6.0 - Well Views
The Well Views pages allow the user to select a specific well from their organization’s database and view detailed information on it. When viewing one of these pages, the user can select a well by clicking on the icon in the top right of the Web Portal window, next to the User Profile icon.
This will open the Select Well menu, which provides a list of the wells available. By default, only wells with active, upcoming, standby or TD status will be visible. The user can enable all wells by toggling the All Wells option at the top of the list. They can also search for a well by entering its name into the search bar. Wells that are followed will appear at the top of the list. See 3.3 - Additional Options for more information on following wells.
The user should select a well by left clicking on it. Once a well has been selected, its name, rig and job number will be displayed at the top of the Web Portal window.
Most pages have an Edit Menu that can be accessed by clicking on the icon in the bottom right of the page, giving the user access to additional options:
The function of each of the separate Well View pages is described in the subsections below.
4.1 - Well Details
The Well Details page allows the user to create their own custom summary page for the selected well. The page is made up of cards, each of which convey a different piece of data about the well. The user can add, remove, and rearrange these cards so that all the desired information can be monitored from a single page.
Cards can be moved around the window by left clicking and dragging the title of the card. The card can be resized by left clicking and dragging the bottom right corner of the card. The card can be closed by clicking on the icon in the top right of the card.
Closed cards can be re-added using the Well Details Edit Menu, which can be accessed by clicking on the icon in the bottom right of the Web Portal.
Well Details Edit Menu
Select Cards – Opens the select cards dialog box. The user can toggle on/off the desired cards and then save their selection by clicking Apply.
Reset Layout – Resets the Well Details page to the default layout.
4.2 - EDR (Electronic Data Reader)
The EDR is a real time display of the drilling activity on the selected rig. It displays up to date drilling parameters along with survey and toolface information. It requires a WITS transfer from the rig site to the organisation’s server. The user can check if the WITS transfer is active for the selected well by looking at the Wells List page.
The EDR also requires a data config set up and running for the selected well. See section 10 Data Acquisition for more information.
The user can export each part of the EDR by right clicking, allowing the user to save the selected part as an image or copy it to the clipboard.
The EDR is split into four sections. On the left of the EDR is the Well Schematic. This shows the casing, liner and open hole configuration of the well. Hovering over a section will show the depth range and diameter of the section. The depths and diameters of the well casing are set in the organisation’s server or uploaded from the rig site.
In the centre of the EDR is the drilling parameter log. The log takes drilling parameter data from the rig via the WITS transfer and plots it on three traces. The first trace contains the surface torque, rate of penetration and pump flow rate. The second trace contains the hookload, weight on bit and block position in the derrick. The third trace contains the standpipe pressure, differential pressure and top drive rotations per minute. The maximum and minimum values for each parameter are shown in the key at the top of the log. The user can hover over the log to see a readout for each parameter in the key. The log is plotted against time, with the most recent update at the bottom of the log. The user can scroll with the mouse wheel to see historical data from an earlier time.
On the right is the toolface rose. This shows the current orientation of the motor, if there is one in the hole, as well as visualising how far the well is deviating from the principal plan. The centre of the toolface rose represents the principal plan. The most recent survey and bit projection are plotted as a dark green and light green dot, respectively. Their distance from the centre represents their displacement from the principal plan, while their position around the outside of the circle shows if they are above/below or to the right/left of the plan.
The blue bars represent the most recent real time toolfaces received. The number in the centre of the toolface rose is the most recent one. The dark green cone represents the effective toolface (ETF) based on the average of the most recent surveys. The light green cone represents the intended drilling direction, also known as the target toolface (TTF).
Below the toolface rose are the current rig state and the real time gauges. The current rig state shows whether the BHA is rotating or sliding and the current bit measured depth. The hole depth shows the total measured depth drilled for the well.
The real time gauges show the most up to date drilling parameters sent from the rig via the WITS transfer. These are the standpipe pressure, rotations per minute, weight on bit, rate of penetration, differential pressure and torque.
