7.0 - Database Navigator
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The database navigator allows the user to navigate through and manipulate the Well Seeker PRO database.
Users can access database navigator functions from the tool bar at the top of the window or by right clicking in the window area.
The database is split in to 8 levels which are described below. Tree items can be expanded by clicking on the plus symbol to left of the icon and minimized by clicking on the minus symbol.
The tree state is saved when the program is closed to help aid navigation, however if the program exits unexpectedly the tree will not be saved.
If a survey, plan, or actual / planned well bore is double left clicked, the surveys / plan will be opened as a new survey view tab in the survey / plan viewer area. A maximum of 20 plans & 20 surveys can be open at any one time.
Database functions can be performed either by using the toolbar at the top of the database viewer or by right clicking anywhere within the database viewer window.
Insert [Level] Item: Depending on which Level you select when you right click the insert function will insert a new Facility, Well, Survey, etc below the currently selected level.
Insert New Actual Well: If the currently selected item is at Well Level, a new actual well can be inserted.
Insert Planned Well: If the currently selected item is at Well Level, a planned well can be inserted.
Cut: Cut the selected tree item and copy to the clipboard.
Copy: Copy the selected item to the clip board.
Paste: Paste cut / copied items to the current tree item.
Delete: delete the currently selected tree item.
This option is only available at field level. If the CRS for the field is NAD83 or NAD27, NADCON conversion can be used to convert between the two. Surface co-ordinates for items in the field will be altered so that they occupy the same location but in the new CRS.
If an actual well or a planned well is selected this option becomes available to select and allows the user to enter and edit casings for the well. This input is also used in anti-collision calculations where casings are included.
The only fields which are required are MD or TVD, and OD. The MD or TVD is interpolated (based on the input) from the actual wellbore so if this has not yet been created then the generated depth will not be calculated.
Casing Type is selected from a drop-down menu which has 4 options: Conductor, Casing, Liner and Open Hole.
This displays the targets dialog which is described in Section 11.0 – Targets.
This displays the dialog for user defined annotations. The user can enter a MD or TVD and the corresponding depth field will populate i.e., enter a MD and the TVD cell will automatically populate with the relevant value which Well Seeker interpolates from the plan or survey. If the depth entered does not exist, then the annotation will not be displayed.
If the user is entering annotations for a plan, the Import Critical Points button will be available. Clicking this button will pull the plan points of the plan into the table as annotations.
Allows the user to enter the formation tops depths. These are entered as a MD, TVD or TVDSS and can only be displayed on the section view and 3D plot. The user can also enter the Dip Angle, which will change the angle of the lithology lines in the plots.
This option is available to select from all database tree levels; however, the sub-menu option availability is dependent upon the selection level in the database tree. For a detailed description of the Reporting menu and all the sub-menu items, see Section 13.0 – Reporting.
Displays the properties dialog for the current tree selection. For more details on the individual properties, see section 8.0 – Well Seeker PRO Database Structure.
Rename the currently selected tree item. Symbols including # $ £ / [ ] @ cannot not be used for naming database items.
Opens a sub-menu with more refined options.
Export: Export the currently selected tree item and all children to an export file.
Export Multi Well: Gives the user the option to select which facilities, wells, actual wells and planned wells are to be included in the export from a given field.
Import: Import a Well Seeker PRO transfer file into the current database. If the files to be imported contain any database tree item with the same name as an existing item, Well Seeker PRO uses an internal logic process to automatically decide how the conflict is handled.
In all standard cases where a name match is found between the export file and the database, the outcome is the database data is overwritten with the data from the export file. The only exception to this is when a duplicate name is encountered under a different parent item in the database tree.
The way in which duplicate child items, under different parent items in the database tree are handled is described below:
The tables below show examples of a simple Well Seeker export file imported into Well Seeker Pro using the new process, including a scenario where duplicate level items are dealt with.
Export and Database naming matches:
Export and Database naming mismatch, resulting in duplicate level resolution logic:
A message dialog appears after the import process has completed, informing the user if any duplicate level items have been resolved.
An importFileLog.txt file is also created in the debug folder. This contains the same information that is displayed in the message dialog above, and provides a reference for the user once the dialog has been closed. The debug folder file path is: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Well Seeker Pro\Debug.
Import – No Reporting: Functions the same as Import, but does not import any of the reporting data contained in the export file. This will allow users to pull in trajectory data, such as plan updates from the office, without concern about overwriting reporting data.
Only available from database level, this allows the user to create an instant plan and all the levels above it with default values.
Only available from database level, this allows the user to create an instant survey and all the levels above it with default values.
