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In the Drill String, Well Geometry and Fluids Tab, when a component is selected from the dropdown menu the user can assign various component details. The type of component that is selected will determine the properties displayed in the lower components grid. The following is a list of the components and a description of their properties which can be viewed in the Component Details box at the bottom of the tab.
SN: Serial number plays no part in any calculations
Gauge OD: Gauge OD plays no part in any calculations.
TFA: Click on the cell to bring up the jets dialog. The details of the bit jets and / or the TFA can be entered by typing in the jet details in to the grid or the fixed TFA in to the edit box.
Connection top: plays no part in any calculation
Bit Formation Index (0-1): Models the tendency of the bit to walk. 0 will model no walk, while 1 models a very aggressive bit with high walk tendencies. Used in BHA analysis calculations. For tri-cone bits, a BFI range of 0 to 0.3 is typical, while for more aggressive PDC bits 0.2 to 0.5 (or higher) can be modelled.
Build Up Rate (BUR) = DLS * Cos (BFI)
Walk Rate (WR) = DLS * Sin (BFI)
Bit Type: Drop down menu (PDC or Tricone) - plays no part in any calculation
Tensile Yield: The tensile yield of the component. This value is displayed on the charts if selected
Torsional Yield: The torsional yield of the component. This value can be displayed on the charts if selected
Note: If a bit is selected it must always be the first component and cannot be moved from the first row.
Same properties as a bit –see above
Same properties as Bit, excluding the Bit Formation Index and Bit Type – see above.
SN: Serial Number plays no part in any calculation
Connection Top: Plays no part in any calculation
Connection Bottom: Plays no part in any calculation
Tensile Yield: The tensile yield of the component. This value is displayed on the charts if selected
Torsional Yield: The torsional yield of the component. This value can be displayed on the charts if selected
SN: Serial number plays no part in any calculation
Stab OD: if the tool has a stabiliser enter its OD, used for SAG calculations and hydraulics
Stab blade length (in): if the tool has a stabiliser enter its blade length in inches, used for SAG calculations and hydraulics
Stab distance from bottom: If the tool has a stabiliser enter the distance from the bottom of the tool to the start of the stabiliser blade section. Enter in the depth units selected from the units menu. Used for SAG calculations
Connection top: not used in any calculation
Connection bottom: not used in any calculation
Pressure drop: enter the pressure drop across the tool if any, used in hydraulics and T&D calculations
Stab blade width: If the tool has a stabiliser enter its blade width in inches, used for hydraulics calculations
No of Blades: The number of blades on the stabiliser. Not used in any calculation
Max Dogleg Capability: The theoretical maximum dls capability of the tool. This is used in the BHA analysis BUR calculation.
Deflection / Force Setting: This is used in the BHA analysis BUR calculation. This will give an effective BUR based on the max dogleg capability entered above.
Tensile Yield: The tensile yield of the component. This value is displayed on the charts if selected
Torsional Yield: The torsional yield of the component. This value can be displayed on the charts if selected
Same properties as RSS, excluding the max dogleg capability and deflection / force setting.
SN: Serial number plays no part in any calculation
Stab OD: if the tool has a stabiliser enter its OD, used for SAG calculations and hydraulics
Stab blade length (in): if the tool has a stabiliser enter its blade length in inches, used for SAG calculations and hydraulics
Stab distance from bottom: If the tool has a stabiliser enter the distance from the bottom of the tool to the start of the stabiliser blade section. Enter in the depth units selected from the units menu. Used for SAG calculations
Connection top: not used in any calculation
Connection bottom: not used in any calculation
Pressure drop: enter the pressure drop across the tool if any, used in hydraulics and T&D calculations
Stab blade width: If the tool has a stabiliser enter its blade width in inches, used for hydraulics calculations
No of Blades: The number of blades on the stabiliser. Not used in any calculation
Bend Angle: The bend setting on the motor. Used to calculate the theoretical maximum dls capability of the tool. This is used in the BHA analysis BUR calculation.
Bit to Bend: This is used in the BHA analysis BUR calculation. This will give an effective BUR based on the bend angle entered above.