4.3 - Anti-Collision
The Anti-Collision page shows the anti-collision results between the selected well (also referred to as the reference well for anti-collision purposes) and any offset wells assigned to the selected well. Currently, offset wells are set within the organisation’s database and cannot be changed in the Web Portal.
Anti-collision is the process of calculating the ellipse of uncertainty around each of the reference and offset wells and measuring the distance between them to see if they within acceptable limits. Anti-collision rules are set at operator level. For more information see section 8.1 - Operator.
In the bottom section of the page all offset wells are broken down into their individual survey stations and an anti-collision result is given for each one. The list can be filtered by typing the name of an offset well into the search bar at the top of the list. Surveys are highlighted in red if they represent the minimum value for either the centre-to-centre distance (C2C), ellipse separation (ES) or separation factor (SF). For each survey point the Anti-Collision page displays the following information:
MD, Inc, Azi: The measured depth, inclination and azimuth of the reference well.
Off MD, Off Inc, Off Azi: The measured depth, inclination and azimuth of the offset well.
Off TVD, Off NS, Off EW: The total vertical depth, north/south position and east/west position of the offset well.
Ref Casing, Off Casing: The size of the casing for the reference and offset well. Depending on the anti-collision settings on the operator page, these could be added or subtracted to the ellipse of uncertainty for the wells.
TFO: The bearing of the offset well from the reference well.
Ref Ellipse, Off Ellipse: The size of the semi-major axis in ellipse of uncertainty for the reference and offset wells.
Ellipse Sep: The ellipse separation between the reference and offset wells.
C2C: The distance between the centre of the reference and offset wellbores.
SF: The separation factor between the reference and offset wells.
Warning: If any warnings are violated at the current survey point it will be highlighted here.
The top of the page is split into four charts – the anti-collision summary, travelling cylinder, separation factor plot and ladder plot. These sections can be scrolled through by clicking on the arrows to the left and right of the page, or by clicking on one of the four buttons at the bottom of each chart.
The four charts are described in the sections below:
4.3.1 - Anti-Collision Summary
The Anti Collision Summary lists all offsets and show the points where the centre-to-centre distance (C2C), ellipse separation (ES) and separation factor (SF) are the smallest. The centre-to-centre distance and separation factor are colour coded to show if they have violated any warning levels.
4.3.2 - Travelling Cylinder
The Travelling Cylinder is specialised anti-collision plot that shows the relative distance and bearing of offset wells. The centre of the plot is the centre point of the reference well. The selected offset wells will display over the entire depth range of the individual offset wells, unless a depth filter has been applied using the TVD Min/TVD Max options.
The distance of a survey point from the centre of the plot represents the centre-to-centre distance between the reference well and that point. The bearing of a point is referenced to well highside or true north depending on the HS Ref setting.
The plot can be zoomed in and out using the mouse wheel. The Travelling Cylinder plot has some extra options on the left:
HS Ref: When checked, the travelling cylinder will be referenced to the highside of the selected well. The bearing of other wells is measured from the highside of the selected well. When turned off, the travelling cylinder will be referenced to true north. The bearing of other wells is measured from true north.
Depth Labels: Adds a measured depth and TVD value to each survey point.
Well Names: Adds the well name to each offset well.
TVD Min / TVD Max: Allows the user to set a depth filter for the plot. Offset wells will only display survey points with a TVD above the TVD Min value and below the TVD Max Value.
4.3.3 - Separation Factor Plot
The separation factor plot shows the separation factor vs measured depth for all offset wells for the selected well. The lines running horizontally across the chart represent the warning levels are set in the Operator page. The chart can be zoomed in by scrolling the mouse wheel and moved around by left clicking and dragging. Hovering over a line will display the name of the offset well along with the measured depth and the separation factor at that point.
4.35 - Ladder Plot
The ladder plot shows the centre-to-centre distance vs measured depth for all offset wells for the selected well. The red bar under each line represents the size of the ellipse of uncertainty for that well. The chart can be zoomed in by scrolling the mouse wheel and moved around by left clicking and dragging. Hovering over a line will display the name of the offset well along with the measured depth and the centre-to-centre distance at that point.
Anti-Collision Edit Menu
Refresh – Refreshes the page with any new data uploaded from the field.
