8.0 - Well Seeker PRO Database Structure
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The Well Seeker Pro Database is divided in to 8 different levels all of which have their own properties associated with them.
The Well Seeker PRO top level is simply the Well Seeker PRO Database. This contains all the user data and has NO properties associated with it. By default, the Well Seeker PRO database is called Well_SeekerDB.mdb which is located in the install directory. This is the default database which Well Seeker PRO initially looks for. Multiple Well Seeker PRO databases can be created and can be named differently from the default. Ensure that the database is created in a directory which the user currently has write permissions to.
The user will not be able to create a new database with Well Seeker PRO in the Program files directory, or directly to the C:\ root directory. Once created, a new database can be moved to the desired location using Windows Explorer.
A new database can be created from the “File->Create new database” option. Once created, the new database will not be automatically connected to; this must be done from the “File->Select Database” option. When Well Seeker PRO closes, it will store the file path of the last database it was accessing in the setupWS.ini file and attempt to reconnect to it on start-up.
Should Well Seeker PRO fail to connect to the database specified in the “setupWS.ini” because the database has been deleted, or moved, or the database name has been changed, then the user will receive a warning and will be asked if they wish to manually select a database. The user can then browse the computer and select the relevant database they wish to access.
Operator represents a specific oil company or business unit and contains settings which will affect all levels and all fields and wells below it.
Name: This is the name of the operator and any change made here will be reflected in the database tree.
Contact: A contact for the operator can be entered. This is for information purposes only.
Address: The address of the operator; this is for information purposes only.
Primary Logo: The logo is the default logo which can be displayed on reports. Only .bmp files are supported, and the logo can be selected by clicking the select logo button which brings up a standard Windows select file dialog.
Secondary Logo: This is an additional Logo which can be added to plots and reports allowing the user to show their company logo as well as the clients.
Set Password: At every level in the database structure, the user has the option to lock the properties via a “Locked” checkbox at the bottom left of each dialog. When locked, the user is unable to edit any of the inputs at this level without the relevant password. This option opens the set password dialog, where the user can enter and where necessary change their chosen password.
Scan Method: This is the anti-collision scan method used for all proximity scans. Well Seeker PRO currently supports three options:
3D Closest Approach: Finds the closest approach of the offset well in 3D space. To visually represent the scan, imagine an ever-expanding sphere with its origin at the point of interest on the reference well. The point on the offset well which first touches the sphere is the point of closest approach. A 3D scan will always find the point of closest approach regardless of which direction the offset well is coming from.
Travelling cylinder North / High side: The scan describes a circular plane perpendicular to the wellbore. To visualize, imagine a 2D disc with its origin at the point of interest on the reference well with its axis perpendicular to the well bore. The point at which the offset well intersects the disc is the point of closest approach. Travelling cylinder scans can miss or be very late to detect offset wells which approach near perpendicular to the reference. This scan should be used with caution or when backed up by an accompanying 3D closest approach scan. The difference between the North / High side scans is simply the reference angle used when determining the direction of the offset well. High side references the offset well to the high side of the current well bore, this can lead to confusing outputs as at low inclinations the high side of the wellbore can swing dramatically between survey points. North referenced travelling cylinder scans use North (True or Grid, whichever is selected at Field Level) as the reference where the high side angle is calculated and the current wellbore azimuth is added.
Horizontal Scan: Finds the point of closest approach of the offset well by scanning horizontally on the reference wells current TVD. This scanning method is rarely used as it can miss potential collisions.
Error Surface: This describes the error surface used to calculate separation or clearance factors in Well Seeker PRO. It currently supports three methods:
Circular Conic: Uses the ellipse semi major axis as the error radius regardless of which direction the wells are approaching from. This can lead to very pessimistic AC results.
Pedal Curve: This method describes the errors as an ellipse (elliptical conic); however, it uses the pedal radius in separation factor calculations. This is the radius of the ellipse perpendicular to the line of closest approach.
Combined Covariance: This method uses the same error radius as elliptical conic; however, the total error radius is calculated by root sum squaring (RSS) the two radii. This method should be used only with errors at 2.79 Sigma and above.
Ellipsoid Scalar Expansion: This method describes errors as a 3D ellipsoid. The reference and offset ellipsoids are then expanded using the same scale factor until they come into contact. The scale factor required to achieve this is the separation factor. Ellipsoids that are already touching before scalar expansion have a SF of 1. Ellipsoids that overlap before scalar expansion have a SF of <1. This method requires greater CPU power than the other methods.
