13.10 – Slide Sheet
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The slide sheet dialog will only be available to the user when they are in a survey. When in a Plan or Actual Wellbore, the slide sheet option will be greyed out and the user will be unable to open this feature.
The slide sheet is designed to minimize repeated entry of data. Once the slide sheet has been filled in with drilling activity and parameters, the user can use the Get DDR from Run Sheet button in the Daily Reporting interface to automatically fill in their daily activities and drilling parameters sections. See section 13.4– Daily Reporting for more information.
The slide sheet can be set up to automatically fill itself in with sliding, rotation, and drilling parameters data from an incoming WITS or WITSML feed. Both raw and calculated surveys can also be received via WITS and WITSML. This data can be sent to the Directional Drillers Dashboard (see section 13.11 – Directional Drilling Dashboard), allowing the user to monitor drilling operations from one screen. This information can also be uploaded to a server, allowing for remote operation of directional drilling and surveying services.
Each BHA created in the Drill String Editor (see section 13.5 – Drill String Editor) will have a slide sheet associated with it. When in the slide sheet window, the BHA can be selected from the drop-down box at the top of the window. If no BHAs have been created for the actual well, there will be no slide sheets available to edit and the drop-down box will be empty.
The user should fill in the slide sheet by entering data into the Date, Start Time, End Time, Start, End, State and TF (Toolface) Type rows. The Target Toolface (TTF), Effective Toolface (ETF) Motor Yield (MY) and drilling parameters columns are optional. When selecting the state of each row, they will be highlighted as follows:
The Green Lines indicate slides using Magnetic Tool Faces
The Blue Lines indicate slides using Gravity Tool Faces
The White Lines indicate Rotation
The Slide Sheet toolbar contains the main functions used when operating the slide sheet. These functions can also be accessed from the menus at the top of the Slide Sheet.
Save: Saves any changes to the slide sheet.
Print Slide Report Excel/PDF: Prints the currently selected slide sheet in Excel or PDF format, with additional information and in a layout suitable for submission in a report.
Print Slide Report Field PDF: Prints a report similar to the slide report above, but has a few columns removed to make it more compact and easier to read.
Print RVDS Report: Print RVDS Report. This report is not part of the standard slide sheet and requires a separate license to access.
Print all Slide Sheets Excel/PDF: Prints slide reports for all BHAs in a single document in Excel or PDF format.
Print Slide Analysis Excel/PDF: Prints the slide analysis chart for every slide in the currently selected BHA, in a single Excel or PDF format document. For more information on the Slide Analysis tool see section 13.10.6 – Slide Sheet Tools Menu.
Auto Refresh Slide Sheet: If viewing the slide sheet on a remote server and receiving WITS data from a rig site, this option will refresh the slide sheet every few minutes with any new data. When toggled off, the only way to refresh the slide sheet is to close and reopen.
Auto Save Slide Sheet: Toggling this option on will cause the slide sheet to automatically save any changes every few minutes.
Exit: Closes the slide sheet window.
Undo: Undoes that last action.
Redo: Redoes the last undone action.
Slide Sheet Columns: Allows the user to toggle columns in the slide sheet on and off.
Slide Sheet Column Order: Opens the column order dialog, which allows the user to configure which columns appear in the slide sheet and in what order.
The user can enable/disable columns by checking the on/off checkbox beside each column name. The user can also enable and disable all columns by clicking on the check all and un-check all buttons. The order of the columns can be changed by selecting a column and clicking on the move up and move down buttons. The rest button will return the columns to their default configuration.
For a description of the available columns, see Appendix F: Slide Sheet Column Options.
Date Format: Allows the user to set how dates are displayed in the slide sheet. The available choices are DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY.
WITS Survey Options: Contains options that configure how the software handles surveys when receiving survey data over a WITS or WITSML connection.
Survey Type: User should select the type of survey that they want to receive from the WITS feed. Note that the rig may be transmitting only one type of survey, in which case the user must select the correct one for WITS surveys to work.