Print – Exports the Anti-Collision Summary and full anti-collision report for all offset wells in Excel format.
4.4 - Daily Reports
The Daily Reports page is where the user can record daily drilling reports (DDR) for their selected well.
The front page of the Daily Reports page shows the daily reports recorded for the selected well. Each report represents 24 hours of activity starting from 00:00 and ending at 24:00. Each report shows some summary data, taken from the daily activities recorded for each report. The tools for editing the daily reports are located on the right-hand side of the entry for each day:
Pump Data: Opens the pump data page for that day.
Edit Personnel: Opens the Update Personnel window for that day. This window allows the user to select the name of the personnel filling each role at the rig site, as well as their times on and off shift. Personnel must be set up in the Personnel Names page – see Section 14.0 - Personnel Names.
Edit Mud Data: Opens the Update Mud Data window for that day. This allows the user to edit the mud type and weight, as well as fill in rheology data.
Edit Daily Report: Opens the Edit Daily Report window for that day.
Delete Record: Deletes the daily report record, and all associated activity, for that day.
Daily Activity: Opens the Daily Activity page for that day.
4.4.1 - Pump Data
The pump data window allows the user to enter details of the rig pumps. These details can be included in the daily report.
The user can delete a pump by clicking on the red trash can icon on the right of each pump. Clicking on a pump will allow the user to edit its details. A new pump can be added using the edit menu in the bottom right of the page.
4.4.2 - Edit Daily Report
The Edit Daily Report window allows the user to edit general information on the selected daily report, such as its date, 24 hour operations summary and lookahead.
Date: The date of the daily report.
Report #: Daily reports are ordered according to their report number. Changing the report number can be used to rearrange the order of reports.
Summary: A summary of the rig activity in the 24 hours covered by the selected report
Lookahead: A summary of activity for the next 24 hours.
Comments: Any other pertinent comments can be entered here.
MWD Type: If MWD was used for drilling, the type can be selected here.
Drive type: If a BHA is present in the hole, the drive type (e.g., motor, RSS) can be selected here.
Casing Depth/OD/Weight: The measured depth, outer diameter, and weight in lb/ft of the most recently set casing.
MWD Off/On Bottom Pulse Height: The amplitude of the MWD telemetry pulses when circulating off bottom, and when drilling.
MWD Comments: Any pertinent comments on the performance of the MWD can be entered here.
4.4.3 - Daily Activity
The Daily Activity page is where the user can view and edit the directional driller’s activity record for the selected daily report.
The page can be filtered by typing into the search bar at the top of the page. This will search the description, phase, and activity fields. An activity can be deleted by clicking on the red trash bin icon to the right. Clicking on an activity will open the Edit Activity window. A new activity can be added using the edit menu, located in the bottom right of the page.
Start Time: The start time of the activity in 24HR hh:mm format. First activity of the day should start at midnight 00:00. This will default to the end time of the previous activity.
End Time: The end time of the activity in 24HR hh:mm format. If the activity ends at midnight, it should be 24:00.
Phase: The drilling phase that the well is currently in. The available choices are set in the Phases section of the Operator page. Phases are used in the creation of KPI tracking charts.
BHA: The BHA currently in hole. The available BHAs are set in the Drill String page for the selected well.
Activity: User should select the activity code that best describes the activity being recorded. The available choices are set in the Activities section of the Operator page. Activities are used to categorise drilling activity, which then allows the Web Portal to track drilling data such as drilling and circulating hours. This data can then be used in reports and in KPI tracking.
Description: The user should input a description of the activity and any other operationally pertinent events occurring between the start and end time, which will then be included in the daily report.
4.4.4 - Daily Reports Edit Menu
Add – Adds a new daily report/daily activity/pump, depending on the currently viewed page.
Refresh – Refreshes the current page, updating with any new data uploaded from the field.
Print – Exports the current page in Excel format.
4.5 - Depth/Time
The Depth/Time page displays a depth vs time plot for the currently selected well. The plot is coloured according to the drilling phase at that point in the well. The pickup time of each drilling BHA is indicated by vertical lines.