Warning Type: This defines the type of warnings which Well Seeker PRO will flag on the anti-collision report and it has two settings:
Error Ratio: This is also known as “Clearance factor” or “Separation Factor”. It is calculated by dividing the centre to centre distance by the summed radius of the EOU. The error surface defines the total error radius.
Well Seeker uses the Pedal Curve Method when calculating the reference and offset error radius values.
Rules Based: This allows the user to define an Anti-collision rule which can be either an Error ratio or a depth ratio. In the Type column the user can select from the following options:
Error ratio: This is just a normal separation factor-based rule and works in the same way as the Error Ratio option above. Note the user does not need to enter anything in the Max Radius cell for this rule.
Depth ratio: This option takes the current measured depth and multiplies it by the ratio. This value is then the C-C distance warning limit at that given depth. If the C-C distance at this depth is less than this value Well Seeker will flag this with a warning. The user can set the max radius to limit this; however, the user does not need to enter a maximum radius for the rule to work. For example, if the depth ratio was set at 0.1 at a measured depth of 100m, the rule would be a minimum C2C of 10m. Anything less than this would be flagged.
Min C-C Distance: This option lets the user select a radius, which acts as the C-C distance warning limit along the entire well and if you end up with a C-C distance less than the radius entered, you will get a warning. This differs from the above since the radius is fixed and does not change based on depth. Note the user does not need to enter anything in the Ratio cell for this rule.
It is possible to combine these AC rules. This allows the user to include multiple warnings when running the AC calculations. For example, the user could have the standard error ratio warnings selected at the same time as the minimum centre to centre. In the above, if the warnings on lines 1-4 were selected, this will flag the various levels for SF and also flag any point with a C-C of less than 5m/ft (whatever the selected units are)
The warning types are defined in the warning type grid and can be named however the user desires and there can be an unlimited number of rules which can be evaluated. The warning grid will change depending on whether rules based, or error ratio is selected.
Errors evaluated @ Sigma: Sets the number of standard deviations used when calculating separation factor in anti-collision reports and real time AC. Default value is 2.
Errors output @ Sigma: This is the number of standard deviations used for calculating the size of errors ellipses for anti-collision reports, real time AC and for displaying on plots. For separation factor calculations, the software used the above Errors Evaluated @ Sigma setting. Default value is 2.
Increasing the sigma value increases the size of error ellipses, but also increases the probability that the wellbore is inside the error ellipse. The below table represents the confidence levels for one, two- and three-dimensional Gaussian distribution with equal standard deviations in all directions.
When using the Pedal Curve method (as is used within Well Seeker), the probability of collision is effectively broken down into a one-dimensional problem, therefore at 1 sigma there is a 68% chance that the well path will reside inside the EOU and this increases to 95% at 2 sigma. This value also determines at what sigma level the error ellipse sizes are displayed on the error ellipse report. The below picture shows a visual representation of the pedal curve around an ellipse of uncertainty.
Casing: This option allows the user to decide if the casing radius is to be considered in the anti-collision calculation.
Include Casings: If “yes” is selected in the casing option, this option defines how the casing radius is used in the separation factor calculation.
If “Add” is selected, the radius is added to the error radius and survey bias.
If “subtract” is selected, the casing radius is subtracted from the centre to centre distance.
It should be noted for top hole sections where the centre to centre distances are small, this option can give a negative centre to centre distance.
Errors Calculated From: This option allows the user to define where the EOU calculation starts from. For land wells and jack-ups, “surface” is usually selected. However, for deep water wells, “mudline” is usually selected.
TC Plot Safety Factor: This option allows the user to apply a safety factor to the errors which are generated in the travelling cylinder plot. With a value of one entered here (default), the ellipses will generate as per normal i.e. no safety factor applied, which means touching the No-Go line on the plot effectively equates to a SF of 1. If the user enters a value of for example 1.2 here, the ellipses displayed on the TC plot will be 20% larger, 1.5 will be 50% larger etc, giving the safety factor required. Note: This value cannot be anything less than 1
Warnings Grid: This allows the user to define the warning rules which will be displayed on anti-collision reports. If “Error Ratio” is selected as the warning type, the grid will display “Name” and “Ratio” Columns. The name will be displayed on an anti-collision report if the separation factor is less than or equal to the value in the “Ratio” column. If “Rules Based” is selected as the warning type, the grid will have the additional columns “Type”, “Max Radius” and “Active”. The type column specifies if the value entered in the “Ratio” column is a clearance factor or a depth ratio. The “Max Radius” Column only applies to depth ratios and specifies the maximum radius to be added to the total error radius. The “Active” column specifies if the rule will be evaluated or not.