This option is primarily used for Geo-steering adjustments in lateral sections of the well bore and is only available for planned wellbores. It allows the user to create a plan from a user defined measured depth with a user defined TVD and dip angle. The TVD reference can also be selected here as zero Vertical Section.
Whenever a Geo-Steering report is received it will specify a new target TVD and dip angle. The user should enter the current bit depth into the MD box (this will calculate an interpolated point on the selected plan). The user can then enter either the TVD Change (+ve value is deeper, -ve value is shallower) or the New Target TVD from the geo steering report. When one is entered, the other calculates automatically. Finally, the new Dip Angle can be entered.
When the Create button is clicked a new well plan will be created. The new plan will include the Offset TVD and Dip angle in the name. This plan will mirror the original plan down to the MD selected as the start point.
From the start point, the new plan will then drop (or build) instantly to the new required TVD. It should be noted that this tool is not intended to output a polished well plan; rather, its purpose is to quickly adjust the current well plan to reflect the drilling requirements / changes supplied by the geologist. The Directional Driller then has a new updated plan to follow and can bring the wellbore back to plan.
This opens the Geo Steering Dialog. This option is only accessible from the Actual Wellbore level. The data entered here would be supplied by the geologist and can be represented on the section view and 3D plot.
The thickness options along the top allow the user to enter the required thickness of the top, Centre and bottom formation target. These thicknesses are directly represented in the section view plots, an example of which is below.
The user then enters the MD as supplied by the Geologist. The program will take this measured depth and interpolate the Survey to find the corresponding Vertical Section to use for plotting on the section view plot. It is important to note at this point that when calculating the required VS, Well Seeker will use the VS azimuth the survey is referenced to.
The user then enters the Centre target TVD. This value along with the values entered in the thickness section allow the program to automatically calculate the Top Zone, Top Target, Bottom Target and Bottom Zone TVD values in the first line of the main grid.
The final value to enter is the Dip Angle. The first dip entered on line 1 is just for reference and does not have any effect on the calculated depths. From line 2 onwards, the entered dip does affect the calculated TVD values. To calculate the centre target TVD on line 2, Well Seeker uses the TVD on line 1, the vertical section on line 2 and the dip angle on line 2. If the dip on line 2 is 90° then the TVD will be the same as line 1, if it is <90° the TVD on line 2 will be greater than line 1 and if it is >90° the TVD on line 2 will be less than line 1. The user can add as many lines into the table as they require, and all of these can be plotted on the section or 3D charts. It should be noted that the dip value on the last line, will also be used to project ahead on the plot to the same VS at the end of the principal well plan.
In the above plot, the black Vertical lines represent the different lines entered in the Geo Steering Dialog. If the first line in the geo-steering dialog has a vertical section which is greater than the vertical section of the landing point in the principal plan, then Well Seeker will automatically add an additional line to represent this point. If the vertical section of the first line in the dialog is less than or equal to the vertical section of the landing point in the principal plan, then this line will not be added.
If Specify TVD is selected, then the Centre Target TVD is no longer automatically calculated from the dip angle. Instead, the user can manually enter the TVD and the difference in the TVD between lines, along with the vertical section is what is used by Well Seeker in the plots. The user can still manually add the dip angle, but this has no effect on the plotted values, with the exception of the last dip, which is still used to project to the vertical section TD of the principal plan.
If TVD ref to Zero VS is selected, then the existing TVD columns gain the addition of “@ 0VS” to their titles and a new column displays which shows centre target TVD. This column shows the centre target TVD at the relevant vertical section, as detailed by the measured depth entered. Both Centre Target TVD values are calculated based on the Dip angle entered.
Geo steering data can be added to the plot from the chart menu, and the different target zone colours can be selected from the Chart Defaults section of the Plots Menu. This chart default option also allows the user to select if they want these 3 zones to be represented on the plots as a default when they are opened. For more information regarding this, refer to the Plots Menu section of this manual.
It is worth noting that if there is no data entered in the Geo Steering Updates dialog, WS will still represent the target zones on the plot if these are turned on. The data used for this comes from the TVD and dip angle at the start of the lateral in the principle plan. Thickness will be 20 as default for all thickness options.
Expands all the database tree items below the level selected.
Collapses all the database tree items below the level selected.
The External Files option is only available at the Actual Well level. It allows the user to store files within the database. The user should select the desired file using the open folder button at the top of the window. Once a file has been selected, they can sort it into a category by choosing it from the dropdown box. The file can then be added by clicking on the Add button. Added files can be removed by selecting them from the list and clicking the Delete button, or opened from within the database by selecting Open File.