6.4 - Tools Menu
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The tools menu allows the user access to various Well Seeker PRO functions, some of which are only accessible when a survey or plan view is visible. Additionally, some functions are only accessible when logged into a remote database.
The unit sets dialog can be accessed either from the “Tools -> Unit Sets” menu or by the unit sets icon on the main tool bar. The currently loaded unit set is displayed in the status bar as well as in the properties window.
The unit set defines the units which Well Seeker PRO uses to display data. US Feet is the default unit set when Well Seeker is first installed. A unit set is a specifically formatted text file which is stored in the Well Seeker PRO install directory under the unit sets folder. Unit set files can be copied from computer to computer and if they are placed in the unit sets folder will become visible to Well Seeker PRO. By default, Well Seeker PRO comes with four unit set files: API, SI, ND, US and Canadian. When a unit set is selected, it applies to the entire database.
A unit sets file contains fifteen parameters. The first 6 parameters directly relate to the planning, survey and anti-collision portions of the program. The rest of the parameters all relate to the daily reporting and engineering sections:
Depth: Current units for measured depth and TVD. Options are Feet, US Feet and Meters.
Local: Current units for NS, EW and centre to centre distances. Options are Feet, US Feet and Meters.
Geographic: Defines what units the map co-ordinates are displayed in. Options are CRS Default (the unit set defined by the selected CRS), Feet, US Feet and Meters.
Diameter: This defines the units used to display Casing OD and ID as well as hole size. Options are mm and inches.
Dogleg: The current units DLS, BR and TR are displayed in. Options are Deg/100ft (or 30m), Deg/30ft (or 10m) or user defined. If user defined is selected, the parameter column becomes active and the units value becomes degrees per unit length based on the parameter entered.
Survey Calculation Method: This defines which calculation method is used for calculating survey parameters throughout Well Seeker PRO. Options are Minimum Curvature, Radius of Curvature, Tangential and Balanced Tangential. It should be noted that if a method other than minimum curvature is selected the Well Planning tools will not work.
Flow Rate: Current units for flow rate. User can choose between LPM and GPM.
Pressure: Current units for Pressure. User can choose between Bar and psi
Volume: Current units for Volume. User can choose between BBLS and m3
Mud: Current units for Mud Weight. User can choose between PPG, SG, psi/ft3 and lbs/ft3
Weight: Current units for Weight. User can choose between klbs and Tons
Torque: Current units for Torque. User can choose between kftlb and kNm
Temperature: Current units for Temperature. User can choose between degC and degF.
Cost: Current units for Cost. User can choose between $, EUR and GBP.
Jets: Current units for Jet size. User can choose between in2 and mm2.
A new unit set file can be created by clicking the “create new” button and can be edited by clicking the “Edit” button. To save changes, including changing the unit set currently selected, click the “Apply” button.
The geo mag calculator is a standalone tool that performs the following functions:
Convert latitude and longitude to map co-ordinates and vice versa.
Calculate and print magnetic data based on the co-ordinates entered.
Set the default magnetic model used in Ellipse of Uncertainty (EOU) calculations.
Convert between NAD83 and NAD27 co-ordinates.
In order to use the Geomagnetic Calculator a co-ordinate reference system (CRS), also known as a mapping grid, must be selected from the drop-down menu at the top of the dialog. The “Scale factor” box will then display the scale factor of the selected CRS. Clicking on the Mapping Grid button will open the CRS Editor. See section 8.3.1 – CRS Editor.
Co-ordinates can be entered either as a latitude & longitude or as a map co-ordinate. This is defined by selecting the “Grid North / East” or “Lat / Long” radio button. The grid convergence is displayed in the edit box marked “grid convergence”. This value will be applied when converting between grid north and true north.
Once a CRS has been selected and co-ordinates have been entered, the user can display the location on a map using the Show Map button. Note that this map is generated using Google Maps, which will likely not be using the same CRS as the one selected by the user. This means that the location plotted on the map will not be completely accurate.
Magnetics data can be calculated for the co-ordinates entered by selecting a date and entering an altitude in the “location data” section.
It should be noted that the date selected must be within range of the geo-magnetic model selected or an error will be displayed.
To select the geomagnetic model, open the drop-down menu next to the model edit box and all the models which are currently in the install directory “Magnetics” folder will be displayed.
Well Seeker PRO comes as standard with the IGRF and WMM magnetic models, however it also supports HDGM, BGGM and mvHD magnetic models. To use BGGM, copy the BGGMXXXX.dat file into the magnetics directory and make sure there is a copy of bggm32_v3_8.dll in the magnetics directory. For HDGM models simply paste the hdgmxxxx.dll into the magnetics directory.
If the Geo Mag converter dialog is open and a new model is added to the magnetics folder, the dialog will have to be closed and reopened before Well Seeker PRO can see it.
It should be noted that world magnetic model .COF files must start with “WMM” as the first three letters of the filename, IGRF files must start with “IGRF”, BGGM must start with “BGG” and HDGM must start with “HDGM”.
Once the date and model have been selected, the magnetic data will be displayed. The user can export their magnetic data to either PDF or Excel format using the Print button. The Set as Default button will set the selected magnetic model as the default model when creating a new Actual or Planned Well.
The NAD83 / NAD27 Conversion section can be used to convert map co-ordinates & latitude/longitudes plotted on a NAD83 Datum CRS to their equivalent in a NAD27 Datum CRS, and vice versa. Note: An internet connection is required for this function to work.
To perform a conversion, the user should select a CRS in the Projection details that uses a NAD83 or NAD27 Datum. Then enter their co-ordinates into the Location data section and click on the Convert button. The converted nothing, easting, latitude, and longitude results will then be displayed in the results boxes. If there is an error with the conversion, then a message will be displayed in the “Errors” box.
The survey tool editor is used to create, view and edit Well Seeker PRO .ipm (Instrument Performance Model) files, which are used to calculate Ellipse of Uncertainty (EOU).
The available IPMs are listed on the left of the window and can be filtered using the Search box at the top of the list. The default IPM is highlighted in green. Clicking on an IPM in the list will select it and display its error terms in the main window.
IPMs can be manipulated using the toolbar at the top of the window:
Save IPM: Saves any changes made to the currently selected IPM.
Add new IPM: Creates a new blank IPM.
Delete IPM: Deletes the currently selected IPM.
Edit IPM: Allows the currently selected IPM to be edited. Any changes made should be saved using the Save IPM option.
Open IPM folder: Opens the IPM folder on the user’s computer where the .ipm files are stored. Error models can be added to Well Seeker PRO by putting the .ipm file in to the IPM folder in the Well Seeker PRO install directory. Anything in the file with a # preceding it will be ignored by Well Seeker PRO.
Select IPM: Only available if the Survey Tool Editor is accessed from the plan properties dialog of a Well Plan, or the Survey Properties dialog of a survey. Clicking on this option will set the currently selected IPM as the error model for the plan.
When an IPM is selected its error terms are displayed in the main window. Well Seeker PRO uses the ISCWSA mathematical framework for all EOU calculations, and each line in the .ipm file contains a coefficient which has 8 properties.
Name: The name used to identify the coefficient, it should be noted that as per the ISCWSA framework, certain error terms are singular in vertical hole. Well Seeker PRO accounts for these terms, however they must be named correctly in order for it to do this. The terms which are singular should be named as follows: abx, abix, aby, abiy, mxy3, mxy4, abxy_ti2, abixy_ti2, xym3, xym4, cna.