Locked: This checkbox allows the user to lock all the editable cells in the dialog. If NO password has been entered at Operator level in the set password section, then the user can freely select to lock and unlock the dialog. If a password has been added at Operator level, then the user must enter the relevant password to both lock and unlock the dialog.
Customer is a Directional Company: Changes the Directional Company field in the Well Data & Personnel dialog in the Daily Reports (see section 13.4.8 – Well Data & Personnel) to Operator. This can be used if the ‘operator’ is in fact the directional drilling company, and they want their daily reports to reflect this.
WPTS Separation Rule: Toggling on the Use WPTS Separation Rule option on instructs the software to use the WPTS Separation Rule to calculate the separation factor value when running anti-collision. It also allows the user to set the value for the two additional parameters used in the calculation – the surface margin and project ahead uncertainty.
Surface Margin: The surface margin term increases the effective radius of the offset well and accommodates for small, unidentified errors. It also defines the minimum acceptable slot separation during facility design and ensures that the separation rule will prohibit the activity before nominal contact between the reference and offset wells, even if the position uncertainty is zero. Default value is 0.3m or 0.984ft.
Projection Ahead Uncertainty: Quantifies the 1 standard deviation uncertainty in the projection ahead of the current survey station. The size of this value represents uncertainties such as directional sensor to bit distance, survey interval, angular control from the BHA, drilling experience in the current formation and the operator’s general attitude towards risk. Default value is 0.5m or 1.64ft
The field level represents a specific oil or gas field on which the operator can have any number of facilities. Fields define the mapping grid to be used when calculating geographic coordinates.
Field Name: Name of the field which will be displayed in the database tree.
Mapping Grid: The dropdown box sets the co-ordinate reference system (CRS) which will be used to convert between grid co-ordinates, local co-ordinates and latitude/longitude values. Clicking on the mapping grid button will open the CRS Editor. See section 8.3.1 – CRS Editor below.
Azimuth North Reference: Either true north or grid north can be used as the azimuth reference. It is assumed that the azimuths entered into survey grids will be referenced to the radio button selected here.
Local Coordinate Reference: This defines the datum for local coordinate systems. If “Well Centred” is selected, the well head location is defined as the well’s datum and all wells will start at local coordinates zero north and zero east. If “Facility Centred” is selected, the centre of the facility is used as the common reference. This option is commonly used for facilities with multiple slots.
Apply Scale Factor: If this option is selected, the scale factor defined in the CRS will be used to calculate map co-ordinates from local co-ordinates. This is the ratio between measured distances on the map compared to measured distances on the ground as a result of distortion of linear scale associated with mapping a spherical surface (the earth) onto a plane. Note that this option does not affect the local coordinates, only the map coordinates (Northing and Easting’s).
Show Map: This extends the existing dialog to include a Google Maps section. This will show the location of the positional data entered and can be toggled between map and satellite view. The map can also be zoomed in and out using the – and + buttons. This map location will only be accurate if the CRS selected uses WGS 84, as this is what Google Maps utilises.
Show Field Ref Point on Report: When selected, the field reference point coordinates will be included in the Field data box of any report generated. If unchecked (default) then these coordinates will not appear in the field data box in the reports.
Field reference point: This is the reference location used for the field. The reference point can be entered either as a latitude & longitude or as a map coordinate. This is defined by selecting the “Grid North / East” or “Lat / Long” radio button. The grid convergence for the field reference point is displayed in the edit box marked “Grid Convergence”. This value will be applied when converting between grid north and true north.
System vertical datum: This is datum which all TVDs stored in the database will be referenced to. This is usually either mean sea level “MSL”, lowest astronomical tide “LAT” or some other user specified value. If a value other than MSL is selected from the combo box, the elevation above or below MSL must be entered. A positive value indicates that the datum is above mean sea level and a negative value indicates it is below it.
Locked: This checkbox allows the user to lock all the editable cells in the dialog. If NO password has been entered at Operator level in the set password section, then the user can freely select to lock and unlock the dialog. If a password has been added at Operator level, then the user must enter the relevant password to both lock and unlock the dialog.