Inc and Azi (Calculated) – If selected, the user will not be able to run the Short Collar Correction feature of the software as this requires the raw values.
GxGyGzBxByBz (Raw) – If the user chooses to receive the WITS surveys as raw accelerometer (GxGyGz) and magnetometer (BxByBz) values then they will have the ability to run Short Collar Correction on the surveys.
Magnetic Units: If the user is receiving surveys in Raw format, they must specify the units of the magnetometer readings (Bx, By and Bz) that are being transmitted. This is not required if surveys are being received in Calculated format. The available units are:
Geolink / Tensor (mV)
nT (no XY inversion)
µT (XY Inversion)
Evo / Applied Physics
Accelerometer Units: If the user is receiving surveys in Raw format, they must specify the units of the accelerometer readings (Gx, Gy and Gz) that are being transmitted. This is not required if surveys are being received in Calculated format. The available units are:
Inverted Z axis
Survey QC Limits: Opens the raw survey QC limit dialog. If required, the industry standard default values can be edited here by the user. This only applies to raw surveys.
The tolerances entered here are the amount the calculated field strength (HL), dip and gravity field strength (G) can vary from their reference values before being marked as out of tolerance. The reference values are defined at actual well level (Section 8.6 – Level 6: Actual Well Level).
Auto Send Survey Email: When a WITS survey is received and accepted an email update will automatically be sent to the current distribution list defined in the Survey Email Update Template in the Tools menu. No dialog or outlook window will appear.
Auto Accept Surveys: When a WITS survey is detected at a depth deeper than the last entered survey, it will automatically be accepted and added to the survey listing without prompting the user. Note: this option should be used with caution.
Use Bit Depth as Survey Depth: If a new WITS survey is detected this option forces the survey depth to be set as the current bit depth. This option is useful for unmanned operations.
Include Bit Projection in Survey Email: When toggled on, this option will add a projection to bit in the Survey Email Update Template available from the Tools menu.
Attach Survey Listing to Email: When this option is toggled on, a survey listing in Excel format will be attached to the survey update email. This email can be configured with the Survey Update Email Template tool in the Tools menu.
Check for WITS Surveys: If this option is toggled off, Well Seeker will ignore any surveys transmitted from the rig via WITS.
Slide Record Input – CL: If this option is toggled on, the Course Length (CL) column is used to define the length of each slide and rotate. The End [Depth] column will be greyed out and is automatically calculated from the start depth and the course length.
Copy Drilling Params to New Line: If this option is toggled on, then whenever a new line is created, its drilling parameters columns will be automatically filled in by copying the parameters from the line above. These lines can be edited afterwards if required.
Auto Calculate ROP: If this option is toggled on the ROP column will be automatically calculated using the Start Time, End Time, Start and End columns. The values in the ROP column cannot be edited. ROP is calculated as follows:
Auto Populate Parameters: If this option is toggled on and Auto Populate Slide Sheet is activated, then the slide sheet will automatically fill in the drilling parameters columns with drilling parameter data received over WITS.
Auto Populate Slide Sheet: When WITS data is being received, if this option is selected, then the slide sheet will be automatically populated based on the operation (sliding or rotating). While this option is running, the below message will appear next to the BHA selection box:
While this option is enabled, the user will NOT be able to manually add or adjust anything on the slide sheet. If it is necessary to adjust the slide sheet for any reason, the user can turn off the auto populate option, by toggling the option off or clicking on the red circle in the toolbar. After making the appropriate adjustment the auto population can be turned on again.
NOTE: In order for the slide sheet to auto populate properly, the thresholds in the Rig States dialog must be correctly configured.
Record Connections Data: When receiving WITS data, if this option is toggled on, the Rig States dialog will record In Slips, Off Bottom and Survey times in the Timers section. This is required for the Connection Analysis tool in the Tools menu.
Show surveys on slide report: Adds a survey listing to the slide report when printed from the File menu.
Show phase on slide report: Adds the drilling phase to the Comments column in the slide report when printed from the File menu. The phase is set in the Daily Report activities section. See section – DDR Daily Activity for more information.