Tensile Yield: The tensile yield of the component. This value is displayed on the charts if selected
Torsional Yield: The torsional yield of the component. This value can be displayed on the charts if selected
Differential Pressure: The expected differential pressure to be run across the motor. Used in hydraulics and T&D calculations.
Same properties as Motor, excluding the differential pressure
SN: Serial number plays no part in any calculation
Stab OD: OD of the stabiliser blades, used for SAG calculations and hydraulics
Stab blade length (in): Blade length in inches, used for SAG calculations and hydraulics
Stab distance from bottom: Distance from the bottom of the tool to the start of the stabiliser blade section. Enter in the depth units selected from the units menu. Used for SAG calculations
Connection top: not used in any calculation
Connection bottom: not used in any calculation
Stab Blade Width: Blade width in inches, used for hydraulics calculations
No of Blades: The number of blades on the stabiliser. Not used in any calculation
Tensile Yield: The tensile yield of the component. This value is displayed on the charts if selected
Torsional Yield: The torsional yield of the component. This value can be displayed on the charts if selected
Same properties as a X/O
Connection top: not used in any calculation
Connection bottom: not used in any calculation
Friction reduction Sub %: If friction reduction subs are run in this interval then enter the % reduction in torque and drag (from manufacturers spec). Note if torque reduction subs are only run over a set interval the drill pipe must be entered in separate sections and the section with the friction reduction subs specified.
Class: Choose from the dropdown menu in the cell – New, Premium, Class 1 & Class 2 – This adjusts the wall thickness for T&D calculations and has an effect on hookloads and buckling calculations
Tensile Yield: The tensile yield of the component. This value is displayed on the charts if selected
Torsional Yield: The torsional yield of the component. This value can be displayed on the charts if selected
Burst: The Burst pressure of the pipe in psi.
Collapse: The collapse pressure of the pipe in psi.
Material: Steel or Aluminium, chosen from a dropdown menu. This selection changes the Youngs Modulus of the pipe and effects buckling.
Internal Fluid Weight: This is the weight of fluid inside the pipe, and is used for floating casing. If no value is entered the program assumes the pipe is filled with mud as per the fluid properties. If zero is entered, the program assumes there is NO fluid. If the fluid inside is a different weight from the mud weight in the fluid properties, enter the weight in ppg.
SN: Serial number plays no part in any calculation
SN: Serial Number plays no part in any calculation
Connection Top: Plays no part in any calculation
Connection Bottom: Plays no part in any calculation
Tensile Yield: The tensile yield of the component. This value is displayed on the charts if selected
Torsional Yield: The torsional yield of the component. This value can be displayed on the charts if selected
Latch Up: The latch up setting for Mechanical or Hydro-mechanical Jars – Plays no part in any calculation
Latch Down: The latch down setting for Mechanical or Hydro-mechanical Jars – Plays no part in any calculation
Impulse: The change in momentum during the impact phase, measured by the area under the load versus time curve – Plays no part in any calculation
Pump Open Area: Pump open Area of the jar. This is used in the pump open force calculations in the jar placement module.
Stroke Length: Free Stroke Length of the jar. Used in the Impact and Impulse calculations in the jar placement module.
Make: Jar make. Appears in the jar placement report.
Model: Jar model. Appears in the jar placement report.
SN: Serial Number plays no part in any calculation
Connection Top: Plays no part in any calculation
Connection Bottom: Plays no part in any calculation
Tensile Yield: The tensile yield of the component. This value is displayed on the charts if selected
Torsional Yield: The torsional yield of the component. This value can be displayed on the charts if selected
Stroke Length: Free Stroke Length of the accelerator. Used in the Impact and Impulse calculations in the jar placement module.
Make: Accelerator make. Appears in the jar placement report.
Model: Accelerator model. Appears in the jar placement report.
SN: Serial Number plays no part in any calculation
Has float: YES / NO not used in any calculation
Connection Top: Plays no part in any calculation
Connection Bottom: Plays no part in any calculation
Tensile Yield: The tensile yield of the component. This value is displayed on the charts if selected
Torsional Yield: The torsional yield of the component. This value can be displayed on the charts if selected
Connection Top: Plays no part in any calculation
Connection Bottom: Plays no part in any calculation
Float TFA: enter the TFA of the float or shoe, this is used for surge and swab calculations. Clicking on the cell brings up the jets dialog. This is used for hydraulics Calculations.