Hovering over the plot will display additional information for the well at that point in time. It shows the time passed in days, the current depth, the currently picked up BHA, the phase, and the activity code.
The plot can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet by clicking on the Excel icon in the top left. Right clicking on the plot allows the user to save the chart as an image or copy it to the clipboard.
4.6 - Inventory
The inventory page catalogues all the organisation’s drill string components that are at the rig site for the selected well. Add tools to the inventory in the Web Portal allows them to be used when constructing a drill string in Well Seeker.
The inventory can be filtered by typing into the search bar at the top of the page. This will search the name, item type, make, model and serial number fields. An item can be deleted by clicking on the red trash bin icon to the right. Clicking on an item will open the Edit Inventory Item window.
Tool Type: Select the tool type from the drop-down box.
Description: A descriptive name for the tool.
Serial #: The serial number for the tool.
Date Arrived: The date that the tool arrived at the rig site.
Date Left: The date the tool left the rig site.
OD: The outer diameter of the tool.
ID: The inner diameter of the tool.
Length: The length of the tool.
Weight: The weight of the tool.
Connection Top/Bottom: The connection type and size for the pin and box ends of the tool.
Location: Location of the tool at the rig site, if available.
Basket: The shipping basket that the tool was delivered in.
Comments: Any additional comments.
Make: The manufacturer of the tool.
Model: The tool model.
Previous Hours: If the tool has come from another well without being checked at the workshop, the downhole hours accrued by the tool at that well should be included here.
Ready For Backload: Toggle this on if the tool is ready to be shipped from the rig site.
Failed: Toggle on if this tool has experienced a failure of some kind. This will prevent it from being used in a drill string in Well Seeker.
4.6.1 - Inventory Edit Menu
Add – Adds a new component to the inventory and opens the Edit Inventory Item window for the new component.
Refresh – Refreshes the inventory with any new data uploaded from the field.
Print – Exports the inventory in Excel format.
4.7 - Surveys
The Surveys page allows the user to view and edit the surveys recorded at the currently selected well.
For each survey station the following data is provided. Out of these values, only the measured depth, inclination and azimuth are entered by the user. All other values are calculated automatically.
MD: Measured depth of the survey.
INC: Inclination of the survey.
AZI: Azimuth of the survey.
CL: Course length. The difference in measured depth between this survey and the previous one.
TVD: True vertical depth of the survey.
NS: The local horizontal displacement of the survey station from the wellhead in the north/south direction. North is positive and south is negative.
EW: The local horizontal displacement of the survey station from the wellhead in the east/west direction. East is positive and west is negative.
VS: Vertical section. The local horizontal displacement of the survey station from the wellhead in the direction of the vertical section azimuth. This is set in the organisation’s database.
TFO: The tool face offset of the survey station.
DLS: The dogleg severity of the wellbore between this survey and the previous one.
LAT: The latitude of the survey station in decimal co-ordinates.
LONG: The longitude of the survey station in decimal co-ordinates.
GRID N: The grid northing of the survey station.
GRID E: The grid easting of the survey station.
BR: The build rate of the wellbore between this survey and the previous one.
TR: The turn rate of the wellbore between this survey and the previous one.
IPM: The instrument performance model used to calculate the ellipse of uncertainty for the survey station.
The following values will only populate if the actual well has a principal well plan set in the organisation’s database:
DIST: The distance between the survey station and the nearest point on the principal well plan.
UD: How far above/below the survey station is from the nearest point on the principal well plan. Above is positive and below is negative.
LR: How far to the left/right the survey station is from the nearest point on the principal well plan. Left is positive and right is negative.
Clicking on a survey allows the user to edit the inclination and azimuth of the survey. Clicking on the red trash bin icon to the right of each survey will delete it. The user can add a new survey using the edit menu, which is opened by clicking on the icon in the bottom right of the page and has the following functions:
4.7.1 - Surveys Edit Menu
Add – Adds a new survey to the survey sheet. User can enter measured depth (MD), inclination (Inc) and Azimuth (Azi) of the new survey. All other survey information is calculated using these inputs.
Refresh – Refreshes the survey sheet with any new data uploaded from the field.