Show short survey on slide report: Adds compacted survey listing, which only contains depth, inclination, azimuth and DLS, to the slide report when printed from the File menu. This option is overridden by Show surveys on slide report.
Show reduced drilling params on slide report: Shows only WOB, RPM, flow, torque and ROP in the slide report when printed from the File menu.
Motor Yields: Opens the Motor Yield analysis dialog. This displays every survey taken and the corresponding slide length between the surveys. These can be broken down into Formation / Section Type / BHA. Each section has a detailed analysis of slide and rotation percentages, the High, Low, and average motor yield and the average rotary DLS and TF. The dialog can be printed to an Excel format report via the File menu.
Survey Update Email Template: Opens the Survey Update tool, which allows the user to quickly send an email updating clients or other personnel on the details of the latest survey.
The user can add recipients to the update email by entering their email address (e.g., email1@email.com) to the box at the top of the window and then clicking on the add button. Multiple addresses can be added by delimiting them with a comma (e.g., email1@email.com,email2@email.com) before clicking the add button. Addresses can be removed from the email by selecting them in the list and clicking on the delete button. Well Seeker will save all emails entered into the recipient list after the window is closed.
The email body contains the most recent survey along with the distance from plan, average motor yield and dogleg to land. The user can include a curve projection by clicking on the Include checkbox and then entering the TVD, Inc and Azi of their landing. In the Settings > WITS Survey Options menu there is also an option to include a projection to bit.
If the default email client on the user’s computer is Microsoft Outlook, then they can click on the send mail button to generate an email with the recipients, subject and email body set up as in the template. In the Settings > WITS Survey Options menu there is an option to include a survey listing as an attachment to the email. There I also an option to automatically send the email as soon as a survey is accepted.
RigStates: Opens the Rig States Settings dialog. The Rig States Settings is where the user configures how Well Seeker interprets incoming WITS data to decide what operation the rig is currently performing. It also allows the user to see what drilling parameter data is being sent through from WITS. Rig States will operate when:
The WITS Data Reader is running (and receiving real time data via WITS or WITSML), and
The Auto Populate Slide Sheet Option is selected from the Settings Menu
The Current Rig State section shows what activity Well Seeker thinks the rig is currently performing, based on the latest parameters received from WITS. These parameters can be seen in the Current WITS Data and Drilling Params sections. Well Seeker determines the current rig state by comparing the parameters to the thresholds as set by the user in the Thresholds section. The user will need to set these thresholds to the correct values for the rig they are on to make sure that Well Seeker correctly interprets the rig state.
Rig states logic is defined below.
Is the Bit on Bottom?
Hole depth – Bit Depth < On bottom threshold
If on bottom, are you drilling?
Pump Pressure > Threshold
WOB > Threshold
Hookload > Threshold
On bottom recorded when all 3 of the above are recorded = TRUE
If Drilling = TRUE, the logic is as follows:
If 10% of the values in the RPM buffer are < Rotating threshold then Sliding
If 10% of the values in the RPM buffer are > Rotating threshold then Rotating
The RPM Buffer section is used along with the RPM threshold value to determine if the string is rotating. The RPM buffer size sets how many of the most recent RPM values to keep in the buffer, and the RPM Buffer Threshold sets how many values in the buffer need to be above the RPM threshold before Well Seeker considers the string to be rotating.
The Timers section records the total amount of time that Well Seeker registers the pumps being on, the string being in slips, the string being off bottom, and the time taken surveying. For these last three timers, the option Record Connections Data in the Settings Menu needs to be turned on before they are recorded.
The Sliding TF section will display the latest tool face data if this is being transmitted over WITS.
The Simulator button opens the Rig States simulator. This can be used to generate a fake WITS feed for debugging and demonstration purposes. It should never be used during real drilling operations.
Real Time Gauges: Opens the real time gauges dashboard, where the user can view some of the data being received from the WITS feed. Note that these gauges will only operate when WITS data is being received.
