Web Portal Viewer Only User Guide
Guides a company administrator through creating a user on the Web Portal or Mobile App that is view only and/or restricted to specific operators, products or features.
1.0 - Introduction
Your organization may wish to give third parties access to your server database data, so that they can view progress on drilling projects etc., via the Innova Web Portal or the Innova Mobile App. To do this in a way that keeps your data secure and that respects the confidentiality of other clients, third parties levels of access must be controlled.
The User Management section of the Web Portal contains options that allow you to customize the level of access for user’s logging into your organization’s database. Users can have their access customised in the following ways:
Their permission to create new data, and edit or delete existing data. Removing all permissions turns the user into a ‘view only’ user, who can view data but not edit it.
Their access can be restricted so that they can only view data for specific operators or wells.
Their access to Products & Features within the Web Portal and Mobile App can be restricted.
This document will guide an admin through the process of creating a user with customized access.
2.0 – Creating a Restricted Role
User access is controlled through the creation and assignment of roles. A role is a set of user permissions that can be applied to multiple users. Follow the below steps to create a customized view only role that can then be applied to a user in your organization:
In the main menu, scroll to the bottom and click on User Management, then click on Roles.
This will open the User Roles page.
Create a new role by filling in the fields at the bottom of the page. Once you have filled in all three fields, the new role will be automatically added to the list. Double click on each field to edit it:
In the Organization field, choose your company from the dropdown.
Enter a name for the new role in the Name field.
Give your role a brief description in the Description field.
Turn the new role into a view only role by toggling OFF the Admin, Edit, Delete, Create and Approve permissions. Users that are assigned a view only role will be able to view data in the portal but not make any changes to it.
Restrict the operators that the new role can access by checking ON the operator(s) that you want to grant access to, while leaving the others toggled OFF. In this example, we are allowing the role to only view data related to the operator ‘Black Oil & Gold, LCC’. Click on Apply to save your settings. Note: Leaving all operators checked OFF will allow the role to access ALL operators.
Choose which features the new role will have access to in the Web Portal and Mobile App by checking the checkboxes in their respective columns. Toggling on features in the Third Party column will allow users with the role to make API requests to the Innova API.
If you allow access to any features in a column, you must also check the Base feature at the top of each column.
Note: The only feature available for Well Seeker is the Base feature. Access to features in Well Seeker are controlled by the user’s license and cannot be restricted via Roles. The assigned permissions and operator access will apply when the user logs into the organization’s remote server database.
Click on the Apply button in the Products and Features window to save your settings. Setup of the view only and operator restricted role is now complete. The next step is to assign the role to a user.
3.0 – Assigning the Role to a User
Now that the customized view only role has been created, it needs to be applied to a user.
3.1 – Assigning to an Existing User
In the main menu, scroll to the bottom and click on User Management, then click on Users.
This will open the Users page.
Double click in the Role column for the existing user. From the dropdown menu, select the restricted role that you created.
When the user next logs into the Web Portal or App, they will now be restricted to the operators and features permitted by their Role. They will also not have permission to make any changes to the data in the database.
3.2 – Assigning to a New User
In the main menu, scroll to the bottom and click on User Management, then click on Users.
This will open the Users page.
Create a new user by filling in the fields at the bottom of the page. Double click on each field to edit it:
In the Organization field, choose your company from the dropdown.
Enter an email address for the new user in the Username field.
In the Password field, enter a temporary password. This must contain at least one uppercase letter, lowercase letter, number and symbol.
In the RoleID field, select the restricted role that you created.
In the UnitPrefs field, select the default unit set for the new user. They can change this themselves after they log in.
Before the new user creation can complete, you must toggle on the Password Reset Required option. This will force the new user to create their own password when they first log into the Web Portal. Once all of the required fields have been filled in, the new user will automatically be added to the list of users for your organization.
When the user logs into the Web Portal or App, they will now be restricted to the operators and features permitted by their Role. They will also not have permission to make any changes to the data in the database.
4.0 - Additional Access Tools in the Users Page
Once a user has been assigned a role in the Users page, they can be granted access to additional operators beyond those defined by their role. They can also be restricted to specific wells, if required. To do so, follow the below steps:
4.1 – Access to Additional Operators
Toggle ON operators that you want the user to be able to access. Click on Apply to save your changes. The chosen operators will be added to the permitted operators granted by the user’s role. In this example, the user’s role grants access to Black Oil & Gold, LLC, but this specific user has also been granted access to Venture E&P and Gold Resources.
Click on Apply to save your changes.
4.1 – Well Restriction
This will display a list of all wells contained under the operators that the user can access. The list can be filtered by typing in the search bar at the top of the list.
By default, the wells will all be toggled OFF. When this is the case, the user has access to all wells under the operators permitted by their role.
To restrict access for the user, toggle the wells you want them to be able to access ON. The user will now only be able to access wells that have been toggled on, and will not be able to access any wells that are toggled off.
Click on Apply to save your changes.
Last updated