Vector: The vector defines which direction the error term applies; possible options are:
a – Azimuth
i - Inclination
l – Lateral (equivalent to 1/sin(Inc))
b – Bias term
e – Depth
f - Depth Bias
n – Intermediate calculation term
m – Wolfe and DeWardt misalignment term
Tie – On: Describes what type the error source is and how it is summed together.
s – Systematic, correlated within a survey file
r – random, never correlated
g – Global, correlated between survey files, and wells
b – bias, correlated within a survey file
n – intermediate calculation step
m – Wolfe and DeWardt misalignment term
Unit: The units used for 1 sigma value of the error term
- No units
d – Degrees
m – Meters
im – Inverse Meters
nt – Nano Teslas
dnt – Degree Nano Teslas
Value: The value of the error term at 1 sigma (1 standard deviation)
Weighting Function: This is the mathematical formula used to describe the error term using generalised variables. The formula is parsed much like in MS Excel and uses all normal operators such as * / () ^. The variables which are supported in Well Seeker PRO are:
Inc – Inclination
Azi – Azimuth referenced to whatever is defined at field level
Tfo – Tool Face
Mtot – Total magnetic Field
Dip – Dip Angle
Gtot – Total gravity
Erot – Earths horizontal rotation speed in rads/s
Tmd – Total measured depth
Tvd – True vertical depth
Azt – Azimuth referenced to True North
Azm – Azimuth referenced to magnetic north
Lat – Latitude
Din – Delta Inc
Smd – Delta Measured Depth
Min Inc: Minimum inclination for the weighting function to be evaluated, generally only used for gyro models.
Max Inc – Maximum inclination at which the weighing function to be evaluated, generally only used for gyro models.
Above the main window is some extra information and options.
Survey tool name: The name of the currently selected IPM.
Description: The user can add a more detailed description of the selected IPM if they wish.
Default IPM: Displays the name of the current Default Survey Tool/IPM.
Create diagnostic file: Toggling this check box, will produce a diagnostic file every time the error model is run and be placed in the Debug folder in the Well Seeker PRO install directory. It should be noted that this option will vastly increase the calculation time required for anti-collision scans and error ellipse reports.
Default survey tool: Toggling this check box sets the currently selected IPM as the default IPM. Its name will be displayed in the Default IPM box above and will be highlighted in green in the list. If a survey or plan has no IPM specified, or Well Seeker cannot find the file for the specified IPM, it will use the default IPM. This is “ZERO_ERROR.ipm” by default.
Inclination Only wells display vertical: Toggling this checkbox defines how Well Seeker handles surveys with an inclination only IPM assigned. Well Seeker will recognise an IPM as inclination-only if it has any of the following names. These names are not case sensitive:
Inclination Only
If ‘Inclination Only wells display vertical’ is turned on and an Inclination-Only IPM has been recognized, the following will happen:
The inclination values in the survey will be used to calculate the Ellipse of Uncertainty (EOU) in the error model.
The well will be plotted and assumed to be completely vertical. No azimuth or inclination values will be used to calculate position data.
If an Inclination-Only survey is found with a non-Inclination-Only tool tied on below it the whole well will display as vertical. This including the non-Inclination-Only section.
If an Inclination-Only survey is found below a non-Inclination-Only only tool, the portion of the well above the Inclination-Only tool will plot as normal but all Inclination-Only surveys and anything below them will plot as vertical.
Turning OFF ‘Inclination Only wells display vertical’ will stop all the above behaviour and Inclination-Only wells will plot using the inclination and azimuth data provided in the survey grid.
The default value for the ‘Inclination Only wells display vertical’ option is ON, so by default any Inclination-Only surveys will be treated as above. This value is saved within the setup file, so if the user turns this option OFF, Well Seeker will remember this choice.
The interpolate dialog is available if there is an active survey or plan view open, and it allows the user to interpolate the survey listing for both MD, inclination and TVD.
Type the desired value into either the MD, Inc or TVD cell in the grid and the line will be populated with the interpolated values. Should the value entered be out of range, then -999 will be displayed in all cells. The results can be exported to either a text file or Excel file by clicking the Export Data button in the toolbar.
Show interpolated listing: When selected, the greyed-out buttons along the top of the dialog become available to manipulate. The user then has the option to enter the following data:
Interval: The required interval which the plan or survey will be interpolated e.g. 100 will generate an interpolated line every 100ft or m.
Start Depth: The start depth of the interpolation
End Depth: The end depth of the interpolation
Include Stations: Includes the plan lines or survey stations in the interpolated listing
Include Final Station: Includes the final station in the interpolated listing
Bit Projection Only: If a projection has been added to a survey listing via either the Project Ahead or Multi Project tools, then the user can select this option to interpolate the projection only.
Calculate: Generates the interpolated listing
The Create Target button in the toolbar can be used to create a point target from an interpolated position. The user should select the row number of the listing they would like to turn into a target and then click on the ‘Create Target’ button. Enter a name in the dialog box and click OK. The target will be created and assigned to the Actual Well/Plan for the active survey/plan, and can be edited in the Targets window.
The anti-collision settings dialog allows the user to specify the details used when creating anti-collision reports and generating travelling cylinder, separation factor or ladder plots.
The Interpolate section only affects the Travelling Cylinder, Ladder and Separation Factor Plots. If the “interval” check is selected, the reference well will be interpolated at the interval specified, and AC scans against offsets will be performed at these interpolated points. The “depth from” check box allows the user to specify a depth range to scan. The “include final station” and “include stations” options define whether actual survey stations are included in the interpolation and whether a final station is included at the end.
The Limit Anti-Collision Results section allows the user to define maximum values at which AC results will be displayed. It should be noted that these settings are global and do not change regardless of which well / wells are being scanned against and as such they should be checked before performing any anti-collision scan so that potential collisions are not missed.
Any selections made here will be saved and applied to any AC scans run while the program is open. When the program is closed, upon reopening, these selections will be reset.
The AC results section of this dialog allows the user to select the following (note that these 2 options are defaults and once selected these will be remembered by the program and will NOT reset when the program is closed and reopened):
Sort AC Summary: User can choose from the following: No sort, C-C, ES and SF. This determines the way the AC summary in the AC report is displayed. Choosing C-C, ES or SF will order the summary with the smallest relevant value at the top and the largest at the bottom. No sort will keep the summary for each offset well together. See figures below.
Default TC: Choose the default Traveling Cylinder Plot reference. User can choose between North and High Side.
The Directional Difficulty Index, (DDI), provides a first pass evaluation of the relative difficulty expected when drilling a directional well.
DDI is one of the metrics by which directional drilling performance can be measured. By plotting the planned DDI against the actual DDI, the separation between the two can be used as a metric for directional drilling performance. The smaller the difference the better the directional drilling performance, (it should be noted this is not applicable to wells which are modified while drilling or wells that are geo-steered).
The DDI has also proved useful in other areas of planning. It allows various proposed well paths targeting the same reserves to be ranked in terms of their directional complexity. This is particularly useful in mature assets where a number of candidate wells may be available as side tracking options. By ranking these options, unsuitable host wells may be eliminated. It also ensures that the most cost-effective option from a directional drilling viewpoint is known. This can then be weighed against other influencing factors allowing the most suitable host well to be selected.
For more details relating to this feature refer to IADC/SPE 59196 (The Directional Difficulty Index - A New Approach to Performance Benchmarking)
The offset selector is available if an active survey or plan view is open. It allows the user to select any offset wells which are to be displayed in any of the plots or used in anti-collision scans. Only wells referenced to the same CRS are available to select here.
