours/BRT hours.
13.4.4 – DDR Well Data Menu
Well Data and personnel: Opens the Well Data & Personnel window. See Section 13.4.8 – Well Data & Personnel.
MWD Parameters: Opens the MWD Parameters window. See Section 13.4.9 – MWD Parameters.
13.4.5 – DDR Tools Menu
Drill String Editor: Opens the Drill String Editor. See Section 13.5 – Drill String Editor.
Phase Codes: Opens the Phase Codes window. See Section 13.3 - Phase Codes.
Cost Codes: Opens the Cost Codes window. See Section 13.2 - Cost Codes.
Activity Codes: Opens the Activity Codes window. See Section 13.1 - Activity Codes.
Shipping Addresses: Opens the Shipping Addresses window. See Section 13.7 – Shipping Addresses.
Pipe Tally: Opens the Pipe Tally window. See Section 13.9 – Pipe Tally.
Tool Inventory: Opens the Tool Inventory window. See Section 13.6 – Tool Inventory.
RT Data Exchange: Opens the Real Time Data Exchange window. See Section 6.4.15 – Real Time Data Exchange.
Clear Personnel Names: This option will delete all names from the Personnel section in the Well Data and Personnel window for every day in the current Daily Reports window.
13.4.6 – DDR Data Validation Menu
Update activity descriptions from slide sheet all reports: Performs the below Update activity descriptions from slide sheet function but for every report in the Daily Reports window.
Update activity descriptions from slide sheet: Updates the description for slide drilling and rotary drilling activities in the current report. Well Seeker will use drilling parameters recorded in the slide sheet to generate a generic description for each row. Note that a BHA must be selected for each row for this function to work.
Check activity against slide sheet all reports: Performs the below Check activity against slide sheet function but for every report in the Daily Reports window.
Check activity against slide sheet: Selecting this option compares the daily activity grid on the selected report with the associated slide sheet. Well Seeker will highlight any discrepancies between the two and the user can then decide if any adjustments need to be made.
Get drilling params from slide sheet all reports: Performs the below Get drilling params from slide sheet function but for every report in the Daily Reports window.
Get drilling params from slide sheet: This option will populate the Drilling Parameters section using drilling parameters recorded in the slide sheet. For this function to work, there must be at least one row in the report that has a BHA selected and the date for the report must be inside the date range of the slide sheet for that BHA.
Highlight Activity Lines: When selected the following lines will be automatically highlighted in the Daily Activity Grid:
Any rotary drilling activity will be highlighted Blue
Any slide drilling activity will be highlighted Green
Picking up or Laying down BHA will be highlighted Yellow
Any repair activity will be highlighted Red
Zero RPM for all slides on slide sheet: This option will set the RPM value to zero for slide records in the slide sheet. Note that this will affect ALL slide sheets that are associated with the same actual well as the daily report, and cannot be undone.
Round Depths: This option will round all Start Depth and End Depth records in the current report to the nearest whole number.
13.4.7 – DDR Main User Interface
The main user interface is where the user records all the relevant information relating to the day’s activities. It is split into 5 different sections which are discussed in detail in the below sections. – DDR Report Selection
This section can be used to navigate through existing reports. The dropdown box on the left can be used to select the desired report from a list in chronological order. The calendar to the right is used to assign a date to the report. Only one report can be assigned to each date.
Selecting the Calculate button recalculates BRT hours and slide rotate distances from the daily activity entered.
Selecting the Get DDR from Run Sheet radio button will update the Daily Activity section with data which has already been populated in the Slide Sheet for the selected day.
Prior to selecting Get DDR from Run Sheet button select the BHA and Phase in the Daily Activity grid and set the Default Activity Code via the Report Options Menu. Then select the Get DDR from Run Sheet button. This will ensure all imported entries will have the same BHA and Phase as the start row initially, which saves the user manually selecting these for each row. Data will only be populated from the slide sheet that has the same date and legitimate time stamps as the daily report in question.
Any gaps between the end and start time on adjacent rows in the slide sheet will be added in the daily activity section as a separate row, with the activity and description that the user set for the Default Activity Code. For example, in the below slide sheet, Row 1 has an end time of 17:10, and row 2 has a start time of 17:15. This 5 minute gap will be populated in the daily activity section as start time 17:10, end time 17:15, activity 5A: Circulating (in this example this is the activity set as the default). The activity can be edited if required and the time can be further subdivided by right clicking on the row and selecting insert row, if more than one thing happened over this time period e.g. rig repair etc.