The gauges can be customized by double left clicking on them individually. This opens the gauge settings dialog, and allows the user to select the following:
Minimum: Minimum range the gauge displays
Maximum: Maximum range the gauge displays
Label: The label which appears at the bottom of the gauge
Units: The units which the values on the gauge are referenced to
Mnemonic: The WITS input which is being displayed on the gauge
Note that when the Real Time Gauge dialog is closed, all the settings reset back to default and the user will need to make the necessary changes again.
Directional Drillers Dashboard: Opens the Directional Drillers Dashboard window. See section 13.11 – Directional Drilling Dashboard for more information.
Slide Analysis: Slide Analysis requires the Save Svy and TF Data function to be enabled in the WITS data reader. Before the Slide Analysis dialog can be opened, the user must select a slide by left clicking on one of the cells in the slide row.
The red line through the chart represents the Effective Toolface (ETF) for that slide, while the points represent the individual slide toolfaces recorded by WITS for the duration of that slide. The data can be exported to Excel by opening the File menu and selecting Export Data. The chart can be exported as an image by right clicking and selecting Export Dialog from the context menu. For more information on the context menu see section 6.8 – Context Menu.
Connection Analysis: The Connection Analysis chart requires the Record Connections Data option in the Settings menu to be toggled on whilst recording WITS data.
The Connections Analysis chart will display every connection recorded by WITS as a bar chart. Each connection will be coloured to show how much of the connection was spent reaming, taking a survey and performing the connection itself. The blue line represents the average time to make a connection. This chart can be used as a way of gauging which activities are taking the most time during connections, and therefore where timesaving improvements can be made.
The data can be exported to Excel by opening the File menu and selecting Export Data. The chart can be exported as an image by right clicking and selecting Export Dialog from the context menu. For more information on the context menu see section 6.8 – Context Menu.
Seriel/TCP WITS Comms: Opens the WITS reader. See section 13.10.7 – Serial/TCP WITS Data Reader for more information.
WITSML Comms: Opens the WITSML reader. See section 13.10.8 – WITSML Data Reader for more information.
Wireless WITS Comms: Opens the Wireless WITS reader. See section 13.10.9 – Wireless WITS for more information.
Cross Plot / Heat Map: Displays the Cross Plot window. The cross plot can be used to show how often two drilling parameters are recorded in the slide sheet. Green areas are values that record fewer times or not at all, while red areas are values used more often.
The available parameters are WOB, RPM and flow rate. The axis that these parameters are displayed on can be configured using the X Axis and Y Axis menus. The cross plot can be exported as an image by right clicking on it and selecting Export Dialog from the context menu. For more information on the context menu see section 6.8 – Context Menu.
Select Downlink: This is a legacy feature that has been replaced with the Send Downlink option described below.
Send Downlink: Opens the Downlink Control dialog window. See section 13.10.10 – Downlink Control.
View Downlink History: Opens the Downlink History dialog which displays a record of all downlinks sent using the Downlink Control dialog.
Round Depths: Rounds all start and end depths in the currently opened slide sheet to the nearest whole number.
Enable error logging: Toggling this option will create a file called rigStateLog.txt in the Debug folder in the Setup File directory. The Setup File directory can be opened via the Help menu in the main Well Seeker interface and selecting the option Open Setup File Folder. This file records a log of incoming drilling parameter data and will record any errors in the data feed.
Opens the WITS Reader Dialog. This option is used to configure Well Seeker to receive WITS data via a serial or ethernet cable. This allows the user to automate the slide sheet via the Rig States and Auto-Populate functions in the slide sheet. For this process to work correctly, it is important that the WITS mapping in Well Seeker matches the WITS mapping of the rig. See section 6.4.21 – WITS Mapping for more information on editing Well Seeker’s WITS mapping.
There are three types of connections available:
Serial WITS: If the user is receiving WITS via a serial cable, they should leave the UDP WITS and TCP WITS options in the Ethernet WITS Settings section unchecked. In the Serial WITS Settings section, they should select the comm port from the Comm Port drop-down box. This will not be populated until the serial cable is plugged into the computer via a serial-USB converter. The user also needs to enter the baud rate into the Baud Rate box. This should be provided by the people transmitting the WITS data.
