13.21 – Tool Orders
Tool Orders allows an organization to create, update and maintain oversight of all the tool requirements for upcoming and existing jobs. The Tool Orders will be managed from the server database, but local database users at the rig site can also create tool orders and push these back to the server for approval, should the requirement for more tools occur during an ongoing job.
13.21.1 – Accessing the Tool Order Dialog
The tool order dialog can be opened from two different locations within Well Seeker depending on whether the user is accessing a server or local database, and while the dialog layout is identical in both cases, the functionality varies slightly depending on how it is accessed. – Server Database Access
This feature is designed to be primarily accessed via the server database as it allows coordinators to plan and monitor upcoming tool requirements.
When the user is logged onto a server database, from the main user interface, select Tools – Dashboards – Tool Orders Dashboard.
It is important to note that when accessing a local database, the Tool Orders Dashboard option will not be available in the dashboards list. This will only be an option when accessing a server database. – Local Database Access
Accessing the tool order dialog from a local database is something that should only ever happen in the field, as this is where the field engineer will go to order additional tools.
In a local database, the tool order dialog is accessed via the tool inventory dialog. Tool inventories are associated with actual wells, so the user must first have a database structure in place with everything from Operator to Actual Well level.
The tool inventory is accessed by right clicking at actual well level in the database tree and selecting Reporting – Tool Inventory (below Left). Once the tool inventory dialog is open, the tool orders dialog can be accessed either via the file menu (File – Tool Orders) or via the shortcut toolbar button (below Right).
Unlike the tool order dashboard, the dialog can be accessed in this way on both the local and the server.
13.21.2 – Tool Order Dialog
The tool order dialog is split into 4 main sections which are described below. – Menu and Toolbar
File Menu
Save: Save the active document
Print Report Excel: Prints an excel report of the selected tool order which includes all the associated order details which have the print option selected
Print Report PDF: Prints a pdf report of the selected tool order which includes all the associated order details which have the print option selected
Email Report: Opens a Microsoft Outlook email with the tool order report attached
Exit: Closes the tool orders dialog
Tools Menu
Create new Tool Order: Creates a new tool order in the tool orders section
Delete Selected Tool Order: Deletes the selected tool order
Duplicate selected Tool Order: Duplicates the selected tool order
Refresh Grid: Refreshes the data in the tool orders and orders details sections
Update Job Data: Updates the job data in the tool orders section
Select all Tools: Selects all the tools in the orders details section for any given tool order
Un-select Tools: Unselects all the tools in the orders details section for any given tool order
Approve Order: This option can only be used when a tool order has a status selected as Request from Rig. Once approved, the status automatically changes to Submitted.
Edit Dropdown Menus: Opens the Edit Drop Down Menu dialog. The options available in the menu relate to columns in the orders details section This dialog allows the user to select an option and then enter the required items that they want to be available when the user selects the appropriate cell in the orders details section. The user can enter as many items as required. It should be noted that this option is only relevant when accessing a server database and should not be used in a local database. – Filters
The filters section allows the user to search and filter the data in the tool orders section of the dialog.
In addition to the search cell, there are 6 dropdown options which filter the following columns (left to right):
Status Column
Rig Column
Operator Column
Needed In Column
DD Coordinator Column
MWD Coordinator Column – Tools Orders
The tools orders section is where the user enters the top-level order information. Each tool order can have multiple tools associated with it, which are all listed in the orders details section.
Operator: The name of the Operator. This can initially be filled in manually by the user; however, once the job number has been added to the well data and personnel section of a daily report, Well Seeker will automatically pull the Operator’s name into this cell, over writing anything that has been previously entered.
Job#: The job number. This is a very important cell as the job number is what links the tools orders to the jobs in the database tree. When the same job number is entered in the well data and personnel section of a daily report, several of the cells in this section will populate automatically.
Hole Size: The hole size
Well: The well name. This can initially be filled in manually by the user; however, once the job number has been added to the well data and personnel section of a daily report, Well Seeker will automatically pull the well name into this cell, over writing anything that has been previously entered.
State: The State. This cell should initially be left blank and will automatically populate once the job number has been added to the well data and personnel section of a daily report. Note: No manually typed data will save in this cell.
County: The County. This cell should initially be left blank and will automatically populate once the job number has been added to the well data and personnel section of a daily report. Note: No manually typed data will save in this cell.
Rig: The Rig. This cell should initially be left blank and will automatically populate once the job number has been added to the well data and personnel section of a daily report. Note: No manually typed data will save in this cell.
Mud Type: The Mud Type.
Mud Weight: The Mud Weight.
Min Temp: The expected minimum downhole temperature
Max Temp: The expected maximum downhole temperature
Status: A drop down menu offers the following options: Draft, Submitted, In Progress, Complete, Shipped & Requested from Rig. When Request from Rig is selected, the line will be highlighted in blue, and the dropdown menu will no longer be available to select from. At this point, the only way to change the status is to select Approve Order from the Tools Menu.