The offset selector dialog displays a tree which will represent all the selectable wells. This is represented in the same way as the database structure on the main user interface. The Expand and Collapse buttons at the bottom of the dialog affect the offset selector tree and allow the user to quickly access all the surveys and plans without expanding each level individually.
The filter at the bottom of the dialog allows the user to select the following filter options:
Include Surveys: The Actual Wellbore is always available to select; however, this option also allows the user to select individual surveys below the actual wellbore level.
Include Non-Principal Plans: When this option is selected the user can choose to offset any non-principal plans. This option is turned on as a default.
Include Plans: When this option is selected the user can choose to offset any principal plans. This option is turned on as a default.
If any of the filters are removed, the user can click on the Update button to automatically deselect any applicable surveys or plans.
Global Scan is another filtering method which allows the user to select a radius from the reference well surface location. Any offset wells within this radius will be automatically selected when the user clicks Select.
In addition to the individual Plan View, Section View and 3D View plots, Well Seeker also has a Wall Plot Composer (WPC), where different plots along with data tables can be displayed together.
As with the individual plots, the WPC option only becomes available when the user is in a plan, survey, planned wellbore or actual wellbore.
Once open, the user can build the wall plot by inserting the desired Charts and Tables. This can be done via the Insert menu at the top of the page, or by right clicking anywhere on the plot. Certain Charts and Tables can also be inserted from the tool bar along the top of the screen. Once inserted, a chart or table can be moved around the page by clicking and dragging.
See below for a definition of each item on the toolbar:
In the File option at the top left of the WPC screen, the user can select to Save or Open an existing wall plot composer template. These templates are saved as .wpc files and allow the user to save the template they are working on and come back to it later.
When a chart is inserted into the WPC, its size can be manipulated by clicking on it and then dragging the outer edges. Manipulating the chart size changes the scale along with the minimum and maximum X & Y Axis values. This is reflected in the Chart Properties Dialog.
If the user selects to fix the scale, by checking the Fixed Scale box, they will no longer be able to manually manipulate the physical size of the chart. It will be fixed and can only be changed by unchecking the Fixed Scale option.
When dealing with an inserted table, the size and shape of the table can be manipulated by clicking and dragging the outer edge. Once the user is happy with the relative size and position of the table, they can select the Reset Table Aspect Ratio option from the top tool bar, which will adjust the selected table to give it a balanced aspect ratio.
Once a wall plot has been populated, it is possible to move charts and tables forward and back on the page in relation to each other. This allows the user to manipulate the layout to ensure smaller items are kept visible at the front while larger items are pushed to the back. This is achieved by right clicking on any chart or table when in the WPC and selecting either “Bring to Front” or “Send to Back” from the context menu.
For more details regarding the Context Menu, see Section 6.8 – Context Menu.
New: Creates a new WPC project.
Open: Opens an existing WPC project.
Save: Saves the WPC project the user is currently working in.
Save As: Save as function for saving the current WPC project.
Print: Opens the print dialog, where the user can send the current WPC project to a printer or can save the plot as a pdf.
Page Setup: allows the user to select the desired page size and layout. Nine predefined sizes are available from the drop-down menu, including user defined.
Exit: Closes the WPC
New Chart: Allows the user to insert any one of 10 available charts.
New Table: Allows the user to insert any one of 18 available tables.
Insert North Reference: Inserts the North reference data.
Insert Logo: Inserts the primary logo assigned at operator level.
Insert Text Box: Inserts a box in which custom text can be entered. Text can be edited by right clicking on the box and selecting Enter Text, and the background colour can be edited by right clicking and selecting Select Background Colour. Text box aspect ratios can be reset using the Reset Table Aspect Ratio option from the top tool bar.
Chart Properties: Once a plot has been inserted into the WPC, the user can then open the Chart Properties, which is where most of the chart functionality is located, and allows the user to add labels, change colours and customise the plot. The chart properties dialog is available to all plots and is described in more detail in section 6.6 – Plots Menu.
Offset Selector: The offset selector in the WPC works in the same way as it does on the main Well Seeker menu. It is however completely independent, which means that offset wells selected in the main menu will have to be reselected when in the WPC.
Offsets On/Off: When in a plot, this option turns the offset plans and surveys on and off.
Error Ellipses On/Off: When in a plot, this option turns the error ellipses on and off.
Chart Titles On / Off: When in a plot, this option turns the chart title on and off.
Select Image: When a logo has been inserted, the user can click on it and choose select image. This allows the user to select any .bmp image to be used in place of the logo. This option will be greyed out unless the user has a logo selected.
Reset Chart: When the user selects any chart in the WPC, they can then select this option and it will reset the chart to how it appeared originally when it was first inserted.
Object Border On/Off: This allows the user to add a border around any individual chart. The user must select the relevant chart before they select this option.
Select Table Data: When a data table is inserted in the WPC and selected, choosing this option opens the select data dialog. This allows the user to select which data they want to show on the table. Note that the data included in the tables is fixed. The user can choose which of this data they want to display, but they are not able to choose any different data not initially displayed in the table. Note that this dialog can also be accessed by double left clicking on a table.
Chart Properties Default: This option allows the user to select default settings for any charts that are inserted into the WPC. The user can create several different defaults and switch between these when pulling in different charts.
Show Gridlines: Shows gridlines on the main WPC page.
Show Ruler: Displays a ruler at the top and left of the screen.
Show Ruler Numbers: Includes numbers on the ruler.
Show Margins: Shows the margins on the main WPC page.
Show Page Border: Adds a border to the outside edges of the page.
Reset Logo Aspect Ratio – Resizes the selected logo to give it a balanced aspect ratio.
Reset Table Aspect Ratio: Adjusts the selected table to give it a balanced aspect ratio.
Zoom: Gives the user various options for zooming in and out of the WPC.
Align Left: Select a chart/table, select Align Left and then click on another chart/table. The selected chart/table will align itself so that the left side of both items is aligned.
Align Right: Select a chart/table, select Align Right and then click on another chart/table. The selected chart/table will align itself so that the right side of both items is aligned.
Align Top: Select a chart/table, select Align Top and then click on another chart/table. The selected chart/table will align itself so that the top of both items is aligned.
Align Bottom: Select a chart/table, select Align Bottom and then click on another chart/table. The selected chart/table will align itself so that the bottom of both items is aligned.
Opens the Slide Sheet. For more information see section 13.10 – Slide Sheet. This option is only available when a survey is open in the main interface.
The Projection Tools submenu contains a number of tools that allow the user to project ahead of the currently active survey sheet.
The Multi Nudge Projection tool allows the user to quickly project ahead using additional features which are not available in the standard Project Ahead section of Well Seeker. More importantly, it allows an unlimited number of projection lines to be included.
As with the Project Ahead tool, it is important to note that the Multi Nudge Projection tool is only available when the user is in a Survey. If the user is in a Plan, or the Actual Wellbore, this option will be greyed out and they will be unable to select it.
When the tool first opens, the tie-On line will be populated with the last survey in the listing. If there are any projections already in the survey table, they will be ignored. At this point the user can then select from 1 of 5 projection Methods, which are described in more detail below.
The Multi Nudge Projection box can be left open while the user is adding new surveys, and the tie-on line can be updated by selecting the Update Tie On button. Note, that the surveys do not need to be saved for this to happen.