The CRS Editor is where the user can create, delete, and edit their available Co-Ordinate Reference Systems. Well Seeker Pro comes with several of the most common CRS installed by default.
The available CRS are listed on the left-hand side of the window. The user can filter the list by entering a name into the Search box at the top of the window. The CRS Editor is controlled using the toolbar at the top of the window:
Save Changes: Saves any changes made in the CRS Editor.
Add new CRS: Creates a new blank CRS titled ‘New CRS.’
Export CRS: Exports the selected CRS as .json file, allowing it to be sent to other users.
Import CRS: Imports a CRS from a .json file and adds it to the list.
Enable CRS: Closes the CRS Editor and sets the currently selected CRS as the one in use in the Field Properties/Geo-mag Calculator.
Edit CRS: Allows the currently selected CRS to be edited. The CRS details on the right of the window will no longer be greyed out and the user can edit each line by left clicking on it.
Parameters highlighted in GREEN are required and affect the output - Care should be taken to enter the data correctly:
Name: This can be anything you want as it has no impact on any of the calculations. In Well Seeker, the naming convention is the System / and then the Map Projection, and it is recommended that this convention is followed.
Area of use: Description of which part of the earth this CRS references and has no effect on any of the calculations.
Datum: This is just text and does not directly affect any calculations.
System: This is just text and does not directly affect any calculations.
Ellipsoid: The name of the Ellipsoid. This does not have any effect on the output.
Semi Major Axis (m): This is the Equatorial Radius of the Ellipsoid in metres and is required for the CRS to work.
Semi Major Axis (UOM): This is the equatorial radius of the ellipsoid in the units of measure which the CRS is using and is optional.
Units of Measure: This is a drop-down menu option, and you can choose from 7 options.
Inverse Flattening: Also called ‘1/f’, this is the inverse Flattening of the Ellipsoid and is required for the CRS to work.
Map Projection: This is just text and does not directly affect any calculations.
Projection Type: This is a drop-down menu, and you can choose from 4 options – TM, 1SP (Standard Parallel), 2SP or STEREO.
False Easting: A linear value applied to the origin of the x-coordinates. Usually applied to ensure all x-values are positive.
False Northing: A linear value applied to the origin of the y-coordinates. Usually applied to ensure all y-values are positive.
Latitude of Origin: This should be input as a decimal.
Longitude of Origin: This should be input as a decimal.
Scale Factor: Ratio between measured distance on the map and on the ground.
1st Standard Parallel: This information will be required if you select 1 SP or 2 SP from the Projection Type Drop down menu.
2nd Standard Parallel: This information will be required if you select 2 SP from the Projection Type Drop down menu.
A facility represents either an offshore platform or a specific onshore site. A facility is usually a collection of wells or for a subsea well, the facility could represent the subsea template or well head location.
Name: The name of the facility which will be displayed in the database tree.
Lease /Hard Lines: The user can select to have lease / hard lines show at all levels within the Targets dialog. On will pre-select the lease / hard lines to be displayed from Field to Actual / Plan levels. Off will pre-select the lease / hard lines to be displayed from Field to Facility level only. When either on or off is selected, the user should then select apply. If there are a lot of lease lines and / or a lot of plans and surveys, then it may take a moment for Well Seeker to process this selection.
Show Map: This extends the existing dialog to include a Google Maps section. This will show the location of the positional data entered and can be toggled between map and satellite view using the Satellite checkbox. The map can also be zoomed in and out using the – and + buttons. This map location will only be accurate if the CRS selected uses WGS 84, as this is what Google Maps utilises.
Facility reference point: This is the reference location used for the facility. For an offshore platform, this is usually platform centre and for an onshore facility, this is usually the centre of the site. The reference point can be entered either as a latitude & longitude or as a map coordinate. This is defined by selecting the “Grid North / East” or “Lat / Long” radio button. The grid convergence for the facility reference point is displayed in the edit box marked “Grid Convergence”. This value will be applied when converting between grid north and true north.
Facility Location Uncertainty: The horizontal and vertical uncertainty of the facility entered at 1 sigma. This value is used for EOU calculations.
Rig Directions: Provides a space where the user can leave a note on the location of the rig.
Locked: This checkbox allows the user to lock all the editable cells in the dialog. If NO password has been entered at Operator level in the set password section, then the user can freely select to lock and unlock the dialog. If a password has been added at Operator level, then the user must enter the relevant password to both lock and unlock the dialog.