Print – Exports the survey sheet in Excel format.
4.8 - Slide Sheets
The Slide Sheets page is where the user can view and edit the slide sheets recorded by the directional driller during drilling activity at the selected well.
The front page for the Slide Sheets page displays the BHAs created for the selected well. Each BHA in a well has a slide sheet associated with it. Each BHA displays summarises some sliding information. The Footage column shows the total distance spent sliding and rotating, while the Hours column shows the total time spent sliding and rotating. The ROP column uses the Footage and Hour column to calculate the average Rate of Penetration when sliding and rotating, as well as the average over the whole of the BHA.
To view the slide sheet for a BHA, click on the arrow on the right-hand side of the BHA entry.
4.8.1 - Slide Details
The Slide Details page is where the user can view, edit, add, and delete the individual sliding/rotating records for the selected BHA.
The user can delete records by clicking on the red trash bin icon to the right of each entry. A record can be edited by left clicking on it, or a new record can be added by clicking on the ‘+’ icon. Doing so will open the Edit/Add Slide Record window, with the following functions:
State: Select whether this record is for sliding or rotating activity.
Start/End Depth: The measured depth at the beginning and the end of the drilling activity.
Start/End Time: The time at the beginning and end of the drilling activity.
Date: The date of the drilling activity.
Comments: Any additional comments.
The following functions are only available if the user selects ‘slide’ as the state:
TF Type: Select if the tool was orientated using a magnetic or gravity toolface.
Effective TF: The actual toolface achieved during the slide.
Target TF: The intended toolface for the slide.
The following functions are drilling parameters, that are not necessary for recording the slide/rotate activity but can be used in the Daily Reporting:
WOB: Average weight on bit during the activity.
Flow Rate: Average mud pump flow rate during the activity.
RPM: Average top drive rotations per minute the activity.
Torque: Average on bottom torque the activity.
Temperature: Average downhole temperature during the activity.
On Bottom Pressure: Average standpipe pressure while bit is on bottom during the activity.
Off Bottom Pressure: Average standpipe pressure while bit is off bottom during the activity.
Pick Up Weight: Hookload recorded when picking up the drill string.
Rotating Weight: Hookload recorded when rotating.
Slack Off Weight: Hookload recorded when slacking off the drill string.
4.9 - Costs
The Costs page allows the user to assign service, personnel and equipment charges to the selected well.
The Costs page displays the cost reports for the selected well. Each report corresponds to one day of drilling activity. To add a cost report, the user must create a new day in the Daily Reports page. Each report shows the total cost of each day of drilling activity. Clicking on a report will display a breakdown of the costs for that day.
The user can delete costs by clicking on the red trash bin icon to the right of each cost. New costs can be added using the Costs Edit Menu which is opened by clicking on the icon in the bottom right of the page, and has the following functions:
4.9.1 - Costs Edit Menu
Add – Adds a new cost to the currently open cost report. This will open the Add Cost window.
Cost Code: User should select the relevant cost code from the dropdown box. Available cost codes are set in the organisation’s database.
Quantity: The number of times the cost should be charged. The value of one unit is set by the Cost Code.
Serial #: Optional. If this cost is associated with a specific tool, the user can enter the serial number of the tool here.
BHA: Optional. If this cost is associated with a BHA, the user can select the BHA here.
Refresh – Refreshes the cost report list, or the cost report depending on which one is open, with any new data uploaded from the field.
Print – Exports a full cost report for the selected well in Excel format.
4.10 - Drill String
The Drill String page is where the user can view and edit the bottom hole assemblies (BHA) used for drilling the selected well.
The front page of the Drill String page displays the BHAs created for the well. A new BHA can be created using the Edit Menu that can be accessed by clicking on the icon in the bottom right corner of the page.
Each BHA has the following functions:
Drilling Performance: Shows the footage and hours spent rotating or sliding according to the slide sheet and calculates the ROP for each.
BHA Pickup/Lay Down: Shows the date, time, and depth that the BHA goes below the rotary table (PU), and the same for when the BHA comes back above the rotary table (LD). This is set in the daily activity in the Daily Reports section.