If the box is closed and then reopened, it will automatically tie onto the last survey point. The projection setup will remain populated with whatever setup the user had selected previously, even when the program has been closed and reopened. To remove the input projections, the user can delete the lines one at a time or select Remove from Survey, which will remove all of the Multi Nudge Projection and Landing Data projections from the survey table.
Projections can be added to the survey by selecting Append to Survey.
CL/DLS/TFO - This option allows the user to select Course Length (CL), Dogleg (DLS) and Toolface Orientation (TFO) to calculate the projection. This method assumes a 100% slide. Motor Yield will be automatically populated with the same value input in the DLS column.
CL/Slide (%)/TFO - This option allows the user to select Course Length (CL), Slide Percentage (%) and Toolface Orientation (TFO) to calculate the projection. The user is also required to add the Motor Yield, as the projected dogleg is calculated based on the slide (%) and the Motor Yield.
CL/Slide (Dist)/TFO - This option allows the user to select Course Length (CL), Slide Distance (Dist) and Toolface Orientation (TFO) to calculate the projection. The user is also required to add the Motor Yield, as the projected dogleg is calculated based on the slide (Dist) and the Motor Yield.
INC/AZI/DLS - This option allows the user to select Inclination (Inc), Azimuth (Azi) and Dogleg (DLS) to calculate the projection. This method assumes a 100% slide. Motor Yield will be automatically populated with the same value input in the DLS column.
Hold CL - This option allows the user to select Course Length (CL). The inclination and azimuth from the tie-on line will be held for the selected distance.
The user can set up the Multi Nudge Projection with as many lines as required.
Landing Data: This section of the Multi Nudge Projection allows the user to project to a landing point and is most useful when landing out a horizontal lateral and functions in a similar way to the Dogleg Toolface Point planning method. The position of the bit in the Bit row is populated from the last projection in the Multi Nudge section above. Data in the survey table is ignored.
Entering a Landing Point MD
The MD entered relates to the MD on the principal plan. In the below example, the survey is on the left and the corresponding principal plan is on the right. The Multi Nudge dialog is open at the front.
The MD of the curve landing point (7127.21USft MD) has been entered and the TVD, NS and EW coordinates in the projection match the plan at this depth. The program is effectively calculating a constant dogleg and toolface from the Bit line to this EXACT point. The final landing point can be automatically populated by selecting the Find Landing radio button.
In some cases, it may be important to land out exactly at the same point as the plan. If this is the case, then this is the most suitable option.
It is worth noting that the plan is open here for demonstration purposes. It does not need to be open for this to work.
Adjust TVD
Selecting the adjust TVD, allows the user to change the TVD of the point selected in the above. The MD stays unchanged as this is what the program is using to determine the local coordinates of the landing point.
Note in the above how the locals are still the same in the landing point line, but because the TVD has been shifted deeper, the DLS and the inc have changed. The program is still aiming for a specific point here, only with an adjusted TVD.
Adjust Inc / Azi
This option is only available when Adjust TVD is selected. This allows the user to enter an inc, azi and TVD to project to. The main difference with this selection compared to the previous options is that the user is not projecting to a specific point i.e., the local coordinates are not fixed.
In the above, the inc, azi and TVD are entered for the planned curve landing point. This setup tells the user what dogleg is required to land out at horizontal for a given TVD. When new surveys are added, the bit line updates automatically and so does the landing point line.
NOTE: When this dialog is first opened, there is no requirement to enter a MD. It is possible to just select Adjust TVD and Adjust inc / azi and input the values. There is no need to add a MD unless the user specifically wants to hit an exact point.
When the user clicks on Append to Survey in the Landing Data section, it will add both the landing projection and any projections from the Multi Nudge section above to the survey listing.
The project ahead dialog is only available when the user is in a Survey. If the user is in a Plan, or the Actual Wellbore, this option will be greyed out and will not be available to select. It provides access to a range of Well Seeker PRO directional planning tools to allow the user to project ahead from the last survey point.
One additional tool which is only available in the Project Ahead box and is not displayed in the planning tools when in a well plan is the Trend Over tool. This function allows the user to apply the build and turn trends seen in the previous surveys to the projection.
To select the Trend Over function, the user must select Adjust and then either MD or CL. This function will remain greyed out until these options have been selected. The tool works by averaging out the Build and Turn rates based on the number of surveys selected.
The projection tools always use the last survey on the active survey grid as the starting point for any projection. Any time a new survey is added, this will be automatically updated in the project ahead dialog. The planning tools are described in more detail in the planning section of this manual.
It should be noted that any projections appended to a survey file cannot be edited in the grid and must be deleted before any new surveys can be added to the survey file. Projections can be deleted manually via the survey dialog once the projection dialog has been closed or can be removed by selecting “Remove from Survey”.
If Stack Projections is checked on, then Add to survey will not overwrite any previously added projections and the projection will be added to the survey list as a new line. If it is turned off then “Add to survey” will overwrite any projections that were previously added to the survey.
Refer to the “Well Seeker PRO - Project Ahead Guide” for more details on this feature.
The Dashboards submenu contains tools designed to help the user monitor the wells in their database. It contains the Real Time Anti-Collision warnings tool if accessed whilst a survey or plan is open.
The Real Time Anti-Collision tool allows the user to monitor the proximity of offset wells in real time while drilling and will alert the user if the selected anti-collision warning levels are breached. It can also be used to monitor the deviation of the wellbore from its well plan and alert the user if the trajectory of the well strays beyond a specified distance from the plan. Finally, it can be used to monitor the distance between the well and the edge of the lease.
The Real Time Anti-Collision Tool can only be run when viewing a survey. Each offset well needs to be created in Well Seeker as a planned well, actual well or survey list, and then selected using the Offset Selector tool. The Offset selector tool can be found in the Tools Menu or on the main toolbar. These offset wells must have an error model assigned to allow calculation of Separation Factors.
The well plan referenced in the RT AC dialog is whichever plan is selected as the Principal Plan for that well. To set a plan as the principal plan, right-click on the well plan at the plan level and select ‘properties.’ In the Plan Properties window check the ‘Set as principal plan’ checkbox. Any lease lines that are assigned to the well in the Targets window will also be included in the results.
Warning Levels: Allows the user to specify the relevant warning levels. If one of these thresholds is violated, then the offending result will be highlighted in red and an error message will appear in the warnings column.
Sorting: Allows the user to sort the Anti-Collision Results. Three options are available: None, C2C and SF.
Point of Interest: This section displays the last survey in the survey listing. All results in the anti-collision results window are referenced to this point. This point is updated automatically when a new survey or projection is added to the survey listing.
Anti-Collision Results: This section lists the principal plan, offset wells and lease lines, along with their centre to centre (C2C) distance from the point of interest. If the Calculate Separation Factor checkbox is ticked the results section will also show the Ellipse Separation (ES), Reference Ellipse semi-major radius, Offset Ellipse semi-major radius, Separation Factor (SF), High Side Gravity Toolface (TFO HS) and North Referenced Magnetic Toolface (TFO NORTH). The toolfaces displayed are the toolfaces from the reference well point of interest to the closest point of the offset well in question.
File Menu:
Open RT AC Email: Allows the user to generate an anti-collision update email, which can be configured using settings in the Options menu. The email body contains the last recorded survey and/or bit projection, along with its anti-collision output for the principal plan, offset wells and lease lines. The email will also have a full Survey Report and Anti-Collision Report attached.
Note that these reports use the template that is at the top of the list in the Survey Reports Manager and the Anti-Collision Reports Manager. The user should rename the template that they want to use so that it is first alphabetically. See section 6.5 – Reports Menu for more information on the reports manager.