Clicking the templates button gives the user access to the templates dialog.
A template represents a number of surface locations from which wells can originate. Templates are usually used for offshore platforms or subsea wells. A facility can have more than one template associated with it which can be selected from the “Select template” combo box.
The name template is displayed in the name edit box and this name can be changed by editing it here. The slot prefix is the prefix which will be applied to all slots created and be how the slot name is displayed.
A new template can be created by clicking the “Create New” button and changes to the current template are saved by clicking the “Apply” button. The current template will be deleted by clicking the “Delete” button. Templates cannot be deleted if one or more slots are in use by the well level.
The centre of the template describes the offset of the centre of the template to the facility reference point in terms of North / South and East / West co-ordinates.
The template geometry is defined by selecting the appropriate radio button in the geometry section.
Rectangular templates are defined by parameters in the rectangle section of the dialog.
The offset from the template centre is defined by the first two edit boxes and this represents the offset from the centre point defined in the template centre section. The number of rows and columns are defined in the “Rows” and “Columns” edit box and the clockwise rotation of the template is defined in the rotation section. The X and Y spacing is defined by the X and Y spacing boxes and the slot numbering can be specified from the drop-down menu.
Circular templates can be defined by the parameters in the Circle section.
If single slots are selected from the geometry section, then the slot locations and names are entered in the grid at the bottom of the dialog.
If rectangular or circle geometries are selected, the slots can be converted to single slots by clicking the convert to single slot button. It should be noted that this operation is not reversible.
The well properties dialog defines the properties for a single well head. If the well is an exploration well, the well head location may be the same as the facility location.
Name: The name displayed in the database viewer tree
Description: A description of the well, used only for information
Well head Location:
Slot: If a template has been created at facility level, the well head location can be assigned to a slot from the template. Select the slot from the drop-down list. If the slot is moved the well will move along with it.
Offset from facility: The well head location is defined by an offset from the facility reference point. This is specified in local coordinates.
Map: The map coordinates of the well head.
Geographic: The lat / long of the well head.
Grid Convergence: The grid convergence at the well head location.
Scale Factor: The scale factor of the CRS selected at field level
Location Uncertainty: The vertical and horizontal location uncertainty of the well head entered at 1 sigma.
Depth Reference: The depth reference grid allows the user to enter the elevation and details of multiple depth datums which have been used. A depth datum usually represents a drilling rig and if multiple rigs have been used to drill the well, they can be entered here. The datum name is simply the name which will be displayed on reports and when selecting the depth datum at actual well level. The elevation is the elevation above the system vertical datum of the depth reference. It is this value which is added on to all TVD’s stored in the database. Once the elevation is entered the specifics of the datum can be entered in the section to the right of the grid.
If the datum is for an offshore rig, the first edit box will be the water depth. If the well is onshore, the edit box will represent the elevation of ground level above MSL.
If “offshore” is selected, the user can enter the well head elevation above MSL. If “subsea” is selected, the elevation below MSL can be entered. This is the distance between the top of the well head and MSL.
Show Map: This extends the existing dialog to include a Google Maps section. This will show the location of the positional data entered and can be toggled between map and satellite view using the Satellite checkbox. The map can also be zoomed in and out using the – and + buttons. This map location will only be accurate if the CRS selected uses WGS 84, as this is what Google Maps utilises.
Locked: This checkbox allows the user to lock all the editable cells in the dialog. If NO password has been entered at Operator level in the set password section, then the user can freely select to lock and unlock the dialog. If a password has been added at Operator level, then the user must enter the relevant password to both lock and unlock the dialog.
An actual well represents a well that has already been drilled or is currently being drilled. Whenever an actual well is created, an actual well bore is automatically created below it. The actual well bore represents the actual well path and is defined by the survey program. The actual wellbore can only be deleted if the actual well is deleted.
Name: The name displayed in the database viewer tree
Description: A description of the wellbore used only for information purposes.
Tolerance Circles: Tolerance circles are for visual reference only. The radius of the inner and outer tolerance circles can be added here. These can be displayed in a plan or spider plot by selecting their inclusion in the chart properties dialog. The default colours for the inner and outer tolerance circles can be adjust in the ‘Plots>Chart Defaults’ menu.