This function allows the user to update the daily report from the Run sheet incrementally. For example, the user selects Get DDR from Run Sheet when the run sheet has data populated up to 08:00 on the same day as the daily report in question. From 00:00 – 08:00 the Daily Activity section will populate with the data from the run sheet. The user may wish to make some small changes to the details if they so wish and save these changes in the Daily Reports dialog. The user then updates the slide sheet with data up to 15:00. The user selects Get DDR from Run Sheet and only the additional data from the end of the existing time stamp in Daily Activity to the end of the time stamp in the slide sheet is added to the Daily Activity section. The data previously input from 00:00-08:00 is not overwritten. This allows the user to update their report from the slide sheet throughout the workday and edit any additional data within the Daily Reports dialog. For more information on Slide Sheets see Section 13.10 – Slide Sheet.
Selecting the Get Params radio button will automatically populate the Drilling Parameters section of the main user interface with the relevant data taken from the slide sheet. Well Seeker will use the last selected BHA in the day to draw drilling parameters from.
The Well Status dropdown allows the user to assign one of the following options to the well: N/A, Active, Standby, TD, Complete. These options are searchable in the search database dialog and allow the user to quickly find the relevant wells in the database. This is also a searchable option in the well analytics.
The DD Coordinator and MWD Coordinator dropdown boxes allow the user to assign coordinators to the well, which can then be used in KPI and activity tracking. The available names are taken from the Personnel Details tool. See Section 6.4.18 – Personnel Names and Details for more information.
The Drive Type and MWD Type dropdown boxes allow the user to assign type of BHA/MWD used for that days drilling activity, which can then be used in KPI and Activity tracking. – DDR Fluids Section
The DDR Fluids Section can be used to record drilling fluids information for the day, which can then be included in reports.
Type – The type of drilling mud currently in the wellbore e.g. Water based, oil based, fresh water etc.
600, 300, 200, 100, 6, 3 – The Fann dial readings of the drilling mud.
PV – The mud plastic viscosity.
YP – The mud yield point.
Weight – The mud density.
Viscosity – Viscosity of the mud.
Temp – Temperature of the mud
10s Gel – The 10 second Gel strength of the mud.
Solids % - The % volume of the mud made up of solids.
Sand % - The % volume of the mud made up of sand.
Chlorides – The chloride content of the mud.
API Fluid Loss – Filtrate rate of the mud according to the API filtrate test.
PH – The acidity of the mud.
Oil/Water – The % proportions of oil and water in the mud.
The following fields are only available if show company man report options is toggled on in the Report Options menu:
Weight Out: The density of the mud after circulation.
Viscosity Out: The viscosity of the mud after circulation.
WPS: The water phase salinity of the mud.
HTHP: Filtrate rate of the mud according to the HTHP filtrate test.
10m Gel: The 10 minute Gel strength of the mud.
LCM: The lost circulation material of the mud, if present.
LGS: The low gravity solid content of the mud.
MBT: The amount of clay-like material in WBM as measured by an MBT test.
Oil: The proportion of oil in the drilling fluid as a percentage.
Water: The proportion of water in the drilling fluid as a percentage.
ES: The electrical stability of the mud.
Lime: The lime content of the mud.
Calcium: The calcium content of the mud.
PM: The phenolphthalein end point of the mud as measured by a PM test; the amount of acid required to reduce the mud pH to 8.3.
PF: The phenolphthalein alkalinity of the mud filtrate.
MF: The methyl orange alkalinity end point of the mud filtrate. The amount of acid required to reduce the mud pH to 4.3
Liquid: The % volume of the mud made up of liquid. – DDR Drilling Parameters
The drilling parameters can be manually entered by the user or pulled directly from the slide sheet by selecting the Get Params radio button in the report section of the main user interface.
ROP – The average Rate of Penetration.
For the 24hr period this value is calculated by subtracting the 00:00 start depth from the end depth and dividing by the sum of the daily slide and rotary hours.