Date Needed: The date the tools are required.
Needed In: This cell populates automatically and displays the number of days until the tools are required. For 0-6 days the cell will be highlighted red, 7-30 days the cell will be highlighted orange and >30days the cell will be highlighted green.
Created By: The name of the person who created the tool order. This will be automatically populated based on the user credentials used when logging onto the server database.
Created Date: Automatically populated with the date the tool order was created.
Modified By: The name of the last person who modified the tool order. This will be automatically populated based on the user credentials used when logging onto the server database.
Modified Date: Automatically populated with the date the tool order was last modified.
Comments: General Comments
Motor Comments: Comments related to any motors on order
Tool Comments: Comments related to any tool that is not a motor.
DP CNX: Drill pipe connection. This is a drop-down menu which lists the menu items entered in the Connections section of the edit drop down menus dialog.
DD Coordinator: The DD Coordinator. This is a drop-down menu which lists all the DD Coordinators entered in the Personnel Details dialog.
MWD Coordinator: The MWD Coordinator. This is a drop-down menu which lists all the MWD Coordinators entered in the Personnel Details dialog. – Order Details
The orders details section is where the user can enter all the tools required for any given tool order.
Description: Description of the tool
Tool Type: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list.
Quantity: Number of tools
OD: Outside Diameter of tool
ID: Inside Diameter of tool
Length: Length of tool
Top Cnx: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list.
Btm Cnx: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list.
Vendor: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list.
Lobe: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Stage: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Housing: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Rubber: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Rotor: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Bearing: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Bend Angle: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Bit 2 Bend: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list.
Stab OD: Outside Diameter of the stabilizer
BF Float: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Fit: Motor fit. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Temp Range: Tool Operating temperature range. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Serial#: Tool Serial Number. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
TH Hill: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Dyno: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Alt Vendor: Selected via a dropdown menu. Available options are taken from the Edit Dropdown Menus list. Only available when the Tool Type selected is Motor.
Comments: Relevant comments
Print: This selection determines which order details will be included in the report when it is printed.
13.21.3 – Tool Order Procedure
The Tool Orders dialog works differently depending on whether it is accessed on a remote server database or on a local database. When accessed on a remote server database, the Tool Orders dialog is designed to be used by a coordinator to monitor and update tool requirements for multiple jobs. When accessed on a local database, the Tool Orders dialog is designed for an operator in the field to make requests for tools and push them back to the server for approval.
The procedure for creating and modifying tool orders differs slightly between a server and a local database, and is described in the sections below. – Server Database Procedure
The below steps assume that the user already has a Well Seeker Pro remote server database:
The user should log on to their remote database and access the Tool Order dialog as described in section – Server Database Access.
3. Input details for each of the tool order detail types in the Select menu option dropdown list. This will form the basis of what tool configurations the user can specifically ask for when using the Tool Orders dialog. This can be edited later if required. When the user has filled in all the relevant options, select Apply and then close the dialog.
5. Fill in the relevant details in the Tool Orders table:
If the tool order is for a job that has no daily reporting data yet, such as an upcoming job, then the user would input the Operator, Job # and Well information and leave the Hole Size, State, County, Rig, Mud Type, Mud Weight, Min Temp and Max Temp inputs blank.
If the tool order is for an existing job which has daily reporting data input within the database, the user would enter the Job # only and the rest of the cells will populate based upon the daily reporting data.
Update the Date Needed cell. This defaults to the date the tool order was created.
Input any additional information in the remaining cells.
At any stage a tool order can be printed or attached to an email. Firstly select the tool order from the Tool Order table. In the Order Details table, check the Print cell for any row that you wish to be included in the printed report.
A tool orders status can be updated from the Status dropdown menu as the tool order progresses through its work cycle.
6. Fill in the relevant details in the Order Details table. Some cells will be manually input, others will be selectable from the dropdown menu, the choices of which the user has set up previously. More than one row for multiple tools may be input in this section.
7. The Tool Order has been completed. By default, the tool order status is Draft. This should be changed to Submitted when the details are finalized. The status can be updated sequentially as the tool order is In Progress, Shipped and Complete.
8. At any stage a tool order can be printed or attached to an email. Firstly select the tool order from the Tool Order table. In the Order Details table, check the Print cell for any row that you wish to be included in the printed report.
10. A tool orders status can be updated from the Status dropdown menu as the tool order progresses through its work cycle. – Local Database Procedure
The below steps assume that the user already has a Well Seeker Pro local database, populated with an actual wellbore:
In a local database, the user should access the Tool Order dialog via the Tool Inventory of the desired actual well, as described in section – Local Database Access.
When the dialog opens it checks the IP and Port values entered in the Real Time Data Exchange dialog. If these are correct, then the dropdown menu options for the Order Details cells will be populated from the information on the server database.
3. Create the tool order and order details as described above for the server database procedure. Any tool orders created on the local database will automatically be given the status of Request from rig.
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