Vertical Section: Details of the vertical section (used for section plots and vertical section calculations) are entered here. The VS azimuth and the origin point must be entered in order to correctly calculate vertical section. When Bottom Hole Location is selected, the program will draw a straight line from the VS origin point to the last survey point and the azimuth of this line will be used as the vertical section. It is important to note that if this is selected, the vertical section will change every time a new survey is added.
Depth Reference: A list of depth references available to the well can be selected from the drop down menu. The list represents all the datums entered at well level. If the depth datum is changed and there are currently surveys entered, a dialog will appear asking if you wish to change the TVDs or preserve them. It should be noted that changing a depth datum with surveys already entered can seriously corrupt your database and a backup should be made prior to this.
Magnetics: The magnetics grid allows the user to calculate magnetic data for the well location using any of the models available in the Well Seeker PRO magnetics directory. Data entry is as per the Geo Mag calculator, the only difference is the active check box indicating which magnetics data will be used for EOU calculations.
Survey Program: The survey program specifies how the actual well bore is constructed and which parts of the various surveys will be used to create the actual well bore. Select the survey from the survey drop down box and enter the depths to use. The ipm’s (Instrument Performance Models) are selected at survey level and are automatically populated here based on the selected survey.
Sidetrack Details: If the well is a side track, the “side track” check box should be clicked in order to enable the side tracking options. Select the parent well from the drop-down list (which will be a list of all actual wells currently underneath the well) and enter the sidetrack depth. Click the “Create sidetrack” button and this will update the survey program with all the surveys up to the sidetrack point from the parent well. It should be noted that all previous survey program lines will be deleted. Once the sidetrack is created, all the surveys and the survey program will have access the surveys in the parent well bore.
Errors Start: If the "side track" check box has been checked, the user may choose where anti-collision ellipses begin when running anti-collision between the sidetrack wellbore and it's mother bore. If ST Point is selected, the error ellipses for both will start at the sidetrack kick-off point, with an initial magnitude of zero. If Surface is selected, the error ellipses will start at surface as normal. If the well was imported from a Compass EDM file, this option will match the choice in the EDM file. Otherwise, it will default to ST Point. Note that this only applies to anti-collision run between the mother bore and the sidetrack. For anti-collision scans against any other well or plan, the errors will start from surface.
Export Geomag Data: Exports the geomagnetic data as a document. Select the line in the ‘Magnetics’ section that you want to export the geomagnetic data for. Then select the report format as ‘PDF’ or ‘Excel’ from the drop-down menu, before selecting ‘Export’ to generate the report.
Force Landing: By default, the BR to Land column data is calculated from the principal plan. Force landing allows the user to enter a TVD, INC and AZI to project to, without having to make an alteration to the principal plan. This information only affects the BR to Land column data.
Force Colour: Selecting this option and choosing a colour will ensure that this actual well will always be displayed in this colour in all the plots. This supersedes any colour options for this actual well in the ‘Chart Properties’ dialog.
Locked: This checkbox allows the user to lock all the editable cells in the dialog. If NO password has been entered at Operator level in the set password section, then the user can freely select to lock and unlock the dialog. If a password has been added at Operator level, then the user must enter the relevant password to both lock and unlock the dialog.
A planned well represents a well that is being planned. Whenever a planned well is created, a planned wellbore is automatically created below it. The planned wellbore represents the planned well path and is an interpolated listing of the plan. The planned wellbore can only be deleted if the planned well is deleted.
Name: The name displayed in the database viewer tree
Description: A description of the wellbore used only for information purposes.
Set as principal: If this option is selected, a red box will appear around the plan icon in the database viewer. Only one principal plan per well can be selected per well. This plan will be used in the distance to calculations in the survey view.
Tolerance Circles: Tolerance circles are for visual reference only. The radius of the inner and outer tolerance circles can be added here. These can be displayed in a plan or spider plot by selecting their inclusion in the chart properties dialog. The default colours for the inner and outer tolerance circles can be adjust in the ‘Plots>Chart Defaults’ menu.
Vertical Section: Details of the vertical section (used for section plots and vertical section calculations) are entered here. The VS azimuth and the origin point must be entered in order to correctly calculate vertical section. When Bottom Hole Location is selected, the program will draw a straight line from the VS origin point to the last survey point and the azimuth of this line will be used as the vertical section. It is important to note that if this is selected, the vertical section will change every time a new survey is added.