For the period of the run, this value is calculated by subtracting the start depth run from the end depth and dividing by the sum of the run slide and run rotary hours.
WOB – The average Weight on Bit during drilling.
RPM Surface – The average Rotations per Minute recorded at surface during drilling.
RPM Downhole – The average Rotations per Minute at the bit during drilling. This value is calculated by adding the RPM surface value to the product of the flow rate and the rev/gal value of the motor if there is one present. The rev/gal value of the motor is set in the Drill String Editor. This cell is auto populated.
Flow Rate – The average flow rate. This value is used in the RPM downhole calculation.
SPP On Btm – The average standpipe pressure recorded when on bottom and drilling.
SPP Off Btm – The average standpipe pressure recorded when off bottom.
SPM – The average Strokes per Minute of the mud pumps.
Pick Up Wt – The weight measured when picking up.
Rot Wt – The weight measured while rotating off bottom.
Slack Off Wt – The weight measured when slacking off.
Tq On Btm – The torque recorded while rotating on bottom.
Tq Off Btm – The torque recorded while rotating off bottom.
The following fields are only available if show company man report options is toggled on in the Report Options menu:
SPM 1, SPM2 & SPM3: The average Strokes per Minute of the mud pump 1, 2 and 3. – DDR Drilling Summary
24hr Summary – A brief description of the activities which took place in the 24-hour period covered by the report.
24hr Lookahead – A brief description of the expected activities in the next 24 hours.
Start Depth Run – The depth at the start of the current BHA run. This is set in the Daily Activity section.
Daily Start Depth – The depth at the beginning of the daily report. This is populated with the value entered in the first row of the Start Depth column in the Daily Activity section.
End Depth – The depth at the end of the daily report. This is populated with the value entered in the last row of the End Depth column in the Daily Activity section.
Drilled Day/Run – The distance drilled over the period of the daily report and over the course of the BHA run.
Slide Drill Run – The distance drilled while sliding over the course of the current BHA run. Can be input manually or calculated from the Activity selection when Get Slide Rotate Hours from Activity is selected in the Report Options.
Rotary Drill Run – The distance drilled in rotary over the course of the current BHA run. Calculated by subtracting the Slide Drill Run from the Drilled Run.
Slide Hours Run – The total number of hours spent sliding during the current BHA run. Can be input manually or calculated from the Activity selection when Get Slide Rotate Hours from Activity is selected in the Report Options.
Rotary Hours Run – The total hours rotating on bottom for the current BHA run. Can be input manually or calculated from the Activity selection when Get Slide Rotate Hours from Activity is selected in the Report Options.
Circulating Hrs Run – The total circulating hours of the current BHA run. Can be input manually or calculated from the Activity selection when Get Slide Rotate Hours from Activity is selected in the Report Options.
BRT Hrs – The total hours of the below the rotary table of the current BHA run. Can be input manually or calculated from the Time In /Out cells in the BHA Performance Report when Get Slide Rotate Hours from Activity is selected in the Report Options.
Comments – Text in this cell will be printed in the DDR comments section. If left blank, no comments section will be included in the printed DDR.
MWD Comments – Text in this cell will be printed in the DDR MWD comments section. If left blank, no MWD comments section will be included in the printed DDR. – DDR Drill String Window
The Drill String section is automatically populated using the latest BHA selected in the BHA column of the Daily Activity section. The information displayed in this section is displayed in the Daily Report when Print Report is selected. Note that if there are 2 BHA’s referenced in a DDR, it will only be the latest one which is displayed here. – DDR Daily Activity
Date: The date of the activity. This is set in the calendar in the report selection section.
Start Time: The start time of the activity. Only the time for the activity on the first line can be set manually. The start time for all other activities is set by the end time of the previous activity.
End Time: The end time of the activity.
Hours: The time duration between the start time and the end time of the activity. This is automatically calculated.
Start Depth: The start hole depth of the current activity.
End Depth: The end hole depth of the current activity. Note that end depth will only be available to select when a drilling activity is selected from the drop-down menu in the activity column.
BHA: The BHA run the activity is associated with. Any BHA entered in the Drill String editor will be available to select here from the drop-down menu.
Phase: The phase code and description that the activity falls under. The user can select the relevant Phase code from the drop-down menu. This information is used in the creation of the KPI tracking graphs and the Depth v Time Chart. For more information on Phase Codes see Section 13.3 - Phase Codes.
