6.4 - Daily Reports
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The Daily Reports page is where the user can record daily drilling reports (DDR) for their selected well.
The Daily Reports page is split into two sections, the Charts at the top, and the Grid at the bottom. Click on the icon in the bottom right of the page to open the edit menu, which has the following functions:
Add New Report: Creates a new blank report to the Daily Reports Grid. The user will be prompted to choose a date for the new report.
The bottom half of the page contains the Daily Reports Grid. The Grid lists all the daily reports recorded for the selected well. Each report represents 24 hours of activity starting from 00:00 and ending at 24:00.
At the summary level, the reports display the following information. Some of this data can be edited at this level by double clicking:
#: The report number for the day. The Daily Reports Grid orders the reports in descending order, so that the earliest report is at the top. This can be edited by double clicking to rearrange the order of the reports. The user will need to click on the refresh option in the edit menu to see the change.
Date: The date of the report. This can be edited by double clicking and entering the desired date using the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Start Depth: The depth at the start of the day. This is set by the Depth From value of the first activity of the day.
End Depth: The depth at the end of the day. This is set by the Depth To value of the last activity of the day.
Total D&C Hrs: Total drilling and circulating hours for the day. Calculated from daily activities.
Off Btm Circ: Total off bottom circulating hours for the day. Calculated from daily activities.
Mud Type/Wt: Mud type and weight, taken from the Edit Mud Data dialog.
Hole Size: Taken from the bit OD of the BHA selected in the daily activities.
MWD Type: The MWD type present in the well. Double click to edit. Choose from mud pulse, EM, combined or none.
Drive Type: The drive type present in the well. Double click to edit. Choose from motor, RSS, rotary, rotary/RSS or none.
Phase: The current drilling phase of the well, defined by the phase selected in the daily activities of that day. The available phases are set at operator level. See 5.1.3 – Phases for more information.
Day DD/Night DD/Co Man: The personnel for the day are set in the Edit Personnel Data dialog.
Daily Cost: The total charge for drilling services for the day. Well costs and charges are set in section 6.8 – Costs.
Cost Details: A breakdown of the daily cost. Each colour represents an individual cost for the day – hover over it to see the name and exact value.
Cumulative Cost: The total cost of the well at the end of that day.
Footage/Hours: These two columns show the total amount of slide (orange) and rotary (green) achieved on that day. Drilling time and footage is calculated by summing all of the rotary and sliding drilling activities entered in the daily activities.
Activity (Hrs): A breakdown of the activities entered into the daily activities for the day. Each colour represents an individual activity – hover over it to see the name and hours.
Comments: Any additional comments for the day, if required. Edit by double clicking.
Lookahead: The lookahead for the next 24 hours. Edit by double clicking.
Summary: A summary of the days activities. Edit by double clicking.
Casing Depth/Casing OD/Casing Wt: The depth, OD and weight of the most recent casing/liner set in the hole. Edit by double clicking.
The Pump Data window allows the user to record details of the rig pumps. These details will then be included in the daily report.
Each daily report can have it’s own unique pump data saved. When a new report is created, it will inherit the pump data from the previous day.
Create a new pump by entering a description in the Type column at the bottom of the dialog. This will add the pump as a new row to the table. The other fields in the row can be edited by double clicking on them.
The Personnel Data window allows the user to record the names and shift times of relevant people at the rig site. These details will then be included in the daily report.
Each daily report can have it’s own unique personnel data saved. When a new report is created, it will inherit the personnel data from the previous day.
The user can assign a name to each position by double clicking in the Name field. This will open a dropdown list of personnel. The available names depend on the personnel entered into the Personnel Names page – see 11.7 – Personnel Names.
Once a name has been assigned, the user can enter their Time On and Time Off times. They can repeat the process with the Relief field if they wish.
The Mud Data dialog allows the user to record the wellbore fluid details. These details will then be included in the daily report. Each daily report can have it’s own unique mud data saved. When a new report is created, it will inherit the mud data from the previous day.
Double click on the fields in the Value column to edit them.
The function will pull in any activity that occurs later than the most recent entry in the Daily Activities grid, and will not overwrite any existing activities. Prior to selecting the function, make sure that the most recent entry contains the desired phase and BHA. It will use the assigned BHA to access the correct slide sheet, and any entries that are pulled in will use the selected phase. Data will only be populated from the slide sheet that has the same date and legitimate time stamps as the daily report in question.