Depth Reference: A list of depth references available to the well can be selected from the drop-down menu. The list represents all the datums entered at well level. If the depth datum is changed and there are currently surveys entered, a dialog will appear asking if you wish to change the TVDs or preserve them. It should be noted that changing a depth datum with surveys already entered can seriously corrupt your database and a backup should be made prior to this.
Magnetics: The magnetics grid allows the user to calculate magnetic data for the well location using any of the models available in the Well Seeker PRO magnetics directory. Data entry is as per the Geo Mag calculator the only difference is the active check box indicating which magnetics data will be used for EOU calculations.
Survey Program: The survey program specifies how the planned wellbore is constructed and which ipm’s will be used to create the planned wellbore. Select the plan or survey from the drop-down box and enter the depths to use. If the line entered is part of the current plan, the IPM can be selected from the drop-down menu. If the plan is a sidetrack, then the survey program will populate from surface to the sidetrack depth with the relevant motherbore details and the ipm for these lines will not be editable.
Sidetrack: If the plan is a sidetrack, the sidetrack check box should be clicked in order to enable the side tracking options. Select the parent well from the drop-down list (which will be a list of all actual and planned wells currently underneath the well) and enter the sidetrack depth. Click the ”Create sidetrack” button and this will update the survey program with all the surveys up to the side track point from the parent well. It should be noted that all previous survey program lines will be deleted. Once the sidetrack is created, all the surveys and the survey program will have access the surveys in the parent well bore.
Errors Start: If the "side track" check box has been checked, the user may choose where anti-collision ellipses begin when running anti-collision between the sidetrack plan and it's mother bore. If ST Point is selected, the error ellipses for both will start at the sidetrack kick-off point, with an initial magnitude of zero. If Surface is selected, the error ellipses will start at surface as normal. If the plan was imported from a Compass EDM file, this option will match the choice in the EDM file. Otherwise, it will default to ST Point. Note that this only applies to anti-collision run between the mother bore and the sidetrack. For anti-collision scans against any other well or plan, the errors will start from surface.
Tie-On: This section specifies where the plan will tie on to:
Surface: The plan will tie on to the well head location
User defined: The user can enter the MD INC AZI NS EW and TVD the plan will be tied on to.
From survey / plan: This option is only available if the plan is a side track, select the survey file of plan to tie on to and type the MD which you wish to use. The INC AZI NS EW and TVD will be interpolated from the survey or plan selected.
Export Geomag Data: Exports the geomagnetics data as a document. Select the line in the ‘Magnetics’ section that you want to export the geomagnetics data for. Then select the report format as ‘PDF’ or ‘Excel’ from the drop down menu, before selecting ‘Export’ to generate the report.
Force Color: Selecting this option and choosing a colour will ensure that this plan will always be displayed in this colour in all of the plots. This supersedes any colour options for this plan in the ‘Chart Properties’ dialog.
Survey Tools: Clicking on this button will open the Survey Tool Editor. If the user selects a row in the survey program by clicking on its row number and then clicks on Survey Tools, they can use the ‘select IPM’ button in the Survey Tool Editor to choose an IPM for that row.
Locked: This checkbox allows the user to lock all the editable cells in the dialog. If NO password has been entered at Operator level in the set password section, then the user can freely select to lock and unlock the dialog. If a password has been added at Operator level, then the user must enter the relevant password to both lock and unlock the dialog.
A survey represents a set of surveys taken with a single survey tool. A wellbore is made up of multiple surveys.
Name: The name displayed in the database viewer tree.
Tie-On: This section specifies where the plan will tie on to:
Surface: The survey will tie on to the well head location
User defined: The user can enter the MD INC AZI NS EW and TVD the survey will be tied on to.
From survey: Select the survey file to tie on to and type the MD which you wish to use. The INC AZI NS EW and TVD will be interpolated from the survey or plan selected. If the well is a sidetrack then surveys from the parent well are also available.
Survey Instrument: Select the error model which will be used to calculate the EOU for all surveys stations in the survey file. Clicking the “Survey Tools” button will bring up the survey tool editor. The user can also select an error model by opening the survey tool editor, selecting a model and clicking on the ‘select IPM’ button.
Locked: This checkbox allows the user to lock all the editable cells in the dialog. If NO password has been entered at Operator level in the set password section, then the user can freely select to lock and unlock the dialog. If a password has been added at Operator level, then the user must enter the relevant password to both lock and unlock the dialog.