Activity: The activity code description that the rig site operations fall under. This information is used in the calculation of ROP, Slide Drill Run, Rotary Drill Run, Slide Hours Run, Rotary Hours Run and Circulating Hours Run, when Get Slide Rotate Hours from Activity is selected. Activity is also used in the creation of the KPI tracking graphs. For more information on Activity Codes see Section 13.1 - Activity Codes.
Description: The user should input a description of the activity and any other operationally pertinent events occurring between the start and end time, which will then be included in the daily report.
13.4.8 – Well Data & Personnel
The well data & personnel section allows the user to enter key details of the well and of the senior rig personnel. This information is displayed in the Daily Report when Print Report is selected. These details only apply to the currently opened Daily Report. Pressing the Update All Reports button will apply the entered Rig, State, County, Job #, Formation and all the various company details to all Daily Reports.
The Get from Oasis button allows the user to import Well & Personnel data from an external Oasis ERP database. The Oasis endpoint credentials need to be set up in section – Oasis Credentials.
Job #: The Job Number of the current operation.
District: The local district of the well.
API Job #: The American Petroleum Institute Job Number of the current operation.
AFE: The Authorization For Expenditure number for the well, if available.
Operator: The name of the operator of the well. This field is auto populated with the name of the Operator in the Database Tree.
Field: The name of the field in which the well is being drilled. This field is auto populated with the name of the Field in the Database Tree.
Well: The name of the well. This field is auto populated with the name of the Well in the Database Tree.
State / Region / Province: The US state or region in which the well is being drilled. The naming convention here will be set by the location selected from the Report Options menu. If the location is set to USA, the state can be selected from the dropdown box at the bottom of the window.
County / Country / AFE: The county or country in which the well is being drilled. The naming convention here will be set by the location selected from the Report Options menu. If the location is set to USA, the county can be selected from the dropdown box at the bottom of the window.
Rig: The name of the rig
Csg Shoe MD: The shoe depth of the deepest casing currently in the hole.
Casing OD: The outer diameter of the deepest casing currently in the hole.
Casing Wt: The weight in lbs/ft of the deepest casing currently in the hole.
Target Formation: The current target formation for the well.
Operator: The operating company for the well.
Mud Co.: The mud company providing drilling fluids for the well.
Directional Co: The directional company drilling the well. This is a searchable feature in the Well Analytics section of the software.
Drilling Co: The rig contractor drilling the well.
Wireline Co: The wireline company providing services on the well.
Casing Co: The casing company providing services on the well.
Cementing Co: The cementing company providing services on the well.
Mud Logging Co: The mud logging company providing services on the well.
MWD Co.: The MWD company providing services on the well.
PO#: The Purchase Order number for the well.
Permit Num: The Permit number for the well.
Permit Survey: The Permit Survey number for the well.
Permit Abstract: The Permit Abstract number for the well.
3rd Party Motor: The owner/operator of any 3rd party motors provided for the well.
3rd Party MWD: The owner/operator of any 3rd party MWD tools provided for the well.
Alt Job #: Alternative job number.
Alt Job # End Date: End date for the alternative job number.
Spud Date: Spud date for the well.
Bid #: Bid number for the well.
Personnel: Details of the senior rig personnel on site.
13.4.9 – MWD Parameters
The MWD Parameters window can be used to record information for any MWD currently in the hole. This information can then be included in daily reports and the EOWR, so long as the option is turned on in the Report Options menu.
The fields for Plug In/Out Date, Plug In/Out Time, Plug In Hrs and Circ Hrs are entered into the Component Properties of the MWD/LWD component for the BHA that is currently in the hole. See section – Component Properties for more details. The Battery Life Remaining, On Btm Pulse Amplitude and Off BTM Pulse Amplitude need to be entered manually.
13.4.10 – Daily Costs
The Daily Costs tool allows the user to assign items and their costs to the daily reports.
Items must have been previously defined using the Cost Codes tool (See Section 13.2 - Cost Codes). The predefined costs can then be selected from a dropdown menu in the Description column and given a quantity in the Qty column. The well daily cost and the total well cost are automatically calculated at the bottom of the dialog.