UDP WITS: If the user is receiving UDP WITS via an ethernet cable, they should check the UDP WITS checkbox in the Ethernet WITS Settings. They should then enter the port number into the Port box. The port number should be provided by the people transmitting the WITS data.
TCP WITS: If the user is receiving UDP WITS via an ethernet cable, they should check the TCP WITS checkbox in the Ethernet WITS Settings. They should then enter the port number into the Port box and the IP Address into the IP Address box. The port number and IP address should be provided by the people transmitting the WITS data.
Once the user has configured their connection, they can start receiving data by clicking on the Start Reading button. Whilst the WITS feed is running, the user can see incoming data and any error messages in the WITS Data Stream section. The user can pause the data stream by checking the Pause Messages checkbox – the WITS feed will continue in the background. This allows the user to scroll through and read any messages. Once unchecked, all messages which were received during the paused interval will appear. The Stop Reading button will stop the WITS feed. Whilst the WITS feed is running, the status can be seen in the WITS Status section.
The Save Svy and TF Data checkbox will save the Survey and Toolface data to the database. You need this selected if you want to calculate slide grade and view the slide analysis data. Note that the slide sheet will populate without this option being checked; however, this must be selected if the user wants the data saved. The Well and Survey boxes show the well and slide sheet that this information is being saved to.
The Clear WITS Data button clears ALL WITS data stored in the database. The user may want to do this if they have WITS data from a previous well or the database size is getting too big. It should be noted that if the database reaches 1.5Gb in size, the WITS data will be deleted automatically.
The user can forward WITS data to a remote server, so that RTOC operators can receive slide information from the rig and monitor the well using the Directional Drilling Dashboard. To do this, the user needs to check the Send Data to Server checkbox on the Server Data Sync section. When this is activated, the user will start seeing status messages in the message box below. The IP address and port of the remote server will be displayed in the IP and Port boxes. These are set in the ICDS Server section in the Real Time Data Exchange. The well that the data is assigned to is set in the Select Well section in the Real Time Data Exchange. For more information, see section 6.4.15 – Real Time Data Exchange.
The Send Data Handshake option should only be checked if the user is running a Noralis MWD system and is receiving data from a Noralis WITS system.
WITSML is when rig data is uploaded to a server and then downloaded by users wishing to receive WITS data. To receive data this way, Well Seeker users should use the WITSML Data Reader instead of the Serial/TCP WITS Data Reader.
To use the WITSML Reader, the user needs valid login credential for the WITSML server. They should enter these into the Server URL, Username and Password boxes in the WITSML Server section. The user also needs to know the version of the server – either 1.3.1 or 1.4.1 – and select it from the dropdown box.
The Show/Hide checkbox will display or hide the password, while the Save password checkbox will remember the password so that it does not need to be entered every time the WITSML Reader is opened.
The user can check their credentials by cling the Test Connection button. A message will display in the Messages section indicating if the connection was successful or not.
Once the user is happy with their connection, the user can click on the Load Wells button to get a list of wells and logs stored on the data. The user can now select a log and a trajectory that they want to receive by clicking on them in the list. Note: Well Seeker uses time-based logs for its slide data, and trajectory logs for surveys. The user can also click on the Pull to file button to download all stored data from a selected well.
Once the user has selected their desired feeds, they need to map the WITSML mnemonics to the Well Seeker mnemonics in the Curve Mapping section. There is no industry standard set of WITSML mnemonics, so the user must set them manually. The Well Seeker internal mnemonics are listed on the right, with a column for the WITSML mnemonics on the left. Well Seeker will attempt to automatically match mnemonics that have the same name. The user should set the WITSML mnemonic by clicking on a row and selecting from the dropdown box.