Phase: The drilling phase or phases drilled using this BHA, as set in the daily activity in the Daily Reports section.
Bit/Motor Description: the name of the bit and the motor (if present) from the BHA summary.
Distance Drilled: The distance drilled counter shows the total measured depth drilled using the BHA. The ring around the counter shows the proportion of rotating (green) and sliding (orange) drilling done. Hovering over each section will show the measured depth spent rotating or sliding.
Hours Drilled: The hours drilled counter shows the total time spent drilling using the BHA. The ring around the counter shows the proportion of rotating (green) and sliding (orange) drilling done. Hovering over each section will show the time spent rotating or sliding.
Delete BHA: Deletes the BHA from the selected well.
Edit Motor Report: Opens the Edit Motor Report window, where the user can fill in information required to complete the Motor Performance Report. See section 4.10.2 - Edit Motor Report.
Motor Performance Report: Displays the motor performance report. This window aggregates data from the slide sheet, daily reporting and the Edit Motor Report window into a single report that summarises the performance of the motor and the MWD. It also details any failures or issues that occurred during drilling.
Add/Edit BHA: Opened when left clicking on an existing BHA or creating a new one. Allows the user to edit basic information about the BHA.
BHA #: The BHA number for the new BHA.
MWD Run #: The run number for the MWD tool used in the BHA.
BHA Description: The name of the BHA.
Comments: Any additional comments.
Formation: The target formation for the BHA.
Mud weight: The average mud weight expected while drilling with the BHA.
BHA Summary: Opens the BHA summary page, which allows the user to configure the components in the BHA.
4.10.1 - Drill String Edit Menu
Add – Available when the Drill String view is open. Adds a new BHA and opens the Add BHA window.
Add BHA item – Available in the BHA Summary. Adds a new component to the currently opened BHA.
Refresh – Refreshes the Drill String view with any new data uploaded from the field.
Print – Exports a report of all BHAs for the currently selected well in Excel format.
4.10.2 - Edit Motor Report
This window allows the user to enter as much additional information as they have available for the BHA run. The data entered here is used to complete the Motor Performance Report.
Time In/out: The time in 24hr format that the BHA went below the rotary table, and when it came back out.
Lead DD: The name of the Lead Directional Driller that ran this BHA.
Company Man: The name of the Company Man on the rig.
Failed: Toggle this option on if the BHA suffered a failure of any kind during drilling.
Unplanned trip: Toggle this option on if an unplanned trip out of hole was required.
LIH: Toggle this option on if any part of the BHA was lost in hole after tripping out.
Chargeback: Can be used for comments that will be included in a motor chargeback report.
Comments: A space for general comments about performance of the BHA and the motor during the run.
Type: The type of drilling mud used during the BHA run.
Weight: The mud density.
600, 300, 200, 100, 6, 3: If viscometer shear rate test results are available, they can be entered in these fields.
Chlorides: The chloride content of the mud.
Solids %: The % volume of the mud made up of solids.
Sand %: The % volume of the mud made up of sand.
Mud Temperature: The downhole temperature of the drilling fluid.
Oil Water Ratio: The relative proportions of oil and water in the mud.
WOB: The average Weight on Bit whilst on bottom during the BHA run.
WOB Slide: The average Weight on Bit whilst sliding on bottom during the BHA run.
RPM: The average Rotations Per Minute of the string whilst drilling during the BHA run.
On Bottom Press: The average On Bottom Pressure during the BHA run.
Off Bottom Press: The average Off Bottom Pressure during the BHA run.
On Bottom Torque: The average On Bottom Torque during the BHA run.
Off Bottom Torque: The average Off Bottom Torque during the BHA run.
Flow Rate: The average drilling mud flow rate during the BHA run.
PU Weight: The average surface hook load recorded when picking up off bottom.
Rotate Weight: The average surface hook load recorded when rotating off bottom.
SO Weight: The average surface hook load recorded when running in hole.
BHT Max/Avg/Min: Maximum, average and minimum bottom hole temperature.
Slide Drilled: The total distance drilled with the BHA while sliding.