Any gaps between the End Time of one activity and the Start Time of the following activity will be filled in with the activity “10D: Survey & Connection”. Rotary drilling and slide drilling activities will add their drilling parameters recorded in the slide sheet to the Comments column.
A new activity can be added by entering the Activity Code/Description, Start Time and End Time in the row at the bottom of the Daily Activity grid. The start time entered must match with the end time of the most recent activity.
Once a new activity has been entered, the user should fill in the remaining fields in the row. Fields can be edited by double clicking, and serve the following functions:
Activity/Description: Double click on either the Activity or Description cell to pick the activity from the dropdown box. The user should select the activity code that best describes the activity being recorded. Activities are used to categorise activity on the rig, including drilling activity, which then allows the Web Portal to track data such as drilling and circulating hours. This data can then be used in reports and in KPI tracking. The available choices are set in the Activities section of the Operator page – see 5.1.2 – Activities.
Start Time: The start time of the activity in 24HR hh:mm format. Double click to edit. First activity of the day should start at midnight 00:00. This will default to the end time of the previous activity. If the end time of the previous activity does not match with the start time of the current activity, they will be highlighted in red to alert the user to the time gap.
End Time: The end time of the activity in 24HR hh:mm format. Double click to edit. If the activity ends at midnight, it should be 24:00. If the start time of the following activity does not match with the end time of the current activity, they will be highlighted in red to alert the user to the time gap.
Hrs: The difference between the start time and end time of the current activity. This is automatically calculated and cannot be edited.
Depth From: The bottom hole depth at the start of the activity. This can be double clicked to edit, but only for drilling activities (codes starting with a ‘2’) or the 3Z sidetrack/depth adjustment activity. If the depth to value of the previous activity does not match with the depth from of the current activity, they will be highlighted in red to alert the user to the depth gap. Non-drilling activities inherit the depth to value of the previous activity, and cannot be edited.
Depth To: The bottom hole depth at the end the activity. This can be double clicked to edit, but only for drilling activities (codes starting with a ‘2’) or the 3Z sidetrack/depth adjustment activity. If the depth from value of the following activity does not match with the depth to of the current activity, they will be highlighted in red to alert the user to the depth gap. Non-drilling activities simply copy the depth from value.
CL: The difference between the depth from and depth to of the current activity. This is automatically calculated and cannot be edited.
Phase: The drilling phase that the well is currently in. Phases are used in the creation of KPI tracking charts. Double click to edit using the available choices in the dropdown box. The available choices are set in the Phases section of the Operator page – see 5.1.3 – Phases.
BHA: The BHA currently in hole. Double click to edit. The available BHAs are set in the Drill String page for the selected well – see 6.9 - Drill String.
Comments: The user should input a description of the activity and any other operationally pertinent events occurring between the start and end time, which will then be included in the daily report. If the user clicks on the Get From Slide Sheet option, then drilling activity pulled from the slide sheet will automatically fill the comments box with drilling parameter data.
The Daily Activity Editor allows the user to view all the daily activities for the well in one chronological table. The user can make edits to the table in the same way as the Daily Activity grid. The table can be exported in Excel format by right clicking anywhere on the grid and selecting Export.
The Daily Activity editor is a useful tool for performing quality control on your daily activities, as it will highlight in red the following errors:
Activities where the start time does not match the end time of the activity proceeding it.
Activities where the depth from does not match the depth to of the activity proceeding it.
If the selected BHA does not match the BHA of the activities above and below it.
If the selected phase does not match the phase of the activities above and below it.
A new activity can be added by entering the Date, Activity Code/Description, Start Time and End Time in the row at the bottom of the page. The start time entered must match with the end time of the most recent activity. Once a new activity has been entered, the user should fill in the remaining fields in the row. See the Daily Activity section above for details on each field.
The function will pull in any activity that occurs later than the most recent entry in the Daily Activities grid, and will not overwrite any existing activities. Prior to selecting the function, make sure that the most recent entry contains the desired phase, as this will be applied to all activities that are pulled in.
Any gaps between the End Time of one activity and the Start Time of the following activity will be filled in with the activity “10D: Survey & Connection”. Rotary drilling and slide drilling activities will add their drilling parameters recorded in the slide sheet to the Comments column.
Any gaps between slide sheets will be filled with the activity code 24A:Other and the comment “Change BHA”. Note that this function will not automatically add 6O:Pick Up BHA or 6P:Lay Down BHA activities.
