13.1 - Activity Codes
This option can be accessed via the database navigator menu or directly from the Daily Reporting dialog. Note that when accessing via the database navigator menu, the Activity Codes option will only be available to select from Operator Level.
These codes are used in the Daily Activities section of the Daily Reporting package and utilised for KPI Tracking Graphs and automatic calculations of Drilling Parameter and Drilling Summary data when selected.
The active check box allows the user to select which of the activity codes are active. Any codes which are selected as active will be available from the dropdown menu in the Daily Reports section. If the code is not selected as active, it will NOT be available to select in the Daily Reports. Note: Caution should be taken de-activating codes after a well has started. If a code is in use in the Daily Activity grid and the user de-activates it, it will be replaced with no selection.
The toolbar at the top of window contains additional functions:
Save: Saves any changes made.
Activate all codes: Sets all currently entered activity codes to active.
De-activate all codes: De-activates all currently entered activity codes.
Reset to defaults: Sets the activity codes to match the values entered in the Code Defaults, if any have been entered. If not, this will reset all the activity codes the Well Seeker factory default. See section 6.4.14 –Code Defaults.
Lock: If the associated Operator Properties have been locked, the Activity Codes will also be locked. Clicking on the Lock button will unlock them. If a password has been set in the associated Operator Properties, it will need to be entered before the window can be unlocked.
13.1.1 - Important Activity Codes
Most activity codes are arbitrary and do not have any specific function beyond allowing the user to differentiate between different activities in reports and KPI results. They can be added, removed, and modified without affecting the Daily Reporting package. However, some codes do have special functions which the user should be aware of:
2K (Rotary Drilling) and 2J (Slide Drilling): Any code beginning with the number 2 is recognised by the software as drilling activity, allowing it to record drilling hours, distances and differentiate between slide and rotation. 2K and 2J are the most important of these codes as they are the default codes used to populate the Daily Activity grid using data from the Slide Sheet. The user should make sure that 2K and 2J are always present and active in the Activity codes.
Codes starting with 5: Codes starting with the number 5 are recorded as circulating hours by the software. The exception to this rule is code 10C (Reshoot, surveys, cycle pumps, downlink tools), which will also count as circulating time.
Codes starting with 8: Codes starting with the number 8 are highlighted in red in the Daily Activity grid and are counted as rig non-productive time (NPT).
Codes starting with 26: Codes starting with the number 26 are highlighted in red in the Daily Activity grid and are counted as directional non-productive time (NPT). By default, there are no 26 codes included so the user will need to add them manually if they wish to record directional NPT.
3Z (Sidetrack): Allows the user to change the current hole depth recorded in the daily report. The only other way to do this is with a drilling activity (code 2), which counts as drilling time. 3Z allows the user to change the hole depth (e.g., when pulling back to a sidetrack KOP) without affecting recorded drilling time.
Note that Well Seeker Pro uses the code for these activities to recognise them. All code descriptions are arbitrary and can be changed without affecting Daily Reporting functions.
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