13.6 - Tool Inventory
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This option is only available to select from the Actual Well level. This is where the user can input the inventory for the well.
Any component entered in the inventory will be available for the user to select within the Drill String Editor and Shipping Ticket dialogs.
For ease of identification the inventory will highlight rows based on how the user has set their status in the On Location, Failed, Ready for Backload, In Hole and Dirty Columns:
On location: Designates whether the tool is at the rig site or not. When check on location the tool is not highlighted. If the user unchecks the On Location column, to mark a tool that is not at the rig site but still in the inventory, the tool will be highlighted orange.
Failed: If the tool has failed, the user can check the Failed column and the tool will be highlighted in red. This can then be used as a reference to make sure that the failed tool is not used in another drill string.
Ready For Backload: Tools that are ready to be delivered off site are highlighted in blue.
In Hole: This status is handled automatically, and changes made by the user will not be saved. Well Seeker will check the latest daily activity entered in the Daily Report for the well. If there is a BHA selected for that activity, Well Seeker will highlight all tools in that BHA in green in the inventory.
Dirty: This status does not have a highlight colour, but is also handled automatically, and changes made by the user will not be saved. The Daily Report will record the circulating hours for each BHA, and then apply those hours to tools in the Inventory in the D&C Hrs Well column. If the tool already had circulating hours accumulated when it arrived on the rig site, the user can enter them in the Prev D&C Hrs column. Total D&C Hrs column is simply the sum of the other two columns. Any tools with more than zero hours in the Total D&C Hrs column will be marked as dirty.
At the bottom of the tool inventory window there are some additional functions:
Check Remote Db: Connects to the remote database to see if tools have been shipped to the job and are awaiting receipt into the system. Well Seeker will attempt to connect to the server defined in the ICDS Server section of the Real Time Data Exchange. See Section 6.4.15 – Real Time Data Exchange for more information.
Filter by off location: Hides all tools except for ones marked as Off Location.
Filter by on location: Hides all tools except for ones marked as On Location.
Search: Filters the inventory for tools that contain the keyword entered in the Search box, in any of their columns.
The toolbar contains the main functions used when operating the Tool Inventory. Most of these functions can also be accessed from the menus at the top of the Tool Inventory window. However, there are some which can only be accessed from the toolbar. These will be detailed below:
Transfer Tools: Opens the transfer tools dialog, allowing the user to transfer tools from the current well to a different well in the database. It should be noted that only tools which are marked as on location in the main tool inventory dialog will be available to select. If there is a date entered in the date off location cell, the tool will not be available to select, even if the on location check box is selected. Once a tool has been transferred, the date off location cell will automatically populate and the on location cell will be unchecked.
Add Row: Adds a new blank row at the bottom of the table
Receive Tools: Adds the tools which have been marked as shipped on the remote database to the inventory. The Check Remote Db option must be checked for this function to work. If any tools are detected, the Select Tools dialog will open:
The user should enter their name into the Received By box, select the tools they want to receive by checking the Receive Tool checkbox, and then click on the Receive Selected button. This will add the selected tools to the local inventory.
Mark all Ready for Backload: Toggles the Ready for Backload checkbox on or off for all items in the inventory.
Mark all on location: Toggles the On Location checkbox on or off for all items in the inventory.
Save: Saves any changes made to the Tool Inventory.
Print Excel: Prints the Tool Inventory, with any filters currently applied, as an Excel format report.
Print PDF: Prints the Tool Inventory, with any filters currently applied, as a PDF format report.
Import from Oasis: Allows the user to import an inventory from an external Oasis ERP database. The Oasis endpoint credentials need to be set up in section – Oasis Credentials.
Tool Orders: Opens the Tool Orders dialog. See section 13.21 – Tool Orders.
Exit: Close the Tool Inventory.
Select Colours: Allows the user the change the colour used to highlight rows whenever the On Location, Failed, Ready for Backload and In Hole status columns are checked. The user can also disable highlighting for statuses by unchecking the box beside each one.
Highlight Rows: Toggling this option off will disable all highlighting of rows in the Tool Inventory and in reports.
Show All Components: Shows all items in the Inventory.
Show MWD Only: Filters the inventory to show only item types that correspond to MWD operations. E.g., MWD/LWD, Shock Absorber, Pulser, etc.
Show DD Only: Filters the inventory to show only item types that correspond to DD operations. E.g., Motor, Drill Collar, Stabilizer etc.
Show MWD Status Columns: Displays the Field Status and Shop Status columns in the Tool Inventory.
Select from Catalogue: The Component Catalogue contains a list of drill string components with pre-defined properties that can be add to the inventory. The desired component can be searched for using the dropdown menus at the top. Clicking the Insert button will add the selected component to the inventory. Note that this will overwrite the row that was selected at the time of opening the Catalogue.
Custom components can be added, removed, and edited using the Add, Delete and Edit buttons. Components which come with the standard install can also be edited and removed if desired. The Reset button will revert the catalogue back to its originally installed state. Finally, the component catalogue can be imported and exported to and from other users.