Exit: Closes the RT AC window.
Options Menu:
Open Email: If this option is toggled on, selecting Open RT AC Email in the File menu will generate an email in Microsoft Outlook, with the Survey Report and Anti-Collision Report attached. If toggled off, selecting Open RT AC Email in the File menu will open an html file in the user’s default browser containing the email body.
Bit Projection on Last Line: Signifies that the last line in the survey tab of the reference well is a bit projection instead of a proper survey. If toggled on, the RT AC Email will list the second to last survey as the final survey, and the last survey as a bit projection.
Include Survey Report: Allows the user to select the format of the Survey Report attached to the RT AC Email. The user can choose between Excel, PDF or Text.
Include Anti-Collision Report: Allows the user to select the format of the Anti-Collision Report attached to the RT AC Email. The user can choose between Excel or PDF.
Straight Line Projections: Allows the user to add one or more projections to the Survey Information section of the RT AC Email. Projections will use the inclination and azimuth of the last line in the survey tab of the reference well.
The Activity Dashboard allows the user to monitor the status of all wells (aka ‘jobs’) in the current database, as well as the status of personnel. It is populated using Reporting Data. See Section 13.0 – Reporting for more information. The Activity Dashboard can be left open or minimized whilst working in other sections of Well Seeker.
When first opened the Activity Dashboard will display the Summary page. This page can be returned to at any time by opening the View menu and selecting Show Summary. The page is split into three charts:
Job Summary by Customer (left) – Displays the number of wells in the database for each operator and their status. The status of a well is set in the latest Daily Report for that well. See Section – DDR Report Selection for information on setting the status.
Job Summary by Coordinator (top right) – Displays the number of wells, along with their status, that have been assigned to each DD Coordinator in the database. The user can change this chart to show the wells assigned to each MWD Coordinator by opening the View menu and selecting Filter by MWD Coordinator. The coordinators are set in the latest Daily Report for that well. See Section – DDR Report Selectionfor information on setting the coordinators.
Job Summary by State (bottom right) – Displays the number of wells, and their status, in each US state. The state that a well is drilling in is defined in the Well Data and Personnel section of the latest Daily Report for that well. See Section 13.4.8 – Well Data & Personnel for information on setting the state.
Below the Summary charts is the Jobs Grid. This is a list of all wells in the database that can be filtered using the dropdown boxes at the top of the grid. Well information for these filters is defined in the Well Data and Personnel section of the latest Daily Report for that well, except for the Operator, which is defined in the Database Tree.
Selecting a well in the Jobs Grid will cause the Summary page to change to the Well Details for that well. When viewing the Summary page, the details for the last well selected can be opened by opening the View menu and selecting Show Well Details.
The Well Details page is split into four charts:
Days vs Depth (top left): Displays the Days vs Depth KPI chart from the Daily Report. This chart is constructed from the daily activities section of the daily report. The colour of the chart can be altered by opening the View menu and selecting Colour by Phase, Colour by BHA or Colour by Activity.
Well Information (bottom left): Displays some general well information from the Daily Report and surveys.
Revenue Tracking (top right): Displays the daily revenue of the selected well. This chart is generated using the daily costs in the Daily Report. See Section 13.4.10 – Daily Costs for more information.
Inventory (bottom right): Displays the number of different types of equipment in the well inventory. This chart is generated using the Tool Inventory. See Section 13.6 – Tool Inventory for more information.
All charts can be customised and exported by right clicking on them to open the Context Menu. See Section 6.8 – Context Menu for more information. In addition to the charts and the jobs grid, there are also some menu items at the top of the screen:
File Menu:
Print Job Board: Prints an Excel document that lists all active, upcoming and on standby wells. Also summarises the revenue and daily revenue for any current wells. The date range for the revenue and daily revenue can be changed in the Revenue Forecast menu.
Print Motor Overview: Prints an Excel document that contains a summary of the number of motors that are currently at each well. For each well there is also a breakdown of the motors on stie by serial number, description, size and status.
Open Selected Well in Tree: Opens the currently selected well in the Database Tree.
Exit: Closes the Activity Dashboard.
View Menu:
Show Summary: Forces the charts to display the summary charts.
Show Well Details: Forces the charts to display the well details of the last well selected.
Show Grid: Toggles the jobs grid on/off.
Show Charts: Toggles the charts on/off.
Colour by Phase/BHA/Activity: Changes the colour and legend of the Depth vs Time chart.
Filter by MWD Coordinator: Toggling this option on changes the Job Summary by Coordinator chart to split jobs by MWD Coordinator instead of Directional Coordinator.
Refresh Data: If any changes are made to the database while the Activity Dashboard is open, the user can use the Refresh Data menu item to apply them to the Dashboard.
Revenue Forecast Menu:
Calendar Month/Last 30 Days/60 Days/90 Days: Changes the date range for the revenue and daily revenue pages in the Jobs Board Report.
The Logistics Dashboard searches all the well inventories in the database and displays all tools which are listed in these inventories. Note that if the On Location box is not checked, the tool will not show up in this dialog.
The filter allows the user to quickly search the available inventory based on Well Status, Tool Type, Tool Status, State and County.
The interactive map at the top left of the dialog displays whatever tools are listed in the table at the bottom of the dialog. Left clicking on any pin in the map will open a window, listing the tools at that location. The window will detail the following for each tool: Serial Number, Description, Tool Type and Status.
The chart at the top right of the dialog shows the number of tools in the inventory at each rig in the database and splits them up by tool type. The chart can be customised and exported by right clicking to open the Context Menu. See Section 6.8 – Context Menu for more information.
The Reset Map button will reset the map to the default position if it has been moved or zoomed in. The Logistics Dashboard can be left open whilst working on other parts of the database. If any changes are made to the database, the user can click the Refresh Data button to update the table.
This option shows the user which wells are currently performing real time data exchange with the SQL server database.
The dialog will only populate when:
The user is accessing an SQL remote database.
At least one additional computer is setup to perform real time data exchange.
If opened while accessing a local database, the dialog will be blank.
In addition to the table, the File Menu is available with the following options:
Show WITS Connections: Any wells that are sending WITS data via the Send Data to Server option in WITS Reader will also be displayed on the Rigs Online Dashboard. If this option is toggled off only wells sent via the Real Time Data Exchange will show up. See section 13.10.7 – Serial/TCP WITS Data Reader for more information on the WITS Reader.
Print Daily Summary: Prints a PDF report that includes the Rigs Online table, as well as the 24hr Summary and 24hr Lookahead for each well.
Exit: Closes the Activity Dashboard.
In Well Seeker, it is possible to have multiple RT AC dialogs open at the same time. In a real-time operations center for example, one user may be monitoring multiple different rigs at any one time. In these situations, the AC Dashboard is designed to help the user monitor these wells as follows:
Two lines will be displayed in the dashboard for each RT AC dialog which is open.
One line will show the details of the offset well with the lowest Centre to Centre distance.
One line will show the details of the offset well with the lowest SF, so long as “Calculate Separation Factor” is turned on in the RT AC dialog.
If any of these values trigger a warning, based on the individual warning levels selected in each RT AC dialog, then the line will be highlighted in red.
Any item which is not an Offset i.e. it does not say offset in the first column of the RT AC dialog, like the principal well plan and targets, will be ignored.