Once the user has finished their mapping, they can start receiving data by clicking on the Start Reading button. The Selected Data section will update to display the selected well, wellbore, log, and trajectory. Whilst the WITS feed is running, the user will see values in the new Value column in the Curve Mapping section. They will also receive status and error messages in the Messages section.
The user can pause the data stream by checking the Pause Messages checkbox – the WITS feed will continue in the background. This allows the user to scroll through and read any messages. Once unchecked, all messages which were received during the paused interval will appear. The Stop Reading button will stop the WITS feed.
As with the Serial/TCP WITS Reader, the user can forward WITSML data to a remote server by checking the Send Data to Server checkbox. The server that the data is being sent to is set in the ICDS Server section in the Real Time Data Exchange. The well that the data is assigned to is set in the Select Well section in the Real Time Data Exchange. For more information, see section 6.4.15 – Real Time Data Exchange.
The Wireless WITS dialog allows to receive WITS data from a wireless WITS system, if one is available.
Note: All other WITS dialogs must be closed when the Wireless WITS is running.
The user should select a data source type from the Source drop-down box, and then enter the URL of the data source in the Server URL box. The user will be provided with credentials for the server which they should enter into the Username and Password boxes. They can check if their credentials are correct by clicking on the Test Connection button. The message box below will display a response from the server.
When the user clicks on Start Reading, Well Seeker will begin receiving data. Acknowledgement of incoming data packets will be displayed in the message box, and the Rig States dialog will begin populating with drilling parameters. The user can stop receiving data by clicking on the Stop Reading button. The Pause Messages button will prevent the dialog from receiving any new messages, but the data feed will continue in the background. Clear Messages will delete all messages in the message box and Write to File will create a text file containing all messages in the message box.
The user can forward WITS data to a remote server by checking the Send Data to Server checkbox. The server that the data is being sent to is set in the ICDS Server section in the Real Time Data Exchange. The well that the data is assigned to is set in the Select Well section in the Real Time Data Exchange. For more information, see section 6.4.15 – Real Time Data Exchange.
The Downlink Control dialog allows Well Seeker Pro to remotely send and monitor Rotary Steerable System (RSS) downlinks on a specified rig, utilizing the rig’s control system. Currently Well Seeker Pro can communicate with NOV’s DrillLink software and downlink by either the mud pumps, or top drive on rigs utilizing the Amphion and Cyberbase rig control systems.
The Downlink Control can connect to the RSS locally, by being physically connected to the rig network at the rig site. It can also connect remotely, sending commands via the internet. This requires the Innova Remote Client software and access to the Innova Cloud Portal API.
Connection: User should select their connection type from the drop-down box. Local connection should be used when at the rig site and the PC is physically connected to the rig network. Remote connection should be used when the user is connected to the rig network over the internet using the Innova Cloud Portal API and the Innova Remote Client installed on a PC at the rig site.
If local connection is selected the Drill Link section will look like the below screenshot:
IP Address: The IP address of the DrillLink device, or the hardware forwarding commands to DrillLink. This will be provided by the rig.
Port: The port of the DrillLink device, or the hardware forwarding commands to DrillLink. This will always be 8080.
Connect/Disconnect: After entering the IP address and port, the user can connect to the DrillLink device by clicking the Connect button. If successful, the connection status should turn green and change to ‘Connected’. The user can disconnect from the DrillLink device by clicking the Disconnect button.
Connection: Shows the status of the DrillLink connection. If successful, it will be green and display the message ‘Connected’.
Switch: Shows the status of the downlink control switch. This switch is operated by the driller at the rig site and gives them ultimate control over whether remote access to the DrillLink system is granted. The switch status must show ‘Enabled’ before any downlinks can be sent.
If remote connection is selected the Drill Link section will look like the below screenshot
Username/Password: User should enter the username and password for the Innova Cloud Portal API. These will be provided to the user’s company by Innova.
Get rigs: After entering the username and password, the user should click on the Get Rigs to populate the rig listing, displayed below:
Rig: Displays the names of the rigs connected to the Innova Cloud Portal API.
Online: Displays the status of each rig – red for offline, and green for online.
