13.3 - Phase Codes

This option can be accessed via the database navigator menu or directly from the Daily Reporting dialog. Note that when accessing via the database navigator menu, the Phase Codes option will only be available to select from Operator Level.

These phase codes are used in the Daily Activities section of the Daily Reporting package and utilised for KPI Tracking Graphs and the Depth v Time Chart. Phases can be created and edited here.

The Save button will save any changes made to the Phase Codes table.

The Set to Default button will set the phase codes to match the values entered in the Code Defaults (See section 6.4.14 –Code Defaults). If no defaults have been set, this button will reset the phase codes to the Well Seeker factory default.

If the associated Operator Properties have been locked, the Phase Codes will also be locked. Clicking on the Lock button will unlock them. If a password has been set in the associated Operator Properties, it will need to be entered before the window can be unlocked.

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