The user can configure the visible columns shown in the AC Dashboard using the Show Hide menu. Additionally, in the File menu, the user has access to the Open RT AC for Active Wells option:
The Open RT AC for Active Wells option allows the user to open multiple RT AC dialogs simultaneously from the AC Dashboard. The Select Wells window will display all wells that are currently set to active in their Daily Report. See Section – DDR Report Selection, for more information on setting the status of a well. The user can toggle wells on or off using the Select column and then click on the Ok button. This will open an RT AC dialog for each selected well.
The user can also check the Update Offset Selection option which unlocks the other options in the Offset Well Selection. Activating these options and then selecting Ok will override the offset selection for the selected wells.
Include Non-Principal Plans: Any plans that are under the same well for each selected actual well in the list will be added to the RT AC offsets for those wells.
Include Principal Plans: Adds the principal plan for each selected well to their RT AC offsets.
Include Actual Wellbore: User should enter a distance in the “Distance from well” box. Any actual wellbores within this distance from the selected wells will be added to their RT AC offsets.
Opens the Tool Orders dialog. The Tool Order dialog allows the user to create tool requests for upcoming jobs and monitor the status of the order to ensure all required tools are ready when the job starts. For more information on the Tool Order dialog, see section 13.21 – Tool Orders.
The Tool Orders dialog is only accessible from the Tools > Dashboards submenu when logged into a remote server. When in a local database, the user can access the Tool Orders dialog via the Tool Inventory window (see section 13.6 – Tool Inventory).
The Incident Dashboard is only accessible from the Tools > Dashboards submenu when logged into a remote server. The dashboard allows the user to review all BHA failures that have occurred over the previous twelve months.
The top half of the window is split into three charts. All of these charts show incidents that have occurred over the last twelve months:
Incident Overview – Displays the total number of BHA failures and the months that they occurred, coloured by the type of tool that failed. BHAs that have had the Motor Failed, MWD Failed or RSS Failed boxes checked in their respect performance reports will be marked on this chart. The month on which they are marked is set by the Date Out date in the performance report. The chart also displays the number of open and closed failure investigations. A BHA is marked as closed if the Closed checkbox in the Failure Information section of the performance report is checked.
Motor Vendor – Displays the total number of motor failures and the months that they occurred, coloured by the motor make. The motor make is set by the Make field in the component properties of the motor in the Drill String Editor.
MWD Type – Displays the total number of MWD failures and the months that they occurred, coloured by the MWD type. The MWD type is set by the MWD Type drop-down box in the main Daily Reports window.
The bottom half of the window contains the incidents grid. This is a list of all BHAs that have had the Motor Failed, MWD Failed or RSS Failed boxes checked in their respect performance reports. The list contains all such BHAs in the database, and is not restricted to occurrences within the last twelve months like the charts. The list can be filtered using the drop-down boxes and the Job # search box at the top of the grid.
Selecting a well in the grid will replace the Incident Overview chart with a listing of the components in the BHA. The user can then use the Open Selected Well in Tree command in the File menu to open the well or return the Incident Overview chart by selecting Show Summary in the View menu.
The admin tools submenu contains tools that can aid the user in managing both local and remote databases.
The database tree search dialog allows the user to quickly search the database to find the relevant well they are looking for.
Search / Select Job Number: Allows the user to search the database using the assigned job number. The job number can be found in the Well Data & Personnel section of the Daily Report. Job number can be entered manually or selected from the drop-down list which will display all the available job numbers in the database.
Select Actual Well: Allows the user to search the database using the actual well name. Well Name can be entered manually or selected from the drop-down list which will display all the available well names in the database.
Date Range: Allows the user to search for wells that have daily reports falling within the chosen date range.
Search Job Status: Allows the user to search the database using the assigned Job Status. The job Status can be found at the top right of the main dialog in the Daily Report. Job Status can only be selected from the drop-down list which has options: N/A, Active, Standby, TD & Complete. The user can also search the assigned DD or MWD Coordinator by checking the Coordinator checkbox and selecting from the second dropdown list. The coordinators are set in the Well Data & Personnel section of the Daily Report.
Search Results Table: Once a search parameter has been entered and search has been selected, any results will populate in the search results table. The user can then select the desired line in the table and hit select. This will close the search dialog and expand the relevant Operator in the database tree, down to the well level.
Search Rig Name: Allows the user to search the database by rig name. The user can enter a rig name into the search box or select from the dropdown list. Rig names are set in the Well Data & Personnel section of the Daily Report.
Select: Clicking on a row and then clicking on the Select button will open the selected well in the Database Tree.
Export Cost Data: Exports the total daily cost data for all currently found wells to an Excel document.
The Clean Database tool will fix any errors in the database due to missing records and data corruption. When run, this tool will do the following:
Check to see if child tables associated with plans / actuals and surveys exist and remove any orphaned tables not associated with any wells.
Checks and removes duplicate records.
Checks and removes daily report records no longer associated with any wells.
Checks that a survey program references wells / surveys which still exist.
Checks and adds in a default depth datum for all wells.
Checks the depth datum for a plan / actual exists and is assigned.
Checks to see if any Instrument Performance Models (IPM’s) which are referenced exist in the IPM folder.
Note, that it is important to back up the database before this tool is run, as some of the changes made are not reversible. The below warning message will be displayed any time the user chooses to run this tool.
This tool allows the user to check if there are any ‘space’ characters at the start or end of any names in the Database Tree. Upon opening the tool, the grid will be populated with any names with spaces at the start or end. The Level column informs the user where in the database tree each name has been found. If there are many names found, the Search box can be used to filter out all but the desired name.
If the user checks the checkbox in the Repair column beside a name and clicks OK, Well Seeker will remove the spaces from the names in the database tree. The user can use the Check All and Un-check All buttons to check or uncheck the whole of the Repair column.
This tool works in a similar way to the Check Names for Whitespace tool. It checks for any duplicated names in the Database Tree and displays them in a list. The Level column tells the user where in the Database Tree the duplicated name can be found. The Parent column displays the name of the level above the duplicated item. If there are many names found, the Search box can be used to filter out all but the desired name.
If the user checks the checkbox in the Repair column beside a name and clicks OK, Well Seeker will fix the duplicated names in the database tree. The user can use the Check All and Un-check All buttons to check or uncheck the whole of the Repair column.
The User Permissions tool allows the user to view and edit the permissions for the users of the currently connected remote SQL database and can only be accessed when connected to a remote SQL database.
The following permissions are available:
Create New Items: User can create new items in the database.
Delete Items: User can delete items in the database.
Edit Items: User can edit items that other users have created.
Administrator: The user can change the permissions of other users.
Approver: User has permission to approve and archive bid sheets. See section 13.15 – Create Bid Sheet.
See Section 6.1.5 – SQL Server Databases for more information on SQL remote server databases.
When a remote database is first created, only its creator will have a username login assigned. New users can be created using the Add User button and removed using the Delete User button. Click on the Username field to edit an existing user’s login name.
The first time a user logs in to the remote database, the WS password that they enter will be saved as the password for any future logins. If a user forgets their password, another user with administrator permission can reset their password by clicking on the Password field.
This feature is only available to Innova Drilling & Intervention staff.
This feature is only available to Innova Drilling & Intervention staff.
Selecting this menu item will round the measured depths of the currently opened survey to the nearest whole number.
Code Defaults allows the user to set the defaults for Activity, Phase and Cost Codes for the whole database. Once these have been set, any new actual well which is created will contain these defaults.
The user can switch between Activity, Phase and Cost Codes using the drop-down box. Any changes they make should be saved by clicking on the save icon at the top of the window.