The user can manually enter the serial number for any individual component listed in the daily costs; however, checking the SN dropdown option at the bottom left of the dialog, means that when the user selects a cell in the serial number column, a drop-down menu will appear listing all the serial numbers listed in the tool inventory, allowing the user to quickly choose from these options without needing to manually enter the data.
The BHA # column allows the user to assign each cost to a BHA created in the Drill string Editor. Then when the user prints a Grouped Field Invoice, the invoice will be grouped by the cost of each BHA.
Once populated, the user can then print the Daily Cost Report and the Well Cost Report from the menu or toolbar in the main Daily Reporting window.
13.4.11 – Pump Data
The pump data dialog allows the user to enter details of the rig pumps. These details can be included in the daily report if selected from the Report Options menu.
The pump output is automatically calculated from the input details.
13.4.12 – KPI Tracking Graphs
The KPI tracking tool can be used to display several Key Performance Indicators based on data from the daily reports. Each KPI graph can be customised by right clicking and selecting options from the context menu (see Section 6.8 – Context Menu). The graphs can be exported for use in other documents by right clicking and selecting Export Dialog.
The KPI tracking tool provides the following data: Phase summary, ROP per run, Footage per run, Footage per day, Footage per phase, ROP per phase, NPT per phase, Drilling Hrs per phase, Activity summary, Activity per phase, Cost Breakdown, Footage per phase (bar chart), Drilling Hours per Run and NPT Summary.
13.4.13 – Depth v Time graph
The Depth v Time tool will automatically plot a depth v time graph based on the data entered in the daily reports.
The chart can be exported for use in other documents by right clicking and selecting the Export option in the context menu (see Section 6.8 – Context Menu). The chart can also be printed to PDF format by opening the File menu and selecting Print.
The graph can be customised by right clicking and selecting options from the context menu. All labels can be moved by left clicking and dragging. The chart can also be customised using the View menu. – DvT File Menu
Print: Prints the Depth vs Time chart to PDF.
Exit: Closes the Depth vs Time chart. – DvT View Menu
Show phases: Displays the well phases, as defined in the daily activities, as vertical lines on the chart.
Show screen reader: Toggles the screen reader function on and off. The screen reader displays the Depth and Days at whichever point the cursor is on the graph.
Show Plan: If the principal plan has an AFE design associated with it, then the predicted Depth v Time chart for the well can be displayed alongside the actual chart. For more information on creating an AFE design, see Section 15.0 – AFE Plan Designer.
Colour by Activity/Phase/BHA: Colours the Depth v Time line according to activity, phase or BHA at that point in the well. The chart legend describes the meaning of each colour. The colours and the layout of the legend can be customised using the Context Menu.
Do not Colour: Turns off any colouration by activity, phase or BHA and colours the line red.
Show Casing: Toggles the casings on and off. For more information on adding casing to a well see Section 7.2 - Casing.
Show Lithology: Toggles the lithology lines on and off. For more information on adding lithologies to a well, see Section 7.5 - Lithologies.
White Background: When selected the background of the chart will be white.
13.4.14 – Well Statistics
The Well Statistics dialog, displays a variety of statistical data, taken from the DDR’s, Slide Sheet’s and BHA’s. It serves as a quick way for the user to view data from different sources side-by-side. The well statistics can be printed as an Excel or PDF format report from the File menu.
13.4.15 – Tortuosity KPI
The Tortuosity KPI window allows the user to compare wells based on their dogleg. The window displays four charts plotted against measured depth. The depth range displayed on the charts can be altered using the Depth From and Depth To boxes at the top of the window. The four charts displayed show the inclination, dogleg, cumulative dogleg and ROP. They can be removed by unchecking the ‘Chart’ checkboxes in the bottom left. The ‘Phases’ checkboxes in the bottom left will hide results for the selected phase from the charts.
The reference well – the well being viewed when the Tortuosity KPI window was opened – is always displayed on the charts. By default, the principal plan will also be displayed on the charts. It can be toggled off by clicking on the Show/hide principal plan button. The user can add other actual wells to the charts by selecting them in the well selector on the left-hand side of the window. The list can be filtered by typing in the search box at the top of the window.
The user can export the charts as an image and a table for each well by clicking on the Export to Excel button.
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