Data Synchronization

Covers the use of the new 'Synchronize with server' option found in the RT Data Exchange dialog in Well Seeker Pro version


When utilizing a server database, Well Seeker can allow field personnel to push data from their local database back to the server.

In versions of Well Seeker prior to v2.0.6.1, every time data was pushed from the field the data on the server was overwritten. This meant that any changes made directly on the server would be lost unless the field re-pulled the data prior to a push.

Well Seeker v2.0.6.1 introduces two-way communication between the server and field laptops. This allows changes to made on the server directly and those changes will be pushed to the field.


To enable the RT data synchronization the data synchronization check box must be selected from the RT Data Exchange dialog (Tools -> Real Time Data Exchange).

When “Synchronise with Server” is selected, Well Seeker checks the server database to see if there are any differences compared to the local. This check is performed every 30 seconds when the real time data exchange is running or before every manual push.

The tables which are included in this check are detailed below:

Any differences registered between the local and the server are handled in one of four ways by Well Seeker, depending on which table the change affects. The above screen shot details what update type each table is affected by.


  • If WS registers that there is a change in any of these tables on the server compared to the local, then the user will be prompted to review these changes.

  • In the Data Exchange dialog, an option will appear in the Data Transfer section called “Review database changes” (below left screen shot)

  • Selecting this will open the select data dialog (above right screen shot), which details which table has changed along with other relevant information.

  • The user can then choose to accept the change by checking the box in the accept column

    • If accepted, the ENTIRE table is overwritten on the local database with the data from the server

    • If the user selects not to accept the change, then no changes will be made to this table in the local database.

  • It is important to note that if the change is not accepted, and the local database is not updated, then the local and server databases will contain differing data. Tables on the server with the NOTIFY type are not updated when data is pushed back to the server. The exception to this is the SURVEY table. The next time local data is pushed back to the survey, the surveys on the server will be overwritten by the data from the local.

Update Notify

  • The only time the user will be prompted of a change is if there is a new line added or a line deleted from the relevant tables.

  • It is important to note that if the change is not accepted, and the local database is not updated, then the next time data is pushed back to the server, the changes on the server will be overwritten by the data from the local.

  • If a cell has been changed in an existing line, then this will be changed on the local without prompting the user.

  • This means coordinators can edit typos etc on the server and the field engineers will not constantly need to deal with prompts for these small changes.


  • There are NO user prompts for any changes made to these tables

  • This update type only allows additions or updates to the local database tables. If a line is deleted on the server, it won’t be deleted on the local

  • This helps to get new phases, activity and cost codes etc updated on the local with no issues


  • When a change is registered on the server, this update just replaces the data in the relevant tables on the local database with the data from the server and does not prompt the user.

Any changes made to the local database because of the Synchronise with Server option, are recorded in the audit logs (Help –> Audit Logs).

Last updated