The user can modify these codes for individual operators and wells if required. See Section 13.0 – Reporting for more information on Activity, Phase and Cost Codes.
The Real Time data exchange tool allows the user to automatically upload updates for a given well to a remote database. After configuration, the exchange can be left running and will automatically ‘push’ regular updates for a well back to their organization’s remote server database.
The Select Well section displays all of the actual wells in the user’s local database, along with the Operator, Rig, Job # and Status of each well.
The list can be filtered by typing in the Search box at the top. Select the well that you wish to push back to the server by clicking the Select checkbox in that well’s row.
The well that you wish to push must also exist on your organization’s server database, with the exact same name at every level in the database tree. You may only push one well at a time. The well status MUST be set to Active, Upcoming or Standby on your organization’s server database, or the server will reject the push.
The Select Data section allows the user to configure what data is sent when the well is pushed.
Daily Reports: Survey data is always sent when the well is pushed, but you can check the Daily Reports option to send daily reporting data as well. This includes inventory, drill string, motor reports, slide sheets and geo-steering.
Push Principal Plan: If the local user has created a new principal plan for the selected actual well, then they can check the Push Principal Plan option. This will cause the data exchange to push the new principle plan to the server. Note that if the user modifies the existing principal plan, then this will not update on the server. It has to be a new principle plan.
Check for new Plans: If this option is checked then every time data is pushed up to the server, Well Seeker will also check if any new plans have been created for the selected well on the server. If so, you will receive a popup notification and message in the Messages section.
To push updates to the correct server database, the Data Exchange needs the credentials of your organization’s ICDS server. Well Seeker should automatically fill in these details based on your license, but if no credentials are detected, these boxes will be manually editable.
The data transfer section allows the user to define how often the Data Exchange should push up to the server database. Enter the time interval between each push in the Update rate box, and then click on Start to begin the data exchange. The Real Time Data Exchange window can now be minimized and you can continue working. The Data Exchange will push your data up to the server automatically, every time the update rate is reached. In the bottom left of the main Well Seeker interface, an indicator will show the status of the Data Exchange.
You can force a push at any time, even if the exchange has not started, by clicking on the Manual Push button. Click on the Stop button to stop the exchange.
The Messages section can be used to monitor the status of the Data Exchange when it is running. It will record every time data is pushed, as well as any errors that are preventing data transmission. If Check for new Plans is turned on, this is where details of the new plans are displayed. The Clear button will clear all messages.
The Real Time Data Exchange dialog also has the following miscellaneous functions:
Check network latency will ping your organization’s server and return the average round trip time in milliseconds. This can be used to troubleshoot network problems
Check for new plans functions in the same way as the Check For New Plans option, but can be used at any time without having to wait for the next data transfer.
Sync Rig/Personnel Names will pull the Rig Names table and Personnel Names & Details table down from the server. Note that this will overwrite anything that is in those tables in your local database.
The Remote Data Fetch tool allows the user to import well and plan data from a remote database without needing login credentials for the server. Its primary purpose is to allow field personnel to quickly retrieve all the required information on a well before they start drilling. The Remote Data Fetch tool allows them to do this without needing to log in to their organisation’s remote server database, which could represent a risk from a security and data management perspective.
The Data Fetch window is split into three main sections, which are described below:
To use the Data Fetch tool, the user requires the URL and port number for their organisation’s ICDS server, which they should enter into the ICDS Server and Port boxes, respectively. This information should be provided to the user by their organisation. An IP address is also acceptable instead of a URL. Depending on how the user’s organisation has set up user management, these credentials may be automatically filled in and not editable.
After entering the ICDS Server and Port, the user can test their connection to the server by clicking the Test Con button. The server will send back a response in the Message Box above. Whenever the user clicks on the Test Con, Connect or Fetch Data buttons, the Message Box will display a response from the server. If there are any errors during the connection or fetch process, they will be displayed here.
After entering the ICDS Server and Port, the user can click on the Connect button. This will populate the Well List section with the wells that are present on their organisation’s remote server database. Once the user has selected the wells they wish to download, and they have adjusted their download settings in the Data Fetch Options section, they can download them to their local database by clicking on the Fetch Data button. The message box will detail the progress of the download. If the download is successful, the message box will display “Data fetch complete!” and the selected wells will appear in the user’s local database tree. Note that if the wells already exist in the user’s local database, they will be overwritten by the downloaded wells.
When the user clicks on the Connect button, the Well List section will populate with the wells that are stored in the organisation’s remote server database.
By default, only wells with the status Upcoming, Active, Standby and TD are displayed and selectable. The user can view plans, principal plans and wells with other statuses by selecting the appropriate setting in the Data Fetch Options section.
At the top of the window is the Filters section. Dropdown boxes allow the user to filter the well list by operator, well status, job number and rig. The search box allows the user to filter the list by any string they want, such as well name, county, or state.
The user can select the wells they wish to download by clicking on the circle to the right of each well. Depending on the settings they have selected in the Data Fetch Options section, offsets and principal plans for the selected wells may also be downloaded when the user clicks the Fetch Data button.
The Data Fetch Options section allows the user to adjust what wells are displayed in the Wells List and what gets downloaded along with the selected wells when the user clicks the Fetch Data button.
Show all wells: By default, only wells with the status Upcoming, Active, Standby and TD are displayed and selectable. Toggling on Show all wells will display all wells regardless of their status and allows them to be selected for download.
Show plans: By default, well plans are not displayed. Toggling on Show plans will display all non-principal well plans and allows them to be selected for download.
Show principal plans: By default, well plans are not displayed. Toggling on Show principal plans will display all principal well plans and allows them to be selected for download.
Pull offset wells: When this option is toggled on, any wells that are downloaded will also download their offsets, if they have any.
Pull principal plan: When this option is toggled on, any wells that are downloaded will also download their principal well plan, if one is available.
Set transferred status: When this option is toggled on, any wells that are downloaded will have their status changed on the server to ‘transferred’. This is a useful way to indicate to the server database manager that a data fetch has been performed.
Opens the Contact List dialog, where the user can enter any relevant contact details.
The Personnel Details window can be used to keep a list of all personnel involved with wells in the database. These personnel will then be accessed quickly when adding personnel to other Well Seeker features such as Daily Reports and Analytics.
The user should enter the name of each member of personnel into the Name column and then select their position from the dropdown box in the Position column. The Email, Phone and Personnel ID columns are optional. The checkboxes in the Active column can be toggled on/off to show/hide personnel from other Well Seeker features.
At the top of the window the user can filter the list by typing in the Search box, which searches all fields in the table. The dropdown boxes can be used to filter by the Position and Employment fields.
The Personnel Utilization tool can be used to generate a personnel utilization report. This report will mark on a calendar each day that the selected personnel member(s) have worked as well as the rig(s) that they worked on.
The user should select a date range in the Date Range section and choose which personnel to include from the list. The Check All and Un-check All buttons can be used to quickly include or exclude all personnel. The personnel list is populated by names that have been entered into the Well Data & Personnel section in a Daily Report. See Section 13.4.8 – Well Data & Personnel for more information.
The report can also be filtered by coordinator and personnel type by clicking on the check boxes in the top right of the window. These dropdown boxes will be populated according to the information entered into the Personnel Details tool. The user can also filter the list using the Search box in the top right corner.
The Rig Names window allows the user to create a list of rig names that can then be used in the Daily Reporting and Database Tree Search tools. Un-checking the Active checkbox next to each rig name will hide that rig from any dropdown list.