Slide Hours: The hours spent sliding with the BHA.
Max DLS: The highest recorded dogleg severity for the BHA.
Actual DLS: The average dogleg severity recorded during the BHA run.
Planned DLS: The planned average dogleg severity for the BHA.
Pre-Pulse/Comms/Flow/Tap: The results of tests performed on the MWD before the BHA run.
Post-Pulse/Comms/Flow/Tap: The results of tests performed on the MWD after the BHA run.
On/Off Bottom Pulse Height: The recorded amplitude of MWD telemetry pulses during drilling when on and off bottom.
Internal/External Offset: The internal and external (scribe line) toolface offset between the MWD and the motor highside.
MWD Crossover Angle: The inclination at which the MWD stops recording magnetic toolfaces and starts recording gravity toolfaces.
MWD Min/Max Temperature: The minimum and maximum recorded temperature whilst drilling.
Non-Mag Above/Below: The length of non-magnetic drill collar required above and below the MWD directional sensor to ensure there is no magnetic interference distorting azimuth measurements.
Day/Night MWD: The MWD personnel on shift at the well site during the BHA run.
MWD Auth 1 & 2: The MWD engineer(s) that sign off on the MWD/LWD results.
DD Auth: The DD that signs off on the MWD/LWD results.
Detection: If MWD telemetry was successfully decoded during drilling.
MWD Comments: Any additional comments on the MWD run
MWD Troubleshooting: If there were any issues or failures with the MWD, they can be detailed here.
Receiver/Rig Floor Display/Barrier Box/HASP/Aggregator/Pressure Transducer/Laptop/MWD Kit/Gamma Kit/Depth Tracking SN: Serial numbers for the MWD surface equipment.
Transducer/Receiver/Hookload Sensor Type: The type/manufacturer for the surface telemetry receivers.
Surface System Version/Type: The make and version of the surface system.
Toolface/Survey Sequence: The programmed mode of the MWD for recording surveys and toolfaces.
EDR Type: The make of the electronic drilling recorder used on the rig to record drilling parameters, etc.
EDR Review: This should be toggled on if data from the electronic drilling recorder on the rig has been gathered.
MWD Out of Spec: This should be toggled on if the MWD was operated Out Of Specification. For example, in downhole temperatures it was not rated for.
Dry/Wash Ream Time: The number of hours spent reaming with (wash) and without (dry) circulation.
# Stalls: The number of motor stalls recorded during the BHA run.
Stall Pressure: The average standpipe pressure at the time of stalling.
Reason POOH: The reason the BHA was pulled from the hole.
4.10.3 - BHA Summary
The BHA Summary page is where the user constructs the drill string and selects the individual components that go into the selected BHA.
The component list starts with the deepest component at the top – usually the drill bit. A component can be deleted by clicking on the red trash bin icon on the right. Clicking on a component opens the Edit BHA Item window, allowing the user to change their component details.
A new component can be added by clicking on the ‘+’ icon on the bottom right of the page. This will open the Add BHA Item window, where the details of the new component can be configured.
Component Type: User should select the component type from the dropdown box. The component type controls what other inputs are available. For example, selecting ‘Bit’ allows the user to enter the jet nozzles and bit grading.
The following inputs are universal to all components:
Description: Enter a name or description for the component. For the bit and motor this is used at the name on the front page of the Drill String page.
OD: The outer diameter of the component.
ID: The inner diameter of the component.
Weight per Unit Length: The weight in lbs/ft or kg/m depending on the selected unit set.
Length: The length of the component.
Non-Mag: Toggle on if the component is made of non-magnetic material to reduce interference with MWD sensors.
Serial #: The serial number of the component.
4.11 - 3D View
The 3D View page displays a 3D representation of the selected well. The three axis of the chart plot local north/south vs local east/west vs TVD.
The plot can be zoomed in and out by rolling the mouse wheel. Left-clicking and dragging will rotate the plot, and pressing Shift + Left-clicking and dragging will move the plot up/down or left/right.
The user can move the worksight up and down the selected well using the up and down arrow keys on their keyboard. Each press of an arrow key will move the worksight to the next survey station. In the top left of the plot there is information on the current survey station:
Well: The name of the currently selected well.