The top of the page is split into four charts – Depth v Time , Phase Footage, Phase Hours and Phase ROP. Hovering over the left or right hand side the page will display a < or > icon. Clicking on these icons will cycle through the charts.
Right click on each chart to copy or export it as an image.
The four charts are described in the sections below:
The Depth/Time chart consists of two plots overlayed on each other.
Firstly there is a standard Depth v Days line plot. The X-axis represents time, while the left hand Y-axis represents the total hole depth. By default the line is coloured by the phase at the time of drilling, and the vertical blue lines represent a BHA change. Hovering over the line will display a readout of the depth and time at that point, as well as additional activity information.
Secondly there is a bar chart showing the total distance drilled each day. Use the right hand Y-axis to measure, or hover over each bar to see the exact amount drilled when rotating (green) or sliding (orange).
The user can zoom in/out of the chart by scrolling the mouse wheel.
Show/Hide Bit Depth: Displays a line for bit depth on the chart, allowing the user to see trips in and out of hole.
Show/Hide Hole Depth: Displays a line for the cumulative hole depth.
The Phase Footage page shows the distance drilled during each phase of the selected well.
The X-Axis represents distance drilled. The Y-Axis list the phase code of each phase recorded in the daily activities of the selected well. The bars for each BHA are coloured to show the split between rotary drilling (green) and slide drilling (orange).
The Phase Hours page shows the drilling hours of each phase of the selected well.
The X-Axis represents time spent drilling in hours. The Y-Axis list the phase code of each phase recorded in the daily activities of the selected well. The bars for each BHA are coloured to show the split between rotary drilling (green) and slide drilling (orange).
The Phase ROP chart displays the average ROP for each phase when rotating (green), sliding (orange), and rotating and sliding combined (pink).
Refresh: Refreshes all data on the page.
Print All Reports: Prints a PDF format anti-collision report. Note that at least one offset well must be selected in the Offsets Grid in the bottom half of the page.
Show Daily Activity Editor: Opens the Daily Activity Editor, which allows the user to edit all daily activities for the well in one table. See the Daily Activity Editor section below for more detail.
Delete Reporting Data: Deletes ALL reporting data for the well including BHAs and slide sheets. The user will be asked to confirm this decision.
Hide Slide/Rot on Chart: Hides the bars on Depth v Time chart that represent sliding and rotating time.
Hide Chart: Hides the chart at the top of the page so that only the Daily Reports Grid is visible.
A new daily report can be added using the edit menu, accessed by clicking on the icon in the bottom right.
Each report shows some summary data, taken from the daily activities recorded for each report. A report can be expanded to show the daily activities for that day by clicking on the on the left of the row. See the Daily Activity section below for more details on daily activities.
Clicking on the icon to the left of each daily report opens a menu that provides additional options for the day. See the Daily Report Options section below for more information.
Clicking on the icon to the left of each daily report opens a menu that provides additional options for the day:
Delete: Deletes the daily report for that day.
Print Report: Prints a daily drilling report for the selected day in PDF format.
Edit Pump Data. Opens the Pump Data dialog.
The user can delete a pump by clicking on the red trash can icon on the left of each row.
Edit Personnel Data: Opens the Personnel Data dialog.
Edit Mud Data: Opens the Mud Data dialog.
Get from slide sheet: Uses the slide sheet to automatically fill the Daily Activities grid with rotary drilling and slide drilling activities. For more information on the slide sheet – see 6.7 – Slide Sheets.
The Daily Activity grid. is where the user can view and edit the directional driller’s activity record for the selected daily report. It can be viewed by clicking on the on the left of the report.
An existing activity can be deleted by clicking on the icon to the left of the row.
An existing activity can be deleted by clicking on the icon to the left of the row.
Click on the icon in the bottom right of the page to open the edit menu, which has the following functions:
Refresh: Refreshes all data on the page.
Show Daily Activity Editor: Opens the Daily Activity Editor, which allows the user to edit all daily activities for the well in one table. See the Daily Activity Editor section below for more detail.
Get from Slide Sheet: This function works the same as the Get from Slide Sheet function in the Daily Report Options (see above) but it is not restricted to a single slide sheet or a single day. Instead, it will pull in activity from all slide sheets in chronological order.
In the top right of the chart there are some additional display options. Hover over the icon to display the following options:
Activating either of these options will display an additional option. Hover over the icon to colour the lines by either phase, BHA or by activity.