Wits data comes in with a time stamp and an ID and is then translated into the appropriate parameter based on the Well Seeker WITS mapping.
When selected, this will open the WITS Mapping dialog, as displayed below.
Port Number: This is not currently used for anything
Record ID: Comes from the WITS zero standards.
Field ID: Comes from the WITS zero standards.
Internal Mnemonic: The Internal Mnemonic is what Well Seeker uses to map the WITS data it is receiving. For example, a WITS ID of 0110 is mapped to Hole MD (WITS zero standards), which is something that will make more sense to the user. The internal mnemonic is displayed when you double click on one of the Real Time Gauges (see section – Real Time Gauges) in the DD Dashboard, and the user can choose which mnemonic to display.
Table Name: The table ID in the Well Seeker Database which the parameter is written to.
It is important to note that currently, there is NO standard mapping for RAW survey values BX BY BZ, and as a result, it is likely that the channels used will vary from company to company. The user should therefore be aware of this and adjust the mapping accordingly once the relevant channels have been determined.
Here the user can enter the addresses of any company or location that are being shipped to/from over the course of a project. These addresses can then be used in the Daily Reporting package to generate a shipping ticket or a bid sheet. The addresses entered in the Shipping Address tool are applied to every operator in the database, so these addresses are available to select for any well within the database.
The Logos submenu allows the user to set a default for the primary and secondary logos, that are normally set in the Operator Properties window.
Allows the user to select a default primary logo. Once selected, when the user creates a new Operator, the selected logo will automatically populate as the primary logo in the Operator Properties. Well Seeker accepts bmp, png and jpg format images as logos.
Allows the user to select a default secondary logo. Once selected, when the user creates a new Operator, the selected logo will automatically populate as the secondary logo in the Operator Properties. Well Seeker accepts bmp, png and jpg format images as logos.
Removes the currently set primary logo.
Removes the currently set secondary logo.
The IPM File Management tools allows an organisation with a Well Seeker Pro server database to store and manage a list of IPM files on their server. This list of IPMs can then be pulled down to any PC with the correct company Well Seeker Pro credentials, overwriting all existing IPM files used by Well Seeker Pro on that PC. This ensures that well planning have control over the IPM files used within their organization and gives the field the tools to always be in line with the well planner’s IPM structure.
The server administrator should upload the desired IPMs using the Upload IPM Folder command. Well Seeker running on a local computer can then connect to the server to check if the local user’s IPMs are up to date.
With a stable internet connection, Well Seeker connects to the server database every 30 minutes to perform the check. The IP Address and Port Number entered in the ICDS section of the RT Data Exchange (section 6.4.15 – Real Time Data Exchange) dialog is what determines which remote database Well Seeker performs the check on. Well Seeker checks the upload date for each of the IPM’s on the server database and takes the most recent date. It then checks the created date for all the IPM’s on the local computer and takes the most recent date.
If the upload date is newer than the created date an orange warning displays in the status bar at the bottom right-hand side of the main user interface:
The user can then update their IPMs using the Pull IPM Files from Server option.
The user must be logged on to their company main Well Seeker Pro server database, with a Well Seeker login that has the Administrator user permission enabled. This option first deletes any existing IPMs on the server database and then uploads all of the IPM files on the local PC they are currently using from the following pathway C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Well Seeker Pro\IPM, to the server database.
The user must be logged on to their company main Well Seeker Pro server database. Opens a dialog where the current list of IPMs on the server can be viewed, including the file name, the user that uploaded the IPM file and the upload date.
This option can be selected when accessing either a local or server database. When selected, all existing IPMs on the computer are moved to a new folder in the IPM directory called Old, and the IPMs from the server are then all downloaded to the IPM directory (C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Well Seeker Pro\IPM) on the local PC.
The user must be logged on to their company main Well Seeker Pro server database, with a Well Seeker login that has the Administrator user permission enabled. This option deletes all the IPMs from the server.
The Asset Search option allows the user to search all inventories in the database tree for a specific drill string component. The user should enter the serial number of the component and select its type in the Asset Details section and then click on Search. The user can also limit the search to a specific date range by checking the checkbox in the Date Range section before clicking Search.
Results of the search are shown in the three Data sections. The Well Data section will display wells that contain the selected asset in their Inventory. The Run Data section will show wells where the asset has been used in the Drill String Editor as part of a BHA. The Summary Data section displays a summary of the above two sections. For more information in the Inventory and the Drill String Editor, see Section 13.0 – Reporting.
Well Seeker Pro is integrated with a number of third party survey correction providers – Superior QC, H&P Survey Management and RoundLab, allowing the user to contact their servers and download corrected surveys.
The Survey Correction Provider Settings dialog can only be accessed when viewing a survey table. When a corrected survey listing is retrieved from a third party provider, it will be placed in the currently open survey table. Note that all existing surveys in the table will be overwritten.
After opening the dialog, the user should select the provider from the dropdown box in the Provider field, then enter the username and password into the Username and Password fields. The username and password are supplied by the third party survey provider.
In the Select column click on the checkbox that corresponds to the desired well and then click on Update. The Sel Well Name and Sel Operator fields in the Survey Correction Provider Settings window will update.
Note: This will overwrite any existing data in the sheet.
Note: If the tie-on line for the survey is deeper than the surveys available, selecting yes will not do anything i.e. no surveys will be pulled into Well Seeker.
You can also set Well Seeker to automatically check for and sync new surveys. Change the Auto Update field from ‘NO’ to ‘YES’ and set the update rate in minutes in the Update Rate field. In order for the automatic sync to work, the survey sheet must remain open, but the Survey Correction Provider Settings window can be closed.
Some features of the Survey Correction Integration are only available when Superior QC is selected as the provider. These features are optional and are not required to perform the basic survey retrieval function.
To enter the API number in Well Seeker, right click on the relevant actual well in the database tree and select Reporting >> Daily Reporting.
In the Daily Reports window, make sure you have at least one daily report created, and then click on the Well Data & Personnel icon in the toolbar. In the Well Data & Personnel window, fill in the API Job # field. Make sure this matches exactly with the API number entered in Superior QC. Click on Apply, and then save in the Daily Reports window. Note, that if the API number is entered but does not match, then the user will still have the option to manually select the desired well.
In Well Seeker the Latitude and Longitude co-ordinates of the well are set in Well Properties dialog for the well. Grid Convergence is automatically calculated using the well location and the mapping grid selected in the Field Properties Dialog.
Total Field, Dip and Declination are set in the Actual Well Properties dialog. These dialogs can all be accessed by right clicking on the database tree at the relevant level and selecting Properties.
Click on Get Wells to open the Well Selection dialog. Depending on the selected provider, the Well Selection dialog will look slightly different.
Click on Sync Surveys to check if any new surveys are available from the selected provider. If there are, the user will be given the option to update the survey list in Well Seeker. Click on Yes to update your survey sheet.
Click on Save to save your settings, and then click on the X in the top right of the window to close. To close without saving your settings, click on Cancel.
Auto Get Well: If the user has an API number for the well entered in the Daily Reporting section of Well Seeker, when the Get Wells button is clicked, Well Seeker will look up the API number on the Superior QC server and automatically select the correct well.
Check Well Data: Clicking on Check Well Data will compare the latitude, longitude, magnetic field strength, dip, declination and grid convergence values stored on the Superior QC server, with the values referenced in Well Seeker. If they do not match, a warning box similar to the image below will appear.