7.0 - Multiwell Dashboard
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The Multiwell Dashboard allows the user to monitor the well trajectory and drilling parameters of multiple active wells simultaneously. For a well to display data it must be receiving a WITS transfer from the rig site to the organisation’s server. The user can check if the WITS transfer is active for the selected well by looking at the Wells List page.
The order of the well displays can be rearranged by left clicking and dragging on the title section at the top of each display.
The user can add wells to the dashboard by selecting them in the Edit Menu, which is in the bottom right corner of each page. The functions in the edit menu are described below:
Clear Selection: Deselects all wells and removes them from the dashboard.
Search: Opens the Search Wells window. The user can select an option from one or more of the search criteria and then click on the Submit button. This will select all wells in the database that match all the criteria.
Show Well List: Opens the Well List on the right-hand side of the page. This allows the user browse through all wells in their organisation’s database and select them for display. To select/deselect a well the user should click on the button to the right of each well. The user can filter the well list by entering text into the search bar at the top of the list.
Export to XLSX: Exports the data from the page to an Excel spreadsheet in the form of a table.
Each well selected will add an additional display to the dashboard:
At the top of each display is the display title, which contains the information shown below. The well name and operator are set when the well is created in the server database, and the well phase is set in the DDR daily activities. The other items can be set by clicking on the Edit Well Info icon for the well in the Wells List page.
Below the display title is the toolface rose. This shows the current orientation of the motor, if there is one in the hole, as well as visualising how far the well is deviating from the principal plan. The centre of the toolface rose represents the principal plan. The most recent survey and bit projection are plotted as a dark green and light green dot, respectively. Their distance from the centre represents their displacement from the principal plan, while their position around the outside of the circle shows if they are above/below or to the right/left of the plan.
The blue bars represent the most recent real time toolfaces received. The number in the centre of the toolface rose is the most recent one. The dark green cone represents the effective toolface (ETF) based on the average of the most recent surveys. The light green cone represents the intended drilling direction, also known as the target toolface (TTF).
In the bottom left corner of the toolface rose, a timer shows how much time has passed since the last update was sent to the server from the rig.
Below the toolface rose is the drilling parameters section. This section contains the following information:
Hole Depth: The total measured depth the has been drilled so far.
Bit Depth: The current position of the bit in the hole.
ROP: The rate of penetration of the bit.
WOB: The current weight on bit.
RPM: The current surface RPM. This will be zero if sliding.
Diff P: The differential pressure.
Rig State: Shows whether the rig is currently rotating or sliding.
Flow: The current mud flow rate.
Hole Size: The hole size of the section being drilled. This is set by the size of the bit in the drill string.
Slide Unseen: Compares the slide sheet and the survey sheet to calculate how much sliding is between the survey point and the bit and is therefore not accounted for in the well inclination and azimuth.
Last MY: The Motor Yield measured over the last few surveys. This is used in conjunction with the Slide Unseen value to predict the inclination and azimuth of the bit projection.
MY: The Motor Yield represents how much dogleg the BHA can achieve over a certain distance of sliding. The user can edit this value by clicking on it in the display and typing the motor yield that the think best represents the current BHA. If the Last MY value is not available, the dashboard will use the MY value entered to predict the inclination and azimuth of the bit projection.
Below the drilling parameters section, the dashboard displays the last survey recorded and the projection to the bit. For each the dashboard gives values for the Measured Depth, Inclination, Azimuth, True Vertical Depth, Dogleg, Up/Down and Left/Right. The Up/Down and Left/Right values show how far the well is above or below and to the left or right of the principal plan. If there is no principal plan assigned to the well these values will not populate. The trajectory of the bit projection is calculated using the motor yield and slide unseen values.
Finally, the dashboard displays the motor and bit description from the drill string.