10.0 - User Management
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User management is designed to allow an organizations administrators to create and edit login credentials for individual users and to specify the exact information that the user will be able view and interact with, when logged in using those credentials.
Displays a search filterable list of the organizations App / Web Portal users.
Tap on the user details in order to edit these details and also to deactivate and reactivate the user if required.
Roles are a set of user permissions that can be setup and used by multiple users. Roles establish what admin and editing permissions a user has, as well as what App and Website add-on features the user has access to.
Tap on the role details in order to edit these details.
Input the name and display name of the role.
Select from the role permissions, red indicating off and green indicating on:
Admin – A user with a role with this selected can access and edit the Well Seeker Admin and User Management sections of the App. Only select this to establish a role for company administrators. All other roles should have this option unselected.
Edit, Delete, Approver, Create – Do not currently have a function. These are place holders for when data editing functionality is available within the App.
Tap on the icon and a window will open to add a new user.
Tap on the icon to select which operators data the user can view. If all the operators in the list are left red, then the user will be able to see all of the operator’s data. If one or more operators are selected green, then the remaining red operator’s data will not be visible to the user.
Tap on the icon to select which wells data the user can view. Only wells based upon the operator selection will be visible to turn on and off. If all the wells in the list are left red, then the user will be able to see all of the well data. If one or more wells are selected green, then the remaining red well’s data will not be visible to the user.
Tap on the icon and a window will open to add a new role.
Tap on the icon to select which products and features the role will give permission for. The role can be set up with specific options for the Website, Mobile App and the Client API. Additional features will likely incur additional cost.