Centraliser Spacing: number of centralisers over the interval – note if centralisers are only run across a certain interval then the liner should be entered as separate sections in the string. This is used for hydraulics, torque and drag and casing standoff calculations
Centraliser OD: the OD of the centralisers, if bow spring type simply enter the ID of the hole. This is used for hydraulics, torque and drag and casing standoff calculations
Centraliser length: the length of a centraliser blade which contacts the wellbore in inches. This is used for hydraulics Calculations.
Centraliser blade width: width of 1 blade of the centraliser in inches. This is used for hydraulics Calculations.
Centraliser blade count: number of blades on centraliser. This is used for hydraulics Calculations.
Internal Fluid Weight: This is the weight of fluid inside the liner and is used for floating casing. If no value is entered the program assumes the pipe is filled with mud as per the fluid properties. If zero is entered, the program assumes there is NO fluid. If the fluid inside is a different weight from the mud weight in the fluid properties, enter the weight in ppg. This is used for T&D Calculations.
Tensile Yield: The tensile yield of the component. This value is displayed on the charts if selected. Plays no part in any calculation
Torsional Yield: The torsional yield of the component. This value can be displayed on the charts if selected. Plays no part in any calculation
Burst: The Burst pressure of the pipe in psi. Plays no part in any calculation
Collapse: The collapse pressure of the pipe in psi. Plays no part in any calculation
Bowspring Restoring Force: The Force exerted by a centralizer against the casing to keep it away from the wellbore wall. This input is used in the standoff calculation to determine how much the bow spring centralizer has deformed for a given side force. The centralizer will never compress more than the body OD. The higher the side force the more deformation of the centralizer. If nothing is entered for the restoring force it is assumed that the centralizer is rigid.
Centralizer Body OD: The OD of the body of the centralizer. This is used for hydraulics Calculations.
Friction Reduction %: % reduction in torque and drag (from manufacturers spec), based on the type of centralizer which is being used. This is used for T&D Calculations.
Running Force: The maximum force required to insert a centralizer into a specified wellbore diameter. This input is not used in the standoff calculation but is used for T&D. The running force will be applied to the hookload and torque values and will increase / decrease with the well bore size. There will be no additional force added until the centralizer is compressed 50%. The running force is then increased accordingly based on the more it is compressed.
Centralizer Type: The user can manually enter the centralizer type and make / model here. This is not used in any calculations.
Running Force Restriction ID: If a value is entered here, this will force the program to use 100% of the running force for that given hole size or below. This is regardless of the compression experienced.
Same properties as liner
SN: Serial Number plays no part in any calculation
Connection Top: Plays no part in any calculation
Connection Bottom: Plays no part in any calculation
Reduction in Slack Off FF: The percentage reduction in the slack off friction factor because of the agitator’s inclusion in the string. This is factored into the T&D calculations for Tripping In, Slide Drilling and Rotating on Bottom operations.
Make: Plays no part in any calculation
Model: Plays no part in any calculation
Pressure Drop: enter the pressure drop across the tool if any, used in hydraulics and T&D calculations
Tensile Yield: The tensile yield of the component. This value is displayed on the charts if selected
Torsional Yield: The torsional yield of the component. This value can be displayed on the charts if selected
SN: Serial Number plays no part in any calculation
Reamer Arm OD: OD of the Reamer Arm, used for SAG calculations and hydraulics
Arm Length: Arm length in inches, used for SAG calculations and hydraulics
Reamer Arm Distance from Bottom: Distance from the bottom of the tool to the start of the Reamer Arm section. Enter in the depth units selected from the units menu. Used for SAG calculations
Connection Top: Plays no part in any calculation
Connection Bottom: Plays no part in any calculation
Arm Width: Arm width in inches, used for hydraulics calculations
No of Arms: The number of arms on the reamer. Not used in any calculation
Tensile Yield: The tensile yield of the component. This value is displayed on the charts if selected
Torsional Yield: The torsional yield of the component. This value can be displayed on the charts if selected