MD: The measured depth of the survey.
INC: The inclination of the survey.
AZI: The azimuth of the survey.
TVD: The true vertical depth of the survey.
NS: The local northern (positive) or southern (negative) horizontal displacement of the survey.
EW: The local eastern (positive) or western (negative) horizontal displacement of the survey.
DLS: The dogleg of the survey section.
TF: The toolface of the survey.
The last three parameters require a principal plan to be set for the selected well.
UD: The up/down distance, showing how far above (positive) or below (negative) the well is from the principal plan.
LR: The left/right distance, showing how far left (positive) or right (negative) the well is from the principal plan.
DIST: The distance from the current survey to the nearest point on the principal plan. This is also shown on the plot as a green line drawn between the well and the principal plan.
Below the plot there are options that allow for well features to be displayed. These features are assigned in Well Seeker in the organisation’s remote server database:
Offset Wells: Toggles the display of any offset wells and plans for the selected well. Wells are displayed in red while plans are displayed in blue.
Rig: Toggles the display of a 3D drilling model at the surface location of the select well.
Wellheads: Toggles the display of 3D wellhead models at the surface location of the offset wells.
Survey Stations: Toggles the display of survey stations, which appear as green spheres.
Casing: Toggles the display of casing points assigned to the selected well.
Annotations: Toggles the display of any annotations assigned to the selected well.
Formations: Toggles the display of any formations assigned to the selected well, which appear as horizontal planes on the plot.
Targets: Toggles the display of any targets assigned to the selected well.
Well Names: Toggles the display of well names. These appear at the final survey station on each well/plan.
Survey Labels: Toggles the display of survey labels for the selected well. These appear next to each survey station of the selected well, and display the measured depth, inclination azimuth, TVD and dogleg recorded at each survey.
Worksight Radius: Allows the user to change the size of the worksight.
4.12 - Phase Statistics
The Phase Statistics page shows the distance drilled during each phase of the selected well.
The X-Axis represents distance drilled. The Y-Axis list the phase code of each phase recorded in the daily activities of the selected well. The bars for each BHA are coloured to show the split between rotary drilling and slide drilling.
Right clicking on the plot allows the user to save the chart as an image or copy it to the clipboard.
4.13 - BHA Statistics
The BHA Statistics page shows the drilling performance of each BHA in the selected well.
The X-Axis represents distance drilled. Every BHA in the selected well is listed down the Y-Axis, with the total distance drilled in brackets besides each BHA. The bars for each BHA are coloured to show the split between rotary drilling and slide drilling.
Right clicking on the plot allows the user to save the chart as an image or copy it to the clipboard.
4.14 - Plan View
The Plan View page displays a plan view plot of the selected well. The X-Axis of the plot shows the Local East/West displacement from the wellhead, while the Y-Axis shows the Local North/South Displacement.
Right clicking on the plot allows the user to save the chart as an image or copy it to the clipboard.
Below the plot there are options that allow for well features to be displayed. These features are assigned in Well Seeker in the organisation’s remote server database.
Offset Wells: Toggles the display of any offset wells and plans for the selected well. Wells are displayed in red while plans are displayed in blue.
Targets: Toggles the display of any targets assigned to the selected well.
Casing: Toggles the display of casing points assigned to the selected well.
Annotations: Toggles the display of any annotations assigned to the selected well.
4.15 - Section View
The Section View page displays a vertical section plot of the selected well. The X-Axis of the plot shows the Local Vertical Section displacement from the wellhead, while the Y-Axis shows the TVD.
Right clicking on the plot allows the user to save the chart as an image or copy it to the clipboard.
Below the plot there are options that allow for well features to be displayed. These features are assigned in Well Seeker in the organisation’s remote server database.
Offset Wells: Toggles the display of any offset wells and plans for the selected well. Wells are displayed in red while plans are displayed in blue.
Targets: Toggles the display of any targets assigned to the selected well.
Casing: Toggles the display of casing points assigned to the selected well.
Annotations: Toggles the display of any annotations assigned to the selected well.
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