Select: The Downlink Control can only send commands to one rig at a time, so the user needs to select the rig that they want by clicking the checkbox next to their desired rig.
Connect/Disconnect: Once a username and password have been entered, and a rig has been selected in the rig listing, the user can connect to the DrillLink device by clicking the Connect button. If successful, the connection status should turn green and change to ‘Connected’. The user can disconnect from the DrillLink device by clicking the Disconnect button.
Connection: Shows the status of the DrillLink connection. If successful, it will be green and display the message ‘Connected’.
Switch: Shows the status of the downlink control switch. This switch is operated by the driller at the rig site and gives them ultimate control over whether remote access to the DrillLink system is granted. The switch status must show ‘Enabled’ before any downlinks can be sent.
Online: Shows the status of the selected rig in the rig listing. This must read ‘Yes’ before a downlink can be sent.
Channels: Before sending a downlink command, the user needs to map the top drive and each of the mud pumps to the correct channels. These must match up with the channel mapping at the rig site, so if unsure the user should verify with the rig.
Name: The name of the item being mapped to the channel. The user has the choice of Mud Pump (MP) #1 - #4, and the Top Drive.
Active: The user should ensure that all channels that will be used in downlink are selected as active. This is done by clicking in the checkboxes in the Active column.
RPM CH: Any channel mapped to the top drive must have the corresponding checkbox in the RPM CH column checked on.
Tool Type: User should select the model of the Rotary Steerable System (RSS) tool that they are sending the downlink to.
Software Version: User should select the software version installed on the RSS that they are sending the downlink to. The Tool Type needs to be selected before this drop-down is populated.
Tool Mode: User should select the tool mode set for the RSS that they are sending the downlink to. The Tool Type and Software Version need to be selected before this drop-down is populated.
Rotary DL: Certain tool type, software version and tool mode combinations will allow the user to toggle Rotary Downlink (DL) on. This means that the downlink will be sent using the top drive instead of the mud pumps.
Downlink: The drop-down box contains all available downlink commands for the RSS tool. The user should select the action that they wish the RSS to perform. The Downlink Parameters section will populate depending on the command selected.
Pump Strokes/Top Drive RPM Reduction: This drop-down box allows the user to set the percentage difference between the high pump rate and low pump rate when transmitting the downlink. This also applies to the high rpm and low rpm if Rotary DL is turned on.
Preview: Once the user has selected their downlink from the Downlink drop-down box, they can preview it by clicking on the Preview Button. This will display the selected downlink in the Downlink Sequence section.
Send: Once the Drill Link and Downlink Setup sections have been filled in, the user can click the Send button to send the selected downlink to the RSS tool.
Abort: Aborts transmission of the downlink sequence.
Elapsed Time: Records the time elapsed since the user started the downlink sequence by clicking on the Send button.
Average Flow: If Well Seeker is recording WITS or WITSML data from the rig, the current flow rate will be displayed here.
Average RPM: If Well Seeker is recording WITS or WITSML data from the rig, the current RPM will be displayed here.
The Downlink Sequence section consists of two parts – the Downlink Sequence Chart and the Downlink Sequence Table.
The Downlink Sequence Chart displays the elapsed time along the X-Axis and the pump flow rate along the Y-Axis. If Rotary DL is selected in the Downlink Setup section, then the Y-Axis will display the top drive RPM. The red line displays the selected downlink sequence. When the Send button is clicked, a green line will move across the chart, showing the progress of the downlink transmission. The elapsed time in seconds and minutes:seconds will also be displayed.
If Well Seeker is recording WITS or WITSML data from the rig, the rig flow rate will be recorded on the chart as a blue line. If Rotary DL is selected, this will show the top drive RPM.
The Downlink Sequence Table breaks down the selected downlink sequence into its constituent states, either Pumps Up/Pumps Down or RPM Up/RPM Down. The Time columns show the cumulative elapsed time of the sequence in minutes:seconds and seconds. When the Send button is clicked, the rows in the Table will be highlighted green as each part of the sequence is completed.